《The Last Elturien》↢ The Beguiling City ↣
↢ 4 ↣
I shift in place, unsure of how I should be presenting myself. My eyes wander to where Karter sits just a few paces away from us, an unusually stern look in his eyes.
"Like this?" the small voice pulls me back.
Rosemary's tense face contrasts mine as she tries to force everything she has to follow my instructions. However, the only thing she could get down was the gestures. Her energy hasn't been tapped into yet...
A grin grows on my face before I nod. Another pleasant happiness crawls across her before I dig into one of my pouches. And as soon as my hands land on the smooth surface, I pull free a little oval gem.
She stares at me in bewilderment before I cup her hands around it. I only give a tilt of my head before a pulse runs down my arms. The blue hue reflects across her body as her eyes grow wider.
My limbs burn while the purple light under her hands gradually grows. Then once my arms dim out, I slump to my knees with a huff.
Both Arnold and Karter rush to their feet! However, I raise a hand to halt them.
"D-don't... w-wor-ry..." my words feel thick as they drip from me, "I... I'm... f-ine."
The small girl's hands feel warm against my skin. This was one of the first times I hadn't worn gloves. In order to complete the ritual, I would need to have them off.
"Your hands are... really cold, miss," Rosemary states and I nod in agreement as a chuckle escapes my hoarse lungs.
"Th-this... sh-ould h-help." I release my grasp on her hands, letting the purple gem peek through her delicate hands. "N-ow cr-ush it."
"I have to break it...?" she almost whimpers as she looks down at its glow.
"Y-es... B-but I h-ave pl-enty m-more," I immediately respond which stings my throat. Then with a final gesture to squeeze it, she nods.
The soft stone brightens as she presses; shimmering from its natural purple to a vibrant green. Yet, when she opens her hands, only white dust falls before her.
Her brows furrow at the scene making a smirk hit my lips. I then lift off my mask while taking in a breath of the cool air. It would be hard to continue if I can't breathe...
"Miss... your eyes went dark!" she almost gasps at the sight as I clip the mask to my belt.
All I give is a slow nod before moving to sit on my heels. Exhaustion had already begun to set in and I knew I'd used far too much in activating the gem.
"Rose!" Arnold shouts over my head, "your eyes!"
Her face drains of colour as she reaches up to her eyes. However, a smile almost splits Arnold's as he rushes over and hoists up his daughter. The sun couldn't outclass the beaming smile she gave him in response.
Although it was faint, a small glistening now hinted at her emerald eyes.
"Thank you! Oh, by the gods! Thank you!" Arnold praises before spinning Rosemary one last time.
"Papa," she giggles as she tries to stop him, "my lessons."
"Oh, right. Right-right-right," his words left as quickly as he could set her back on her feet, "then I'll leave you to it."
He turns to me before giving a small bow of his head before walking back to his seat. However, Rosemary only looks at me with a silent, questioning stare.
A fragile smile is all I can give before I gesture for her to stand next to me. She hurriedly gets into position.
"B-br-eathe in..." as soon as the order leaves me she takes in a quick, harsh breath. "S-lower."
She nods repetitively before taking a much deeper breath. I nod in acknowledgement before reaching out my arm. This will be more difficult, but I can manage.
"N-now, f-fo-cus on y-our h-and."
She follows suit with narrowed eyes honing in on her open hand. This brings a hint of laughter to my face, though I try not to release it.
"R-re-peat th-ese w-words..." I wait for her to agree before continuing, "N-n-evl T-T-Til S-id."
"Nevl Til Sid?" She looks to me as a chill grows around her hand.
A smile strikes me as her face pales once more. With a hesitant turn, she finds the small frost forming along her fingers. That's when the light in her eyes brightens.
A cast is more powerful the more concentrated the caster is.
"O-nce m-more..." my words meet her although she doesn't turn away from her hand, "N-evl..."
"N-Nevl Til Sid," as each word lands the frost in her hands point ever so upwards.
"N-now, th-ink of w-what y-ou w-want to c-crea-ate..." My etchings barely glow as I force the cast upon my own hand. The ice shivers as it collects within my palm, forming that of a rough, slightly misshapen, fox.
She closes her eyes before grabbing her wrist. Then with a little crinkle of her brow, the frost grew into a somewhat figure.
Slight disappointment reaches her as her eyes fall upon what sat in her hand. A frown reaches her before she closes her eyes again. However, I place a hand on her shoulder.
It changes only slightly, though not significant enough for her. Yet, this is all I could do for her.
"How do I get it like yours, miss?" small huffs escape her as she speaks.
"P-pract-tice," I give her another genuine smile.
"How much practice?" her eyes, although dim, beam at me.
A chuckle greets me as I pull free my grimoire. "I... h-ave l-learned each of th-ese..."
"You know a lot, miss!" her enthusiastic words force a little bounce from her while I put away the tome.
Although all I can give her is a nod, though she seems more than satisfied with the answer. I wish I could teach you them all... but we can't stay here forever...
A sorrow-filled smile greets me as the thought passes. With a deepened sigh, I rise to a stand and pull free my mask.
"Is that it for today?" Arnold questions over the two of us.
"Awe... really...?" Rosemary immediately whines as she turns to me, "you have to go, miss?"
I give a slow nod before squatting down to her level. "One... l-last g-gift."
Before I can even reach for the item, her face brightens enormously. I clasp the small carving within her hands with a finger raised to my lips.
"So... now I do have to ask... what suppose you wouldn't mind continuing these lessons?" Arnold states as Rosemary hurriedly hides the gift within her clothes.
I look to Karter who gives me a single nod. Then with a smile, I give my answer to Arnold. "T-tom-morrow?"
"That'd be splendid."
↢ ⬦ ↣
The sun greets me with an unpleasant sting. When did I fall asleep?
I rub my eyes as I push my somewhat still heavy body out of the covers. My body shivers as I sit on the edge of the bed. The warmth of the past two days were a luxury, but luxuries never do stay, do they?
A snicker leaves me as I turn to find Karter, however, the place where he usually sat lay empty. My brow creases before I can even get to my feet. Where'd he run off to so early in the morning?
"C-cold!!" a shriek escapes as my bare skin touches the smooth floorboards.
I retreat pulling my boots with me. Sparing no time in donning my gear before leaving a small note on his desk. If he is to come back before I do, I don't want to worry him.
Only a few people decide to look my way as I make my way out from the inn. The road feels far more crowded than it had yesterday, or the day before that. Yet, I still push through the throng and arrive at my destination.
I could still feel the fatigue under my skin, but I wanted to show Rosemary all I could before I have to leave.
A single deep breath is all I take before I knock on the alley door. However, only silence greets me for what seems like an hour. I didn't sleep in too late... did I?
Without thinking, I walk out from the alley and see the sun just barely coating the roofs in a warm light. Though this only made my confusion worse.
Should I check the garden? Maybe Rosemary took them there to train perhaps?
Before I leave, I try the door once more. Though this time I hear footsteps from beyond it.
"I-It's... El!" I strain my voice trying to yell through the door.
The slit in the door slams open, forcing a jolt from me. A pair of faint red eyes meet me from the other side. The boss, right?
"Y'r that knight's caster ain't y'?" her voice was rough, yet clear.
I give a small nod before the slit closes and the door opens.
"We need to talk."
Before I could even move she pulls me within the building. Even though it still felt cramped, no one else but us stood inside. This only made my entire body quiver that much harder under her presence.
The muscles under her jerkin stiffen as she stops abruptly. A gulp stuck in my throat as the thought of just how to escape begins to run through me.
"I need y'r help..." she almost mumbles before turning towards me.
I can only stare at her as the question registers.
"Do y' know any casts that can locate?" her earlier harsh tone returns as she pulls forth a small piece of clothing.
I nod before placing a hand over the garment. A moment of silence passes between us before she lifts her gaze.
"Well?" As soon as the word slips, my arms vibrate their blue hue. "Oh..."
A white rune begins to flow across the cloth before I close my eyes. This is one of Rosemary's dresses... isn't it...
I could feel the new connection I had created; the pull drifts across my skin even when nothing could be seen. With a worried grin, I look up to her.
"I-I... c-can l-lead."
She nods within an instant before I turn to leave. "Wait! Take this with you."
A forearm length straight dagger lay within her outstretched hand. Its leather grip felt oddly fitting to my own hand.
"It's a gift f'r Rose... but as weapons ain't allowed here, y'r in more need of it."
I bow my head slightly before attaching it to the back of my belt. My cloak should be able to hide it enough... I hope we won't need it though.
With that, I lead us out from the building and towards where the link pulled. Then without hesitation, we dart through the everso crowded streets. And worry forces me to resist the urge to turn back.
What happened while I rested?
The thought passes my mind before I finally find a moment of peace within the throng. However, when I turn to my companion, my face falls.
I had lost her in the crowd.
With what little height I could give myself, I still couldn't peer over the wave. What am I to do now? Should I wait? Should I just continue?
"Golden eyes!" a shout pulls me from my head.
A young man stood before me with a raised brow. He would've looked like everyone else in this city if it weren't for the royal garb he wore around himself.
"Are y' lookin' f'r someone?" his voice was clean, seemingly, professionally toned to be clearly heard above the city's noise.
My skin immediately springs to life as a sudden pull comes from him. My eyes widen at the realisation.
"Y-ou..." my voice speaks before I can catch it.
He tilts his head before his gaze falls to the dagger my hand had fallen upon. A calm smile plasters his face as he narrows his dim blue eyes.
"I wouldn't 'ere. Not in front of all 'ese people."
"W-where... is sh-she?" a growl erupts from my throat.
"Ah... so, y're lookin' f'r 'er too?"
His face lights up, almost a tad overdramatically. I let a breath slip from me before reforming my posture. I give him a small nod before he continues.
"Good, 'at gives me another lead to work with. Now if y' will, follow me," he gestures as he finishes.
My nerves still held tight as he guides me up a flight of smoothed stone steps leading up to a castle-like keep. And though the stairway wasn't all too long, the building still managed to rest just high enough to overlook the city. However, heights were never my strong suit.
"My liege!" two guards salute before eyeing me down.
"She's with me," he responds with a forced grin.
"Of course, my lord," they immediately turn away from us and pull open the doors of the keep.
"Come along now, we 'ave quite a bit to discuss." A glint in his eye shines as he ushers me to enter.
My eyes widen at what surrounds me. Luxurious marble and gold trace the edges of this grand hall and tall windows break the empty wall space. Even the fabric rug underneath my feet looked refined as we made our way up a curving staircase.
I'd only been in a few royal housings, but this was on another league. How could someone afford all this?
"Not too far now, we can 'ave tea on the balcony while we talk," his voice cut the awe-inspiring silence.
I could only nod in response as I stare at several stone sculptures. Paints also hung along the non-windowed wall, letting their light emphasise them.
A creak of a door catches me off guard as a butler rushes to the lord's side. He eyes me for a moment before whispering into his ear. Yet, the lord only nods in response making both me and the butler look at him with confusion.
"Are y' sure, sire?" the butler bows.
"And bring some prym tea to the balcony," as he speaks a calm grin flows along each word.
"Right away, sire!" the butler bows once more before departing.
"Now, shall we?" the lord turn to meet my gaze while gesturing to a set of glass doors.
I nod again before he opens them. A cool breeze brushes past me as I walk onto the hanging balcony, and the city glitters below me as I look over the railing. It felt so full of life, yet looked so small.
"Come, take a seat." Before I can even answer, he'd already pulled my seat. "My servants make an exquisite tea, shouldn't take'm too long."
I unclip and fold my cloak over the back of the chair before sitting down. The metal back feels slightly cold as it presses against my thin clothes. I was hoping the winter had settled... seems the cold thought otherwise.
"So, I do 'ave to ask... Why the mask?" his question makes a small grin form along my lips.
"I... I'd r-ather n-not s-ay..." I crinkly the excess cloth on my trousers.
He nods a few times before deciding to speak, "adventurers 'ave far more secrets than can be, or should be shared. I understand."
I give a weak nod before forcing a smile. The statement I'd given Karter resurfaces in my head, am I being shy or just cautious?
"'Ere y' are, sire," the butler from earlier sets teacups in front of us before pouring.
"Th-thank y-ou," I bow my head to the servant.
He only stares at me before giving a wary smile. My brows twitch slightly as he turns to leave before I look down at the tea. What am I feeling?
"Y' know, I don't think we've formally introduced ourselves to one another?" his question cuts my train of thought.
I shake my head before opening my mouth.
"My name's, William, William Valdemar," before the words could leave my mouth, he'd already decided on his response.
"El... M-my n-ame is El..." I quietly answer, already expecting what he'd ask next.
"Ah, another secret I assume? No ma'er, 'ere's more important things to discuss."
I stare at my cup while he speaks, unsure of what I should be saying.
"Do y' not like tea? I can 'ave something else made," he questions before taking a sip of his own.
With a shake of my head, I pick up the small cup. How long has it been since I've had prym tea?
Its sweet aroma feels so familiar, yet something about it was new. Maybe how they cooked it? I've never had royal tea, so how am I to know?
I lift my mask just enough to take a sip, but not enough to show my face underneath. It's sweet, sweeter than I remember.
"It's good isn't it?" a hint of laughter hung in his voice.
My head felt heavy as I go to nod in agreement. Immediately, I place my hand on my head. Everything begins to dance around me before a subtle pain starts to envelop at the back of my mind.
"Y' don't look so good? Was the tea too strong?" again, I could hear that hint of laughter under his words.
Did he...?
Before my thought could even pass, I feel my body hit the hard marble.
↢ To be continued ↣
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