《The Last Elturien》↢ Chapter Three ↣
↢ City of Wealth ↣
The breeze carried with it a breath of pleasant warmth. It had been several months since I’d felt anything but the cold. Finally, I can free myself from this cloak.
A small smile graces my lips before I pass a bouquet of cyclamen flowers. Their fragrance pulls me as I lean in to greet them. However, before lingering too long, I decide to push myself away.
“I did not think they would still be in bloom,” his voice makes me jump as my gaze lands upon his.
I nod my head in agreement, although still surprised he knew such a small detail. It’s almost unlike him to know something so trivial, though what does he not know really?
Another smile lingers on me as Karter begins to turn away and I follow suit. The streets are not nearly as crowded as the last time we had walked them. Though who’d be awake at this hour?
The sun’s rim barely graces me as it poured over the tall city walls. We’d made it far earlier than we meant. My legs are paying the price for an early wake.
“We need to find an inn,” Karter states over his shoulder, “it is best to settle while that wound heals.”
A light tingle still lay present under the bandages as I peer at my shoulder. And although my cloak hid most of me from sight, invisible stares force me to pull it just a little tighter around me.
Within only a moment, Karter turns once more to face me. “We are here.”
My eyes meet the carved bed dangling just above the entrance. I wonder who’s making all of these signs?
Karter gestures to keep close and I follow his instructions. There will have to be another time for me to ask. And so, a single breath is all I give before we push open the creaky double doors.
We are greeted with only a few pairs of eyes, with most looking away as soon as they pass over us. And unlike the tavern before, only a few tables stood within this small front room.
“This is an inn, not a tavern. There are not the same amount of eyes. Do not worry.”
Karter turns away before I could even fully realise he had caught my confusion. On impulse, I look away while grabbing the inside of my cloak. Right… I should have known that.
“Oh, y’re a new pair o’ faces. What can I ‘elp y’ f’r?” a short man questions with a hopeful grin plastered over his face.
“We require a bed for a few nights. Are any available?”
“Ah, we ‘aven’t gotten many travellers in some time! So, it just so ‘appens ‘at I’ve got a spare bed f’r two down ‘at ‘ere ‘all.”
“How much?”
“Hmm, ‘ow ‘bout we say f’rteen f’r the both a y’s?”
“For the night?”
“I do run a day to day business, y’ know,” he smirks as his last words fall.
However, Karter nods in agreement before reaching into one of his many pouches. The coins clink as he lays them one by one in front of the man. The merchant scoops them up once the fourteenth lands.
“Like I said, it’d be ‘at last one down the ‘all, on y’r right,” before the man can even finish Karter had already turned away. “Oh, and bef’re I f’rget… I’ma need ‘ose weapons o’ y’rs. City regulations…”
Karter nods, unclipping his sword while reaching out to take mine. I hastily rush to retrieve it, shuffling my cloak as I unlatch the buckle. And once it’s in his hand, he hesitantly hands both over.
“Thanks, I know ‘ow it be, but it’s just ‘ow ‘is lordship likes to roll…”
Karter acknowledges him with a small dip of his helm before finally making his leave. Then the innkeeper’s eyes land on me. Hesitation holds me for a moment, though I still bow respectfully before following closely behind Karter.
I feel bare without my dagger, and I could only think of what Karter must feel. I’ve never seen him go without any sort of weapon…
“I wonder where ‘e found ‘er…” a whisper greets me with a sour taste.
“Hope she sticks around a li’l longer,” another snickers.
“Ignore them,” Karter speaks with a calm tone, “they spew nonsense to make sense of what they cannot have.”
With a shaky nod, I still fail to meet his gaze. And with another step, he leans down to make eye contact with me. His smile wavers under worried eyes.
He rises with a subtle sigh, “fret not over small words of others. I will watch their actions.”
A smile blooms across my face before I pass by him and enter our room. Though I only expected to find a single bed, my eyes fall upon the small chair and table resting within the corner. It was more furniture than any other place I had paid for. Rare to get a room to ourselves at that.
With a clack of the door, Karter turns to me. “We need to treat your wound.”
My lungs stiffen at the thought of each time he’d poured that damned liquid on my shoulder. I stare daggers as he sets down our small bag of belongings. Without noticing me, he continues to pull out the necessary medicines and bandaging from within.
I try to control my breath as he pulls back my cloak. He has to do this, otherwise, the rot will spread… But why does he have to make it hurt so much?
And as I take one last deep breath, he pulls the bandages free. My teeth grit for a moment, then it’s over. My brows furrow as he finishes wrapping my shoulder. I open my mouth to speak, however, can’t utter the words.
“There was no need. The rot was gone with the last treatment. They only needed to be replaced, however,” he meets my gaze before finishing, “with you pulling on them, they keep getting loose.”
A response reaches my tongue, yet it doesn’t leave. And so, I look away again.
He nods before standing up. “Come. We have somewhere to be.”
Another breath is all I can give before I relax in contentment. Though without another second lost, I pull myself out from my seat and follow behind him.
↢ ⬦ ↣
The room was just as cramped as it had been before, if not a little more so since we left. And although I sit by Karter’s side, my eyes wander far from his and Arnold’s discussion. I’d paid attention for as long as I could, but ultimately knew little of what they spoke of.
Only a single ‘relic’ sat on the table between us; the catalyst used on our hunt. They were discussing the prospects of its value and what we should be given in compensation for our successful retrieval. Mainly because he didn’t expect the bind to be as strong as it is. But my binds can only be broken through physical disruption, or deactivation.
So, he hadn’t planned we’d be able to follow through on the deal, so paying us double wasn’t in his purse. Though I care little for the money…
A flutter of copper strode past an archway I hadn’t been paying the slightest attention to. However, before I can fully turn to see what it was, it’d already disappeared. That is until I begin to turn away.
Dim green eyes poke out from around the bend as I watch through my peripherals. Yet, upon meeting my own they quickly scurry away once more. The two of them look at me as the light chuckle escapes me, breaking their conversation.
“Something the matter, miss?” Arnold questions and I immediately shake my head.
I point to where the child sat, “wh-who?”
“Oh, ah… that would be Rosemary, my daughter,” he answers with a smile before trying to wave her over, “come now, why don’t you introduce yourself?”
She hesitantly enters before standing in front of the table. A wary look takes shape on her freckled face as she curtsies before us, and curly copper hair simmers as it bobs along with her.
Another smile crosses me as I bow in response. Both of us stare at each other for a moment before Arnold speaks again, introducing the two of us to her.
Both of them look so out of place here… I wonder where they came from?
“Papa… why are they here?” she suddenly throws a question at him.
“We’re discussing work details,” he replies before turning back to Karter. “Now… where were we?”
She looks once more at the both of us. Both confusion and curiosity paint her face as she watches us.
“You have pretty eyes, miss.”
I nod with a smile before pushing my lungs to utter a fluent sentence, “Th-thank y-you…”
“How’re they so… yellow?”
“Th-they came fr-from my f-fath-er.”
“Your father gave’m to you?”
A small giggle left me before I could answer, “I w-was b-born wi-th th-them.”
“You talk kinda funny, miss–”
“Rose. Don’t be rude to our guests,” Arnold immediately snaps at her as soon as the question lands.
“S-sorry, miss.” She lowers her head as I lift the bottom of my mask.
I lean down to meet her gaze before whispering, “It… is… fine.”
Her eyes widen for a moment as she sees the scar cutting down my face and neck. The one I keep hidden from prying eyes.
“I… got it… a… long– long time… ago. It… can make… talking… painful. So… I wear this… mask… to help.” I drop the mask back over my face before giving a sincere smile.
She stares as more curiosity, and fear fills her eyes. And so, I reach out a hand. A raised brow is all I get in return before the etchings flash blue under my sleeves.
Ice begins to form in my palm and spirals up into that of a small animal. Her eyes widen once more as a huge grin splits her face.
“Wh-what… is y-your f-fav-ourite an-nimal?”
“A twin tail wyvern!” the shout hits me abruptly and my ice falters for a moment.
I give her a quick nod before flexing my hand. Within seconds a small replica of the creature is created before her excited eyes. Though it wasn’t the best work I could have done, it was one of the fastest I had made.
“Can I have it!?”
A light shake of my head paints a tiny frown on her. “It w-would mel-lt too f-fast.” To prove the point I release my grasp and let it evaporate.
“Could I do that one day?”
I’m taken aback for a moment before I give her a nod.
“I wouldn’t mind paying for the lessons if you’d be willing to teach her,” Arnold throws out the request while also making me realize both of them had been watching us.
My body freezes for a moment before I turn back to the little girl’s beaming smile. A short chuckle lightens my chest.
I nod in agreement.
I’ve never been a teacher before, but how hard could it be?
“Then, tomorrow?” He gestures to Karter and I follow his gaze.
Karter only stares at me for a moment before speaking, “so be it.”
“Then it’s settled,” Arnold leans down to Rosemary with a gentle smile, “though only if you promise to behave and follow what she has to teach.”
She gives a hundred nods before Arnold can turn back to us.
“So, I guess I’ll be seeing you two tomorrow then.”
“So you will,” Karter acknowledges him as he rises out of his chair before turning to leave.
Arnold just smirks while turning to me, “thank you in advance.”
I nod before getting out of my seat as well. However, before I leave, I give him one last bow before waving my farewell to Rosemary.
As soon as I get one foot out of the building Karter speaks, “I would not have expected that of you.”
I furrow my brow before he has the chance to continue.
“I thought you shy of your scars.”
“N-not sh-y… j-just c-cautious.”
“Right. Rude of me to assume.”
Another light giggle escapes me as we continue. And a part of me knew he was smiling too.
↢ ⬦ ↣
Three bells chime as we step into the shop. The room was bright, glistening with waving colours and pulsing lights. This was one of the places I felt the most ease, even if it was one of the most dangerous places a person could be. Hence, the lack of any windows and a ward at the doorway.
I wonder how many of these had gone off just by natural light alone?
“Welc’m! If y’ need anything I’m over ‘ere. But do refrain from touching the crystals,” a woman states from behind a counter.
A pleasant smile hung beneath her droopy eyes. Though contrasting with the dark circles, her eyes were actually quite bright. Their blue-ish hue watches us before averting back to the book lying before her.
“Which ones are more important?” Karter lowers his head looking down at a golden enchantment stone.
“If y’r looking f’r more of those, we’ve got plen’y more put away,” she states the question without lifting an eye. A twitch reaches my brow yet I decide not to act upon the curiosity.
I shuffle in one of my pouches before handing him a slightly crumpled paper. It listed all of the gems I use. Not that I can’t remember which ones I need, but it made it easier to repeat for Karter.
He nods before walking over to the shop owner. Although I choose not to follow as a few of the colours catch my eye.
“I need these,” Karter’s tone is inquisitive yet slightly harsh.
“Right… If y’ would, wait ’ere f’r a moment. And again, please don’t touch anything.” She takes the note before disappearing into one of the back rooms.
“Odd to not see a hired guard…”
“N-no n-need.”
“How so?”
“Sh-she c-an s-see us.”
He pauses a moment before turning to another white gem. “How do you know?”
“H-her eyes.”
“Her eyes?”
I nod before waving a hand over the display case. Three green gems shimmer under it, they could feel my presence even through the hardened glass.
“She used a cast on us?”
I shake my head while gesturing to the door. It was a means to keep light out but is also a way to put an enchantment on the place.
“Sh-e h-has a s-pec-tral.”
He lifts his head towards me. “She is also a caster?”
I nod once more before actually turning to look at him. How could he not tell?
“Sh-e w-was ev-en r-eading a grim-oire…”
He pauses again before I tap the book attached to my side. A look of comprehension strikes him and laughter jerks at my lungs.
“I’ve got y’r list if y’r…” Her eyes meet mine as I step up to the counter. “Y’ve got a good pair of eyes.”
“S-same to y-ou,” I acknowledge her as Karter pulls out the payment needed.
“Thank you, and I appreciate the compliment… and the business,” a light smile reaches her pale face as her shoulders lighten gradually.
Karter grabs the bag before turning away. Same as always…
A subtle sigh escapes me as I pull forth my book. With a single motion, I rip and place a single page in front of her. She’s taken aback for a moment before looking back up to me.
“I-I can’t accept this…” her voice almost a whisper as her eyes widen ever-so-slightly.
I lean in and lift the mask, just enough for her to hear but not enough to see. “It… is… of no… use… to me… Keep safe.”
I lower the mask completely before giving her a bow, and a tear almost makes its way to her eye before she bows in return. This makes a smile grow across my face before I turn to leave.
↢ To be continued ↣
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