《My "Stepfather"》The Lie


"Trey, Trey" I shout, pushing Lucas off of me.

"Let him go" Lucas whispers, holding me.

I smack him.

"You did this, you knew he was standing there" I say, upset.

"You didn't stop me Sanya" He says, pissed.

"Get off of me" I reply, yanking myself out of his grip.

I chase after Trey, seeing he's gone. Literally nowhere to be found. I walk back to the building, walking inside.

"I need somebody's keys please" I say, defeated.

D gives me his, using his eyes to question me.

"I'll tell u later" I whisper to him.

He nods.

"Where is everybody going, we're on a mission" Treys dad shouts.

"We lost him, there is no mission, call a meeting if need be" I reply back to him before walking out.

I use D's keys to unlock the car door and get inside. Driving pass Lucas, seeing his expression. I drive, looking for him, he's not suppose to be driving so if he is i'm going to be pissed.

I still haven't found him, so i drive to his and veas house. I park further down and get out. I go around back and climb the wall to the roof, all the times i snuck out and in ik my way around it.

I reach the roof, seeing him sitting in the chair, eyes to the sky. I walk over to him and sit in the chair next to him. There was a long silence until he finally speaks.

"You know Nya, i'm not even mad that you guys kissed. I have done worst shit in front of ur face with your mother" He begins to speak.

"Factual" I say.

"You lied to me Nya, not once have i lied to u. I've told u everything. U just lied straight to my face" He says, i hear the hurt in his voice.

"Trey" I say out softly.

"Why lie" He says, cutting me off, turning to look to me.

I search his eyes, looking for a way to answer his question. I search his eyes seeing he's hurt, seeing he's pissed. I don't know how to reply.


"It wasn't serious" I reply.

"For gods sake, he's knows how to comfort u when u have a attack. I didn't even know u go through those. It's something. I watched, the way y'all looked at each other, it's something." He says, sternly, looking away.

"You don't know because u wasn't there. He was there." I reply back to him.

"I was there first, since day 1" He replies, jealous like.

"Then you let me leave, and ik u tried ur hardest to find me afterwards. But you let me walk out that door and called me a mistake." I tell him, bringing up the memory, eyes watery.

"And that was the biggest mistake of my life. Something i regret on a day to day basis. And ik ur still hurt, but this conversation is not about that" He replies to me, not looking at me.

"I'm sorry" Was all i can get out.

"How many times" He ask me.

"4 times." I answer his question, truthfully.

He chuckles to himself, his devilish chuckle.

"It's something Nya" He says.

I stay silent.

"It's something" He repeats to himself.

"It's okay, as long as he makes u happy" Trey says, sounding defeated.

"Trey" I begin to say.

"I'm too tired to fight Ny" He says, shortening my already short name.

He takes a deep breath in and i rise from the seat and walk to his. Taking a seat right on his lap, facing him. He doesn't look to me i pull his head down to look to me.

"I love you Trey, and you know this. Always and forever will." I say to him, rubbing his cheek with my hands.

A smile grows on his face and his eyes show comfort. He leans in to kiss me but i stop him.

"Are u sure" I say, raising an eyebrow.

His smile drops, knowing what i'm referring to. The fact that my lips were just on somebody else's.

He sighs, leaning in and settling for a forehead kiss. I melt.

"I love you too Ny" He says, kissing me on my forehead again.


I stay here for a while, in his grip, in his comfort. Missing it or should i say him. Before i knew it, i was falling asleep and so was he.

*A few minutes later*

"Get up" A soft whisper says in my ear.

A few shakes and I finally begin to open my eyes slowly, looking up to the eyes of Trey. He smiles.

"It's time for me to go" I say, beating him to it.

He smiles and nods his head, agreeing.

"Last night doesn't change how i feel Ny. I love you and you love me but sometimes love isn't strong enough to hold people together." Trey says.

I get up, having a feeling about what's going to happen next. He looks at me and continues.

"Nya, you mean the world to me. My life wouldn't be the same without you. I was down and lost without you but now ik that your fine. As much as this hurts maybe we just can't be together." Trey says.

My eyes already watering, i lower my head and nod my head no only able to get out a soft "No Trey". I step closer to him and he steps back. I look up in his eyes.

"Be happy with Lucas and i'll try to be happy with Vea. Nya I love you so much. I swear I do, but maybe we're not meant for eachother. You lied to me about Lucas, it's something more then what y'all have and you know it." He continues.

Tears rolling down my face, im speechless.

"You don't have nothing to say." He questions, in a tone i never heard before.

"You don't want us to be together?" I whisper.

I stare at him dead in his eyes waiting for a response. He takes some time until he answers.

"No" He says.

I step closer to him.

"Your lying and you know your lying. You have done worse shit with my mother and you want to call us off for what." I say, getting angry.

"You lied" He says.

"You lied. About never letting me go, about always being there, about how u felt about me, about everything, about not marrying her, about coming up with a plan, about loving me." I say.

"I do love you" He cuts me off.

"You DONT" I shout.

It catches him off guard.

"I had to be here in this house everyday suffering, seeing you be with my mother knowing how we are. I've been embarrassed, hurt, broken, angry, EVERYTHING. And you say now you can't be with me over Lucas. He means nothing." I continue.

He takes a long pause and all he manages to say is.

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, well fuck your sorry" I say, turning my back towards him.

I know longer feel his presence knowing he left. I cry, I breakdown and I cry. It's so unfair, it is so unfair. I manage to pull myself together and leave the roof. I walk to D's car picking up my phone.

Missed calls from Dad

Missed calls from Lucas

Missed calls from D

I call dad. He was just worried, i tell him i'm okay and left my phone.

I text lucas telling him i'm omw.

I call D and let him know his friend is a bitch. That he just broke everything off with me and that he can pick his car up from my house.

I arrive home. Lucas in the kitchen. As much as I despise him right now. I go to him. The look on his face, he's worried. He just opens his arms and I go in for a hug.

"Don't let go" I whisper.

"I won't" He replies.

So sorry for the long awaited update. I deleted the app and completely forgot about the book. I don't know how i want to finish it and i don't know if i want to. So any ideas is welcomed! Enjoy!!

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