《My "Stepfather"》The Heartbeat (2)


As soon as we reached the hospital, Trey was rushed into an emergency surgery. Vea chose it, since she is the wife and wife triumphs parents. Everybody is just waiting in the waiting room, pacing or outside smoking.

Feels like i have been sitting here biting my nails impatiently for 18 hours, but it's only been 4. The doctor comes out and i am the first person to walk up to her.

"Family of Trey Gami" The doctor says.

Well this is the first time i'm hearing his last name.

"That's us" Treys dad says.

My eyes already begin to form with tears.

"Okay i have good news and bad news" He announces.

Some people sigh and i just felt anxious.

"The surgery was a success, the bullets were removed. There were complications seeing as one of the bullets hit an artery. But it went better then expected" The doctor says and i exhaled a deep breath.

"Bad news is that he is in a coma and we are trying to understand why this is happening. Seeing as his surgery was as successful as it was" The doctor continues.

I hear the sobs of people next to me. I tune out the doctor and look around. I see Treys dad, a man who never cracks, shed a tear. My mind starts racing and my breathing is becoming slower. I knew what was happening, an attack. A panic attack.

I push pass people in my way and go outside. I lean my back against the wall bending with my hands on my knees, trying to control my breathing. I see footsteps coming knowing somebody followed behind me.

"Breathe Nya" I hear a familiar voice saying.

I look up with tears in my eyes and running down my face. It's Alex, and ik he just wanted to kill me but I now miss our bond.

I begin shaking my hands, "I can't breathe" I say breathless and shaky.

He pushes me down, making me sit down against the wall and he sits besides me.

"Hey, you remember that time that i had to carry you out the school" Alex continues talking with a soothing voice. Or soothing enough voice.

I crack a smile, "Yeah, asshole" I manage to get out.

"Thats it" He says , continuing with stories.

About 5 minutes passed and my panic attack was been gone for a few. But me and Alex have just been chatting it up. We get up as the crew comes outside.

They all greet me the proper way, you know since we was really all close.

"Everybody left" D says.

I look up to still see red in his eyes.

"It's all you Nya, work ur magic again" D continues.

I think back to last time and begin smiling.

"I can bring him back from the dead can't i." I say, cracking a joke.

They all begin to laugh.

"Cool" I say, walking away from them.

"I'll be here" D says.

I turn around to see him leaning on his car as the others are getting into theres.

I walk back into the hospital and back into the room where Trey was taken from for surgery. I see him hooked up to wires and machines and feel myself beginning to panic.

I walk over to him, immediately grabbing his hand. It calms me. His touch you know. Even if he can't hold me back i know he always will. So i know right now he wants to, but can't.

My eyes travel from his lower body to his face. Tears already streaming down my face.


"Trey" I start, whispering.

"I need you to get up" I continue, sobbing in between my words.

I bite my lip to hold in the breakdown that i feel coming. I look down, leaning my head against our hands, taking in a breather.

"I still need you". I say looking back up.

I hear the door open, i look up to see D.

"They said visiting hours are over" He says to me.

"It's not working" I whisper to him, looking back at Trey.

"Give it time Nya" He says, lifting me up from the chair and walking to me outside the hospital.

We get into the car and he drives me to my house. Not the location we are all suppose to stay at. My home that my dad left, with Lucas.

I thank D.

"He's going to be okay Nya" D says before pulling off.

I use the hand print security to open the door. I walk in to Lucas on the couch. He looks to me and begins to walk over to me.

I put my hand up stopping him. I'm too exhausted for Lucas. I kind of blame Lucas.

I walk upstairs, getting under the covers and curling up. I cry and continue to cry and cry.

I have been on every mission, small or big. High risk or low risk. If i'm not doing a mission i'm training. I'm now filled with anger, i don't give a fuck about anything but revenge. That bitch that shot Trey survived, and i don't know but the pain that i have been feeling i want him to feel.

I want him to watch me slowly torture his family. Excluding the kid. It's always been about the mission for me not the people. I'm not that evil and violent.

But this time, this time is different, it's Trey. We're all on our way to the hospital because we got a call about something. They said they can't say over the phone which means it's either really bad news or really really bad news.

We all arrive walking into Treys room, seeing him still wired and connected to things. More machines then last time, i'm worried.

"Friends and family, Trey has had movement. He keeps going in and out and we just need somebody that is close to him. That means something to him to help him. It might sound silly but the power of a loved one can help." The doctor says.

We nod.

"Any questions?" The doctor ask.

"If it doesn't work with a wife does that mean the love isn't true?" Vea ask.

"No, it can just mean it's not enough, or equal. Or it can simply mean something worse for his condition and not be related to you at all." The doctor continues.

The doctor nods at seeing there is no more questions and steps out.

D walks pass me.

"Yk it needs to be you" He whispers.

I follow him with my eyes, seeing him leaving. He knows it not him, but he could have at least tried.

I see my mom try, some of his boys and even his father. He makes movements at times and we get a little bit of faith. But it's not working.

I haven't tried again since he didn't react to me the first time. I don't want to have to terms with the fact that we really don't have that bond anymore.

Once everybody tries and fail we leave. I get back into my car, driving off and going to Treys house. Vea hasn't been staying there, but even if she has been, his secret passage is a passage that she doesn't know about. And it's soundproof, and i can break into a house.


I enter his pin and go inside doing what i have been doing for the last 3 days. Fighting, practicing, shooting, everything. I hear the door open and turn around quickly with my gun facing the person. It's D.

"You should try" He immediately says, not beating around the bush.

I drop the gun down to my side.

"Just for him to not get up again." I say, turning around to put the gun back.

"The first time u tried it just had happened and he just had gotten out of surgery. He's making movements now, improving. Try" He says, trying to convince me.

"But w-" Before I can finish i feel myself being dragged away.

I let out a light gasp and don't even try to fight back. Next thing ik i am in the car and D is driving us to the hospital. We arrive and i sit there, in the parking lot, staring at the building in front of me.

"Go Nya" D says, practically pushing me out the car.

"Hold up D" I say, getting anxious.

"Remember what happened in that shoutout mission that caused his first almost death with u here. When u had to bring him back the first time." D says.

"How could I forget" I announce.

"Treys last words to me before he passed out was 'D take care on Nya'" D says and i turn my attention to him.

Tears in my eyes.

"I told him that's his job and that he could do that himself. And he held on, for longer, but then he didn't have fight left in him. But he went down with one person on his mind, Nya" D says, continuing.

"He was fucked without u Nya, had all of his men running fake names and new names. Looking for u in Mexico, checking for death certificates, anything that u can think of" D continues.

"He was torn, the worse Trey we have ever seen. He still needs you and deep down u need him. Marriage or not. His father or not. Ur mother or not. Like come on, you kno about his mother situation. Me and u are the only 2 that know. That's a privilege. He loves u" D says.

"He loves u" Continues playing over and over in my head.

Tears already falling down my face i look to him and take a deep breath in. I wipe my tears leaving the car to head inside the hospital. I walk into Treys room, this is the longest he has ever stayed in one spot. Okay no jokes.

I went over to Trey grabbing his hand. I take my other hand rubbing it in his hair. I bring my hand down wiping his cheek.

"Trey Gami, wake the fuck up" I say, jokingly.

"Okay i'm kidding" I say, sniffling and lightly smiling.

I bring my hand back up into his hair. I lay on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. My eyes begin to water and tears begin falling again.

"I love you Trey, always and forever will" I say.

"Wake up for me Trey, fight for me Trey, do it for me Trey." I say.

I feel a squeeze on my hand. I look down to see him holding my hand back.

It caught me off guard but once i realized what just happened i immediately called for the doctor. She came in.

"I don't kno if my mind is being fuzzy or i'm just feeling things that i want to feel but i think he just squeezed my hand back" I say immediately, quickly, rambling.

"Okay, just breathe for me" She says, walking over to Trey.

"Trey if u can hear me squeeze my hand." She says, taking his hand.

No reaction.

"Trey if u can hear me squeeze my hand" She announced slightly louder.

She looks back to me with sympathy in her eyes.

"Trey i-" She begins to say again before i cut her off.

"May i?" I ask her.

She nods her head letting go and stepping back. I walk over, taking Treys hand.

"Trey, its Nya, if u can hear me, squeeze my hand love" I say, softly, like how he would have did for me. Calling him love like how he calls me.

He squeezed back.

I look to the doctor with excitement and she smiles.

Everybody comes back, after the doctor announces to Treys dad that he squeezed back. I was long gone by then, by long gone i mean at the house. But D told me everybody pulled up.

"The fucking head and heartbeat." I say to myself while laying in the bed, smiling.


It has been 2 days since i've been to the hospital. 2 days since i have seen the man that i saved again. 2 days since i have slept. 2 days since i have ate. Cuz why? I was banned from the hospital.

D has been updating me tho, he's still not speaking to nobody. But he's awake and he's moving, D think he's faking. He is a brat, he might just want me. Yes i'm being cocky.

I decided today i'm going to sneak in, i'm tired and my face looks like i have gotten my ass handed to me. But I want to see for myself how okay he is. D sneaks me in and he is also my look out.

I walk in to see him awake, eyes on the tv until he heard my footsteps and looks to me. He's tubeless which means he can breath on his own now.

A big smile is sprung onto his face and tears become coming down mines. He's okay.

I walk over to him and the look of worrisome is now shown on his face.

"Nya" He lowly says, voice sounding raspy.

"So u can speak" I say, cracking a joke.

"Only for you" He responds.

I smile, until looking down and random thoughts cloud my head.

"Stop thinking love" He says, snapping me back, kissing my hand.

He brings his hand to my cheek, wiping the tear that i didn't even know fell.

"3 days Trey" I say, exhausted.

"Yeah and i look better then u" He says.

I smile looking at him.

"Where does this put us Nya" He asks, like a child asking there mom for candy at the store.

"Where we was at before, we knew our feelings run deep" I say, looking at him.

He just smirks.

"Let's go take care of u" He says, letting go of my hand and beginning to sit up.

"Trey, lay tf down" I say, pushing him down.

"U look like u haven't ate or slept in weeks, i'm taking care of u" He says.

He sits on the bed and i go to stand in front of him. He wraps his arms around my waist, one landing on my butt. I sigh and he looks up to me.

"D" Trey shouts.

D comes inside.

"Let's go" Trey says to him, while staring at me.

"D" I say.

"Don't touch this man" I say, sternly while staring back at Trey.

Out the corner of my eye i see D start walking backwards with his hands raised.

Trey smirks.

"I'm okay love, plus i have a connection in here. And my guy can do the same shit they can." He says, trying to convince me.

"Trey" I say pouty.

I rlly just want him to be okay.

He kisses my stomach. Chills, all over my body.

"Treyyyyy" I say, whining.

He kisses me softly on my stomach again before looking up to me.

"Yes love" He ask, innocently.

We stare at each other for a while and a smirk grows upon his face.

"U ever had sex in a hospital?" He questions me.

"Yea, have you?" I respond lying.

That got me a smack on the ass. I jump up slightly.

"Trey u can't be moving this much" I say to him, he's so hard headed.

"Like hello was u or was u not just in a coma" I say, sounding like a mom.

"Sorry mom" He responds to me.

I look at him sternly, until he tickles my side and i start laughing.

"Let me go home then so that i can take care of myself and relax in a proper way. With him still alive he can send anybody in here. Somebody can come in for diarrhea and next thing ik dead. Because my love isn't here to protect me" He says, convincingly,

"Fine" I say.

"D" I lightly shout and he comes back in.

He goes on one side of Trey and I go to the other.

"So where was u for the last 3 days" Trey questions me as we walk down the weirdly empty hall.

"Banned" I respond, telling the truth, there's no need to lie.

"Banned?" He questions.

"Banned" I clarify.

"Do you not know who i am?" He questions me.

"I didn't want u involved" I respond to him, as we walk out the door.

We reach the car and D begins driving. I sit in the back with Trey. He lays on my lap as i play in his hair.

"So when the family wakes and they question where ur at... wats ur excuse?" I question him.

"Kidnapped" He responds.

"Trey" I say, hitting his shoulder.

He giggles.

"I'm just kidding, i already told my dad i was sneaking out for a break. Laying low, i have too much attention on me." He says.

"When you left, i was just hurting people for looking at me weirdly. Causing me to make a lot of enemies" He says, honestly.

I don't reply, i continue playing in his hair.

"What's your reason for looking like this" Trey questions me.

"Training, not eating, not sleeping" I say, honestly.

Before he gets the chance to reply, D gets a call.

"Change of plans, they found him, we're meeting up" D says.

I get excited, it clearly being shown on my face.

We arrive at the place and D brings Trey inside. I wait 10 mins outside in the car until i go in. Once I go in all eyes were on me.

"We're not sending you in" D says.

"Wat do you mean?" I question, aggressively, walking to the guns.

"Your not going on the mission" Lucas says.

I look to him, anger already shown in my eyes.

"Why tf not" I question leaning on the table.

"Your temper, your anger, u can't control it with this guy. Everybody else your A1, on your ps and qs. But you'll fuck up, your anger clouding ur judgement" Trey says.

I look to him.

"This is bullshit, i'm going" I said going to grab something.

Treys dad grabs my wrist to get me away from the weapons. I use my other hand to smack him, it was truly instinct.

He looks to me, with something i've never seen. He lets go of me and it felt like it was going in slow mo but i saw his hand raise back to me before it's caught.

"Walk away" Trey says.

I stare at Treys dad as he contemplating his next move.

"Walk away James" D says.

He lets out a breath.

"Your lucky Antonio is your father." He says.

I look back to see Lucas behind me.

"Even if he wasn't u wasn't going to do nothing" I reply back to him, whispering.

"Wat did u say bitch" James says, loudly, sternly.

"Yo, watch ur mouth" Lucas says.

I see Vea laughing in the corner.

"I said you wasn't going to do shit regardless" I said loudly.

"Don't even waste ur energy on that slut" Vea says.

I take my attention off of James.

"I'm the slut Vea? I'm the slut" I position my body to be in her view.

"Relax" Trey says.

I know he's stressed, he did just get out the hospital.

"Yes, nothing but a little dumb slut. A mistake." She announces.

Blood boiling i did an action before thinking. I walked up to her and she stares in my face.

"Say it again" I say, getting amped.

I feel the hands of somebody on my arm.

"A slut. A mi-" She begins to say.

But before she can finish i smack her. She reacts quickly smacking me back. Now we're fighting, she falls to the floor and i get on top of her. Smacking, punching.

I feel arms dragging me off of her.

"Get her out of here, do u want to be off the team" James shouts.


The person puts me down outside and i see it's D.

"Stay" He says.

I go to the door, overhearing what is being said.

"We lost him" I heard.

"Lost him, because y'all are fucking stupid" I yell, walking back inside.

"Get this bitch out of here" James says.

I look to Trey, seeing him seated, looking pale. But he gets up, telling his dad to cool it.

"Y'all lost him?" I say baffled, mind concentrated on that.

"Because of you" James says.

Anger boiling between the fight with Vea, this arguing with James and now losing the guy i had it out for. I start pacing.

"Nya" D says to me. Walking over to me.

I push him, hard on accident, to the point where he stumbles back.

I haven't had a "anger attack" in a long time. This feels like a mini one, but it's severe.

"Shit" I hear Lucas say.

I hear footsteps, there soft so i know whos they are.

"Trey don't come near me" I say, punching my hands together.

I don't want to hurt him. I feel tears coming down my face.

"Wtf" I shout, trying to breathe.

Next thing i know i'm being lifted up and I start pounding on that persons back.

"I'm so sorry" I say sobbing.

"Go ahead, ur fine" I hear, knowing it's Lucas.

I feel the ground again knowing i'm down. I begin punching the chest in front of me, while sobbing. Calming down, getting my vision back.

Stage 2.

"Ny" He says looking at me with concern.

"I can't breathe" I say, hyperventilating.

"I can't breathe" I say, panicking.

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