《LACUNA || R.A.B》10. End and Beginning


The snow falling outside covered everything in a white blanket. It was snowing almost every day now, fitting right in with the holiday season. The decorations were up, families were together. The air filled with the scent of damp pine trees and mouth-watering delicacies. Everything was set perfect for Christmas eve.

Ivy nervously looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. Although she loved the idea of wearing a gown and dressing up for a ball, she had never really done it before. This was quite outside of her comfort zone, she had realized it when she was trying the gowns out a few days ago. She felt it was very different from what she usually wore, and it was making her self conscious.

The Yule ball was tonight. And the girls had had a very busy morning. They had woken up at the crack of the dawn to help around the house, and prepare for Christmas tomorrow, since the rest of the day was going to revolve all around the ball.

Paige and her had had to try out numerous gowns, and Ivy didn't seem to like any. Paige on the other hand had just picked the second one she tried on. “I can't be bothered wearing all of these dresses so I’ll just pick this one so mum won't make me try on more.” she had told Ivy with a shrug. It was an ingenious plan, and as much as it was tiring for Ivy too, the younger blonde couldn't just pick any dress like Paige. Her sister didn't really care much about how she appeared to others— she had other things to worry about (like why her neon shoes were not glowing as brightly as they used to). Unlike Paige, Ivy was quite self conscious. And now that she was stepping out of her comfort zone and doing something she always wanted to, she better make it worthwhile. If she was going through hours of trying on dresses, she wanted to at least look decent in the end. She might not ever get this opportunity again. So Ivy endured the tiresome process in hopes of finding the perfect gown for her.

Some gowns were too flashy, uncomfortable with all the sequins, others showed too much skin that made her feel too exposed. There were a few that were pretty in general, but she didn't like the way they looked on her. After rejecting many dresses on the basis of bad designs and colour and what not, in the end, she had finally found the perfect one. When she had stepped out of the try room wearing the sage gown, one look in the mirror and she knew this was it.

The gown was sage green and simple. No sequins, no frills. It was thinly layered with net instead. It was easy to carry around too. Later on, they had magicked a spell onto it that made it glittery, like little stars glistening from the dress. It was beautiful.

Back in her room, she smoothed her hands over the net gown. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls over her shoulder, a part of them held back with a silver hair clip. Ivy felt nervous about going out in public like that. So many eyes on her, so many students from Hogwarts. What if they think she looks weird? She never wore flattering clothes.

Ivy was lost in her overthinking when there was a knock on the door and it opened. Paige.

"Are you ready Ivy beans?" She asked while entering. Then set her eyes on her younger sister "Okay, wow you look even prettier now that you're completely ready."


Ivy looked back at her unsurely. Paige wore a light peach coloured dress that stopped just above her ankles. She had refused to wear heels and was wearing her favorite shoes underneath. "You look pretty yourself too." Ivy complemented with a smile. "Believe me, I want nothing more than to get out of this dress." Paige huffed."It's very uncomfortable."

"Maybe if you hadn't chosen it the second you tried it on, you would've realized it was uncomfortable." Ivy smiled a little. Paige pouted. "Come on, I wasn't just gonna stand there and try on dresses for hours. I just quickly chose this one so mum wouldn't ask me to try on more dresses." Ivy cocked an eyebrow at her. "Although I guess I regret it a little now." Paige added slowly.

She then shook her head. "Anyways, come down. We are about to leave in some time."

"Okay," Ivy nodded her head.

Paige left the room and Ivy looked in the mirror once more. She breathed out to calm her nervous jitters. It’ll be fine, she told herself with a half convincing smile. Then she climbed down the stairs to leave with her family.


Ivy caught her breath as she stepped foot inside the ballroom. Massive chandeliers spiraling down from the ceiling illuminating the whole room with a golden glow. The floor was so polished, Ivy felt she could just slip off of it. The sound of a beautiful melody playing, the clinking of glasses and clamor. It was exactly what Ivy had imagined.

And it wasn't just the ballroom, it was the people too. Hundreds of purebloods all around, cladded in the finest dresses, shades of emerald and ruby and gold swirling before her, the jewels they wore sparkling.

Even Paige looked bewildered at the grandness of the ball. Ivy subconsciously held her sister's hand. There was no other place that had made her feel this small except for Hogwarts.

The Binns family moved towards a table before they were interrupted by a couple. After a few introductions and greetings, their parents told them to wait at a table.

"I think they’re going to be occupied for quite a while." Ivy said, observing their parents from the table. They were met with family after family. Paige hummed in response, her attention towards the house elves that carried around trays with drinks. Ivy felt bad for the elves, honestly. All of them enslaved to work for their whole life. But when these people didn't even consider humans the same status as them, saying anything about a different species was totally out of question.

“Would you ladies like to drink something?” a feeble voiced house elf asked, probably upon noticing Paige. Paige looked excitedly over the drinks, extending her hands to get one before Ivy intervened. “We’ll take the non alcoholic ones, please.” Ivy said sharply, throwing a pointed look towards her sister. Paige leaned back into her chair and folded her arms. “I wasn't even going to get an alcoholic one.” She said in a cross manner.

Ivy ignored her as she took two glasses of fruit punch from the elf, setting them on the table. She made sure to thank the house elf before it went away.

The girls sat in silence for a while, just looking around at the people. Thankfully, nobody really paid any attention to them so they didn't have to greet any pureblood families. Although she recognized a few from the family tree scrolls.

“I really want to dance,” Paige pursed her lips. “But not like this.” she pointed towards a few of the couples that swirled in front of them, waltzing. “It's a ball Paige, How else do you want to dance here?” Ivy gave her a look. Paige smirked. “I wish I could show you.”


The delicious smell of food wafted in the air. “Oh look, the buffet has started.” Paige got up excitedly. “I’m going to go get some food.” Honestly, she just needed an excuse to move around.

“Do not do anything stupid.” Ivy warned. She sipped on her punch again, lazily looking across the room. Until her eyes fell on somebody familiar. Even though he was far in the opposite corner of the hall, she could tell he was looking at her too. Ivy looked away, pretending not to have noticed him.

Regulus looked away just as quickly too.

“Woah!” Thomas Nott stood beside him casually biting on a brie bite. “Is that Ivy Binns?!”

“Who? Where? I don't know. How would I know?” Regulus frowned, folding his arms and looking away. “Wherever you were just staring.” Thomas winked.

“I don't know what youre talking about.” Regulus said, indfifferently. “Well you better look now, woah,” he said again pointing towards the direction where the ravenclaw was sitting. Regulus smacked his arm. “Don't point at her!” he hissed.

“I never would have guessed she was one of those people,” Thomas said, taking another brie bite from the long buffet table set along the wall. Regulus raised a brow. “What do you mean?”

“You know,’ Thomas said. “The ones who never really dress up but when they do they just look so gorgeous.”

“She looks hideous.” Regulus jeered. “Is that why you were staring at her earlier?” Thomas smirked. “I wasn't!” Regulus snapped. “Why would I? Why would I ever want to look at someone who makes me go crazy every time. And she really, really looks horrendous.”

“Now, now Regulus. I know you dislike her but we don't say bad things about someone’s appearance. That’s rude.” Thomas shook his finger in no. “Especially when you know it's a lie.” Thomas smirked again. Regulus turned red in the face with embarrassment. “Whatever!”

Thomas happily turned back towards the buffet table grabbing another snack to eat, a glass of some drink in his other hand. “At least get a plate and properly sit down to eat.” Regulus said, sitting down at a nearby table himself. “The food isn’t running away.” “Well, that one sure is,” Thomas pointed at the table. A small chocolate reindeer jumped off from the chocolate sledge on the buffet table, and sprinted away. Thomas laughed, sitting down happily. “Aren't you gonna eat something? These brie bites are really good.” he bit into another one as Regulus shook his head in no. “Who made all this food?!” Thomas said in awe. Then stopped to glance at the Black. “Okay wrong question.” He apologized.

“They didn't even give the house elves a drop of water till they finished making this feast.” Regulus said, suppressed anger lacing his tone. “Just for fun. Just because they had the authority to. Just because they could. As if the house elves could refuse to prepare this feast anyways.” Regulus said sarcastically. “I can't take a single bite out of this food.”

Thomas put the half bitten brie back into his plate half heartedly. “It's alright,” Regulus said. “You shouldn't stop eating. I didn't say all this so you’d stop." The boy felt a little guilty.

“Nah, it's alright. I’ll eat later.” Thomas smiled. “Anyways, isn't it just so calm and peaceful right now?” he said, letting out a happy breath. “I have this feeling that something is missing, but it's a good thing that it's missing.” He closed his eyes, feeling the music around him.

A very familiar feminine voice interrupted them. “Reggie!” Portia Parkinson. The smile wiped straight off of Thomas’ face. “Spoke too soon.”

Regulus bolted straight up from his chair. “No, nope. I'm not doing this.” he closed the buttons of his coat. “And if you care about your life, Nott,” he threatened, pointing his wand at the other Slytherin. “You won't say a word about where I am.”


Paige had taken too long and Ivy was growing anxious every minute now, sitting alone at the table. She had tried looking for her sister but didn't catch sight of her at the massive buffet table. And now this old lady from a nearby table, who was too prejudiced about her beliefs, had started an endless conversation with Ivy, asking her question after question. Ivy needed to look for her family. This ball was nowhere near the fun she had thought it would be. She hadn't even seen Sirius anywhere. So Ivy made up some excuse and hardly managed to get away from the old woman.

But now, getting up seems like an even bad idea. Hundreds of people around her, too crowded, not a single familiar face in sight. She felt even more lost now. She couldn’t even remember the table she had left. And her heels were really not doing well with the crowd. The people all around her made her feel a little suffocated. With a lost expression on her face, she barely dodged a house elf that passed by her, trying to not fall on any of the pureblood women chattering nearby before her back bumped into somebody else.

She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the insults that were expected for not walking properly and bumping into some noble pureblood woman. But instead the person steadied her, holding her arms. A whiff of expensive cologne caught her nose. She turned around to face the person, and found herself looking straight at Regulus, directly into his dark eyes.

For a second, for the tiniest fraction of a second, she had felt relieved to see him. To have seen a familiar face in her overwhelmed state, even if it was Regulus. But the next second, she came back to her senses.

She quickly jumped away from him. “W-What are you doing here?!” she said, familiar scorn lacing her voice, Regulus rolled his eyes. “I would be very pleased to inform you that this is in fact my house.” he gave her a sarcastic smile.

Ivy crossed her arms, looking away. She had very discreetly noticed him earlier when she was sitting at the table. Unlike most of the wizards in the ball that night, Regulus hadn't worn fancy dress robes. Instead he wore a black turtleneck with a deep emerald green suit on top.

She hadn't really noticed how they seemed to be matching outfits, both clad in shades of green.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he said, taking steps away. “I have to hide from a certain someone.” he quickly strode away. Ivy felt that feeling of being alone tugging at her again. “W-Wait!” she called out to his back, immediately regretting. She had spoken without thinking.

She prayed he hadn't heard her, but he stopped in his tracks, turning around, cocking a brow at her. “I- I um..” Ivy started, coming up with some excuse. “Do you know where Sirius is?” she said the first thing that came to her mind. “I can’t find him anywhere.”

Regulus rolled his eyes. Then he opened his mouth to speak before they were interrupted. A tall woman, clad in the fanciest of gowns came into view, putting one of her hands on Regulus’ shoulder, her pointy nail gripping tight. Ivy visibly saw Regulus tense under her touch, the careless look on his face turning into a stoic, emotionless expression. Ivy looked at the woman. Her dark hair was neatly braided and woven into a tight bun, the deep colour of her hair enriched her pale white complexion. A slender nose, chin held high with pride, the pureblood aura evident around her. And black eyes. Dark eyes identical to the ones Ivy had gazed into just a few minutes ago. She was beautiful. She was so hauntingly beautiful. And intimidating.

She smiled at Ivy. but the smile didn’t feel like a friendly one. “My, my what a beautiful young lady.” she said. “I just happened to hear Sirius’ name and turned back to see who was asking for him.”

Ivy slightly quivered under her gaze. Walburga Black stepped forward, holding out her hand to Ivy. Ivy didn't miss how her sharp nails pricked her skin as they shook hands. “And who might you be?”

“I-Ivy. Ivy Binns.” Ivy replied, trying to maintain her composure. One of Walburga’s arched eyebrows raised instinctively at her last name. “I always wanted to meet Amelia and Henry’s children. I’ve heard a lot about you and your sister. Are you the older one or the younger?”

“The younger one.” Ivy replied. She really wasn’t having fun with this conversation. She knew Walburga could start attacking her any minute. Under that beautiful face and the sugar coated words, hid a woman filled with spite and venom.

“Why were you looking for Sirius, sweetie?” she asked, emphasizing sweetie. “I am friends with him… at Hogwarts.” Ivy started. “I was hoping to see him.” She gulped at the way Walburga crinkled her nose. But the woman smiled again, turning to Regulus, who hadn’t said a word in the encounter. He kept standing there stiff in his position. “Regulus, my boy, why don’t you be a gentle man and ask the lady to a dance?” she smiled at him, squeezing his hand as if sending a message. “Yes, mother.” Regulus replied. Then she looked back at Ivy. “Excuse me now, my dear. Enjoy the ball.” and with another one of her devilishly sweet smiles, she merged into the crowd.

Ivy could feel the tension in the air clearing as the woman left. She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. Then she turned to Regulus. “I am not dancing with you.”

“Don’t worry. I wasn't even going to ask you.” Regulus replied with spite. Ivy glared back at him, then slumped down at an empty table nearby. Her encounter with the hostess of the party had been so weird. Though unwantedly, she had felt intimidated by her.

She was still lost in thoughts about Walburga when Regulus came towards her, standing right infront of her.

"Okay I know I said I don't want to dance with you but please this is an emergency and you're my only escape right now." He said with a worrisome expression, speaking fast. "What?" Ivy furrowed her brows in confusion but she didn't have time to react as Regulus quickly grasped her wrist, pulling her with him towards the center of the ball where the couples waltzed. "What are you doing?!" Ivy hissed. From the corner of her eye, she saw Portia Parkison coming towards them but halted when she saw them together.

"Please, I'm sorry, but just once do me this favour. I'll pay you back." He pleaded. "Dance with me. Just once."

Ivy looked at him with utter displeasure. "Regulus!" She said in an exasperated tone. But it was too late now. They both were already amidst the dancers.

If she were at Hogwarts, Ivy wouldn't have wasted a second to hex him. But standing there, with hundreds of eyes on them, if Ivy did anything of such sorts she'd be the one getting in trouble. Hexing her host was not going to leave a pleasant impression on the other Purebloods. In the end, they would just find another excuse to say bad things about her family name.

And Ivy didn't want that. So she let her anger aside, just this once, to protect her family. She'll endure this.

Ivy glared at him as they set in position, waiting for the new song to start playing. Unwillingly, very, very unwillingly, she put one hand on his shoulder, the other in his. Regulus cleared his throat, then mirrored her actions. There was a very awkward and uncomfortable second between them before the musicians started playing their chords. They started moving to it, alongside the rest of the dancers.

"Why are you doing this?" Ivy hissed. "Look, I hate this as much as you do, alright?" Regulus replied with a hint of annoyance. They kept talking whilst the waltz. "But it's really not my fault Parkison won't leave me alone. It’s totally entirely because of your lie and now I have to suffer." He huffed. "Honestly this should serve as a perfect punishment for you, yet still I’m turning this into a favour I'll return."

"I don't do favours!" Ivy snapped right back at him through gritted teeth, the unleashed anger bubbling inside her. "Oh and I swear I'm going to confess everything to Parkison now. Enough of this!"

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