《LACUNA || R.A.B》9. Yule and Yule Balls


The Hogwarts Express sat still on the King’s Cross Station as students disembarked out with their luggage. The platform was filled with expectant families, students looking around for their parents to meet after months. Everybody was clothed in warm fuzzy coats and sweaters and scarves— all in fashion for the holiday season. Ivy and Paige bade Lexi and Maria goodbye as they carried their trunks outside, looking around for their parents.

“Girls!” They turned their heads behind to their father calling, both rushing in to envelope Mr and Mrs Binns in hugs. “Oh, I’ve missed you both so much,” Amelia Binns exclaimed, pulling Ivy’s beanie down over her blonde hair, which fell in delicate curls over her shoulders. “My, my what did you girls do to your hair?” Henry Binns commented, noticing Paige's hair which had been chopped off till her neck. He held their trunks as they all slowly made their way to the car, chattering.

“It was a spur of the moment decision this morning,” Ivy exclaimed. “Alexis thought it was a good idea to bring a little change for the holiday season. I trimmed and curled mine, Paige decided to cut them all off.” “Does it suit me, mum?” Paige asked, taking her knitted cap off to run a hand through them. “You do look very nice,” her mum commented. “Now come on, put the cap back on, it's cold.” “I look prettier than Ivy, right?”

“Of course,” Mr. Binns answered, loading the trunks in the back of the car “My favourite daughter looks the prettiest.” He winked secretly at Ivy, catching her eye. Paige looked pleased as she sat inside the car, not having noticed the wink. Ivy smiled. Although their parents loved them both equally, Paige had always been a daddy’s girl, while Ivy was closer to her mum.

“Alright now,” their father said as they all were seated in the car. “How about we stop by for some hot chocolate and christmas treats at the bakery before heading home?” He got his answer from the hollers of yay as the girls excitedly thought about drinking warm coffee and hot chocolate and all the delicious baked goods. Brownies, cupcakes, treacle tarts, pies and more mouth watering stuff.


Back at the station, Ivy hadn’t noticed the pair of eyes on her that had followed her all the way till she was out of sight. He was lost in bitter thoughts when a hand on his shoulder pulled him out of the dense spiral his thoughts were leading him into. Regulus flinched, looking back. "My parents are here," Thomas Nott informed. Regulus nodded vaguely. "See you after the holidays." He said.

"Or maybe during them." Thomas added with a smile. "Are your parents holding a Yule party or something?" Regulus asked.

Thomas shook his head. "Not my parents," he said. "Yours."

Regulus gave him a blank stare. "My sister wrote to me a while back that she had overheard our mothers talking about an expectant Yule ball this christmas." Thomas explained. "Oh." was all Regulus managed to reply.

"I thought they might have mentioned it to you or something." Thomas said in an apologetic tone. He knew Regulus rarely ever got any letters from his parents, and he probably had scathed a wound.

“Anyways, I’ll go now. See you!” Thomas bade him goodbye and left for his family. Regulus sighed. A Yule Ball? They hadn’t held one in years. Their parents would be too occupied with arranging the ball to focus on them. It was a good thing.


Regulus kept standing there with his trunk for a while more, looking around at all the students with their parents and family. He spotted his brother standing a few feet away with his friends, engaged in a happy conversation with the Potters. Mrs.Potter ruffled the boy’s hair with love as they all laughed, then James bade Sirius goodbye with a hug. Regulus continued to glare at James as he saw the boys’ encounter. Out of all of Sirius’ friends, he seemed to dislike James the most— maybe even hate him.

His thoughts were interrupted yet again, when a house elf greeted him. Regulus sighed at the sight of Kreacher. He knew his parents wouldn't have come but deep down just a tiny bit of his heart had expected them to show up, like it always did.

“No parents this time either?” Sirius came towards them. “Must have had some important tea party to attend rather than picking us up.” the gryffindor said sarcastically.

Regulus stared at his brother with a scoff. “The last time they came was during my first year. Honestly, you should just get used to it rather than being bitter every time.”

Handing over the trunk to the house elf, he quickly walked ahead.


Everyone was gathered at the breakfast table at the Binns Household. Rather than other purebloods, the Binns had long sold their manor and lived in a peaceful muggle town, having started a great business with the money from the manor. There wasn't much left of the Binns family anymore. It was just Ivy’s family and another very distant cousin family of theirs that lived in France and they hadn't ever really met. And also Professor Binns at Hogwarts— if you would count him too.

Glasses perched on his nose, Henry Binns studied the morning paper, pancake batter still splattered on his shirt and sleeves. Their mother passed him a disapproving look. Paige had clearly taken after her dad.

She also sat beside Ivy, her short hair sticking up in all directions, as she squeezed maple syrup onto her heart shaped pancakes, half asleep. She was not a morning person, and it was quite a tough job trying to wake her up. But their mother believed that the family that breakfasts together is stronger.

When you have breakfast together, spending time with your family for the first meal of the day, it was better rather than having dinner together when your whole day comes to an end. According to their mother, it symbolized more of family importance and also helped encourage eachother for the chores of the day.

So the Binns always had their breakfasts together even if it was hard for Paige to get up.

She could just sleep back again after breakfast.

Paige snored, head hung low, not realizing that her pancakes were swimming in a pool of maple syrup now. She continued pouring more on top before Ivy took the bottle from her causing her to jolt upright.

Unlike Paige, Ivy was perfectly awake this morning (because she hadn't started reading yet) happily enjoying her pancakes.

Their mother cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention. "I wanted to inform you girls that we received an invitation letter yesterday morning." She said.

"Invitation letter?" Ivy inquired. Their father folded the newspaper and put it down "Yes." He answered. "For a yule ball."

A ball? A yule ball? Ivy thought, eyes shining. She had always dreamt about going to a ball in a beautiful gown and dancing the night away with a handsome guy, just like in the books she had read. Going to a fancy ball had always been on her and Lexi's wishlist. She couldn't believe she was finally getting an opportunity to go to one.


She grinned happily, already forming the sentences in her head for what she was going to write in the letter to Alexis later. (Although she believed Alexis would have been more excited if there was an assassination involved after the ball where she could take out her hidden dagger from her gown and stab the prince straight in the heart) (Alexis' words, not Ivy's)

"It's...from a Pureblood family." Her mother added. Ivy's excitement suddenly died down, a rush of disappointment through her heart.

"Will we go?" She asked. "I mean… it’s from a pureblood family. Everyone knows we don't think like them. They are probably just inviting us to make us a laughing stock and mock us through the night." Ivy said bitterly.

"Whatever the case, we can not decline their invitation like this." Their father said. "Declining an invitation from them kind of declares the wrong meaning. Even if we don't believe what they do, we do not need to create any bad blood between us and them."

Ivy scoffed, drinking her coffee. As much as it was her dream to go to a ball at least once in her life, this whole pureblood thing just tainted it

His father put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Ivy. Even if things get rough over there, I can assure you nobody will say a word to you." He smiled at her. "You just relax, and try to enjoy your time there. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity anyway." Ivy smiled back at the words of her father.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. Maybe it wouldn't be bad at all.

A thud broke her off from the thoughts. Paige had spilled her juice over the table in her half asleep state. "Sorry! Sorry!" The older girl mumbled out, awakening a little by the mess she had created. Mrs. Binns tsked, and quickly casted a spell to dry out the liquid from the table.

Paige shook her head to the sides, trying to shake Away all the sleep from her head. Then happily started to gobble the syrupy pancakes.

Ivy looked at her sister with worry. A very, very formal Pureblood invitation to a very formal ball with hundreds of perfect pureblood families. Paige was no where in any condition to survive there in her current state.

"Um.. but mum.. as much as I'd love to go to a ball, do you think we can manage? We've never been to one in our entire lives." she discreetly looked at Paige. But it wasn’t just her, Ivy herself felt she knew nothing either.

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" Paige said incoherently with a full mouth, confirming Ivy's statement. "Who’s going to a ball?!"

"We are," Ivy told her. "A pure blood family has invited us."

Mrs.Binns glanced at Paige then shook her head. "We'll.. figure something. There is s lot you girls need to be taught and well we have enough time." "I'm sure you guys will manage." Henry Binns agreed.

"But who sent the invitation?" Paige asked the most important question of the conversation. Ivy smiled and looked at her parents in question, sipping on her coffee.

Mr and Mrs binns shared a nervous glance with eachother and looked back to the girls.

"....the Blacks."

The coffee spluttered out from Ivy's mouth as she shook her head in no. All the happy thoughts vanished away from her mind, everything turning bitter at the name. Going to a pure blood ball, she would have managed and accepted even if it was a hard pill to swallow but the Blacks? No way!

She stood up. "I'm not going you guys can go without me for all i care but I won't step into the Black manor!"

"Look Ivy, we know you have some.. issues with the younger son, but please we—"

"Issues?!" Ivy said aloud in shock. "He RUINED my life!"

"Now you're just exaggerating lvy." But Ivy left the table and ran upstairs to her room.

Mrs. Binns sighed. "I knew this was gonna go bad." "She'll come around." Mr Binns said. "She seemed excited to go." They both looked at Paige who was busy sparing whipped cream in her mouth. Upon the silence, she looked back at her parents.

"We trust you to convince her." Their mother said. Paige gave her a thumbs up, then continued spraying the cream straight in her mouth.

Despite the girls not showing it, they had always been close on a deeper level. Paige understood Ivy and Ivy understood paige. Their parents knew Paige would succeed in convincing Ivy like she always did.


There was a knock on the bedroom door, and it opened, the knocker coming in without waiting for a response. Paige. She was the only person in the house that entered the room right as she knocked.

"How long are you going to stay in here?" Paige asked, a bowl in her hand. The younger girl was lying in her bad, covers pulled over her.

"Go away." Ivy groaned. "I'm upset."

Paige sat down on the bed and placed the bowl of cheese balls closer to Ivy. "Come on. Get up and eat this." She heard Ivy's stomach rumble. She knew her sister couldn't resist this, especially when she hadn't even had lunch.

"Come on, eat them already. They look too yummy I think I'm going to gobble them up if you don't want ‘em." At this ivy bolted straight up, taking the plate from Paige's hands, still scowling. She slowly started eating.

"Come on, talk to me." Paige said trying to take a cheese ball but Ivy slapped her hand away. "What are you so upset about?"

"Why didn't they tell me it was the Blacks earlier?" Ivy said, disappointment lacing her voice. "Because of your exact reaction right now." Paige answered. "You wouldn't even have listened to what they had to say had they mentioned the Blacks earlier."

Paige got up from the bed and moved to the desk, carelessly touching her books.

"But isn't it just so cruel? I had planned so much already!" Ivy cried out, chewing the cheese balls angrily. "How much could you have planned in a matter of minutes?" Paige asked in a surprised tone. "You can when you have been thinking about this moment ever since you first read about it!" Ivy replied back loudly.

Paige shook her head. "Thank goodness I don't read books." She said. "Told you it makes you go crazy."

She got hit by a pillow.

"Alright, tell me. What's so bad about this?" Paige threw the pillow back on Ivy's bed and sat down on the chair. Ivy looked at her in shock. "You can not be seriously asking me this."

"No, really. Go on." Paige said. "Tell me what's so bad about this. Because I think you are just over reacting right now over a simple thing. Just because you heard the name Black. I'm sure you don't even understand why you're so angry yourself."

Ivy put the empty bowl down and started angrily. "Regulus is going to be there! I can't go to his house!"

"Why not?"

"Because he ruined my life!"

"You're perfectly fine. I'm not condemning what he did, but it isn't that much of a harm, Ives."

"Still." Ivy insisted. "I don't want to see his face."

"Then you can just avoid him. Simple as that."

"But.." Ivy started, looking for more points to argue, only to realize she didn't have any. She sat there worried, and at a loss of words.

"Honestly, I don't understand why your first focus was on the fact that Regulus will be there." Paige said. "Sirius will be there too. But you don't seem to be excited about that. You could get a shot at spending more time with him."

Ivy was shocked at her own self. Sirius. She had completely forgotten about him. That he'd be there too. She couldn't believe herself.

"Honestly whatever you harbour for the brothers, you certainly have stronger feelings for Regulus than your crush. You completely forgot about him."

Ivy thought for a second on what to respond. "Hate is stronger than love."

"I beg to differ." Paige said, taking the plate from the bed. "But then again there is just a thin line between love and hate."

Not knowing what to respond, Ivy threw another pillow at her sister. "Don't say such philosophical things. It's scary. I like your dumb self more."

Paige laughed then opened the door to get out. "Come on now, mum wants you to help us prepare dinner."

She left Ivy in a state of mixed emotions. On one hand, she was kind of relieved to have talked about what bothered her. But it also made her angry that she had been over reacting this whole time. But what bothered her the most was that she forgot about Sirius. It ached her a little. Even if she hated Regulus, she couldn't let him occupy her thoughts more than Sirius— not that it was in her control. And then all the things about love and hate that Paige had said.

Ivy felt like going bonkers because nothing was making sense. She groaned in frustration. "I hate emotions!"


"Would you like to join me for a dance m'lady?" Sirius asked her with a cheeky grin, offering a hand. His black hair shone under the golden light from the chandeliers. Ivy smiled and nodded, nervously taking his warm hand as she got up from her seat. She straightened her beautiful evening gown, heart starting to beat faster as the boy took her to the middle of the ball where couples danced around perfectly with rhythm. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he placed his on her waist as they fell in step to the beautiful music playing. They danced and danced, and Ivy stared into his grey eyes, heart hammering in her chest.

They danced the night away till she couldn't feel her feet anymore. The couples from the background faded away from her vision as he twirled her around. The music stopped and so did they. But they kept standing there staring straight in each other's eyes.

"I have to tell you something.." Ivy told him breathlessly, tired from all the dancing. "I have to tell you something too..'' Sirius replied back, in the same tender tone. But it seemed as if they didn't need words at all to express what they felt. As of the message had already reached each other.

Ivy's heart skipped a beat. She opened her mouth to tell him, to finally let out all the feelings she had been harbouring for year when—

"Ivy!" Paige's fingers snapped in front of Ivy's vision. For a second, the girl was confused, staring straight at the shepherd's pie in her plate. How did that get here? Wait, what was she doing at the table at all? She was with sirius!

She looked up at her parents staring at her, bewildered.

"We've been calling you for a solid minute Ivy, where did you zone out?" Mrs. Binns asked worriedly. Ivy flushed red in her face, realizing she had gone far too into her day dream. She was having dinner with everyone, not at the ball with sirius.

The ball wasn't in another 24 hours.

"Sorry.." she mumbled, still embarrassed. Paige laughed from her side. She knew very well what was going on in that head of her sister's.

"It's alright," Amelia Binns said. "I was just saying that after dinner we should go through the pure blood family tree once so you both know who's who in case you encounter someone at the ball. It'll be a shame if don't know them, and they will probably think it as a disgrace."

Ivy nodded along, still quite heated. She barely thought she'd remember anything by tomorrow. She was too nervous.

After dinner, the whole family sat together in the living room by the fireplace, tens of scrolls placed in front of them with the family trees of every pureblood family.

Their mum randomly picked up scrolls one by one, telling the girls the names of important family members and what boring important things they had done. Henry Binns, on the other hand, was filling them in on the embarrassing things the person had done.

"And these are the Fawleys. They are the owners of Sweetlove House." their mother told them. The girls nodded, carefully taking in the picture. “It’s an historic manors in the outskirts of Pagford. Their ancestors even sold a piece of Pagford land to a nearby city.” "I knew this guy at Hogwarts,” their father pointed at Hector Fawley. “He tried fishing in the Black Lake one day. Ended up wet from head to toe, ball black from the giant squid’s ink, and detention of course.” The girls giggled loudly at what their father had told them.

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