《Killing demon as a deity》Chapter 18


‘That strike was fast, if he can move like that how did I land a hit before? Don’t tell me he hasn’t been serious until now?!’

Kira observed the swordsman from a few feet away and noticed that he was quite skilled. He didn’t waste any time and rushed in but the swordsman had already closed the gap.

He charged at him with a straight attack stance but he moved quite well, even though Kira wasn’t worried at all.

‘This guy is fast and he moves well too but…’ Kira jumped back and watched as the swordsman flew into his direction and extended out, inches from his face.

“I can see it all clearly.”

Kira's body was the only thing affected after having the restraints removed. His mana supply wasn’t returning fast enough to use his flames or even his extraordinary strength and speed.

His eyes however weren't moving any slower than before, to the point where all of his opponents movements seemed to be lagging behind. This didn’t mean he was invincible though, he still needed to follow his actions at the same pace as his eyes were moving.

There’s no point in seeing a punch if you can’t dodge it after all.

‘Even if I can see where he is going to hit me it looks like I won’t reach there in time- Shit!’

Kira dropped his guard to throw a punch at the samurais face but he had his fist knocked away abruptly by a wide swing, then got immediately counter punched.

The first landed with a hard slamming sound and sent a sudden flood of pain through his nose.

“What now kid, where was all that trash talk from before?!”

The swordsman released a flurry of attacks; unleashing heavy punches one after another. Kira tried to keep up but didn’t manage to get his hands up in time to block or repel them.

As he would try and block it the next one would already be landing against his face or body. After a few hits it started taking its toll and he collapsed back with weak legs.


‘I’m not done yet, I can still go- why won’t my legs move? Just like back then…it’s the same as before…’

The swordsman rushed forward ready to land another large hit but as soon as he came into range, Kira kicked up with all his strength and tried to replicate his powerful upper-kick from before. The swordsman grabbed his ankle and negated the brunt of the attack.

He seemed even more pissed off that he tried to attack him with the same kick again. The swordsman held him up from his ankle and glared down with a strong killing intent.

“You think I’d let you get away with two of those you little shit; that settles it, I’ll just kill you!” He shouted angrily.

Kira twisted his body and when in view of the swordsman, rapidly kicked him in a single spot of the face with every fibre of strength Kira could muster.

The swordsman was pushed back and somewhat dazed from three sharp strikes to the face, tripping backwards. Both of them were lying on the ground but Kira was the first to stand and collect himself.

“If I can’t beat small fry like you how could I hope to kill that bastard!”

‘This isn't nearly enough to beat Ko…What have I been doing until now while that creep gets stronger.’

Murky groans and grunts seeped out the man’s mouth as he jolted up from the ground in pain.

Kira raised his arms in the air and locked his fingers together to make a ball with his hands, bringing it down onto the swordsman’s head with a thundering crash into the dirt.

Even with the reduction of mana from his strength, Kira had been training his body all that time. Without realising it he had become much stronger than a regular human should be able to in the span of a year.

“Oh shit, I think that was overkill…” Kira panicked as he rushed in to inspect the man’s bleeding head.


He placed two fingers in front of his mouth and felt a faint breath brush against it and sighed with relief.

‘Still alive, good. First obstacle is dealt with.’

Kira found his robes and other belongings inside the room that the three men had existed and was now fully equipped again.

“I’m glad she bought me so much time but I really wish she would have told me a bit more about this plan of hers…this place is massive, where do I even go from here?” Kira asked worryingly.

A sudden wave of tension rushed through Kiramaru's head and forced his focus towards the other side of the property where a loud crash went off. At this point in time the tension was less of a pain and had become a new sense that always seemed to point him in the direction of potent mana.

“It could be a demon but that seems less likely. It might just be a strong mana from someone…” he pondered.

Kira rushed to the location with a swift pace and noticed that he wasn’t moving as sluggish as before.

‘I’m not entirely sure why I’m able to move so well again- no that’s not true, it’s the sword. I feel like if I were to draw it now I would almost be at full strength again.’

Kira was able to sense the amount of mana surging from his blade and figured out that it was the source but didn’t know why that was. Without realising it he had been pouring excess mana into it like a storage device; this had been one of the secret features of the sword that Moto hadn’t explained to him.

Not because he chose not to, but because he didn’t know all of its capabilities.

Kira came to a sudden stop and jumped back as fast as he could, narrowly dodging a large beam of light that was shaped into a long spear like object.

As it impacted with the ground it caused a huge explosion that crumbled away everything close to it along with a good portion of the building beside him.

Kyosuke flew towards Kira in the air with his bow drawn fully back. The tarrying scowl and fact that he produced an attack like that off surprised made Kira extremely cautious.

“PERISH!!!!!” Kyosuke wailed.

Three large arrows made of bound electricity formed over the string and was launched at Kira again, moving faster than the human eye could trace. Each of the three arrows moved erratically through the air and separated into different directions.

The sparks and trails of electricity spouting off of them kept each other connected and they all arrived at Kira from different angles.

‘Too fast!’ Kira panicked as he reached for his sword.

His body wasn’t nearly as strong as it should have been to dodge that attack; his only chance was to use his blade to release his strength.

A thundering bang from the arrows collided against the sheath of Kira's blade which blew him off his feet.

The impact alone sent him flying into the collapsed building behind him. The crash caused a huge commotion from the few soldiers and people left in the area so they all ran for cover.

Many followers of the order as well as children and trainees screamed as their home and main base were under attack, the commotion quickly grew out of hand and the massive crowd stumbled over each other as they ran to safety.

Kyosuke disregarded them and barely noticed anyone around him. He landed in front of the building and called out with a heavy tone of anger. “Get out here demon, your judgement begins now!!”

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