《Origin of Flames》18 The Onyx Cage


-60 F

Shivering amongst wolves, back in this hellish barn, a wolf musters his strength to speak, "You're hurting us." I look down at him, "What?" I do feel warmer, but he's getting colder. Calico mewls, "It's ok! That one's just scared!" I shake my head, "I'm not-" A gun bangs against the cage, "Shut up!" I close my eyes and inhale deep, "Make me!" He becomes erratic, grabs his keys and tears the door open. He points the gun at me, "Should've kept quiet!" I smirk as the wolf springs up and the man jumps, I twist the rifle up as the wolf tears into his chest, forcing him to the ground and into a struggle. Guards rush up as I throw the keys to Calico. I tip up the rifle and fire wildly at them. They take cover as Calico slams her cage door open. "Sorry about your family, Wolf!" He and Calico rush after the soldiers behind cover. I run in behind as they turn their corners, I hit one while Calico roars as bullets hit her. I run up and a man gets out from a beam and shoots me. I fall over and he looks down into my eyes, the wolf jumps in as he fires, blood spews from the man's neck. He falls down and I run to Calico, "I'm fine! Go!" I nod and run upstairs. Men burst inside the control room and I shoot them dead.

Screams come from the other cell blocks as I shut the door and lock it. The fans spin to a stop as I pant, grab my shoulder. "Damn it." A glance over, there's a weapons locker. It screeches open, I wrap a blade to the end of a rifle with duct tape and take a sit down. They bang on the door, relentless kicking and banging. As the door dents in, I growl and put the rifle to my shoulder, "Fuck!"


With a quick jerking motion, I pull myself up and point at the door. The mutant animals rush up the stairs and rush towards the door, past me. The door blows inward and they shout, some even run at the sight. I rush into the upper catwalks and open fire at them. Sirens roar throughout the compound, the speaker system screeches, Everyone to the barn immediately! Kill on sight!

Men flood the room and I take cover, animals roar and squeal as bullets fly everywhere. I huff and puff as footsteps pound closer and closer from a corner. I scream, run around to meet him, push him over the railing. I duck down and the gunshots stop. I gulp and take a breath. The room's only filled with pained shouts and cries. Wendell stomps in, "Where is he!?" I hug my rifle, "He's there!" A grenade bounces off the metal railing and to my crotch. I spring up and run, they shoot, a hailstorm whizzing and pinging. I gasp as the grenade explodes, a shard of shrapnel peels into my side, I then slam onto my chest. Wendell leaps down and the catwalk bounces to hold his weight, "In all my days in the Onyx Family, no one has caused an issue like you have." They all mutter as he marches towards me, "You're like me. Superpowers. Cool, but you're using them to save a couple beasts."

I grit my teeth and struggle to stand, "Saving them so they can kill us all off." I groan, "I've learned a lot on the road here. They aren't monsters." He raises his hand to me, "That road is the same as going up Mount Everest, go missing and no one will find your body." I smile as that snow spews from his hand. I make my hand into a claw and out comes a flame. Water splatters against me like rain. Inside the flame, distant shouts of the shadows long dead now. They're screaming out and something, no- Someone- Ivanov, regretful of not leaving to Ferron sooner. The man leans in closer and his hand lands on my face. With steam exploding off my face and my screams muffled at the sheer cold, I close my fist, slam the side of his skull. He flies back as fire explodes from where he was. I duck down as they open fire again.


I cry as he gets up, damn it! Why did we not leave!? If only I listened to my father. He scans his wounds and then we lock eyes. He frowns and marches in under the gunfire. "No one hurts me, kid!" He bends forward and ice envelops him, he kicks off into a full blown sprint at me. I summon a flame out, but he's too quick- A deep slam against my stomach, then my back hits the barn's walls, the wood crackles as the air in my lungs escapes me. I fall into the snow and roll to a stop. I gasp for air as my whole body gives off steam. As I push up, Wendell kicks my face, forcing to my back. "You're just a heathen! A lowlife!" I raise a hand. So much I have yet to do. I want to experience what love is. What Ferron's like. He puts his foot on my face and the steam gets worse. I gather all the air and speak, "Everything's changed." He snickers, then raises his leg, "I'm busy!" He stomps hard and my head falls back into the deep snow. "Ready the defenses! Kill the escapees!" I chuckle in a daze and slow motions to push myself up, "I told you, you can't change nature." He snickers, "You are resilient for someone so small." I huff and a flame engulfs my hands, "I'm not a meathead like you. Also, I'm proud of my streets I grew up on."

Kevin McAllister - Play Dirty

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