《The Other Side》O T H E R six


Another weekend, another party. This party is different though. I'm not only here because I'm hoping to run into Noah. I'm sitting in this crowded sorority house because it's Candace's birthday. Freshman year, before joining a sorority Candace lived in the dorm across from Sierra and me. We've grown apart the last few years but we still come to her birthday bashes. Her sorority is notorious for going all out for each sister's birthday and the parties are always over the top and genuinely fun.

Settling down on the couch next to Jackson and Sierra, I pass out the cups filled with this partys signature cocktail. The "Ace" for Candace's birthday is a sickeningly sweet pink concoction that burns going down. The three of us burst into a fit of laughter after gulping it down, then choking.

"Shit, that is so bad" Jackson says, wiping his mouth.

Before I can respond a loud ruckus has us all focusing on the door. Whistles and shouts of "NoJo!" and "Bro, you made it" instantly make me anxious. I can see his face, but hes mostly blocked by the gathering of people near the door.

I'm trying to remain passive, to not give away so easily how fast my heart is beating just because he walked in the room. As he makes his way deeper into the house I can finally see him fully. As he comes into view he pulls his arm forward, a girl is holding onto it.

He's holding her hand while her other arm is wrapped tightly around his. He leans down toward her face, obviously saying something to her. She smiles shyly and blushes.

"Shit" Jackson says so quietly I almost don't hear it.

I turn to him, my eyes wide "Who is that?" I try to sound casual but I know that I don't.


He hesitates, looking at Sierra, like he's asking for help but she looks just as confused.

"Um, her name is Shiloh" he says "they've been hanging out."

I have a million questions. How long have they been 'hanging out' and what exactly does that mean? Who is she? Does he always hold her hand? He doesn't hold hands, he told me so. I don't say anything, instead I gulp down the rest of my gross drink and try to steady my fast beating heart. Jackson excuses himself, promising to return with more drinks. Sierra scoots toward me on the couch.

"Eve?" She questions softly "are you ok?"

"Yup. I'm fine."

He's got another fuck buddy, maybe for a few days or weeks but they always get clingy and he ends it. We aren't together and he's allowed to do whatever he wants. I can't be upset. I've allowed myself to become his fuck buddy, thats my fault. I can't be upset that he treats me exactly the way I've allowed him to treat me. Of course, it doesn't feel good to see him with another girl, but as always, I'll lay in the bed I made.


Stepping out of the bathroom I begin to pull on my jacket. Sierra is finding Candace so we can say our goodbyes. I want to get out of here. As I pull up my zipper and begin to walk down the long, dimly lit hallway I freeze. Noah is coming up the stairs. As soon as he sees me his eyes go wide.

"Oh, shit! Evie!" He says running toward me. "Fuck, Evie. We were supposed to meet!"

I don't know why but the realization that he's only just now remembering that he asked me to meet him at Los Velos, four days ago, makes my insides boil.


"Fuck off, Noah." I spit angrily as I try to push past him.

"Evie, fuck I'm so sorry." He grabs my arm. I spin around on my heels, facing him.

"Really? You're sorry? Because by the look on your face it seems you only just now remembered. I mean so little to you that you can completely forget about my existence for days? That was four days ago Noah, and, might I remind you, it was your fucking idea!"

"I'm sorry, Evie. Shit. Something came up and I know it's shitty but I completely forgot."

"Yeah, alright" I turn again rushing away and down the stairs before he can say anything else.


Releasing Candace from our hug I place a quick kiss on her cheek "happy birthday! Sorry we have to leave so early."

"You guys are already leaving?"

I turn to see Christian and Dylan standing behind me.

"Yeah, see you guys later!" I say, trying to end our conversation quickly.

"Aww, come on" Dylan starts "they're trying to start a game if drunk trivia!"

"Yeah, we need you guys" Christian adds.

"Sorry boys" Sierra pats Dylans head "we've got better shit to do than carry your team in drunk trivia."

"Man, everybody sucks" Christian whines "you guys are leaving, Noah is too pussy whipped by his new giiiirlfriend to come play, Jackson said no."

My eyes go wide and Sierra snaps her face to look at me. Dylan elbows Christian in the ribs and quietly says "shut the fuck up man."

Realization comes to his face "oh, shit. Evie, sorry, I didn't mean" his voice is cut off by Dylan dragging him away.

Noah's girlfriend?

"Did I hear him correctly?" Sierra questions.

"Yeah. He said girlfriend" my throat feels dry. Quickly grabbing my hand Sierra leads me out the door.

"Chase is here to pick us up. Let's go babe."

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