《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》thirteen


[ I need you all to pay extra attention to the part where Lily was in Renjun's room after awakening from a nightmare, its really important for a future chapter. You'll understand if you've read all the books >:) ]


"Ok I think we're done for today." Lily said as she placed the paint brushes down.

"Didnt know that painting the sky could take this long." The boy next to her sighed.

"I mean it's better if we take more time on each specific detail then rushing it." She said and took a wet tissue to remove the paint that was on her hand.

"I'm so tired, I'm not even bothered to move." He whined and fell on her bed.

"Clean your hands." Lily threw a tissue at him.

"Not bothered, you do it." He said as the girl went to him and pulled him up so he was sitting upwards now.

"You small baby." She said and started cleaning his hands.


Renjun took his phone out of his pocket and picked up the call.


"." Kun answers from the other side of the line.

"Uh i dont know about your question though. Will the rain stop soon?"






"Omg." He sighed.

"Stay the night, you could wear my brothers clothes. I think they'll fit you and theres a guest room where you could stay at." Lily said once she was done cleaning the paint of his hands.

"Thanks... sorry about that, I don't know what's gotten into my friends." He apologised.

"Theres no need to apologise shortie. Come on, I'll show you the guest room and get my brothers clothes for you to change into." She said and went out of the room as he followed her from behind.

"Ok I think, these clothes would fit you. My brothers not that tall.. well that's as if he grew now." She said and gave him a pair of clothes.

"I'm going to assume that you call every guy that's around the same height as you short." He said and started pushing her out of the room.

"Not all guys, just you. Ok I'll get going now, have a nice night." She said before leaving the room.

You have a nice night as well Lily. Sweet dreams.

--- 🌧

The sound of thunder had awoken lily from her sleep.

"Huh, another sleepless night." She said to herself. By now she was wide awake.

"What should I do?" She pouted and stood up from her bed, making her way to renjun's room. Why? Idk. Not even she knows? Her legs just wanted to walk there. But most importantly, her heart told her to go there. It was like a magnet was pulling her towards the room that he was at.

She opened the bedroom door which to her luck wasnt locked and saw that he was still fast asleep.

"Hey renjun." She called out.


"Hmm." He groaned.

"I cant sleep." She said.

"Well that's not my problem." He replied in his hoarse voice.

"Ok then." She said and was about to leave his side when he grabbed her hand.

"You woke me up so you're staying awake with me." He said and pulled her down so she was sitting between his legs.

He placed his chin on her shoulders.


"So tell me why you cant sleep?" He asked.

"I have insomnia. I cant sleep." She replied as he just hummed.

"Is there a reason why? Having nightmares?" He said.

"Yes, most of the times." She said.

"What'd you dream about if you don't mind me asking?"

She took a deep breathe before speaking.

"Well it was a dream of me when I was older. A dream where I had just gotten out of a taxi and was about to head home when I got stabbed from the back. It felt so real? Like seriously my body started aching allot. Just thinking about it makes me shiver right now." She explains. Hearing this made Renjun hug her body to warm her up and stop her from shivering. If only the lights weren't off and he was able to see how red her face was right now.

"Then in the dream I was still able to walk back home, and when I reached the place and the door was open; I collapsed into my partners embrace." She ended her dream there.

"Random question but did you catch a glimpse of who your partner was?" Renjun asked as she shook her head.

"No... their face was blurred."

"Oh that's a pity then."

If only you knew that the guys embrace that I fell into was YOU RENJUN.

"You want to go downstairs and watch the rain. I'll make some hot chocolate?" She asked him.

"Sure thing. " he replied and lets her go before following her downstairs.

"Are the maids asleep?" Renjun asked while stretching his arms.

"No they all left to go home. They have a day off tomorrow. " she replied.

"How about your dad, is he back home. Does he even know that I'm here?" He bombed her with questions.

"Renjun calm down. Sit down here and yes he does know that you're here, and yes he is back home, dont worry he's probably asleep right now and he's a really deep sleeper." She answered all his questions.

"Ok then." He sighed.

"Just wait here whilst I go make the drinks." She said and left the living room.

Renjun took out his phone to see his group chat filled with messages.

jaemin is typing...

"Sorry for taking long." Lily said and placed the cups down on the table as she sat down besides him.The both of them staring out the window, listening to the sound of the rain. So peaceful and serene.

"Renjun have you ever experienced a heartbreak?" Lily asked all of a sudden.


"Yes. Kinda dumb and it infuriates me every time I think about it." He replied.

"Why'd you ask?" He asked her while taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

"No reason. I just want to talk about my experience with someone who had experienced the same thing." She replied.

"Ok then, why dont you tell me. I'll listen." He said.

"So, it happened about two years ago-"

"Really, that's about the same time as me." Renjun said.

"Shut up, I just started."

"So two years ago. I wasn't like this. I was actually a really happy person. That's kinda weird saying that now. Haha. Anyways I had a boyfriend at that time. He was really nice and caring , our relationship was going fine until one day he decided to break up with me. He didnt even tell me the reason to why he broke up. He just broke up and left. I dont know where he went. He just left like that and I haven't seen him for two years ever since." She said as he listened carefully.

"I questioned why he did that and thought that I was the problem to why he broke up. I thought I was ugly and wasn't enough, so I stopped eating and let my hair grow ever since. I think that's when my messed up eating schedule started to butt in. Then the next day after he broke up with me, my mother ... she died from a heart attack." She continued as he pulled her into a hug.

"Lily I'm so sorry." He said and hugged her tightly.

"No dont say that. I don't want you to pity me. It makes me feel bad." She confessed.

"Lily.." he said.

"And when you found my necklace, I was very grateful cause it was the last gift that my mom gave me before she passed away so thank you." She said and smiled at him.

"I guess it's my turn to tell you my story huh?" He said as she nodded her head.

"I'll listen this time." She said and drank the hot chocolate.

"I'll just keep it simple before I get a bit overboard and my anger takes the best of me. It happened two years ago as well, when a girl from a different school came up to me and asked if we could get to know each other. At that time I was trying to get over a heartbreak so of course I reluctantly agreed, thinking that if I hung out with her then I'd forget about my previous crush. Things happened and eventually we got together and started dating. We only dated for about four months when she just one day randomly told me that we should break up. Said that I was just a bet and that her feelings weren't genuine. What asshole does that? Plays with one's feelings for fun until the other party falls deeply for them and gets dropped? Of course I was sad, I got another heartbreak in the same year. I guess from that day onward, I thought that everyone doesn't deserve happiness and would get into allot of fights and trouble. To me, it was fun seeing other people suffer." He explains his story.

"Damn, I don't blame you, I would've also changed because someone used me. Wherever that girl is, I hope she trips over a rock and so her face could get smudged." Lily said.

"Its ok renjun, you've got me." She said and patted his shoulders.

"Hmm whatever. I'm so mad right now whenever I'm talking about that girl." He said before going quiet.

The two of them falling into an amicable silence.

"Hey Renjun, would you mind if I start calling you Injun?" Lily asks all of a sudden.

"Well that was random."

"I know it is but would you mind though?" She asked again

"No I wouldn't mind. The name injun coming out of your mouth is cute. I like it allot." His answer taking Lily by surprise as she covered her face in embarrassment.

"Ya why are you covering your face, I can't even see your face properly in the dark." He said as he tried to take her hands off so he could see her face.

"Shut upppp! Can't you see that I'm flustered!" She told him. Removing her hands to look at him with a small frown on her face.

If what the guys were saying was true. Then I'm going to use this opportunity to confess.

"You know Lily, every day my family as well as my friends are asking me when I'm planning to confess my feelings for you. Heck they even refer to you as my 'girlfriend' now. Being around you always reminds me what having butterflies in your stomach feels like." He confesses as her jaws fell open.


"I like you a lot, like so much its driving me insane. Its your fault, you're paying for this." He said as she became even more confused.

"How am I supposed to repay your insanity??" She asked. Renjun grinning as he got closer to her. Whispering something in her ears.

"By being my girlfriend. What do you say?"

She pushes him away.

"Give me a second, you're the one that's driving me insane now." She said as he laughs softly seeing her perplexed look.

"Wow Lily getting shy for once??? I'm quite enjoying this." The lad grinning in satisfaction as she glared him.

"Shut up or else I won't accept your offer."

"Is that a yes then?"

"Yes, so you'll shut up. Oh I also like you too if you were wondering. So you don't think that I'm only saying yes to repay your insanity." Renjun smiling brightly as he pulls the girl into a hug.



when I tell you that I foreshadow everything from the start 😅😅

I watched Red velvets performance in allobank today, they looked so stunning 🥴🥴

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