《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》twelve


Dismissal time as every student bolted their way out of the school, eager to get back home. Lily quietly walked down the hallways. She was on a mission to find renjun but he was nowhere to be seen, it was her turn to bring the painting home and he did promise her that he'd come over after school to work on it with her. She sighed and kept walking, that is until she bumped into someone's chest.

"Ouch." She said and rubbed her temple.

"Omg I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." Jisung apologised.

"What the fuck, did I bump into a tree trunk or something." She mumbles to herself as she caresses her nose from the sudden pain.

"Did she just call me.. a tree?" He said as the person besides him laughed.

"HAHAHA JISUNG A TREE." Renjun laughed.

"I'm sorry but I'm not a tree! I'm just taller than you short people." He said and crossed his arms. That felt like a personal attack.

"No, you are just too tall. Am I right or am I right? Of course you deserve to be called a tree." Lily said as the boy next to the tree laughed hysterically.

His laughter than died down.

"Finally someone who understands." Renjun said and wiped off a tear.

"Renjun hyung please take your girlfriend away from me." Jisung said.

"The heck. Who's girlfriend is she anyways?" He asked as Jisung threw him a look.

"Yours?" The younger boy replied.

"Shut up you rat. Aren't you like what, 11?" Renjun said.

"I am not 11 what the heck, have you forgotten that I'm literally 17!" The boy said.

Lily looked at them unfazed as a yawn escapes her lips.

"Well sorry to break your chit chat but i need to borrow renjun for a second. I'll probably borrow him for the whole afternoon. Bye jisung." Lily said and held renjun's hand, dragging him away.

"Wait where are we going?" He asked.

"My place for the art project." She said.

"Oh right. I forgot about that, I'll text my friends first to babysit my siblings for the evening until my parents comes home. Finally a day without those demonic kids." He said.

"You are literally satan yourself." Lily said.

"And what are you? An angel?" He joked.


"Perhaps, the angel to take your heart. " she said and looked at him before flashing him a smile.

His heartbeat increased. Oh Lily if you don't stop, I'm afraid i have to date you.

[ ]

"Ok my drivers here." She said and opened the door, signalling him to go in first. He rolled his eyes before going inside as she came in after him, closing the door shut.

--- ⛅

"Ok follow me, the place is quite big so dont get lost. " she warned him.

"You seriously live here? Dont you get lonely sometimes?" He asked.

"Not sometimes but all the time." She answered while going up the stairs.

"Even with all the maids around?" He said and followed her upstairs.

"Yep even with all the maids." She replied.

"Ok this is my room. Make yourself comfy and at home." She said and opened the door.

She motioned him to come inside as his mouth was hung wide open but was quickly closed by lily.

"A fly is going to live there." She said.

"You have a freaking loft inside your bedroom. It's like you have an upstairs to your own room." He said.

"Its nothing special. I just use the loft as my little library." She replied before opening up her closet to pick out an outfit to change into.

"Renjun could you set up the canvas whilst I change?" She asked him as she went into her bathroom.

"Hmm yeah I'll do that."


"Can we rest please, my arms are starting to ache." Said Renjun as he placed the paintbrush down. Shaking his arms that was slowly going dumb.

"We've only been painting for two hours." Lily replied as he looks at her in horror.

"Two hours?! And you're saying that as if it doesn't faze you at all. Lily what psychopath doesn't take a break for two hours???" He exclaims before falling down on her bed. Enjoying the warmth it gave him. He saw the nearest Moomin plushie that was in her bed and pulled it into a hug.

You should be hugging me and not moomin,,, hahahahaha jokes.

She placed her paint brush down and cleaned her hand before sitting down on the bed besides him.

"That's cause it doesn't faze me at all." Lily's response making him glance at her.


"Creepy how your expressions never change. It's always a straight line, well besides when you smile of course. Like can't you show more emotions??" He said and stood up from his previous laying down position.

"No." She kept her answer short.

"Cold. How about this." Renjun had two fingers on both sides of the end of her lips. Pulling her lips up to show that she was smiling.

"Aww looks like someone is smiling." He cooes and then pulls the ends of her lips downwards.

"Look someone is sad now hahahah."

"You're having too much fun aren't you?" She questions him. Getting a bit annoyed that he was enjoying his time.

"Yep, allot actually. Aw look now you're mad."

She grits her teeths.

"If you don't stop then I'll end up kissing you." She said in fury. Renjun finding her joke funny as he laughed at her hysterically.

"Hahahaha funny joke Lily." He laughed out loud. His hands clutching onto his stomach.

"Oh you wanna get kissed soo badly." The girl rolling her eyes at him.

"Even if I do want to get kissed, you won't even do it-" His words being interrupted when his lips were being shut with Lily's. Renjun's eyes widening in bewilderment, that by the time he blinked, her lips weren't on his anymore.

So soft.

"W-WHY DID YOU KISS ME ON THE LIPS." He exclaims once he had gained consciousness. This time Lily was the one who was laughing at him.

"You don't like it when I'm the one who's laughing at you now do you?" She teases him as he clicks his tongue before pushing her away.

"You're so annoying!" The lad hissed. Lily still laughing at him as he covers her face with a pillow.

"If you don't stop laughing at me then I'll have to suffocate you with this pillow." He threatens her but of course she wouldn't stop.

"That's kinda hot."


"HAHAHAH, ok ok I'm sorry!" She finally stops as she held the pillow that was covering her face and moving it away.

Renjun being able to see her smiling brightly. Probably still calming down from laughing earlier. Seeing that look on her face made him smile softly. That is until his face drops when he realised that he was hovering on top of her.

Holy shit.

Renjun quickly getting off her as he cleared his throat before helping her sit up.

*knock knock!

"Lady Lily, I brought some food for you and your friend." One of the maids states as she enters the room with a tray of food.

"Oh madam Ophelia thank you so much, you could just leave it by the bedside table." Lily replies as the maid smiles at her before placing down the tray of food and leaving the room.

Renjun going over to the food as his eyes sparkles.

"Omg the amount of food that she brought." He said and motioned lily to come.

"No it's ok, I'll continue to finish the project." She declined.

"No you're not, you're going to eat." He said but she shook her head.

He gave her a mad look and went over to her, looking at her small figure.

"Dont skip your meals or else we'll end up in the cafeteria fighting again." He told her and picked her up.

"H-hey what are you doing?" She asked.

"You're so light what the heck. Frog you need to eat more." He said and placed her down on the couch.

She was about to leave when he held her hand.

"You're making this hard for me and yourself. Ugh I'll fucking feed you if I need to." He said and pushed her down so now she was sitting on his lap and his arm was wrapped around her waist. Y'knaw so she wouldn't run away again.

"Now open up and say 'ahh'." He said, making the girl roll her eyes before she opened up her mouth.

"Now that's better isn't it? Eat more, I dont want to be worrying about your health you stupid shit." He said and took a bite of the food himself.

"Ok fine but I won't promise you that." She said as he glared at her before feeding her another spoonful.


bro someone saw him in the supermarket today 🥲. Everyone's mom, grandma, uncle, friends are seeing dream by coincidence. My dad is in jakarta right now, how has he not updated his daughter that he met some really good looking foreign guys 😢😢


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