《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》five


It was the end of the school day. Everyone eagerly rushing out of their classrooms as they made their way towards the schools exit. That is indeed what Lily had planned in mind as well. She left her last class. About to walk away when she was stopped. Someone had pulled on her bag from behind, stopping her from moving any further. She looks behind to see Renjun holding her bag handle tightly.

"I need to talk to you." He says.

"Maybe later, I really want to head home right now. My driver is waiting for me." She replies and tried to run but with no avail. His grip on her bag handle only tightens.

"I'm not letting your bag go until you agree to listen to me. It'll only take a few minutes." Renjun stated as Lily immediately stopped her attempt to run away. She faced him in displease.

"What do you want to talk about." Lily asks apathetic.

"Here. I've drawn a basic sketch of what we could potentially do for our art project. Sorry if it's kind of messy, I ran out of ideas so I'm handing it over to you so you could interpret your own ideas into the sketch." He said as he handed her over a piece of paper with his sketches on it.

"Oh, was this the sketch that you were working on in the library?" Lily questions as she accepted the paper that he gave. He didn't bother to answer as he just nodded his head a yes.

"Alright then, I'll give it to you tomorrow during art class. I'll be going now, so please let go of my fucking bag." She said as he quickly let's go of her bag.

"Right. I forgot about that."


Lily then quickly walked off. Looks like she was in a rush to head back home.


The sound of something dropping could be heard. Renjun looking down to see a necklace on the floor. He picked it up, as he examines the necklace.

"YA LILY YOUR NECKLACE DROPPED!" The lad exclaimed, but she was long gone and was out of sight.



"Sorry for taking long. I was talking with... a friend of mines." Said Lily as she enters the car. Her driver as well as her dad who had been waiting in the car for her could only smile.

"No worries dear, we weren't waiting for that long." Her father reassures her.

"So are you up to have dinner outside?" Her father asked. The two of them were planning to go to a fancy restaurant and have dinner there once Lily was done from school.

"Yes. Besides, I might get some inspiration for this sketch that my friend made." She replies. Finally looking at the piece of paper that Renjun had given her earlier to view the sketch that he did.

"Oh wow, he really is talented."

She raises one of her brows up when seeing a similarity in his drawing. It almost looked like a scene from a moomin episode, the drawing giving it the same vibes. Could he possibly also like moomin?

--- ⛅

Creaking. The sound of the chair being pulled besides Lily could be heard.

"Hey you idiot." Renjun uttered. This making Lily close the book that she was reading as she looked up at him.

"You dropped this yesterday you fool." He said as he dropped the necklace that Lily had left yesterday onto her book.

Her eyes widens when seeing the necklace. She had totally forgotten about it. Well that was nice of him to return it back to her.


"Thank you Renjun. I wouldn't know what I would do if I've actually lost it." She thanks him as he only hums in reply before sitting down on his seat.

"It was a gift from my mother." She continues.

"Yeah whatever, I didn't ask. No need to thank me." He replied coldly.

"But I still wanted to show you my gratitude. Oh! I've finished the sketch that you gave me yesterday. Here you go." Lily taking the sketch out of her bag as she hands it over to him.

The lad being a little taken aback when seeing the post it notes attached on the paper. He quickly clears his throat.

"Ehem* the sketch is nice. But not as good as mines." He said whilst looking away.

He was lying. He really liked the sketch. Especially liking the fact that she decided to include him in the drawing. How'd she know that the girl in the drawing was her.

"Hey answer the question on the post it notes. Do you like moomin as well Renjun?" She asks him.

"I don't even know what a moomin is." He lies to her as the sides of her lips slowly frowns.

"You do know what it is. You're just denying the fact that you do indeed like it." She says.

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do... Renjun, renjun look." Lily then trying an attempt to tease him. He glances at her for a while, looking at what she was trying to show him.

"Don't you think that it's cute?" She then purposely shows him the moomin keychain that was attached to her pencil case. His eyes shimmering as he took a hold of her pencil case in awe whilst inspecting the little charm.

"Huh Moomin, where'd you get it?" He couldn't help but to ask as this immediately made her cheer to herself in satisfaction.

"Gotcha, you do actually know Moomin." Says Lily as he quickly let's go of her pencil case.

"Shhhh don't say it out loud you idiot. I don't want people to know, and ok so what if I like Moomin?" He spoke through gritted teeth whilst covering her mouth.

She held his hands and placed it down.

"Nothings wrong with liking Moomin you know, only asking cause I've finally found your sweet spot."


Happy Saturday everyone

apologising in advanced for the messy sketch lmaoo.

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