《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》four


"Yes I'll be there by the rooftop once break starts. Don't worry Lia, I won't forget the time and get carried away with reading. I'll hang up now ok? I'm about to enter the library--- ting!*" Lily hangs up the call once she was finally stood in front of the library. Putting her phone inside her skirts pocket before opening the door and entering her sanctuary.

The library had become her little go to place where she could just rest and escape from all the loud noises. People barely go to the library nowadays, the ones who usually goes here are people who are studying for exams or the ones that wants to do their work peacefully without being interrupted.

She made her way to one of the couches that were located on one side of the library. Quietly making her way there as she looks around the place to see everyone busy doing their own individual task.

"Huh, what is he doing here? I've never seen him ever enter the library." Lily questions herself when she saw Renjun's figure seated on one of the individual desks. Well at least she hopes that she didn't mistaken that figure to be Renjun. He sat there by himself as he works on his drawings. Probably spending his free period in the library to draw in tranquility.

She placed her bag down on the couch. Opening her bag to take her book out to read. A particular thing inside her bag made her remember something. She quickly took it out before zipping her bag back closed. Walking over to someone. And that someone being none other than Renjun himself.

"Hey Huang." She calls his name out. Making sure that she was still being reticent so the librarian won't get mad at her.


From hearing someone call his name, the lad who has been completely lost in his own world reluctantly looked back to see who the person calling upon his name was.

When seeing her he immediately threw her an annoyed look.

"What do you want frog." He questions her in displeasure.

"Here." She gave him something as he looked at her in confusion before looking at what she had given him.

A brand new school uniform???

"What's this for?" The lad asked disorientated.

"You got me feeling guilty for spilling my hot chocolate on your uniform so I got you a new one. Just take that as a sign that I'm sorry. It's actually genuine this time." She explains to him.

"Ok... weirdo?? You didn't have to yknaw. I could've just washed my school uniform and called it a day. But thank you, I guess." He thanks her warily.

She let's out an amused scoff.

"You should really get rid of the habit of saying 'I guess' when replying to someone. Well then, that's all that I've got to say. See you some other time." Lily bidding goodbye before she walks off and going back to her spot by the couch.

He looks back as he watches her figure dissappear. Holding the brand new school uniform in his hands before a small smile made its way on his face.

... "ew did I just really smiled at that. Gross." Renjun hiding his face in the palms of his hands in embarrassment.

--- ⛅


The old rusting sound of the rooftop door opening could be heard as Lily had just arrived at the rooftop. The first thing that she was greeted with was a sigh of Soobin chasing her new friend Beomgyu around.

"ARGHH I SAID I'M SORRY! HAVE MERCY!" The younger boy pleaded.


"HAVE MERCY?? YOU ATE MY LUNCH YOU IDIOT." Soobin exclaims. Not wanting to forgive him.

Lily only stood there not knowing what to do. Should she stop them or--

"Oh Lily is here!! Hello Lilyyyy, pleased to meet you I'm Beomgyu. You could call me gyu for short or if you'd like, you could call me the love of your life. I wouldn't mind either hehehe." Beomgyu stopped running once seeing Lily standing in front of the rooftop door.

He shook her head as Lily could only shake her head in disbelief.

"Hey don't even dare try to hit on her you idiot." Soobin interrupted before hitting the back of the boys head.

"Ouch! That hurts, I was just kidding!!" Beomgyu wails in pain.

Lily then walking over to Lia who was sitting down on the benches in silent as she enjoyed her lunch.

"Your headache getting any better?" Lily asked as Lia looked back to see her friend. A look of relief flashed on her face.

"No, the more I spend time with these two, the more my head is likely to explode." Lia cries. Earning a soft laugh to escape Lily's mouth as she sat down besides her.

"I'm starting to get those headaches too. Well, it only happens when they're around." She states. The two girls then laughing.

"Hey we could hear you two talking about us." Said Soobin as he came to sit with them once he was done beating Beomgyu up.

"Yeah my ears started ringing when you two were talking. Goodness, my poor ears." Beomgyu exaggerates.

"By the way Lily, how's your art course going? Made any progress?" Lia asked as the group of friends were enjoying their time conversing with each other.

"Any progress? If being partnered up with Renjun is a progression them yeah sure." She replied sarcastically before taking a bite of her apple. The looks that her friends gave her was unexplainable.

"No way you and Renjun know each other? Tough." Beomgyu recoiled, him getting a hit from Soobin.

"Oh gosh, the universe really hates you huh." Said Lia. Lily wanting to frown at her friend yet her lips only stayed in a straight line.

"You must have done something so despicable to deserve being paired up with Renjun." Soobin stated.

"I don't know if you could say that I did something despicable. He's not that bad really, I think he just hates people that's it. But I can deal with him... I hope so." She replies.

"Aren't you the same as him. You also hate people besides us, can't even start a conversation with people." Said Soobin.

"I think you and Mr, bad boy should date! The both of you are compatible for each other." Beomgyu added along.

The sides of Lily's lips twitched in irritation.

"Soobin and Beomgyu, if you two don't stop." She tells them in fury.

"And this is your queue to leave." Lia smiles at the two guys as they immediately stood up and ran away.


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