

After we ate breakfast, Ginger had to leave and so did they, They all had to go to work, Matteo said that Elijah wanted to come over and I said that'd be fine.

They had left and I was sitting on the couch watching TV. They said Henry would bring Elijah in an hour or so, I got tired of watching tv so I decided to clean up a bit, I started in the kitchen, Then living room, All my bathrooms, my room,and then my closet.

I had just started on my closet when someone started banging on my door, I ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Why did you-" Henry stopped scolding Elijah when I opened the door.

"See she opened the door" Eli said coming in, I giggled and Henry shook his head, He waved before he started walking away.

"Where are you going" I asked.

"The car, He's gonna sit out there until the boys get back" Elijah said shaking his head.

"No your not, Come on" I said, He shrugged and came in.

"You don't have to sit outside in that hot ass car" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh I'm telling" Elijah said, I glared at him and he shrugged.

"You two have fun I'll stay down here" Henry said, I nodded and we ran upstairs.

I went back into my closet to finish cleaning, Elijah ran in behind me, He jumped in my swing chair and looked at me.

"Are you actually cleaning right now" he asked, I nodded and he shook his head.

"Don't get used to it" He mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean" I asked looking up at him.

"They have maids" He said shrugging.

"Wait what are you talking about" I asked.

"Well your gonna move in with them, So I'm just saying that you'll have someone doing it for you" He said tilting his head.

"W-who said I was moving" I asked.

"Well I thought you'd be living with them" He said.

"W-we haven't even talked about something like that" I said quickly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out or anything, I thought you'd already talked about it" He said quickly, He looked really disappointed.

"It's ok, Um have you uh ever been to their house" I asked.

"Yea, It's fucking HUGE" he said smiling.

"Like mansion big or castle big" I asked.

"A fucking castle" he said, I shook my head.

"Why do they need so much space" I mumbled.


"Because their rich, Rich people need space, Or a reason to spend their money" Elijah said chuckling, I giggled and shook my head.

"What are you doing tomorrow" He asked, I thought about it for a second, Before I remembered.

"I'm going out with Hailey and Alicia" I said shrugging, He sat up and looked down at me.

"Out where" He asked, I looked up at him and tilted my head.

"Club i think, I don't remember" I said honestly.

"You can go to clubs" He asked smiling.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a CHILD" I said huffing, He chuckled and shook his head.

"SURE your not" He said smiling, I huffed and pouted.

"But seriously, I didn't take you as the clubbing type" He said sitting back, I shrugged.

"I'm not, I hate it actually but I try to be social" I said shrugging, I finished folding my clothes and stood up.

"You don't really wanna go do you" He asked, I nodded.

"Nope not at all, But I don't have an excuse to stay home" I said sighing, He smirked and I tilted to my head.

"Just do what I do, Get in trouble with them and there's your excuse" He said.

"You get in trouble with Henry on purpose" I asked, He nodded.

"All the time, It's fun, And its a good excuse" He said smirking, I thought about it for a second, Should I really do that.

I mean he only had Henry, I have Matteo's crazy ass, Kingston, Ginger AND Dante, That would be stupid.

I bit my lip and shook my head.

"I can't, I'll just make something up, Like um I'll say Gingers sick or something" I said.

"Isn't Hailey her cousin" He asked, I nodded.

"Then won't she know your lying" Fuck he's right.

"Um then I'll say the boys want to take me out" I said shrugging, He tilted his head and nodded.

"That one MIGHT work" He said, I sighed, Let's hope so.

"Should I call now or wait to the last minute" I asked, He thought about it for a second before answering.

"Last minute, They won't have time to ask questions" He said.

"Ok what do you wanna do" I asked, He smiled.

"Ice cream" He said, I giggled and nodded.

We ran downstairs and Henry looked up at us.

"What's wrong" He asked standing up.

"Can we go get ice cream" I asked sweetly, He chuckled.

"Of course" Me and Elijah smiled and ran outside, We jumped in the car waiting impatiently for Henry.


He finally got in and headed to the ice cream shop, I laid on Elijah's shoulder and he smiled.

After about 15 minutes we pulled up, Me and Elijah jumped out of the car and ran inside, I groaned when I seen the line, It was SO LONG.

And by that I mean there's like 7 people in front of us, Elijah huffed and looked back at Henry.

"You'll just have to wait" He said shrugging.

"But we can't, We need ice cream now" Elijah whined, I nodded quickly and Henry chuckled.

"Sorry can't help" He said smirking, We both groaned and turned around.

After about two life times we finally got behind the last person, But she was taking FOREVER.

"Um I'll take a vanilla" she said.

"Ok that'll be-"

"No make it a chocolate"

"That'll be-"

"No actually let me have a rocky road and mint chip"

"Ok ma'am that will-"

"What is the blue pop blast" She asked

"It's a blue cotton candy ice cream with blue pop rocks"

"Let me get that"

"Ok that'll be 3.50"

"You know what I actually want mint"


"No that won't do, How about a-"

"OH MY GOSH LADY IF YOU DONT PICK ONE AND SHUT THE FUCK UP" Elijah yelled, The people behind us started saying things like "yea","thank god someone said it",and "for real"

"How rude, Were you raised in a barn" She said looking at Elijah with a scowl.

"What's rude is changing your order 5 thousand times and having this poor girl change it, If you don't know what you want MOVE and think about so the rest of us can get what the fuck we want" Elijah said rolling his eyes, I bit my tongue to keep from laughing, Henry just shook his head.

"I would hate to be your parents" She said shaking her head.

"Their dead and in time we will be too because your taking all day" He said, I looked back at him and Henry looked at him.

"How can you be so-"

"MOVE OLD LADY" some little girl said, She had two pigtails in and was wearing a cute little soccer uniform, She was a little dirty so I guessed she just go done with practice or she just came from a game.

"You should raise your daughter to be more respectful" The old lady said looking at the little girls mom.

"Excuse me, If you would make up your mind we wouldn't be in this situation, I do apologize for my daughter but don't come for her unless I send for you" Her mom said looking at the lady.

"Period" Some girl at a table said, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"This generation is so rude" She said glaring at all of us.

"Please move lady" Some man said shaking his head.

"I don't understand how you lot can be so rude, Back in my day-"

"Look lady we don't care about how you used to ride dinosaurs and shit to school, Or how you used rocks as pillows,We just want our damn ice cream" Elijah said, I turned around quickly and wrapped my arms around Henry, I put my head on his chest so she wouldn't see me laughing.

"You are so disrespectful" She said, I turned and looked up at Henry, He was biting his lip to keep from laughing.

I turned around and looked up at Elijah.

"And your old now move" The man behind us said.

She gasped and walked away, She went to the door and people started clapping, I giggled and Elijah sighed.

"Fucking finally" He mumbled.

"What can I get you" The girl behind the counter asked with a smile.

"Sour blue pop" Elijah said.

"And you" She asked looking down at me.

"Cheesecake blizzard without the extra strawberry cream filling" I said smiling, She nodded and looked at Henry, She looked a little scared which is normal Henry really does look scary.

"A-anything for y-you sir" She asked.

"No he's fine, Here keep the change" Elijah said handing her forty bucks, She looked at the money then at him.

"Um are you sure, It's only 3.25" She said.

"Baby you need a raise for dealing with that lady" Elijah said shaking his head, She smiled and put the money away.

"It'll be ok in just a sec" She said, We nodded and moved to the side.

"I wanted a sour blue pop" Henry said glaring at Elijah.

"Oh please, You'll just end up eating mine anyway" He said waving him off, He rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone.

"Your silly you know that" I said giggling.

"I'm also sexy, So it's fine" He said smirking.

I giggled and shook my head.

We got our ice cream and headed out, We got in the car and headed back to my place.

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