

I woke up when someone picked me up, I looked up and it was Elijah, He looked down at me and smiled, I looked over and Ginger and Henry were unlocking the door, Elijah walked in and Ginger told him to take me upstairs.

He took me upstairs and laid me on the bed, I was about to roll over and lay down but he stopped me.

"You need to take off the dress bunny" He said chuckling, I groaned and shook my head.

"Do you want me to do it" He asked, I nodded and he chuckled.

He pulled the dress straps off my arms and slid the dress down my body, He pulled it off and sat in on my chair.

"You gonna sleep like that or do you want something to wear" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled, he grabbed my cover and pulled it up, He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"Night bunny" He said smiling.

"Night Eli" I mumbled as I fell asleep.

Gingers pov:

"She's asleep" Elijah said coming back downstairs.

"Thank you" I said smiling, He smiled and grabbed Henry's hand.

"We'll we should get going, we'll see you tomorrow" Henry said, I smiled and nodded.

They walked over to the door and we did our goodbyes, I closed the door but didn't lock it, I knew the boys didn't have a key just yet so I left it unlocked.

I slipped my heels off and ran upstairs, I slid my dress off and grabbed some shorts and a t shirt.

I climbed in bed and wrapped my arms around Gia.

I kissed her cheek before I laid down, I slowly drifted off to sleep with her in my arms.

Gias pov:

I woke up with a bunch of arms wrapped around me, I looked up and seen Ginger was on my stomach while Matteo was on my left and Dante and Kingston were on my right.


They all looked so silly trying to fit on my bed, King was basically falling off, Dante's legs were hanging off and Matteo would have fallen if it wasn't for the fact he was wrapped around me.

I bit back a laugh and slowly started moving limbs around until I could move, I slowly slid out of the bed careful to not wake anyone up.

I smiled as they all looked so cute while they slept. I went downstairs and into the kitchen, I was gonna cook breakfast but I didn't have anything.

I huffed and went back upstairs to put some clothes on, I grabbed something and slid it on.

(Just shoes, Shirt,shorts and glasses)

I grabbed my glasses and put them on, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, I decided I wouldn't wake them up because it would only be about 10 minutes.

I went outside and got in my car, I drove off and turned on some music as I went. I pulled up a few minutes later and got out.

I went in and grabbed a cart, I went around picking up the stuff in need. I decided I'd just get all my groceries now.

I was gonna call them and tell them but i realized I left my phone at home, I bit my lip and pulled on my shorts. They'll be on right?

Dante's pov:

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I jumped up and looked around, Matteo and Ginger were looking at me and Kingston.

I looked at Kingston and he shrugged.

"Why are you yelling" Kingston asked rubbing his eyes.

"SHES GONE" Matteo yelled, I looked down and she wasn't there, I looked towards the bathroom and she wasn't there either.

"Did you look downstairs" I asked standing up.

"Yea she wasn't here and her keys are gone and so is her car" Ginger said.


"Did you call her" Kingston asked, Ginger walked over to her dresser and held up Gia's phone.

"Fuck" I mumbled.

"She wasn't mad at us was she" Kingston asked.

"No" I said, Matteo huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"We should wait for awhile see if she comes back" Ginger said, I nodded and Kingston shrugged.

I hope she's ok.

Gia's pov:

I had finished getting my stuff and had paid for everything, I had put my stuff in the car already, I was driving off towards the house before I slammed on my break.

There was a wreck in front of me, I sighed and bit my lip, There's no telling how long it's gonna take for this to get clear.

After about 5 minutes they cleared it enough so people could move, I sighed and drove off.

I looked at the time and bit my lip.

I had left almost and hour ago, Shit I hope their still sleep. After about 5 minutes I pulled up to the house.

I opened the door and got out, I decided I'd come back and get the groceries just in case they had woken up and were going crazy.

I opened the door and headed inside, I turned around to shut the door and turned back only to come face to face with Matteo.

"Hi" I said smiling, He glared at me.

"Where the fuck have you been, You been gone for almost an hour" He said, I looked behind him and the rest of them were looking at me.

"I went to the store, I was gonna make breakfast but I didn't have anything so I went shopping, It only took so long because there was an accident" I explained, He relaxed a little and I smiled.

"Why didn't you wake us up" Kingston asked.

"Because you were sleeping and I didn't think it would take that long" I said shrugging.

"Next time tell us, Understand" Matteo said.

"Yes sir" I said smiling, He shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"Can you go get the stuff, It's in my backseat" I said smiling, He huffed but did as I asked, Kingston kissed my cheek and followed after him.

Ginger wrapped her arm around me and pecked my lips.

"You went out wearing this" She asked, I nodded.

"I just picked it, I was rushing" I said, She shook her head and kissed my cheek.

Someone picked me up and I giggled, Dante wrapped his arm around my thighs and kissed my neck.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled, He chuckled and kissed me, I bit his lip and he smacked my ass.

I pulled away and smirked, He shook his head and walked into the kitchen he sat me on the counter and kissed my neck.

"Damn you couldn't even help" Matteo said walking back in with the groceries, Kingston came in behind him and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up" Dante said rolling his eyes.

I pushed Dante back and jumped down off the counter, I grabbed the stuff and started putting things away only leaving the stuff i needed.

"Everybody out" I said, They all looked at me and huffed.

"But we wanna stay and help" Ginger said pouting.

"No now get out, I'll call you when the food is done" I said smiling.

They all pouted but left like I asked, I giggled and started cooking.

I swear they'll be the death of me.

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