《OMEN’S CHILD》Chapter 9 - “Wondering Cat”


Chapter 9


3 years have passed in a flash since Ume troubles faded and her becoming all bright again. Ten now a bit older can finally go out to Sogand with IKKI. IKKI decides to stop by one more place before they head home. The place they were at was an old alley way with no one in sight. She turns into a deadend and drops some food off. A horde of cats came out of the dark corners and started eating the food that IKKI drop off. IKKI had a sad look on her face making Ten worry if there was a problem.

(TEN) UM sis are you ok?

(IKKI) Yes I’m okay.

Obviously, she wasn’t fine at all. She been acting odd lately for a week and it bother Tensei to worry for her. Ten got curious and started observing her without being notice. Of course, IKKI senses Ten following her all this time but chooses not to notice. Eventually, she shape shifts into her cat form and escapes from Ten’s sight. But this didn’t stop Tensei at all from giving up on IKKI. He eventually found IKKI with the help of Luca. She had the same sad look on herself again and Ten was about to head on over but then Luca stops him from going any further.

(Luca) Stop... Look.

Ten observes the situation and understands now. IKKI was seeing someone and she seemed to be very familiar with him.

[It hit me... sometimes everyone needs to be alone especially those who’re close. But it still bother me.]

(Ten)Who’s that? Have a any clue Luca?

(Luca) No... but that person is a human like you.

(Ten) Like me huh. Wait he’s a human?! It’s been ages since I seen-

Bad memories of humans flashed into Tensei and he stopped the conversation. He didn’t want to remember those times and so he changed the topic.


(Ten)Yeah a human... like me.

(Luca)Ten? Is something th-

(Ten) I’m fine.

Back into reality, Ten notices the man was offering a hug toward IKKI but she refuses to accept it. Tensei runs out into the open and tries to save his older sister. Luca followed Tensei from behind to do the same.

(Ten) Get away from her!

(IKKI) TEN?! What are you doing here?!

Tensei steps in between the two along with Luca defending him.

(Unknown man) who this kid? Is he yours, IKKI?

(IKKI) He-... he’s my little brother. Allister.

(Ten) Allister?... You two know each other?

(Allister) Of course we know each other... I’m mean I was the one who gave IKKI her name.

(Ten) huh?

Ten turns to see IKKI for the truth. IKKI had a serious face, saying it’s the truth. She replies back to Allister in a calm way.

(IKKI) I- I’m going to need more time for an answer in a week from now. Please Allister.

(Allister)Of course. I can wait for your answer and hope you could ever forgive me.

Allister left the scene and IKKI looked real bother by the conflict.

(Ten) Sis? Are-

(IKKI) Ten...Lets go home.

(Ten) Um okay.

They walked back without saying a word to each other. Ten didn’t know what to say because he thought IKKI was mad at him for interrupting her conversation with this person, Allister. She then stops midway during their travel back home.

(IKKI) Ten... thank you.

(Ten) Huh?

Ten didn’t understand but accepts it. The two got back home and went off like nothing happen. Luca eventually leaves without saying a word. After dinner, IKKI went to bed early but later couldn’t sleep. She had trouble sleeping since meeting up with Allister again. This made everyone worry to see IKKI with bags under her eyes.


She hadn’t slept for 4 days and Ten tries to find a way to help IKKI but doesn’t know how. He thought real hard to find a way to help and out came one option.

(Ten) Sis can I sleep with you tonight?

(IKKI) Sure...but why all of a sudden?

(Ten) I-I just can’t sleep that’s all. No reason behind it.

(IKKI) Okay then.

IKKI gets ready for bed and then transforms back into a cat. Ten didn’t know which is the real IKKI. He gets in close to cat IKKI and sleeps beside her. IKKI jumps on top of Ten’s stomach and curls up. Ten sees IKKI on him and decides to pat her head while going back to sleep.

(Ten) Sis... I’m sorry...ZZZZ

Ten was asleep but still has his hand on top of IKKI’s head. She heard Ten and felt better at the moment her eyes closed shut.

Back into the same situation, Ten walks into the darkness looking for a way out. He then hears the familiar voice calling him.


(Ten) Who are you?

The mysterious voice goes further away from Ten when asking the question. Ten follows the voice so he wouldn’t lose it.

(Ten) Wait! Please don’t go!

(MYSTERIOUS VOICE) Ten... Ten... Te-

A sudden light appear in front of Ten as he accidentally ran towards it without stopping his feet. The light grew brighter and everywhere changed immediately. Ten ends up in the middle of a dark alley similar to the one from a couple days ago.

(Ten) Where am I? Is this the alley where Sis left food for those cats. Wait there’s something-

Curious of where he’s at, Ten looks around and see something in dark corner under a cardboard box. There he found a hungry and puny cat... it was IKKI.

(Cat IKKI) Meow~.

(Ten) I-IKKI!?


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