《A Moth's Stories》Slow Current


Drifting along a current. No eyes to see my movement. No ears to hear the moving water. No body to feel myself moving. but I know that’s what im doing. No mind to think. But it was so quite and dark. I couldn’t feel alone without a heart. I had no fear as I had no sense of self. I couldn’t want without a will. I couldn’t return without knowing leaving. And move without a goal. It was okay though, as with a mind I could think, but without a soul I couldn’t remember.

I wasn’t sure what changed though. Suddenly it was bright. And suddenly it was loud. And suddenly it was cool and damp. Suddenly I could think about anything and everything. Suddenly I was lonely. Suddenly I was scared. Suddenly I wanted to go back to before. I wanted to return to how I was moments ago. Suddenly with a goal I could move. Suddenly I could recall things about how it was.

Now with eyes I could see everything around me. With ears I could hear the ocean around me. With a body I could feel the water around me both cool and holding. With my mind I could think with context to my surroundings. With my heart I could feel the emptiness and loneliness of the ocean around me. With my sense of self came the ability to fear my state. With my will, I wanted to return to before. With me leaving how I was, I wished to return to just before. With a goal I could suddenly move to achieve it. And with a soul, I remembered how it was before I was now.

As I woke from the void before, I struggled to accept what happened. But through my eyes, I could see how change was natural in the ocean around me. Through my ears, came the symphony of the ocean around me. Through my body, I could feel the warmth and glow from above and how the coolness was comforting. Through my mind, I could rationalise that how I was before wasn’t how it was meant to be. Through my heart, I could feel I was lonely but hope. Through my sense of self, I saw how I truly was. Through my will, I wanted to explore. Through my goal, I could move to achieve something. Through my soul, I could remember my past, but I shall also remember the things to come.


While I searched, I came to accept. My eyes saw all around. Both the beauty and terror. And it was wonderful. My ears heard by scary and calming sounds, and it was wonderful. My body felt both cold and warm. And it was wonderful. My mind thought of both great and terrible things. And it was wonderful. My heart allowed me to feel alone and welcomed. And it was wonderful. My sense of self allowed me to feel fear and wonder. And It was wonderful. My will gave me the ability to want too much and too little. And it was wonderful. Me leaving places behind allowed me to return or to stay away. And it was wonderful. My goal gave me the ability to stay or move. And it was wonderful.

My soul granted me the ability to remember how it was then and will allow me to remember things that happen in the future.

And it was wonderful.

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