《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 40


(Yillluzu's POV)

After finally clarifying everything, dad began to talk and ask Killua about the things he experience while he was away from home.

At first Killua was still tense while answering dad's questions. I couldn't blame him, dad was like he was interogating him. But eventually he lossen up when the topic finally was about the friends he met.

Looking at dad I know he was too was happy that Killua was finally willing to share his stories. Seeing the two of them laughing, the corner of my eyes can't stop but to pull upwards.

Killua was currently sitting infrot of us, knowing that he is willing to talk now, dad beckon him to sit on his right while I sit on his left side. They talked excitedly with each other, I smiled and I silently stood up and headed towards the door. This could be the first time they talked like this to each other so I gave them some space. I looked back for a moment and smiled.

I walked through the corridors aimlessly feeling bored. My feet happened to lead me in the room where I heard Milluki complaining. I entered the room and saw that grandpa was also in there. I looked at them from above and propped my chin on the palm of my hand while placing my elbow on the railing near me. I listened as Milluki babbled of how great his invention. Grandpa happen to look up and couldn't help gave a helpless smile as he headed towards me. I gave him gave him back a smile. Grandpa patted my back before heading out.

I stayed for a while to listen to my little brother. He was full of plans for the future innovation of his invention. After quite some time, he finally stopped and I clapped my hand.


Milluki flinched and slowly looked at me. His face then turned red.


"That were some quite amazing ideas you have. You truly are a genius, my dear Mil!!" I complimented. 'This cute plump little brother of mine. ' I thought when he furtherly blushed at my compliment.

"Yill-nii, that was embarrassing." he complained. I just gave him a laugh.

I walked towards him and pinched his round cheek. 'He looks like a dumpling so cute and plump.'

"Go do what ever you want, big brother will aways support you." I said. "I will Yill-nii! Just wait and see!" he replied with full of motivation.

I smiled, "But remember not to over do it, okay?" I reminded before I exited the door. He nodded in reply, and I bid him goodbye.

I headed back to dad and when I was about to enter the room, I stopped midway.

"Come to think of it, we never had the chance to talk like this. Me as a father and you as a son." said the father's voice coming from inside. I stood outside and listened. "I was raised by my parents to be an assassin and I forced the same to you. We had a big difference between us. I didn't understand this simple things.''

I peeked at the gap on the door and saw dad place his hand on Killua's head." it is true that you are my son but you have your own way of thinking. Do whatever you want to do. If you feel tired someday, you can always come back here, son."

I can't help but smile as I stood outside the room. And I again left to not ruin their moment.

After some time I finally am back again to dad's but this time Killua already left. I sat down beside him and saw his mood bright. I knew their talk went well.


He looked at me planning to share but the door bust open and mom briskly walked inside.

"What were you even thinking?!" mom shouted angrily at dad. "Illumi finally had brought him back! Why did allow him to leave?! '' she added.

Dad's mood slowly plummeted because of mom's histerical outburst." It's better if you let him go for now. " dad said calmly.

"No! don't you worry about him?!" mom asked angrily.

Of course I know that mom was just worried about him, and dad was also worried. But dad know that he won't be able to force Killua to stay especially when he saw how happy he is when talking about his friends.

" You know that it's about time that he should know that in the future he will be the next head of the family." mom added.

Getting impatient at mom, dad couldn't help but shout at mom to shut up.

Mom gasped and I told dad to calm down. 'So Killua already left.' I thought to myself. Dad actually allowed him to go.

"You know how he looked at you. It's amazing how he learned on his own. Someday he'll be back no matter how far he go. He'll be back because he's my son." this words made mom silent.

With that the discussion finally came to end.

For the past months I stayed at home, it's boring but I have no choice. I have nowhere else I want to go. Illumi is busy with his mission and I don't know where Killua is.

" Milluki˜ I'm bored!" I can't help but complain at my younger brother who's busy in front of his computer. He look at me and thought to himself for a while before saying. " Yill-nii. why don't you go to York New City on September 1st? there will be a big auction that will going on in there. Maybe you'll find something interesting there."

"What good are those things?" those things are boring.

"Well, you're bored here, why don't you go out and look around there while you're at it." he replied. 'Well come to think of it, it's a good idea too.' I can't help but thought. "Then do you want anything from there?" I asked. He thought for a while but shook his head no. "I can't think of anything I want from there." he said.

"Then tell me if ever you want anything from there. Big brother will get it for you." I said to him.

"It's settle then. On September first I'll go to York New City." 'I hope something fun would occur then. '





But still here I am making an update because I coaxed her to stop reading or else I'll unpublished this. She compromised because she said it's a waste if I unpublish it. Q^Q

Well that's all!!! Thank you for reading. I'll see you again in the next update! MUAH˜˜!!!(>3

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