《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter-39


(Yilluzu's POV)

"Your father's still not informed that you've already arrived, I was on my way to tell him. He's been busy lately, so I think you should head to him first."

I agreed with him.

'No wonder, I still haven't seen him.'

Grandpa and I parted ways. He headed to Killua to get him, while I headed to dad. I haven't still seen him since I got back, so It's also good that I head to him first. I'll just wait for Killua there.




I knocked on the door of dad's room. I waited till he allowed me to enter.

"Dad! Surprise!"

I shouted as I walked towards him.

He looked dumbfounded for a second but hurriedly stood up.

"Why haven't anyone informed me. When did you arrive Yilluzu?" He asked as he briskly walk towards me.

He also patted my head once he was now beside me. I gave him a smile and answered, "I arrived hours ago, dad. Grandpa was about to inform you but I met him along his way and delayed him." I answered as he beckon me to take my seat. He looked apologetic that he wasn't able to see me as soon I got back, not that I mind though.

But I never gave him the chance to apologize as I continued to change the topic.

"I heard you called for Killua. I met him at the exam and never got the chance to introduce myself properly."

"I see, well, I called for him to ask about his adventure. While waiting for him why don't you tell me about yours?" He said.

I told him about the thing I encountered and experienced but of course I left the things that shouldn't be told.

"It's good that you had fun, you didn't get hurt nor got sick, did you?" He asked.


I never intended to tell him about those things, so I lied. "I was fortunate that I didn't get sick or anything dad." I gave him a smile.

He looked relieved. I'm glad about that.

I don't really want them to worry anymore.

I did not mention any of Killua's experience there. I know dad wants Killua to tell them himself, that's why he called for him in the first place.

After a couple more talks, someone knocked on the door.

I painted an excited smile on my face, as I turn to face the door.

After it was opened, Killua who had just looked at us, suddenly had gone petrified. He stood still in place and didn't have any plan on moving.

"So? Have you figured it out?"

I stood up and slowly walked towards him, with laughter in my eyes. His expression was priceless. That look of shock on his face, really is amusing.

'All my luck was exchanged to have this cute little brothers. Ah~its really worth it.' I can't help but happily thought to myself.

"Stop being dazed in there and sit down." I told him as a hold him by the arm and drag him, he didn't have the chance to whack off my hands because I already forced him to sit down.

I sat down too, and by that time he already came back to his senses. "You- you..." he turned towards me, exclaiming. "YOU... ARE YOU DAD'S ILLEGITIMATE CHILD?!"


I subconsciously looked at dad and dad timingly looked at me too.

We both are DUMBFOUNDED!

And at the same time the both of us gave out a hearty laugh.

Me? An illegitimate son?!

That was hilarious.

(Killua's POV)

He's at our house!

How could that possibly happen?!



When I blurted that out, I saw both of them look dumbfounded for a second, then both laugh like there was no tomorrow.

I looked at them befuddled.

When the two of them finished laughing. "You- you, where did you get that kind of idea?" Yilluzu-san asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I don't know what would mom do if ever dad had an illegitimate child!" He added jokingly.

If not an illegitimate child, then--

"Then you are our eldest brother?!"

My eyes widened from that realization.

There's just two possibilities, He's an illegitimate child, or our eldest brother finally woke up. But I eliminated the probability that our big brother woke up from coma, because how do you expect me to blindly believe that a person who was already 13 years in coma could actually still wake up?

Back then mom would always talk about her eldest, how she wished that he would wake up one day and meet them again. Of course, I was curious back then too and would also frequently ask them about him. What he looks like and what is he like. Big brother Illumi would also talk a lot about him and the same for big brother Milluki. When it comes to the topic about him, my family would show a rarely affectionate tone and expression. But as I grew older, that interest about knowing him died down especially when I realize that I would never get to know him. I hoped for him to wake up back then too, because I wanted to meet the person my big brothers look up to. But realizing that the duration he had been asleep, I gave up the thought of meeting him. That is why I settle in the thought that he was father's illegitimate child.

They say that I really resemble him, and looking at him now, I can't find any similarities except for the hair and the eyes. His demeanor and aura are far more different than mine. That gentle and affectionate and free expression he always have clashes with our family's day-to-day cold and strict appearance.

Now that he's in front of me. The puzzle pieces finally fits the places. All description our family told me resurfaced from the back of my mind. A weird feeling arised from my insides. A thought appeared in my mind, ' No wonder my family treasured him dearly '

(Yilluzu's POV)

I gave him a smile as confirmation for his question.

Finally he got it right, now.

That was funny, he was originally thinking that I'm an illegitimate child.

Well, I can't blame him, who would ever think that, your brother who had been in coma for 13 years could still wake up?

I pinched his cheeks as he was still in trance.

"Is he really--- Dad?" He look at Dad for confirmation. Well, I it's normal that he still doubt it, so I let dad confirm it to him.

Dad looked at Killua and patted him affectionately by the shoulder and replied, "Yes he is."



Finally!!!!!! After procrastinating for a month, we have an update!!!!

Killua finally knew who Yilluzu is!!! Wooohoooo!!!!!!

I made an early update because I finished this earlier, my SWEEThearts!!!

But don't worry I will still update on September. >3

Okay, that's it!! see yah!! take care!!! And stay tuned!!!!

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