《Darick Ryan: The story of a Empire Cop》Chapter Eight: More enemies than allies


October 1st, 1995

At the Ninth Precinct

Darick and Agent Mackenzie were in the parking lot talking and walking.

"Hey Darick!" shouted Captain Esposito, "You're fired!"

Agent Mackenzie replied, "You can't fire someone without reason,"

"I'm not talking to you!" exclaimed Captain Esposito

Darick replied, "What did I do to deserve to be fired?"

"Unethical behavior," said Captain Esposito

Darick replied, "You can't fire me for doing my job. You got cops in your precinct that'll use police brutality, dishonesty, demanding sexual favors in exchange for leniency, sexual assault, abuse of authority, torture, extort businesses of money, demand free stuff, selective enforcement, using their badge to get discounts, abuse police procedures. Heck, I found a detective making a suspect in interrogation play Russian Roulette to get a forced confession. But I do of doing what they won't do! Oh my father yeah old woman couldn't pay her rent so my father paid it for her so she could catch up but officers here will gladly throw people out before a judge can sign an eviction notice and they'll take their stuff and sell it,"

Captain Esposito held out his hand and Darick gave him his badge a shield badge that says 32131978 and it's golden.


Over at the EOD Building.

Darick was helping Agent Mackenzie to fix her car where her car had been sputtering.

Darick replaced her spark plugs due to they were full of carbon so Darick helped Agent Mackenzie to fix her car and he did.

"I let my father down, my uncle's down," said Darick, "Their father and his brothers, their uncles, and everyone in my family dating back to the late 1880s,"

Agent Mackenzie replied, "Redeem yourself. Catch these criminals and arrest them,"

"And make a citizen's arrest for all of them?" asked Darick


Agent Mackenzie replied, "Better than nothing. Well, I'll help you. Well, I need to head into the office for a bit."

Agent Mackenzie went inside the EOD Building to do some work.


Over at city hall construction site.

The old city hall was torn down and a new one was a brutalist architecture (like the J. Edger Hoover building) and the old one was a classical Roman style (Neoclassical architecture).

"Mr. Mayor," said Darick, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

The Mayor replied, "Yeah can I help you?"

"Mayor Blake," said Darick, "Have you read these statistics? 99.9% of the cops in this city are corrupt or have gone rogue. Why are they still on the street?"

Mayor Blake told Darick to drop it and even took the government statistic files and threw the files into a barrel that has fire in it.

"Just drop it and everything fine," said Mayor Blake

Darick replied, "Everything is not fine. You'd know it too. You know what talking to isn't going to do anything,"

Mayor Blake tried to reason with Darick not to say anything about the corruption in the Empire Police Department. But Darick had his mind made up and he even threatened to go to the media about how corrupt the police dept and city gov't are.

"You don't know what powers these people have," said Mayor Blake, "Slow down for a minute Goddamn it. Listen they have their own men to take care of people like you. They have their own security men!"

Darick paid no attention and got into his car and drove off.

"Hey George," said Mayor Blake

A man replied, "Yeah Mayor Blake?"

"Get Rafferty on the phone," said Mayor Blake, "We got trouble,"



Back at the apartment building.

Darick was inside looking out the window with his off-duty police weapon.

There was a knock on the apartment door.

"Darick it's me Agent Mackenzie," said Agent Mackenzie, "Open the door or I'll open it for you,"

Darick went over to the door and saw Agent Mackenzie standing in the hallway.

"We're you followed?" asked Darick

Agent Mackenzie replied, "Followed? This isn't a damn spy movie Darick,"

"I went to city hall and showed the mayor the very high corruption level in the EPD," said Darick, "He'd taken the files and burned them then threatened to have me killed,"

Agent Mackenzie replied, "I've seen people in a 1967 Wasp Corsair blue four-door sedan. Four men about 5'7 or 5'10 hard to tell when they're sitting down. I came in through the side entrance. So they didn't notice me," (The 1967 Wasp Corsair is based on the '67 Chevy Corvair)

Agent Mackenzie walked over to a window and looked down.

"Hey Darick?" asked Agent Mackenzie, "Do you have any high profile criminals in this building?"

Darick replied, "Why what's wrong?"

"Well ten police patrol, four police cruisers, and three police interceptors just pulled up," said Agent Mackenzie, "And a 1980's Freightliner just pulled up and SWAESU Officers are getting out with assault rifles and a shotgun,"

Darick walked over and down on street level where below were four 1969's Hornet Bird (1969 four-door Ford Falcon), three Hornet CEO (1966-1969 four-door Ford Executive), and ten 1967-1969 Hornet Fairfield (1967-1969 Ford Fairlane).

"I think they're after me," said Darick, "I did threaten to go to the media about how high the police dept is corrupt and I feel like I'd just dug my own grave. But what I want to do would benefit the city, not criminals' pockets and their own pockets,"

Agent Mackenzie then snuck Darick out of the apartment building and out the back and the police stormed the apartment building and broke down his apartment door literally and tossed his apartment but didn't find him.

"All city units," said a dispatcher over the radio, "Set up roadblocks on I-15 West and East, Need units at the Empire International Airport as well also alerting Transit Police at the Airport and Train station."

"I would hate to be you Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "At least I know where you and your sister can lay low for a while,"


Over in Andersen a residential district.

"Here's the keys to my friend's apartment," said Agent Mackenzie, "Top floor southside,"

The two got out and Agent Mackenzie showed Darick to her friend's apartment.

"Your friend won't mind me and Sonata staying here?" asked Darick

Agent Mackenzie replied, "Nope she won't mind. She left for her third honeymoon two days ago and she and her fiance won't be back for two months. They're traveling across Western Europe.

"Yay I'm being hunted for wanting to expose police corruption," said Darick, "And I get hunted like a pig for wanting to do something good. The Police Dept is corrupt no shock there, Child Services is terrible but again no shock there, Wouldn't surprise me if the Transit Bureau was corrupt but it'll be a great shock if the Fire Dept was corrupt, "

Agent Mackenzie replied, "Fire Department and corrupt don't belong in the same sentence,"

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