《Darick Ryan: The story of a Empire Cop》Chapter Seven: Sudden Kill Overtime Gang
September 26th, 1995
Darick was out on patrol walking when out of nowhere four people in hockey masks came out of nowhere with hockey sticks and beaten up a random guy in a casual suit half to death.
Darick drew his gun and ran over but they ran away. Darick stopped for a quick minute to check if the guy had a pulse or anything before radioing it in and chasing after them.
The four in the hockey masks and boiler suits jumped into a 1960s Americana van and drove off but Darick couldn't get the license plate number or description beside its orange but it drove off. He also knows that they're at least three hundred orange vans in the city and the police can't stop them all because it'll be a waste of time.
Darick then went to go help the guy but he can't due to he doesn't have a medkit because he was on a foot patrol not in a motorized vehicle but he stayed until an ambulance arrived and he then went to the Ninth precinct and wrote up his report on the event.
Darick was about to go back on patrol until he was stopped by the OCU Captain who wanted to talk to him about the Sudden Kill Overtime gang and she told him that their M.O is the same where they strike random where they struck in Riverview, Emerald Pastors, Uptown, Midtown, The ports, Factory District, Anderson, Tallwood where those snotty rich live at, and Highwood.
"There's no way they can strike everywhere at once," said Darick
OCU Captain replied, "Well your Gov't friend is here,"
The Organized Crime Unit Captain then took Darick and he saw Agent Mackenzie eating a breakfast sandwich eating a bacon, egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich, and a breakfast burrito.
"You trying to have a heart attack?" asked Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "You do a thorough investigation, and the only breaks your allowed are coffee breaks go get a cup of coffee from the break room and that's it. You'd probably want the cheapest thing or something like that to eat. I've been up for three days investigating the housing authority and their officers and the Empire Bay Police Department as well. But I'm here to help with the Sudden Death Overtime gang not talk about my health."
"Sorry for saying," said Darick, "So what did you find out about the Sudden Death Overtime gang?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Not much. They pop in and out like nothing they beat some poor bastard to death then leave as if nothing happened. The only thing we got that it's an orange van but there's got to be hundreds of orange vans in the city but looking for a particular model is like looking for a needle in a needle stack,"
"It'll be difficult but not impossible," said Darick, "But we got to find a way to intercept them before they strike again,"
The phone rang and the OCU Captain answered it.
OCU Captain replied, "Hate to be the bearer of bad news. That was Archangel Gaberal hospital. The vic who was beaten by those hockey sticks. He passed a few minutes ago. Looks like it's in the court of those homicide jackoffs,"
"So I'd just go back to patrol then?" asked Darick
OCU Captain replied, "Yup,"
"That won't be nessacary," said Agent Mackenzie, "I'll take him and we'll find them and put them out of business permanently,"
OCU Captain replied, "Well Capt. Esposito won't mind. Guess he's all yours,"
"Come on Darrick," said Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "My name has one R in it, not two. I know it's common for it to have two R's in it but mine has one,"
"Yeah and I hate when people spell my name as Mckenzie, Makenzee, Mckinzie, Makenzi, Makenzie, Mackenzee, MacKenzie, and McKenzie," said Agent Mackenzie, "But I learned to live with disappointment as people still spell my name wrong. How hard is it to spell "M-A-C-K-E-N-Z-I-E"? How hard is it to spell it?"
Darick replied, "Not too hard I guess. Depends on the person. If they have an intellectual disability then I can see where they can spell it wrong. Makenzee sounds like an alien name if not a fictional country of Maken and Zee."
"There is a country called "Makin" in reality though," said Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "Ok then. Can we try to find out how and why the Sudden Kill overtime gang is doing this or what not?"
"Yeah, we can. Follow me," said Agent Mackenzie
In Agent Mackenzie's car.
"So do you want to continue what you were telling me about your part-time job as a delivery person for the convenience store you used to work at?" asked Darick
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Fine. I was only fourteen when I got the job just to help out and only got a buck twenty-five a week. But during the week I worked from five to eight and on the weekends I worked from ten in the morning to seven at night but had an hour break and that was at four and I went home to eat dinner.
"On March 21, 1992 when I was only fifteen. The store got a call for some sodas, food, other things and gummy worms and I had to deliver it so I did."
March 21st,1992
At 24/6. A chain of Little Bird Convenience stores that are opened Monday to Saturday but closed Sundays for Blue laws and some are essential while most are not. But like a convenience store, it has everything it needs for people to buy.
"Mackenzie!" yelled the boss, "Got a delivery!"
Mackenzie came running to the counter.
"Take these two bags to 3463 William Street. Room One Zero Seven."
Mackenzie took the two brown paper bags and placed them onto the holder on her BMX Bike and cycled seven blocks north and three blocks east in the City of Chocolate.
I can understand why our second president named the capital after her favorite food which was chocolate, Mackenzie thought, Chocolate is delicious and good.
At the motel.
Mackenzie got the two bags and went up to the motel door. for room 107 and knocked but held the two bags. But while waiting she checked the bags which had three boxes of chocolate chip cookies, a box of medium-sized condoms, two six packs of lemon-lime soda, a few boxes of microwavable pizzas with one being sausage, the other being pepperoni, and the other one being the meat-lovers, a few bags of barbeque potato chips, two boxes of twelve piece chicken tenders and potato wedges, and a plastic container that has a few chicken breasts.
The door opened.
"Got your order here," said Mackenzie, "It'll be $7.60. Tony, what are you doing here?"
A voice replied, "Who's that?"
"Tony!" said Mackenzie, "What are you doing here with Ashley! You know what just take the damn order. WE ARE THROUGH!"
Mackenzie then placed the two brown paper bags onto the ground, got on her bike, and went back to the store.
Back at the store.
Mackenzie then went to the counter and put the money on the counter and she just waited until she had to go out to do another delivery. Her shift ended and she biked home but it started to rain.
In the apartment building.
Mackenzie got out her spare key, placed it into the lock, unlocked the door, opened the door, walked in, closed the door and locked it.
She placed her bike in her room against her bedroom wall, took a shower, and ate some instant ramen noodles while wearing a towel that goes above her small breasts and above her knees and with another towel on her head to dry her hair.
The apartment door opened where it was Mackenzie's mother Associate Deputy Director and Special Agent in Charge where she had two boxes of pizza with the top one being a square pizza with extra cheese and extra sausage and one with onions, peppers, tomato, basil, black olives, sausage and pepperoni.
"Eww mom, said Mackenzie, How can you eat onions, peppers, tomato, basil, and black olives? They're disgusting!"
Mrs. Louise Smith-Schmitz replied, "Well sweetie everyone is different. I like them you don't.heck in my household when I was growing up your aunts Linda, Tina, Ginger, Nataline, Kathlee, Tammy, Izzy, Lilian, and Julia. We were all picky eaters and you know how my mother did it? She and my dad would tie us to the chairs and force feed us and asked if we liked it or not if not well you knew what was going to happen tomorrow,"
"Mom how old are you?" asked Mackenzie
Mrs. Louise replied, "I was born on November 17th, 1956. I'm thirty-six. I was only twenty when you were born in May of '77. But your father was a different man back then before we met back in '73 he lied about his age to join the LBMC to fight in Vietnam but when he got sent over there the Marines found his real age and sent him back here and gave him an Other than Honorable discharge but in '75 he re-enlisted but got sent to the Navy. He may talk a big game of being a navy hotshot but in reality he's just a pencil pusher who went to Oakleaf Naval Academy and after years he came out as an Commander and hardly worked his way up to Fleet Admiral. I can see why Admiral Oaklee Waterson she kicked his butt out of the First fleet. So how was work?"
"It started out fine," said Mackenzie, "But gotten a delivery to bring some things to a motel room and the door opened and it was my boyfriend and my ex-girlfriend. Well my ex-boyfriend now. Within two years I had two different lovers who broke my heart too."
After eating dinner Mackenzie's mother and her worked on her school assignment well project finishing it but Lousie placed her W P-5 pistol on the table facing away from them because it's loaded with 9x21mm IMI rounds.
At school.
Mackenzie was placing some books into her locker and getting some books out.
"Hey Mackenzie," said Tony, "Want to finish our project during lunch?"
Mackenzie replied, "I'd finished it yesterday with my mother. I'm sorry. No I'm not but I already turned it in and removed your name so I guess you have two hours and thirty-five minutes until fifth period to turn it in but you got to start from scratch. I'm not sorry for leaving you blue balled or whatever it is. Now do me a favor and do not talk to me again,"
Mackenzie then walked off to go to second period which was history class.
Throughout the school day, Tony annoyed and bugged Mackenzie not adding follow her home.
Home two hours later in the kitchen.
Mackenzie got her mother's Baker MCCS/Marine Corps Combat Shotgun (Remington 870 MCS) and she placed twelve gauge shotgun shells into the tube and pumped it.
The door opened where it was her mother.
"Mackenzie what are you doing with my shotgun?" asked Louise
Mackenzie replied, "Tony won't leave me alone and I'm close to breaking and just going to straight up kill him!"
There was a knock on the door.
"Mackenzie come on out this is your boyfriend hailing you," said Tony
Mackenzie said, "This is what I have been dealing with the past two hours!"
"Go to your room Mackenzie I'll deal with this," said Lousie
Lousie then answered the door.
"Hello Tony," said Lousie, "Mackenzie isn't here and do her a favor and leave her alone and if you bother her one more time I'll put you and your family under Terror category alert red and have the locals shoot you and your family. Or have you arrested and sent you to juvie. Have a nice day now,"
Lousie then closed the door while Tony didn't know what to say as he was speechless until he decided to go home.
"Yeah I have trust issues from being betrayed twice," said Mackenzie, "But I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier just that I'm used to being ignored and just got used to disappointment. After all first my girlfriend well ex-girlfriend back in the Summer of 1990. After a cross-country practice, I entered the female locker room and saw my then girlfriend making out with another teenage girl. I'd say something and that was I was breaking up with her. Before you say it yes she tried to apologize but I told her that we were through and wouldn't get back even if she pointed a Deagle at me,"
Darick replied, "Deagle? Also interesting,"
"Deagle is short for Desert Eagle," said Mackenzie, "I fired the Mark 1 which is chambered only in .357 Magnum, and Mark VII which is the .41 Magnum and .50 AE. Nearly broke my damn wrist not adding the one I fired was a gold-plated one. My mother said it has a strong kickback if you weren't prepared and I didn't believe her. Oh I still have it at home"
At the EOD Building.
Darick and Mackenzie got out of the car and entered the building.
"How's you sister and cousins doing?" asked Mackenzie
Darick replied, "Sonata and my cousin also named Mackenzie are doing well in school. But my cousin who's the twin sister to my cousin Mackenzie. Her name is Asyling and she dropped out of high school and joined the Navy on BB-03 Aroura Australis as a logistics specialist she's also apart of damage control as well."
"Hey Darick," said Agent Mackenzie, "Why did you become a cop?"
Darick replied, "I wanted to be like my dad, my uncles, my granddad, my grand uncles, and their father and their uncles and the rest of my family since when we emigrated here in the late 1880s and early 1890s.My father was a sergeant, my uncle Noah was a lieutenant, my other uncles was a captain and the rest were patrol officers, my aunt Aine she was a corporal, my granddad Eamon he was the Deputy Commissioner who cracked down on the corruption in the EPD, his brother's Jomark, Jon, and Jonathan were Sergeants, My great-grandmom she was the city's first female commissioner in the 1920s. I want to be like them to protect and serve to help others. But not within a month sixteen people already died in front of me where I'd tried to help them but didn't,"
"Don't be like them," said Agent Mackenzie, Don't follow in their footsteps because you want to be like them just be you. If you became a cop to protect and serve then that's you. If not you want to be a bully with a badge well our paths will cross again But if you want to be a beat cop until you retire then be a patrol officer, join the Special Weapons and Emergency Service Unit after doing three years, become a detective after five years, join traffic enforcement, mounted unit, Harbor patrol, Aviation, Auxiliary. Do what you want to do and not what others did. Great that your granddad cracked down on corruption great for him exposing corrupt officers and fired them."
"If he was still alive he'd probably get rid of that rude ass captain at the Ninth. I can smell corruption from a mile away and he got corruption written all over him. But be a cop until you die, retire when you get up there, and want to spend every Sunday playing Golf. Do what you want. But do me and this city one huge damn favor and expose this city's dirty cops, maniac cops, killer cops, and rabid cops they ain't doing good officers like you any form of justice," Continued Agent Mackenzie
Darick, "Mackenzie. You're more of a friend by saying that than my actual friends. Heck, I don't have any friends. The friends I had they went to Arcane University and well when they found out that I'm a patrolman. Well they didn't want to be friends with me and well that showed me who real and fake friends are."
"At least you have a girlfriend," said Agent Mackenzie
Darick replied, "Had a girlfriend well two different ones in high school. But the first girlfriend broke up with me due to well her meaning being toxic. But my second girlfriend Monica broke up with me due to her uncle is Vinci you know one of the three mob bosses in this city. I can see why because the niece of a mob boss and the son of a policeman wouldn't really work out,"
"Well it's awkward having a policeman around the house. Friends drop in, a man with a badge answers the door the temperature drops 40 degrees. You throw a party and that badge gets in the way. All of a sudden there isn't a straight an in the crowd. Everyone's a comedian. "Don't drink too much" someone says "or the man with the badge will arrest you" or "How's it going Dick Tracy? How many jaywalkers did you arrest today?". And then there's always the one who wants to know how many apples you stole. All at once you lost your first name. You're a cop, a flatfoot, a dick, John Law, you're a pig, you're the fuzz, the heat. They'll call you everything but they'll never call you a policeman."
Agent Mackenzie then got a cup of coffee and returned.
"Where was I?" said Agent Mackenzie, "Og that's right. It's not much of a life unless you won't mind missing a baseball or gridiron football game because the phone rings unless you like to work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and you won't pay overtime. The pay is fine if you count your pennies then you could put your kid or kids through college but you better plan to see Europe or any other tourist destination through TV. But there's going to be times when you're alone. Imagine two in the morning never know if you'll meet a kid with a knife, a pill-head with a gun, or ex-cons or criminals with nothing to lose. And there's the heartbreak of underfed kids, beaten kids, molested kids, lost kids, crying kids, homeless kids, hit-and-run kids, broken-boned kids, broken head kids, dying kids, sick kids, dead kids. And you'll walk so far you'd swear you met everyone in the city and meet the elite, pimps, addicts, thieves, bums, winos, liars, cheats, con artists, and a lot. Not adding with witnesses you say they saw it happen but never did, people who said they did it but not really, people who don't remember, people who try to forget, those who tell lies, and the ones who tell the truth."
Darick replied, "Yeah thanks for summing up how friends can treat each other for having a badge and the basics of being a cop and witnesses. But yeah more or less."
"Well hang here a moment," said Agent Mackenzie, "Got to run this stack of paperwork up to my boss,"
Darick replied, "Want some help to carry it?"
"No I'm fine," said Agent Mackenzie, "Also probably if you did help you would be hidden behind me and probably stare at my ass the whole way up."
Darick replied, "That's not true. Yeah, a lot of men will do that but I ain't,"
Agent Mackenzie then brought a stack of papers up to the second floor and gave them to her boss and some of the top papers are the officers that Mrs. Fitzgerald talked to and lied and make false reports.
Her boss took the files about the corrupt cops in the Housing Authority and Empire Police he'd just placed them in a paper shredder because he doesn't care and see it as "yesterday not today and don't care".
Agent Mackenzie then left her boss's office and went back to her cubical and on her 1980s computer and typed on it.
A few minutes later.
"Ah ha!" said Agent Mackenzie, "A patrol just passed a 1960 Americana van suspiciously in an alleyway in the Factory District. Let's take a ride,"
Darick and Agent Mackenzie got in a black 1969 Hornet AMC (1969 Ford LTD) four-door sedan.
Over in the Factory District.
The two got out of the car but went different ways through an alley.
Darick found some cover and drew his Phoenix pistol and pointed it at the back of the van.
Agent Mackenzie came towards the van. But the driver of the van saw agent Mackenzie and he tapped on the steering wheel to tell the other three to get out so they could beat Agent Mackenzie to death.
"Alright hold it right there!" ordered Darick, "Put the hockey sticks down and place your hands in the air,"
A man replied, "It's all good. It's fine,"
One of the men in hockey masks pulled out a pistol where he fired at Darick and missed where Darick shot back in self-defense and the three .45 ACP rounds killed him.
Darick and Agent Mackenzie arrested the other three but waited for a paddy wagon. It did come and placed the three into the paddy wagon and the coroner for the one Darick shot dead.
Back at the Ninth Precient
"Hey Captain," said Darick, "We'd can finally cross the Sudden Kill Overtime Gang off the board,"
OCU Captain replied, "About time. They'd been a problem in this city for a while now,"
They were able to get rid of the Sudden Kill Overtime Gang off the board with them now being gone and off the streets.
At the EOD Building.
Agent Mackenzie was eating a double cheeseburger with fries but she stared at the phone.
She slid her other three double cheeseburgers to the side and picked up the 1960s rotary dial phone.
"Hello operator," said Agent Mackenzie, "Long Distance call to the city of Chocolate to the EOD Deputy Director's office,"
The phone rang twice until a woman answered, "Hello? Who is this?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Hi mom. I just wanted to check in and say hi. So how have you been?"
"I'm doing fine honey," said Mrs. Lousie Smith-Schmit, "I'm just finalizing the divorce papers so me and your God-awful father are not with each other anymore and no thank God we didn't sign a prenup or we'd would've gotten 50/50 of each other's things. So how have you been?"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Doing fine mother. Just eating dinner at the office. Did you get the paperwork I sent you? It'll be in a padded envelope addressed to you with "URGENT" written on it."
"Yeah I got it," said Mrs. Lousie Smith-Schmit, "It's horrible. What kind of person can harm and abuse children?! Also yeah got the papers you sent and the cassette tapes from the interviews which I'll listen to after I finish eating my pizza. And those officers should be sent to prison for ignoring someone who's reporting child abuse, and child neglect,"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "Yeah mom I agree but they won't last ten minutes within the cell block,"
"Yeah that's true," said Lousie, "Alright Sweetie I'm going to let you go back to eat dinner and I need to get back to work. Oh how's the big city? But love you sweetie pie,"
Agent Mackenzie replied, "I love you too mom. It's fine but I can see why you'd sent me here this city is corrupt! The city of Empire is a big city with a population of a million and a half and it has a high crime rate but the corruption in this city is very high. The cops there aren't a lot but they're overstretched as the same for the fire dept. This city may be divided up into eight districts with the ports being self-expansionary, Uptown yeah it's under Midtown and home to mid-rises and high-rises and some residential buildings, Midtown is full of high rises and mid-rises, Eastside and Westside are residential neighborhoods for the impoverished with some shopping, Emerald Pastors is a middle-class residential neighborhood with people keeping their doors unlocked with well-manicured lawns, white picket fences and only have safety, the Factory district is well self-explationary, Tallwood is a rich neighborhood with mansions and parks, Highwood is a middle-class neighborhood with a junkyard and an alright place to live if you're a made man in the mafia. There's also Riverview above Emerald Pastors and it's the same. But the city only has 2740 officers with another 1000 Island Patrol officers, 1500 firefighters, and 252 volunteer firefighters. But the city's leadership and the justice system are corrupt to high heaven. Alright, mother. See you on the thirteth. Love you mom,"
Agent Mackenzie and her mother Deputy Director Lousie hung up at the same time and went back to eating.
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