《The Devil's Parcel》Chapter 3: "It's me, Father"


"Long time no see, Alastor."

Alastor turns around to face the voice, but all he sees is darkness covering the face of the figure.

"Not long enough, apparently."

"Hmph! Why did you contact me?"

"The plan is going to be postponed."

The figure moves his head side to side like he's thinking before saying, "Is it because of that girl?"

"How would you know about her?"

The figure sits up and leans forward. "You see, Alastor, these seals you keep us in don't last forever unless you want them to, but in our case, they don't, and that's because it's all a part of the plan. But in my case, the seal you put me in is very weak, weak enough to grant me vision directly from your eyes."


"Don't worry, I give you your privacy when needed. I have to say, though, Alastor, you could just throw this whole plan out the window and just enjoy your time with her"

"Why do you say that?"

"It's time you enjoy what life has to offer. You Always helped others, but now it's time you help yourself."

"Your right. Thank you, Abel."

Alastor conjures a spear of purple-black flame and burns the cognitive domain they were in "If I live, I'll think it over."

Abel laughs and gives one last message before disappearing "It's good to see you finally enjoying yourself."

The flames start engulfing Alastors mind and spirit, but he is powerless to help himself. Alastor accepts his fate and collapses to the floor, seeing nothing but darkness.

Alastor awakes later on, and his vision is waining as well as his hearing, but through the fading sounds, he can hear Lilith's voice which causes him to panic and get up fast. This sudden action caused the nurses to restrain him, but he tried to get free.


Eventually, they calm him down and tell him that he was found on fire screaming in agony by Lilith when she was bringing him lunch. According to the nurses, no one could get near the flames, not even those specializing in fire defusion.

One of the nurses, Ms. Aggy, told Alastor that she honestly didn't know how he was still alive only that the fire only went out after Lilith tried intervening.

After another day in the nurse's office, Alastor was discharged due to him not self-combusting anymore. And the first person to greet him was Lilith. She jumped on him and kissed him before saying, "I was so scared."

Alastor hugs her before apologizing for scaring her and advises her that it will never happen again.

"I hope so. This burn still hurts a lot" These words shook Alastor to his core, and he looked at Lilith's hand to see he did, in fact, burn her.

Alastor took her hand and removed the pain.

Alastor and Lilith go back to their spot at the oak tree, and he apologizes for harming her, but she says it wasn't his fault.

Although Alastor is with Lilith, he can't shake Abel's words from his mind " Alastor, you could just throw this whole plan out the window and just enjoy your time with her.". Alastor wonders what he should do.

Alastor thinks to himself, "Have I redeemed myself enough to enjoy life?". But one look at Lilith confirms that he has. He leans in and kisses her.

Lilith takes Alastor to her room, and she undresses; eventually, they have sex.

After they finish, Lilith falls Asleep, and Alastor looks up into the stars through the window and takes Abel's advice. Lilith pulls Alastor into bed, and they both sleep together.


"Alastor, wake up!" Alastor hears Lilith's words and wakes up. "Yea?"

"Finally, you're awake," Lilith responds in a hushed tone

Finally, he hears why she woke him up *bang* *bang* *bang*. The banging came from the door.

"It's my dad!" Lilith said

Alastor got up, put on his clothes, grabbed Lillith by the hand, and proceeded to open the door.

"Who are you?!" Lilith's father draws his sword

Alastor clears his throat and, in Lilith's voice, says, "It's me, father."

Lilith's father (orc with brown hair and a scar on his left eye) grabs Alastor by the neck pulls him in. "I said, who are you!"

In Lilith's voice, he says, "Father."

Lilith's father wasn't having any of Alastor's bullshit, so he threw him outside. Lilith finally spoke up, "Father, why would you do that to him!"

Lilith's father responds to her question with a level of authority that wasn't needed."I heard from Amaya that you had a boyfriend. And that he doesn't go to this academy."

"What does that matter, father? I love him!"

"He's just using you for our money, and I won't let him have it!" He looks at Alastor. "So get ready to fight, kid."

Alastor sticks his hand out and summons flames that generate his sword. "I'm just letting you know I'm a little rusty."

Lilith's father charges Alastor and brings his sword down to attack, and at the same time, Lilith pushes Alastor to get in the way of the attack.

The two were in shock, but Lilith's father's attack had gone to the point of no return. The instant before the blade would strike Lilith, Purple-black flames consumed the sword and melted it instantly, causing the attack to miss.

Alastor, infuriated at this point, goes on the offensive and goes to decapitate Lilith's father. Still, Lilith gets in the way again, and Lilith gets stabbed through her stomach. Alastor looks up, and so does Lilith, but what Lilith sees is the sword through Alastors stomach and her holding the sword.

Lilith lets go of the handle and stammers back, "No, this wasn't supposed to happen." Alastor just pulls the sword out, and his flames heal his wounds. Alastor turns to Lilith's father. "Why would you do that to your own daughter! You almost killed her," Alastor said hypocritically.

"You were the reason she jumped in the way" The two were butting heads (literally) before Lilith separated the two.

"Father, can you just let him be my boyfriend" Lilith's father looks over to see Alastor making a face at him.

"It doesn't look like he's after our money anyways."

"Alastor." Alastor looks at Lilith's father "Yea."

"Unlike everyone else, I know who you truly are, and unlike everyone else, I know why you did what you did. It's good to see your return and take care of Lilith now."

"Will do, Gord"

With their reunion at a close, Lilith and Alastor return to her dorm only to notice all the nosy people looking, which Alastor scares.

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