《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 24 Silver Diamante


LBF Chapter 24 Silver Diamante

"These newly formed particles, what are they called?" Damien asked after exiting the hall. He was standing out into the street with Nina. Each had been in their own thoughts for a while until he posed the question.

"Elemental atoms." Nina, whom he had thought would take time to answer because she seemed to have been deep in thought answered right away.

'Elemental atoms...'

"If each is created like that, how long would it have taken to create a structure like this tower?" Damien asked curiously. According to the explanation, just creating a single particle took time, if someone were to try and create all the particles in just a single sky scraper, like the ones he was seeing, wouldn't that take millions of years? But there were many buildings and things formed from the elemental electrons, so there must be something else...a step the man in the hall hadn't mentioned.

"Once an elemental atom has been created, the device registers the formula. It can then just be transferred to another industry where they supply elemental particles and the elemental atoms are mass produced." Nina explained. She had had the privilege of touring such industries.

"It looks like Pantheon city will develop further, surpassing the galaxy outside." Damien said in lament. He was an outer denizen, so he found it hard to take that these people only cared about those inside this city.

"Heh...they won't be able to keep wraps on this technology. I will make sure it spreads out there." A menacing grin adorned Nina's lips.

"So, are we going to climb the tower?" Damien asked, pointing at that gigantic structure.

"Yes." She answered and led the way. Damien followed right behind her. He wanted to take in the view in this central region. If he walked at her side, he would simply start a conversation, which will prevent him from taking in the new sights he was being exposed to.


Silver, that was the color of the strands of the hair on her head. The strands had been tied into a ponytail which fell down her back. Black framed glasses covered her eyes giving her a professional air. Her silver pupils were like gemstones, too attractive, that they would cause a downfall of cities. She was pacing around back and forth in front of a temple looking building while clad in a black pencil skirt, a silver undershirt and a black coat on top of it. She was holding a tablet in her left hand, which was being hugged at the side of her chest.

As she paced, her diamond heels made sounds on the tiles. When the light fell on the heels, it split into a myriad of colors, specifically the seven colors of the rainbow.

Clink! Clink!

The more she paced back and forth, the faster she became and the more the frown on her face became pronounced. Her heels where also making louder noises as they clinked on the golden tiled floor. If you looked closely, you would see that there were no marks being left on the tiled floor no matter how she stomped on it.

'Why isn't she here? Isn't it her duty to be here? This is why I hate outsiders! Why can't they follow the rules? If mother hadn't insisted that I become her secretary, I wouldn't be here!...' The woman complained in her mind, her expression gloomy, as if a thunderstorm was coming.

As she paced around more, she eventually ran out of thoughts and breath. She decided to simply stand in one place and wait. Though, the most important reason was because she saw that chips were falling off her diamond heels. The tiles floor here far surpassed the level of gods, so her high heels which were woven by mere demigods weren't exactly capable of surviving the clash with the floor. She was at the highest point of the central tower.


A surprising thing was that this place wasn't a roof...instead it was a platform whose surface even surpassed that of the tower, causing some of it to be dangling without a foundation to hold it. This platform only had a single building, a Greek style temple, golden in color. This was where the castellan of the city governed from.

"Even though she's a god, I won't let her treat me like this." The silver haired woman mumbled before walking away from the front of the golden temple. What was in her sight was a tiny room, with two golden doors at the front. It wasn't much of a room. It was more of an elevator shaft.

She sped up while walking towards it, wanting to leave this place as fast as she could. She had decided that she was going to contact her mother and get her to remove her from the service of this outsider.


A few meters away, a chime rang causing her to pause in her steps. It had come from where she was heading. The chime signified that there was someone coming up. She stood in place and waited, her silver ponytail reflecting the moon glow from the moon ring.

The doors opened to a gorgeous woman dressed in a long golden gown, having golden pupils which gave the illusion that they were two flames. The woman had a sharp gaze, which was currently resting on her.

"Silver Diamante, I presume." The golden eyed woman said to her.

Silver, that was her name, the silver haired woman. Her clan name being Diamante. The Diamante clan were the rulers of the nearby domain, the Diamante domain. It shared a border with the Purple domain.

"Pardon me for my rudeness. Goddess, why weren't you here?" Silver tried to sound as polite as possible. This golden haired woman was one of those few who had ascended. Even though her mother was at the same level, that didn't give her the right to offend her.

"Oh! I was taking a stroll. Do you have a problem with that?" The goddess asked. Silver noticed the sharpness that appeared in the woman's golden eyes. There was also a hint of amusement within. Silver had the urge to grind her teeth together, but she forced it down.

"Who is this?" Since she couldn't win, she directed her gaze elsewhere, to the red haired red pupiled man who had the audacity to stand side by side with a goddess, being a mere demigod.

"I am Damien Okoye." The man introduced himself. That ticked off Silver because her question had been directed towards the goddess.

"I wasn't asking you. Mere demigods have no right to be in this place." She berated seriously.

"Hoh! Aren't you a demigod yourself?" The man asked, a grin spreading on his face. Silver's intuition was telling her that the man was mocking her.

"I am a secretary appointed to serve the goddess." She answered.

Silver decided to search through the tab in her hands for information about this demigod. If his background was powerful enough, he would be entitled to be here.

"You are not in the database. Where are you from?" She asked a few minutes later when her search came up with nothing.

"Oh! I have just arrived in Pantheon."

"Another damn outsider." Silver said under her breath. Her face morphed into a cold one the moment the man stated his origins.


'This woman hates outsiders. I wonder why then, she's willing to work for Nina...though, I must comment, she is a gem, her fashion sense is impeccable!'


The longer he stared at Silver, the more Damien felt that she was very attractive. The accessories, from those silvery looking earrings to the necklace around her neck, everything only served to accentuate her beauty. She was frowning coldly, but that didn't mean that she turned ugly, no, her beauty was still there.

"This woman..." He started before abruptly shutting up.

"Miss Silver, what brings you here? I do believe that I didn't call you here." Nina said. Damien could feel sparks in the air. For some reason Nina also had an averse dislike for the silver haired woman.

"Nothing, I simply came by to check up on things." Silver said while adjusting her glasses.

"Oh...don't you mean spy?" Nina spat back.

Silver didn't so much as flinch.

"You are a goddess, I believe you can change her into someone else, why aren't you?" Damien asked.

"She didn't come here voluntarily, but the goddess behind her sent her." Nina said.

Damien understood. If Nina sent her back and chose another, it would be like a slap to that goddess's face. It might even make them enemies.

'Politics! That's why I never liked to rule or get caught up in power struggles.' Damien lamented. Right now he couldn't back out from being under this goddess as he hadn't yet managed to gain a good grasp of her personality. What if she killed him when he wanted to back out?

"Miss Silver, we might have the chance to work together for an indefinite amount of time." Damien said.

"You are just an outsider, why would I want to work with you. Goddess, you do know that you can only have a single secretary, right?" Silver threatened. This time the threat didn't go unpunished.

A horrifying aura abruptly came out of Nina's body, it was golden. It permeated a few meters around herself. Damien wasn't the target, but Silver.

She fell to her knees the moment the aura focused on her, like a massive weight was resting upon her back. Damien could see that this time Nina was truly angry.

Her golden hair had a few golden sparks rising from it, the heat alone was making him uncomfortable, it was like she was about to burst into flames.

"Miss Silver, a warning must be given out. You seem to have forgotten that we aren't on the same level. Do remember that your mother is the only one qualified to speak to me like that. I hope there won't be a second time, because if it happens again, I will send you back in pieces. Is that clear?" Nina said with such calmness that it was terrifying.

"Yes, Madam." Silver answered through gritted teeth. Damien saw a drop of blood dripping onto the tiled golden floor from the corner of her mouth. He didn't interfere since he didn't know the woman that well, and besides, she had insulted him.

As abruptly as it came, it also vanished with the same abruptness. When it vanished, Silver stood up and removed a handkerchief from one of her pockets, rubbing away the trail of blood at the corner of her lips.

'This girl acts like a noble. Even when she has just been put at a disadvantage, she still doesn't lose her pride.' Damien thought. He could see resentment in her eyes though.

'It looks like she's one of those raised in a green house. If she didn't have a powerful background, that gaze alone would have had her killed ten times over.' He continued his thoughts. He had seen many things and acts of cruelty. Never show someone superior to you a gaze of hate or resentment because you will suffer or even die under them...that was one of the crucial things he learned a long time ago.

"She's too immature." Damien shook his head. His words were caught by the the two women.

Silver turned her gaze towards him, but refrained from doing anything as Nina was standing on the side.

"You may go. All the preparations for the take over celebrations will be handled by you." Nina shooed her away. He walked past her as if she didn't exist towards the golden temple in the distance.

Damien stood at the same spot and gazed a bit to the side, admiring the moon ring, or pretending to admire it. When he saw that Nina was beckoning him over, he started walking.

"You are still immature. You should learn to hide your emotions if you want to survive in this world." He advised while passing by Silver.


Silver clenched her hands very hard, as if she wanted to squeeze something out. That red eyed man, Damien had just said something that made her rage reach a new high. She trembled lightly as she tried to contain the rage that was threatening to consume her.

A mere demigod from outside had the nerve to give her advice! If she didn't pick up the subtle clues that the goddess seemed to have a very high liking of that man, she would have attacked and torn him apart instantly!

'I swear! I won't let this humiliation go unpaid!' Silver howled in her mind. The blood drop which had dropped onto the tiled ground turned into a red gem which floated towards her left ear, where it penetrated the metal, to become encrusted on the ear ring.

'I will keep this until I pay you back.' She started walking towards the doors.

"Since I am arranging this party, I must make sure I notify the guests about this unfamiliar demigod." She started plotting in her mind. She was going to make sure that she tarnishes the man's reputation. She couldn't play these tricks on the goddess, but that demigod was fair game.


"This place is good. The person who lives here sure gets to enjoy the life." Damien commented once he caught up with Nina.

"This place is lonely. Most gods love the quiet, but I don't. I have been living an isolated life ever since I was born, so I don't want to be lonely again now that I am here." Nina said.

Damien felt her sadness buy he didn't know how he should comfort her, so he kept quiet.

"Its one of the reasons I chose you. I want you to brainstorm with me what I can do to make this place lively." She said, switching from gloominess to lightheartedness.

"My only profession has been that of a killer. I don't think I am the right person for the job." Damien shook his head, denying it right away.

They had just reached the golden stairs, and were climbing upwards.

"Do you know who created this city?" Damien asked the question.

"Not yet. That information is strictly guarded. I will only be able to access it once I become the city lord." She shook her head.

"What were your plans...suppose you hadn't met me?" Nina asked a question of her own. Both were simply trying to make small talk since the silence somehow made the atmosphere awkward.

"I would have explored, travelling from the fringe of Pantheon city straight to the center. Though, if you hadn't saved me, I would have died, or been forced to work for that young master." He said in gratitude.

"It was just a small matter. It looks like those clans have become more arrogant since they have been in power for so long. But it will probably change in these coming years." She said causing him to raise an eye brow.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"The godfruit is about to ripen in this generation." She answered.

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