《The Tale of A Fortunate Slave》A Meeting With The Queen



After the trio had their breakfast they broke up as they all had something to do.

Ash was walking down the hall when familiar blue Fay joined her.

"You look different. Did you do something with your hair?" Luna asked. "NO! Wait, let-me-guess. You dyed it?" The author has added -'s so you can read better. Your welcome. And no this is not an edit this is part of the original draft.

I signed to the Fay. The Fay closed her mouth, causing Ash to laugh.

The pair talked for a bit when Luna collided with someone.

"Oh." This older Inu said not as an insult as it was in a playful manner. "You really are clumsy, young Fay."

"I'm sorry Mister Yamato." The one foot tall Fay apologized to the at least eight foot tall Great-Dane that is the Inu. "I was talking with Ash here so I wasn't looking in front of me."

"Oh and who might this 'Ash' be?" He said as he looked Ash in the eyes and Ash looked back. "Are you Ash? I am Yamato Hiroto."

She signed as she gave the traditional bow and greeting of the Inu culture.

"What do you mean by 'two clans', Ash?" The nearby Fay asked. "Or is that to personal of a question?"

Ash explained.

"Oh. I guess that you've been through a lot in your short time here, Ash of two clans." The old man spoke in a deep voice due to his height. "And yet so have I as I have both lost and gained so much and yet so little as the same time.'

The Fay was confused at his wise old words but the Kitsune was not.

Ash spoke and from the look on Luna's face she had guessed correctly. She bowed with resect this time.

"How did you guess his title already?!" The confused Luna beamed.

She signed, ignoring the flabbergasted Fay that had her mouth as open as it could be.

"You did very well young Kitsune." The old man spoke, also ignoring the Fay. "And as for your question? Of course! It is Queens Servant, is it not?"


Ash signed.

At that point they had reached the meeting room. Ash opened the door and gestured for the old man to enter.

"You could tell that we had the same destitution?" Yamato Hiroto said. "That is a first. Well done! Don't tell the Queen but I'll give you some candy once we're done with the meeting." He walked in and Ash followed leaving the Fay in the hall.

Unnecessary LINE? I have no idea but I'm putting one here anyway and you can't stop me. Muhahaha!

"Oh, Ash! I see you have already meet Mr. Yamato." The Queen said as the two entered and Ash bowed. "It is good to see the two of you."

"She got an 'A' on my little test." The old Inu said before the Queen could continue. "And she opened the door for me."

To say the Queen was surprised would be an understatement. "I knew she was smart but not that smart! No offense. What is your Intelligence score? If you don't mind me asking."

The child answers. A child just made the Queen's AND her Head-Adviser's mouth drop wide open. If their mouths could open any more than they could open they would reach the floor cartoon style.

"I've been around for a hundred and thirty years and you're the highest Level person I've seen at your age in all of that time!" The Queen was Level 87 herself. "What did they put you on?!" Ash took that as a rhetorical question. Which it was... mostly.

"And while I can't say the same as our Queen only being sixty-eight myself, I still agree with her." The old Inu said.

Ash did not want to play this game at the moment.

"Oh. Good point, just let us regain our composure." The Queen said in a rare display of sarcasm. "Just let me have my breakdown first."

After that they got to the actual topic of discussion. What to do with Ash, especially after yesterday. They had talked for a good thirty or so minutes when the Queen said.

"On the topic of yesterday, I thought it would be nice if Lucy had a personal-bodyguard and I thought that I should give the position to someone who deserves it. Like maybe the person who saved her life?" She teased even if that person was obvious. "And I just don't know who to give it to. Do you know Mr. Yamato?"


Catching on, Yamato said. "No I rely don't, my Queen. But wouldn't it be nice if their room was close to the Princess and could help her like a servant?"

Ash just stared and let then have their fun, she could tell the Queen needed it.

"Yes! That would be wonderful! What a nice idea Mr. Yamato!" The Queen said in the kind of that your thinking of right now. "But there is only one person I know who fits the bill. And that would be you Mr. Yamato." She teased further.

"But I can't do that I'm your adviser!" The man said. "Don't you know any one else?"

Ash coughed while trying hold in her laughter at the grown adults acting like children.

"OF COURSE! I have the answer to our conundrum!" The Queen yelled. "What about you, Ash? Will you do it? Pwedy pwese for me?"

That was the straw that broke the camels back as Ash broke into laughter, she was soon followed by the other two.

"That was the best thing I have done in years. Thank you, Ash, for letting me do something so childish." The Queen said once they had calmed down. "And I'm sure that thanks goes for Mr. Yamato as well."

"You are correct in that I wish to thank Ash as well.' Yamato said as he pulled a bag of candy from his pocket and gave Ash a few pieces of caramel. "You are the smartest nine-year-old I have ever met. Not just in stats either."

Ash bowed to the two of them. She bowed again to the Queen.

"Very well." The Queen went back into Queen-mode. "You are dismissed."

As soon as she said 'dismissed' both Ash and Yamato popped some caramel onto their mouths.

The younger of the two signed.

"So you can steal all my caramel?" The Inu held his bag of candy to is chest. "I think not!"

Ash challenged.

The Queen just laughed. "You should get your selves to bed, it's almost eight." Ash left after signing

LINE 2.0 (its better then the first trust me)

As Ash was walking down the hall she met up with Lucy. The two of them walked and talked. When they reached the hall that had their rooms in it Ash gave a sigh.

"Is some thing the matter?" Lucy asked. "Is there anything you need help with?"

Ash signed.

"Rely? Do you know who it is?" The Princess asked.

"Me." Ash said before picking up in speed as the princess froze at her voice. And that wasn't a typo.

"Wait! ASH GET BACK HERE!" She called out. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT."

Ash ran into her room laughing. And so did Lucy.

One moment Ash was standing the next she was pinned to the ground.

"Don't SAY something and then run from me!" Lucy said holding Ash's arms to the wall. "Now repeat what you said."

"me" Ash whispered in malicious-compliance. She did repeat it after all, she just did it very quietly.

"Ash speak up, I can't hear you." Lucy said as if she was a mom criticizing her child.

"Me." Ash did so properly this time. "Now can you get off me?"

"Yes." Lucy got up, brushing her hair out of the way. "Why did you do that anyway?"

Ash was cut off by Lucy as she grabbed her hands.

"No. I want you to TELL me." The one that grabbed her hands said.

"Cause it was funny." Ash spoke. "And by the way I'm your personal-bodyguard now and thus your personal-maid as well."

"Ok. That was all you needed to do." Lucy said as she made her way to her room. She did not let Ash see her blush. Why is everything about her so cute?! She thought to her self as she made it to bed.

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