《The path of demonhood》Ch.4: bedbound, recovering and modified


The atmosphere in the room was palpable, heavy, I could cut it with a knife... if I could use my arms that is. The man before me knew death a lot deeper than any normal doctor, his hands redder than mine. I could tell from the look in his eyes, he was judging me and his conclusion didn't looked much favorable.

Estelle: Are you talking to yourself again uncle?

She walked into the room like a breeze of spring, lifting the heavy mood in an instance. As soon as she realized my gaze was falling on her she jumped across the room, arms wide open, ready to give me a big hug with tears running down her face. The man, her uncle, quite audibly coughed. That seemed enough to put her back in line as she regained her composure.

Estelle: It is most fortunate of news to witness that your Ladyship health has improved and wholeheartedly wish for a most speedy of recoveries.

With a deep but rather short bow of her head she quickly hightailed outside of the room and after giving me one final stare the man followed close behind leaving me alone. I was kept in a limited interaction schedule for the rest of the day with Estelle only coming into the room to feed me some water with a piece of meat and a couple of vegetable chopped in for flavor, that culinary abomination couldn't be possible called food. We exchanged no words during the whole ordeal and on top of that I could feel the man watching over us like a hawk, ready to jump in if I did anything out of line. The next day with my strength somewhat recovered the two of them sat across the small room with conviction written across their faces.

Man: To start things. What are you?

That's right, the question that plagued me up to this moment. Only now that I had the question thrown at me by another person the answer couldn't be any clearer, to the point that I felt stupid that I got so hung up on it.

"I am Alex."

They gave me a confused look. Of course, to others 'Alex' is but a word, as meager and small as myself, but at the same time it's a vow, one that I took with myself to hold up to the name, to give it the same, or ever grander meaning than the one it had in Arthur's world.

"That night Cadence Troupe died, after pushing past her limits she succumbed to her injuries and was replaced by myself. It's like placed more water into a half-full vase, that's the best way I can explain it, we may carry some of the same memories but I am not her. I cannot call myself Cadence again."

Estelle: My Lady...

Man: You're right, it's too hard to digest AND not the answer I was looking for. Moving on I'm more interesting in listening why I had to make the lass's parents sick from worry and not just inform them about it.

"For that I'm sorry. The reason is simple, she knows me. From the few words I exchanged with that man, Blau was it... I gathered that they were targeting me specifically and that someone both high up the chain and in my close environment was the one behind it. So I want to avoid becoming a target until I know who's the one aiming for my head."


Man: Well no matter what you wanted they are in your trail. They already know you were involved in some way to the incident and Comte Trounce, Duxville Usher and even Marchis Reily are on the hunt to find you.

"What! How? It is highly unlikely for the one responsible to come forth without any evidence and disclose this. Also I doubt Estelle got seen by anyone while carrying me in the dead of night, so how did it happen?"

Estelle: I am truly sorry. Even when you warmed me about it... I should have been more careful...

She had slumped down while sitting on her chain, bowing her head deeply while apologizing, almost, in tears. Apparently this must have been weighting heavy on her shoulder and could be part of the reason why she wouldn't look me in the eyes this whole time. I wanted to get up and take that little girl before me in my arms. Reassuring her that she did no wrong while petting her hazelnut hair

"Wait, wait, wait. Take deep breaths and when you're ready explain what happened."

Doing just that after a while, she finally composed herself enough to speak, with her head still hanging low that is.

Estelle: When you freed me and passed out I didn't knew what to do, if it wasn't for remembering that uncle Dovera was living in Prunce or else the morning would catch me still frozen on that floor next to your Ladyship... It is in my great distress and cloud of judgment that I neglected to remove your wand from the scene.



Now that I think about it that thing was laying next to my shackles...

"I forgot all about it..."

And to add salt to injury that wand was quite the special one. Not that it carried any special power or that it was sentimental to Cadence, none of that shit. It was special in the sense that it's very identifiable. The accursed wand as it been dubbed. Long ago a nobleman of high status and even higher idea of himself wanted the most intricate and unique wand to show off to all his high nosed buddies so he hired the best wand sculptor, of his time, to create this never seen before masterpiece from the bone of a rarest beast, his pockets, and land, could afford. Only problem the scope of his vision was just 'never seen', he gave the artist so little to work with it wasn't even comical. Well the artist in all his brilliance pulled through and delivered a wand whose surface was covered by straight lines and hard corners.

In a society where fashion demanded softer touches, gentle waves, delicate curves and fluent depths, a wand featuring rough lines and no regard for the rules of its time could truly be called accursed. Upon witnessing the wand the nobleman flew into a rage throwing it away and ordering the immediate execution of the sculptor. Or at least that was the pitch the salesman gave Cadence and Estelle that day. It does hold true that even to this day fashion hasn't change regarding wands and that one was unique in its edges. Cadence, the wand catching her eye was strong enough, in character, to wield it openly despite everyone's disgusted looks. So regardless of its actual history she wanted it and that's how she left it to Estelle and moved on.


"You don't have to blame, it was more than enough that you carried me here and for that I am absolute thankful."

With what little movement I could perform I tilted my head down.

Estelle: My... Alex...

And thus she finally acknowledges me. Damn I can tell that Cadence wasn't the nicest of characters but still. Damn...

"I mean even if they know that I was there it doesn't mean that they won't find us here right."

to my dismay my rhetorical question was meet by the two of them evading my gaze.


Dovera: Rumor has it that Luisent Illises will be arriving within the week to personally lead the search efforts.

-Luisent Illises? Who's that?

As Dovera's face was twisting in confusion and worry Estelle piped up, shouting.

Estelle: The nose of the kingdom!

And that was all it took for my brain to make the connection, for the light bulb to turn on. The four Luisent, the four titles of the kingdom. The shield, the hand, the sword and the nose, as Cadence had dubbed them in all of her arrogance. A Luisent, the 'pinnacle of strength', protector of the throne and out of all of them, the most troublesome was personally going to look for me. Becuase Cadence didn't called him "nose" after an astute observation of his facial features, no, if the man wanted to find you then there was no place you could hide for long.

"So... should I move locations?"

Dovera: What's the difference of being found in the woods instead of the here. For now you're still my patient young lady.

"I see."

After some small talk the two of the left me alone. Dovera did most of the talking while Estelle did her best to avoid eye-contact as much as possible. Come feeding time and she still refused to show me her face even if it meant me fishing for the spoon with my mouth resulting, more than half the time, in my dress getting soiled. This slip up of hers wasn't very characteristic but I guess she's having a hard time processing everything that happened, who can blame her. Finally the time came where myself and Dovera were left alone as Estelle went to sleep. The two of us locked eyes, silence prevailing as the last vestiges of sunlight.

Dovera: In all my years I never saw anything like you. So I ask you again, in private, what are you.

"I really don't know. One moment I wake up inside a box and the other I'm here. Do tell me what you observed?"

Dovera: To start things off that mucus you produce, it started the second day you were brought in, followed by a very strong fever. From what I know, your burns didn't healed any faster than normal, for those that pull through that is. Also after the fever calmed down you didn't stopped burn- I mean... you know, I do believe that was different from the fever, that's what my experience tells me. Even your lower temperature was still higher than normal and from what the lass told it's still high. Another thing that I noticed was your heart beating faster and you body thinning way too fast. That's all of my observations on the unnatural works of your body, any conclusions?

"Actually yes, quite a few."

It appears that the mucus is an immune response in detecting infection, while my body strived to fight any viruses or bacteria that passed through my open wounds a pseudo mucus membrane was formed to prevent new infections. After that I displayed increased metabolic activities, possibly for the mucus production. Man speak about the horror, all your muscles turning to snot. And since I didn't had any proper food my body cannibalized itself for nutrients. If I woke up any later either I would die from malnutrition or they would had to force feed me mouth to mouth like a bird.

Dovera: What got you so deep in thought?

I raised my head to the ceiling. Even I couldn't bear to watch this with my own eyes.

"How much time has passed since the incident?"

Dovera: Close to three weeks.

"And can you tell... Are my hands moving?"

Dovera: ...N-no they are still.

So it only prevented infection...

"I see... T-the time has quite progressed. I-I need to take my rest."

Dovera: Of course...

"Can you please leave the lantern on for a few minutes, the candle' almost out."

Without saying a word he placed the lantern in a stool next to me before leaving the room. Taking a deep breath I turned my gaze to my hands. If the mucus was transparent then that meant the reddish, malformed sight before me was pure scar tissue. My hands from the fingertips all the way right before my elbows was nothing more than contracture scar tissue and skin grafts are out of the quest... or maybe not so, still better to leave it as a last option. A nuts and oil heavy diet, someone to massage my scars and a fuck ton of onions are the best options I have at the moment...

I let out a long sigh.

"Thanks Arthur. The knowledge that was instilled into your very being, despite you hating every moment of it, I am going to use to the fullest."

I may have escaped from that warehouse but that was only step zero. I can't let this stop me. I'm going to use whatever I can to reach the finish line.

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