《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 9 -Monster Gamers sect


Jack notice the strange man coming up to him.

??? [Seems like there is a pretty strong kid here. Do you mind me watching you?]

Jack looks at the strange man.

Jack [I actually do mind. Can you go away? I wary of strangers.]

The strange man laugh.

??? [HHHAHAHAHHAHA. oof that a good one. I guess I haven't really introduce myself. My name is called James Nexit. However people just call me Hacker. I come from a pretty fun sect called Monster Gamers. I would be hoping that you like to join.]

Jack looks at Hacker with caution.

Jack (I couldn't detect his energy signature.)

Jack [Why would you like me to join your sect? As far as I am concered you are at least a Natural Energy cultivator.]

Hacker [So you know a bit of my power. That's impressive. Not many people are able to tell that. I'm a Chaos energy cultivator. My rank is a Celestial Immortal Pro. I'm also 198 years old.]

Jack (A Chaos Cultivator? What that strong a cultivator is doing here?)

Hacker [Unlike other sects that focus on power. We focus on fun.]

Jack [Say what?]

Hacker [Fun. Like gathering True Good Hearted Genius.]

Jack [So you want me to join your sect because of that?]

Hacker [That's right.]

Jack [.......]

Hacker [I know that it is a somewhat stupid request for a person who haven't live for a long time but trust me. Join my sect. We don't have any enemies.]

Jack [That's one way to convince somebody to join their sect]

Hacker [I not good at introducing things alright. Anyway are you going to join us.]

Jack [I don't see why not.]

Hacker [Alright. You're our 20th member.]


Jack [You don't have a lot of members.]

Hacker [Do you know how hard it is to obtain multiple Good Hearted True Geniuses in your sect.]

Jack [Somewhat. Anyway where do we go?]

Hacker [Let's go to the Monster Gamers main base.]

Jack [Main base?]

Hacker teleports both Jack and himself to the main base which is in a man made dimension.

Hacker [Here we are]

Jack is shocked from the scene he saw. The area around him are giant planets filled with stuff in a white dimension.

Hacker [We don't have any stars because we made the dimension bright all day long but it can be change with a press of a button.]

Hacker press a button from his phone and it turned dark. Once more and it turn bright again. Hacker goes through the different dimensions.

Hacker [This is dimension where we store stuff usually. The next dimension is the library. The next one is the fun room. The next one is the training room. The next one is the experiment room. The final one is just an empty dimension.]

Jack [You make this seems like I have a low IQ.]

Hacker [My bad.]

Jack [I don't see any other members.]

Hacker [They're here. They are just too far away for you to sense them. For example.]

Hacker put his hand in front of him and green zeros and ones appear which creates multiple portals. There are only 3 people other than Jack and Hacker. They are in the fun room playing 3 player chess.

??? [Checkmate.]

??? [Dammn it]

??? [I'm still here..Hacker you back..And I see that you brought a new member.]

Hacker [Yes, I did. His name is Jack. Jack meet Python, Cool-aid Guy and High Guy. Guys meet Jack.]

The three [Sup, dude.]

Jack (Who made those names.)

Hacker [We need a good nickname for you. How about the Regular kid.]

Jack [No!]

Hacker [How about]

Jack [How about the Genocider.]

Hacker [Ummmm...That's pretty good. Alright your name is genocider.]

Jack [So what do I do now.]

Hacker [Let's have some fun.]

The five play games for few days before Jack train again.

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