《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 6 - Knowing yourself


The kids are all asleep.

Jack (I should wake them up but first I am going to read some of these documents that these guys have.)

Reading through the documents Jack understands that this is one of the bases of many for the dark sect. The current dark sect name is The 7 Black Fangs. Their leader is a Late Platinum and is unable to threaten HillsB village who have multiple Houtain and one Xiantian rank cultivators.

Jack (That's a horrible name.)

One of the kids that are kidnapped by the dark sect wake up. She seems like a little bit younger than Jack. She tries to speak but wasn't able to.

Jack [You can't speak?*Job-scanner.]

Scanning her body he see that her soul is filled with something.

Jack [Come over here I won't hurt you.]

The girl shake her head and tries to run.

Jack (How cute. It almost reminds me of Rin when we was younger.)

Using conqueror's haki, Jack weaken the little girl which cause her to fall on her knees. Walking up to her he notice that she is a silver rank cultivator and have a talent number of 890,000.

Jack (Her talent number is huge. Seems like this blockage is holding her back from revealing her true potential.)

Jack [I going to fix you up a bit.]

The girl seems to have a fearful face and fearing for her life, she try to give her all to move.

Jack [You can't move if you are that weak. Now I going to get rid of the blockade in your system.]

Placing a hand on her back, Jack force open the blockade with his own energy and absorb it. The girl now know that Jack is actually helping her. Her hair and eyes turn to a light blue color and she is finally able to speak.


Jack [Can you speak now.]

Girl [You won't test me for cultivation will you.]

Jack [Test? I just killed the guys that was holding you hostage. Why would I try to test you?]

Girl [There is another group that is coming here to experiment on us. We have to go.]

Jack [I can take them on. You can help the others. I will return you back to your villages.]

Girl [Ok. Wake up Bo, Shi, Hua.]

Jack (I should start with scanning my own abilties. I don't know much of my own abilities.)

Scanning his own abilities, most of his abilities are shit except for the ones he learn from the book, zone, and his bloodline abilities.

He learn that he can not only add 2 effects to items but to enchantment and other techniques including bloodline abilities.

Jack (I just become much more powerful. There isn't much here. I better learn more about these abilities. Time to get these children to their village.)

It takes 6 hours for the children to reach their homes. The trip is very peaceful with no interuption. Jack came back to his orphanage in just less than half an hour.

Coming back Jack sees Rin.

Jack (Rin came back early.)

After that thought Jack sees another person with her and guess that something is wrong here.

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