《The Enigmas: First Crusades》What the Dust Revals


(The group arrives at the hideout all having watched the video of them fighting online)

Issac: I just don't understand my systems should have automatically blocked any video feeds. I should not of had to manually disable the spy cameras.

Brett: What the hell is this! Now my face is everywhere! There is no way I can show my face in the street now!

(Karl approaches and puts his hand on his Shoulder while Elizabeth watches Brett)

Karl: Listen It willbe fine.

(Breet pulls himself away)

Brett: Shut the hell up! What do you know! There is nothing a weaklings like you can do abot so shut up!

(Toria's eyes turn reptilian from anger)

Brett: You wanna know I don't even care! I am so strong I don't even need any of you. All I see here is a bunch of animal freaks and some weaklings pretending to be strong I should'nt waste my time with this.

(Toria approaches him ready to strike when Elizabeth steps in frontof her and talks to Brett)

Elizabeth: Brett we need this people Brett. We are to weak to win this alone.

(Elizabeth gets slapped hard by Brett)

Brett: Shut the hell up I don't need to be told anything. I can do this all by myself.

Toria: You arrogant bastard.

Brett: Well come one lizard freak lets see how long you last.

(Brett has water surrond him and Toria becomes almost completely animalistic before they attak trees fall ight in the middle of them and everyone in the hideout and the were camp observe the actions.)

Jackie: Thats enough we can't fight amongest each other like this. We have to find common ground here. We all were broadcated on that video so chances are things are going to get very difficult for everyone. I am not asking anyone to stay in help that is each and everyone of your personal choices, but if you do decide to help we need to be strong and united we have to bring a sense of justice to this new world.

Brett: A little bit to idealistic are'nt you Karl Blanch. I know what this little groups been doing trying to save the world are we well don't fucking bother. There is no way you can but if you are intrested in beating these bastards to the ground I'll humor you. Now where can I work and sleep away from these fucking animals.

(Toria gets ready to just pounch on him when Issa c steps in and tries to hit him)

(Brett easily dodges and is about to attack Issac when Elizabeth steps in)

Brett: So that's how it is huh! Elizabeth you going to side with this weakling your way to weak for your own good fine protect him. I'm setting up my gear inside.

Issac: That is the most arrogant bastard I have ever seen. Why do you let him hurt you Liz.

Elizabeth: There is no need to worry. I excepted his help because I needed his strength. I can take it as long as I can take it.


Toria: I have heard enough of this you don't need him will protect you if you need it. There is Jack, Karl, and even Issac here to take care of you.

(Elizabeth aw struck steps back and her emotionless face gets angry)

Elizabeth: What the hell is your motive! Are you like Heaven's eye are you going to build me u help me just to try and steal everything I worked for! Are you!

Karl: No Elizabeth we are just here to help you because we want to.

Elizabeth(Starting to drop to her knees): No that's not right the only people Ican trust are the ones who show their evil side openly Brett may be Violent and arrogant but at least he is honest to me.

Karl: We are being honest we want to help you. Nothing in return.

Issac: Now come on stop crying you should'nt cry.

(Elizabeth realizs they really mean what they say and looks at Karl with a sense of hope and purpose.)

Karl: Now lets go in we need to get to work and start learning as much as we can about the situation. We need to decide on an action to take. Toria I guess you can care for your people while me and Issac start researching.

Toria: Okay, just make sure that bastard does'nt come out and starts harrasing us.

( They all head to their locations and begin working)

(Toria looks horrified when she walks to the camp to find the people looking ill.)

Toria: Gallow! Whats wrong with them?

Gallow: I don't know.(coughing) Most of the people have caught some kind of bug it should pass soon.

Toria: Okay as long as everyone stays safe.

(Isiah walks up to them perfectly healthy)

Isiah: Gallow, So i see the new leader. I guess you can finally start doing your duties as a leaderand start helping our people instead of spending your time with the human scum.

Gallow: Now listen Isiah see and one of those humans was our savior they deserve our respect.

Isiah: Sure and maybe one day we could walk the streets freely lets face it. She has just surrounded our people with dangerous freaks. All of them including that guy in that(puzzled at memory loss) in that orange mask are just human scum.

Torialoosing her temper jerks him up): You can disrespect me all you want but you will not talk about them in such away.

(She lets him go and starts to apologize but gets interrupted by Gallow)

Gallow: How dare you Isiah the(puzzled at memory loss) the man in the pumpkin mask and the others may be humans but they have helped us all.

(Isiah walks away from the two of them)

Gallow: Im so sorry Miss Toria. I will e sure the council punish him.

Toria: No need... I need to just get familiar with this setting more. So lets go over plans for advancing the living spaces.


Gallow: Sure, oh by the way have you had any luck in finding ore camps of our people anywhere.

Toria: I have'nt but Jackie(hesitating) has found some info.

Gallow: (Looking puzzled) I am sorry I am not sure who that is Miss Toria.

Toria: Oh thats the man who wears th mask all the time he really hates for people to know his name.

Gallow: Oh so when will(puzzled by a sudden loss of memory)..the masked man have information for us.

Toria: Not sure, He said he would come by with the info one day when he made a plan.

(The scene skips to Jackie who just pulled up on a bike near by in the forest he starts walking toawards the werepeople village when he drops to the ground near a tree coughing up blood)

Jackie: Damn(pushing himself up on the tree taking a pill)... I can't keep going on like this. I can barely go a day or two without taking pills. My bodies grown almost completely dependent on them.

(A kid walks toward Jackie from the village)

kid: Hey sir your the pumpkin man who helped us are'nt you.

(Jackie straightens up quick putting on his persona)

Jackie: Yes I am.

Kid: Here (Handing him flowers) I just wantedto thank you for helping us.

Jackie: There is no need. I did it for my own reasons.

Kid: Thats okay I really appreciate it.

(Jackie accepts the flowers and gives the kid candy for the kid an they're friends.)

???: You can't give up Jackie. The world needs balance so things like this can happen for people.

Jackie: Your right have to keep going.

(Jackie walk to get Toria and the others)

Toria: Hello Jackie why are you here now.

Jackie: We all have to talk in the plantation some serious bussiness has arrived.(noticing people coughing)

Toria: Okay lets go.(Wanting to talk to him but noticing how serious decides not too)

(The two arrive at the plantation. Jackie herds them all in and makes the announcement)

Brett: So what the hell is this about I just got here now your already planning on running me ragged.

Jackie: The equipment and research Sims and Crum had is being held in a military base 50 miles we have about a week till it gets moved to grab it.

Issac: A military base there is no way we can take a place like that. Thats insane.

Karl: That does sound near to impossible the way we are now.

Elizabeth: That means they have my notes on nanotechnology and artifcial intelligence.

Brettslams the table)That also means they got my notes and equipment on water manipulation. There is no way in hell I'm letting those bastards are keeping it.

Karl: Well if its that Important I guess we just have to use the next week to get prepared. That is if every one wants in.

Issac: Well if you think it is a good idea I am in, and it will give me a chance to impress miss starnes, Elizabeth, and Toria.

Toria: I do not share the perverts reason for fighting but I am in also for this cause.

Karl: Okay lets get to work.

(Jackie heads out the door)

Issac: Wait just a damn minute your not giving us a mission and just running away.

Jackie: I have to get some things ready. I'll be back.

Issac: Hey wait.

Toria: There is no reason for you to go.

Karl: Jackie wait you can just set up your equipment here .

Jackie: No I think I still need to work alone.(scanning the area)

(The scene switches to Senator Davidson talking to the secreatry of state while watching the group of scientist and doctors helping Knight and Dante)

Secretary of State: What has your group learned so far Senator Davidson.

Alexander: The Sword company has informed me that apparently these two were protecting people neaby along with the other deceased fighters from the other group. We have also learned that there is a entire army full of theother group ready to attack civilians and wage a war against the government.

Sec. of State: Damn we need to get a team on this right away.

Alexander: May I suggest you take the man who came forward once the video surfaced. All the test and background information has found he is clean and completely loyal to the American people.

Sec. of State: I don't know the way the nation is right now taking in any enhanced people could lead to unrest.

Alexander: Listen, that is why we need a poster child like Sam Alterson. He can be the prooof that Amwrica has a handle on this situation.

Sec. of State: Well with the recent public discovery enhanced individuals we do need to show relations are strong. This could also help foster relatins with any enhanced groups and promote the registration. So yes i guess i will put him on the team I will however only put him on a strictly observational postion.

Alexander: That sounds fair. I would suggest sending him to Florida at the Startch Military Base. That way he can be seen near where the action took place.

Sec. of State: That sounds good I will inform some Military officers to take him there in the morning. I will leave you to yor work Senator.

Alexander: Okay you too.

(The Secretary leaves)

Alexander: All right everyone I want Dante and Knight back in action in a month. I also want the commencement of eliminating any none confirming enhanced groups in America. I want to have complete control over the groups by the end of two months, then we commence the international agenda. For Heaven's Sword.

All: For Heaven's Sword

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