《The Enigmas: First Crusades》When the World Crumbles
(A man sits watching a battle on his computer screen intently. Smiling a little.)
Alexander: Fight well Dante. The best that you can. (He chuckles) The better you fight, the greater you appear, the greater you appear the more they will fear, the more they fear the easier they will be to control.
(A woman knocks on the door, Alexander shuts the computer and opens the the door.)
Alexander: Hello Marie Whats Wrong.
Marie: Mr. Davidson have you seen the news?
Alexander: No, Marie I have'nt. You look distressed come in take a seat tell me what wrong.
Marie: There is'nt time Mr. Davidson.(She runs over to the tv and turns it on) Take a look at this a hacker has this on every station it's a live feed of...well I'm not really sure. I men theres people in strange suits, trees and ice flying, people with masks running around, mech suits. I mean it's incredible.
Alexander: Oh my... Is this real?
Marie: According to all police and government research yes it is.
Alexander: What's the current course of action.
Marie: There is an emergency meeting right now sir. You need to go right now,
Alexander: This will ruly be a trying time for our country.
Marie: Yes it will sir.
Alexander: I would'nt be suprised if this changed the whole world.(He has a small unnoticable smirk before any can notices and starts humming when the bough breaks to himself, they stand at the senate building going in to hear alot of shouting and hysteria)
(The scene switches to Jackie, Karl and the others all fighting the blessed and Dante)
Brett: Come on you pricks!!(He launches a lot of ice balls at the and burst some of them into stem causing small explosions.)
Elizabeth: (Steps in) She sends a large stom of nanobots in their direction surronding and incasing them in metal. That should do it.
(The metal starts cracking and breaks with knight steping out with the other blessd. Everyone else looks on in amazement.)
Knight: Very pathetic
Crimson: Now lets have some fun.
Terror: Let us show them what the true blessed can do.
(Dante stands there and observes the battle that occurs)
(Jackie and Toria pair up against crimson, Issac and Nano against Knight, Brett and Karl against Terror)
Issac: Damn this guys seems denser then stilll. Hey shorty can your nanobots put a hit in him.(Blasting him the entire time with energy blasts)
Elizabeth: No luck in fact nothing were doing is slowing him down.
(Knight rushes the both of them ripping of Isacs arm and knocking him far away, Elizabeth is able to encase herself in Nanobots and keep herself safe from most of the damage but still gets banged up. She lands a few feet away from Issac.)
Issac: Damn this guy is throwing us for a loop.
Elizabeth: We want be able to beat him like this we need something strong and concentrated to break through his defense.
Issac: Damn. I had lasers but both my mech arms are gone. Looks like were just going to have to keep him busy until someone else can step in. You stay behind me. I'll take most of the hits you concentrate on htting him with the nanobots.
ElizabethTaken back by his action gets up) I Have an idea you can still link with my nanobots right.
Issac: Yeah.
Elizabeth: I want you to send them some plans.
(They converse real quick before Knight charges them and Issac meet him and gets punded on while ELizabeth hits him with a few nanobots.)
Knight: (Punding on Issac) Pathetic you actually where able to save Toria before. I can't believe it. I'm being degraded just by looking at you.(He rips the head piece off from the suit.) I do hope the rest of you are'nt as pathetic. Good bye.
Elizabeth: Now!
(Nanobots come around Isssac forming a giant cannon attached to his suit)
Issac: Eat this!
Knight: What the..
(A large laser blast shoots through the air and knight is sent flying and hits the ground)
Knight: This is not happening. I will not be beaten by a couple of shrimps.
(A ball of nanobots hits him finally knocking him out.)
Issac: I got to say for a small fry your pretty tough.
Elizabeth: Thats a lot coming from a guy in a suit. Now we got seperated from Brett and the others. We have got to regroup. That guywh was standing something tells me he is strong. We are going to need every one before we fight him.
Issac: Hey my name is Issac!
Elizabeth: Mines Elizabeth now let's go. Brett may already be trying to fight that guy.
Issac: We'll your sure direct. Let's roll out.
(The scene switches to Jackie and Toria battling Crimson)
Crimson: Oh yes, yes! This is so much fun.(She grabs her chest) This is what I live for.
Toria: you sick freak you'll pay for what you did to my comrades. (TOria charges her full beast mode only to get stabed in the soldier by her iinvisible nfinite blades.) Damn I can't get close.
(Jackie points his repater at her and let's loose on Crimson only to find all the blasts have been slices in half missing her.)
Jackie: I see so those blades of hers can even split concentrated energy.
Toria: Damn it. I'll never avenge my breatheren like this. (Holding her shoulder)
Jackie: (Hands her a pill) Calm down. We can beat her easy you just run at her from behind and strike. I'lll handle the rest okay.
ToriaLoos up in amazement at him then turns positive) All right!
(Toria turns invisible and starts approaching Crimsons back)
Crimson: THat invisiblity won't work my dear. (She puts up her blades all around her self, when she is met with fire coming from Jackie who has swithced to his pistols and approaching quickly.) I knew you were going to be alot of fun.(Jackie gets hit bu still approaches.) You are truly an interesting specimen I could do this all day. (Jackie gets hit in the chest deep but still runs for her.) Oh baby were have you been all my life you know how to take a hit.(She focuses more and more blades at the approaching Jackie only getting lost in ecstasty along the way.) You really now how to make a girl feel good don't you pumpkin head.
(Toria attacks her pclawing a hole straight through her chest from behind.)
Toria: THis is what you deserve.
Crimson: Yes, I see I indulged myself for too long. I forgot allabout you. I finally know the ecstasy I brought to others it... feels good. (She collapses to the ground.)
(Toria takes in the victory when she notices that Jackie is standing there bleeding all over and she goes off and runs to his side)
Toria: Jackie... I'm so sorry I did'nt even think about it. I..I..I.
Jackie: It's fine stay focused on the task at hand we have got to find the others. (He falls to his knees bleeding all over.)
Toria: No you need attention now.
( Jackie reaches in his coat and pulls out a box full of red and blue pills he grabs one of each putting the box up before dropping to his hands. He tries to lift the pills but thepain is slowing him.)
Toria: I got it don't worry.(SHe reaches to help him he refuses but she insists. She grabs the pills tries totake of his mask but he insist of them being put through the hole in the mask. She finally gets them to his mout. Jackie drops to theground convulsing.)
Toria: Jackie! (she holds his beaten body to notice all his wounds are healing when he suddenly jumps up perfectly fine.) Jackie your okay(Sheruns over and hugs him)
Jackie: Yeah. Now we got tofind the others and regroup okay.
Toria(Crying): Okay.
(The scene switches to Brett and Karl battling Terror who keeps putting horrible images in their heads)
Brett: This sucks I can't even focus long enough to get a shot at him. (He gets shot in the soldier) You bastard.
Terror: Calm your self. You willmeet the maker soon enough and be free from your pain.
Brett: I've had enough of this cultist crap!(Brett focuses and ice starts to focus all around Terror he points the gun at him, but it is teleported away by Karl who is approaching. Terror then gets impaled by hundreds of pieces of ice.)
Karl: You did'nt have to kill him(He says in disgust closing Terror's eyes.
Brett: Shut up you don't tell me what to do. Now to go kill that decaying prick he's been after me for a while.
(Brett runs off towards the guy)
Karl: Wait... stop we should at least try to regroup help the others.
(Brett gets to Dante)
Brett: I've been waiting for this.
Dante: So have I.
(Issac and Elizabeh come to find Brett fighting head on with Dante and Karl suplying long range support. THey notice Dante is just seemingly disintegrating anything he touches even breaking up the ice that touches him.)
Issac: Well let's go help your hot headed friend.
Elizabeth: Right.
(They approach DanteIssac blasting at him with the new laser cannon and Elizabeth with her nanobots.)
Issac(To Brett): Looks like you needed help shut up I don't need anything from you weaklings.(Brett shoots a giant wave. Dante changes it to Hydrogen and Oxygen and jumps out of the way when Issac fires. This causes a huge Explosion sending Brett flying. He then proceeds to touch Issacs suit rendering it useless and then he waves his hand destorying most of Elizabeth's and knocks her out with a chop to the neck. TOria appears out of nowhere and he really starts to feel the heat from Jackie and Karl from long range. He manages to kick Toria and grab her arm witch starts to decay away. Karl starts really sending everything at him trees and roots included, and Jackie steps in before he can finish Toria. THe both of them eventually get pushed back.)
Dante: I see hello Mr.Blanch and Vigilnate. I respect the two of you but neither one of you can be permitted to live any more. Find peace knowing your death brings about a better world.
Karl: Wait we don't have to do this!
Jackie: To late he's already made up his mind.
Dante: He's right Mr.Blanch now face me.
(Karl sends as many rangs at him as he possibly can he finds that they all just get disintegrated. Jackie starts laying down of cover fire with the repater only to find dante can some how nullify the blasts.)
Jackieto Karl) THat's strange back at the warehouse I could swear I shoot him and he got injured now he seems almost invisible I wonder why.
Karl: Good question nothing were hitting him with seems to be working. (Karl grabs some rocks and they morph into rangs) Let's hope these homemade way points work other wise i wont be able to launch as may attacks.
Jackie: (Puts the Repeater up and grabs his Pistols) You take him from the right I got the left.
(Karl launches a barrage of objects and rock rangs coming from every direction and Jackie lays into him with bullet fire, and once again comes out seemingly not scratched)
Karlamn we did'nt even hurt him. I guess we have to just keep hitting him.
JackieNoticing a mark on the back of Dante's Neck) No. We strike quick yo aim a tree at his three sides andfocus the rangs at his back while I iam for his eyes.
Karl: Better then anything I got lets do it partner.
Jackie: Okay go.
(Karl focuses and launchs three trees at Dante. Dante decays them all the while Jackie fires at his eyes blinding him. Then he gets hit with the rangs from behind a gets airborne where he is met with a blast to the head outside his feild of vision.)
Karl: That should do it. Now lets care for the others, and get out of here.
Jackie: Okay. I need to check this guy out first though.
(Jackie approaches Dante when he sees Dante jump up and start spouting I will not fail my commander before he loses strengths and falls to the ground. Jackie checks his person and takes a phone and a list from him and puts it in his coat.)
(Jackie goes to give Toria some peels for her armonly to see her reptilian abilites have healed her from the dead tissue.)
Jackie: Thats a handy ability you have.
Toria(looking dead in his eyes): Yes and so is are your eyes... I mean your pills.
Jackie(missing the motive): Yes these pills give me an unfair advantage over most.
Toria: No you outsmart your opponents that is why you always win.
(Karl arrives with the others who are badly beaten)
Karl: Let's go.
Elizabeth: where to?
Karl: To the safe house.
Brett: A second we don't need yourdam...
Elizabeth: I'm going with them.
Brett: Why?
Elizabeth: THey seem pretty strong and know what there doing why not?
Brettcusses under his breath) Fine lets go with these band of freaks.
(They all leave and head to their respective vehicles unaware of that some one was watching and recording their movments.)
(Men and women in a large room watch the feed until it is cut by Issac's laptop rom inside the van.)
The president: Ladies and gentlemen a random source has been forcing this onto every tv station and major website. Everyone in the woeld right now nowsthese kinfd of people exist. We are going to have to take drastic action.
(1) Senator: We have to assume everyone like this is hostile and round them up and put them in special prisons.
(Yelling results)
(2)Senator: No we have to try and sick peaceful relations we can't just fight them.
(The fighting gets extremly heated)
(A man stands up and starts beating his hand hard on the wall)
Alexander: Ladies, Gentlemen we cannot descend into madness we are the only things keeping oreder for the people outside of these walls. Now it is truewe cannot just ignore the threat these peope cause, but we must not also forget that they are still people.
People yell: some of them arenot jstpeople they have clause and powers. They are freaks.
Alexander:No! We cannot make the mistakes of the past and forsake these people without good reason so I suggest we go public and ask all those with special abilites or talents to come forward we can register who they are and start making an effort to patch the crumbling patch that holds our society. Iwould like to personally over see this project if it passes if you do'nt mind.
(Every one is brought to silence)
President: Allright every one yay or nay for the propsal.
(Everyone rises.)
President: All right Mr. Davidson you will spear head this I want you, the secretary of state to start working on this. THe rest of us will work on handling our foregin blow out there is bound to be some tensions with other nations to see how this affects us.
Alexander: Yes, sir Lets go Marie.
Marie: That was quite a speech sir.
Alexander: It was nothing.
Marie: No sir It was really good you might have saved us all.
Alexander: Well lets get to work.
Marie: Yes, sir.
Alexander(To himself): Just as I planned all the pieces are aligned now what to do about dante and the others who made it. I know I'll make Dante into the face of the hero here a real american icon. He'll like that Idea and he'll do it with out question. That man in the mask will be troubling though., but no matter I'll handle him and the rest of them. Hmph I bet none of them even see the bigger picture or what there fighting for but still. Those two Karl Blanch "the unpredictable fighter" but a completly predictable righteous man I have seen plenty of his kind before, and then theres the mystery man he is a man I hink but I can't read him at all. A predictable man with unpredictable potential and a man that cannot be predicted. Enigmas. I wonder how far they'll go.
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