《Invincible all eons》Chapter 29 : side story 1 : a man and a young lady


Chapter 29 : side story 1 : a man and a young lady

Somewhere in a barren land with nothing but sea of sands that could pull you deep inside at least 3 feet down .

Sandstorm running here and there , every bit of land blanketed by sands and plants covered coated by dust .

No sign of life other than two people .

One man with long silver hairs enough to reach his back , open chest while wearing long silver overcoat . He was tall and little handsome , irritation could be found in his eyes , he was covering his eyes with his hands while moving forward . His legs were stuck in those sea of sands and at the same time , scorching heat were burning him.

Following him was a beautiful lady wearing vermillion cloth , silk were hanging behind her back like a wind and fluttering with the man's overcoat side by side .

She had red cherry lips , butterfly eyes , flowery eyelids , elegant nose , graceful looks and snow whites soft skins . Shorter than the man by few inches . Long black silky hairs tied in bun .

They both were moving toward east with unknown to their destiny and mysterious fate.

Long time later , the man couldn't tolerate the young lady so he turned around and shouted " BITCH !! WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME AROUND ? GET LOST FROM MY SIGHT " but to his shouting, the young lady just smiled at him beautifully .

The man couldn't take her smile , it felt as if his heart has been stabbed by some sharp object . He moved toward her and gave a very ferocious fist on her soft cheek without any mercy .

" baam" the girl was sent flying because of that fist , because the man didn't even used his 1 percent strength at mortal like her , she only started to bleed bloods from her lips . But despite receiving harsh treatment from him , the young girl didn't got angry or held grief instead she just told him " did your heart felt light now ? "

The man watched her for a while before he turned around and moving forward .


The same man and young lady from before were walking on a narrow path of a mountain . The path was only 5 inch big and it was located on the surface of the mountain , in short a death line .

The man was moving forward with great difficulty because of snowstorm that was very strong in the area. Snows were falling while cold sensation was harming them . While the young lady was gripping his cloth and walking behind him with more difficulty than the young man.

The man couldn't take it anymore as he shouted harshly and rudely at her " WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE FROM FALLING DOWN FROM HERE ? AT LEAST I WOULD FEEL SOME GRATITUDE AGAINST YOU " he twisted his mouth to show his irritation and anger .

The young lady didn't said anything but instead she smiled at him .

The man frowned at her and said nothing .


On a fine summer month, sun was warming the world and two people were sitting on the backyard of an inn.

The man had towel around his neck while long white robe as an attire . His silver hairs were wet and were drying in the sunlight .

Sometimes sun ray would shine at his unyielding eyes .

From his behind a young girl wearing pink pajama while a black overcoat as outfit came walking toward him. She sat just beside her , she was beautiful and charming . No man or women would be able to resist her beauty but for the man beside her , it wasn't even a shit.


He looked at her with serious looks and coldly snorted . She has been following him on his journey for almost 100,000 years but still he didn't treat her right .

Today , the young girl asked him a very serious question that was in her heart from the time , she was still an ordinary mortal . She asked " by the way what is your name ? " the young man didn't even looked at her and didn't even thought that answering her was that important. And even felt disdain toward her .

But the young girl didn't mind him . She just kept watching toward azure sky while smiling just like always .

Suddenly the young man took a peek toward her from the corner of his eyes .

He turned around while folding his arms cross and didn't said anything . Just as the girl thought he wouldn't say anything , he said to her " n…nameless , that's my name " he hesitated once before telling her his name .

The girl smile happily , this was the first time that she felt so happy in her thousands of years life . She covered her mouth with her hands and hid her world devastating smile behind .

When nameless saw her acting strange he was enrage and shouted at her " WHAT ? DO YOU THINK MY NAME IS STRANGE ? IF SO SAY IT ON MY FACE YOU BITCH "

His face was red as a lave because of anger . But the thing that the young girl said made him more anger " it is obviously strange . So why don't I call you nanashi from now on. After all nameless and nanashi is same after all "

"Fuck, who do you think you are to call me by that disgusting name ? "


After a long battle with the flame king , nameless was injured badly . He didn't won against him , but it didn't meant that he lost either . The battle went draw and no one won although nameless was injured more than flame king , still he manage to draw the match .

When he was lying on the hospital bed , he saw the young girl and frowned in irritation, and the evidence was his twisted expression .

But the girl didn't mind and said " you got hurt more than last time when you insulted the king of heaven . But you seem to grow strong more than last time when you entered the forbidden zone from higher world "

Nameless just coldly snorted at her and hid himself inside his blanket like a larva in cocoon.

But still the beautiful voice filled with warmth and caring could be still heard " if you keep on doing dangerous thing like this , you will either die or become disable . But if you manage to live and survive , I am sure you will become an invincible existence with no equal " she kept on talking while the latter didn't respond to her .

But suddenly nameless stood up and threw a plate toward her , the plate was made of steel that was on table . Even if the plate hit her , it would do no damage to her .


Watching him pledge , the young girl lower her head and said " if it's your wish than I shall follow it just for you . I hope you could , you could forget me and the trouble I gave you in this pass thousands of years ' with that she picked up the plate and turned around and left .


Nameless kept on watching her back until she dissappear, suddenly a sound was heard from the side " you know , you didn't do right to her . She was such a caring young lady but why did you break her heart ? " it belong to an old man that was lying on the hospital bed that was on his left side .

Nameless didn't bother to reply him and just slept while covering his body with the blanket .

Just like that , he didn't bother to come out of bed and hid himself in blanket like a tortoise in shell .

Day passed and week came , week passed and month came. One day he sighed and peek his head out from blanket as he watched toward the door and around the room . He didn't found the person he was looking for before he hid himself again inside the blanket .

He sadly said while shedding tears " I guess , she also turned out to be just like other . Staying by my side for so long and leaving me just like that . She didn't even thought if I really wanted her to leave or not ?

Those so called friends and family also left me just like that saying , it's for all their future . I admit that I don't have talent in cultivation and it took me thousands of years just to reach origin master , but that doesn't mean my future is dark .

It's just that I need time and hardship . Guess what , I don't fucking want anyone by my side . Go do whatever you want and go to hell. Shit !! Shit !! Shit !! Shit !!

Fucking Shit !! " with that he just went for hibernation for few years in hospital . Because he was a cultivator and the hospital belong to mortal , no one said anything to him.

But in real , he wasn't hibernating , just that he was crying and hiding his pain .


On one fine day ,he decided to move on forward by forgetting everything that happened in his past .

Forget the pain given by his family .

Forget the pain given by his friends .

Forget the pain given by his lover .

Forget the pain given by his own life .

And move on forward.

He walked outside the hospital and was welcomed by cold breeze and sunlight .

He frowned his eyes a little while his eyelids trembled. He looked around and saw many people walking around.

He sighed and giggled a little while thinking something . He said" I guess , I forgot to ask that girl's name ? Whatever , it's not like I will see her again " he shook his head and blinked his eyes while watching the sky that was deep blue .

But before he could take a step forward , he heard a very familiar voice from behind " by the way ,my name is scarlet li. And it took you long enough to recognise me as a girl and not a bitch "

When he heard this familiar voice from behind , he was scared and excited at the same time . An emotion and feelings that was lost from him from the long time , he was able to feel.it right now .

He slowly turned around while closing his eyes . He wished that this person to be the one he thought .

Sure enough ,when he opened his eyes , he saw a fairy figure . Goddess like smile , flowery eyes with rose like eyebrows , pretty eyelids , soft and milky , red lips. Short and ample nose with cuteness . Little ears , long hairs , tied in single bun and two bangs were released , one bang on her left shoulder , passing like waterfall reaching her chest while another was on her right . Their edge were tied with pink ribbon .

Sakura blossom fabric made attire , her upper body was little tight while lower part was covered with Sakura blossom silk , she had refined jade skin along with her creamy softness.

She looked like the mother of beauty ,the one that was created by primordial chaos taking all his time just for her . But because she had pink veil hiding her lower face , no one was able to see her complete beauty . Yet still were dazzed by her beauty .

But for nameless it wasn't that important, for him the thing was why was she here ? Didn't she left him years ago ? So why was she here?

Scarlet smiled behind her veil as she said " I have been waiting for you outside here for years . Did you really thought that I would follow your cliché decision that even you weren't sure about ? "

Nameless suddenly felt like all his strength left his body and fell down on his knee . He was soon supported by scarlet on her shoulder , nameless looked at her and said " when was the last time that you listened to me ? You are really a stubborn girl that I hate the most in my life."

Scarlet giggled a little before saying " I am honoured to be hated by you the most . A person can forget about the person they love but not the person they hate because of their grief . So I will take it as you have craved my memories deep down somewhere "

Nameless didn't had any energies to talk to her because of this extremely happiness and excitement so he just laid on her shoulder while feeling her indescribable softness and warmth along with her attractive fragrance.

He felt like he has returned to home. His home , he saw a door that leads to his own home where someone was waiting for him after countless of thousands years .

He saw a person waiting for him , that person was smiling warmly even in the most darkest time . That person had alway remained by his side , not even leaving him at the time of biggest tragedy .

That person eyes were always filled with believes for only him and only him. It was like for that person no one was more important than him.

He wasn't able to see that person's face but when he walked to that person , he suddenly smiled and reached his hand toward that person which made him feel bliss.

That person too reached it's hand and tied it with nameless and entered the house .

And that person was no one but her ..

The person who was always by his side , no matter how harsh he treated her , she always smiled at him. Always encouraging him to fight back against his weakness .

She was the most beautiful girl in his life . Her name was….

Scarlet li…….

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