《Invincible all eons》Chapter 28 : narrow path


Chapter 28 : narrow path

( su bai : plain and simple , respectful + white , pure , many ,cypress tree = su bai / pure tree / so on )

( Chen mei : morning + beautiful or plum = Chen mei / beautiful morning )

It was early in the morning , below the tall tree were group of young men and women sleeping . Below an umbrella like tree which was also known as umbrella tree were two people ,a man sleeping with carefree smile while a beautiful maiden with her veil and scarf was sleeping on his chest like a child.

When the group of young boys and girls woke up , they yawned very lazily yet were full of energies. But the first thing that greeted them was the early morning heat that could burn them till their death.

" it's very hot that could melt me till my ashes " one disciple said while feeling lazy.

" can't this heat dissappear just for a second ? " one pretty girl complained while feeling very hot.

" haha.. little sister , this place is known for it's hot temperature in the world , and you say why can't it dissappear? You must be joking right ? " zhang chenqi couldn't help but laugh . While others also did the same.

Below the peaceful green tree , showering on those white snow . The snows were glittering in the sunlight , leaving colourful memories behind.

The time was like it had stopped , the space seem to be confined just for two person. Nanashi and Chen mei were sleeping heart to heart , Chen mei had placed her head on nanashi's left shoulder while nanashi had his head on her head. Embracing her long sword with her , Chen mei had her veil on her face and scarf around her neck.

Nanashi was also in deep sleep as if a devil has taken his slumbering session. The two looked like a perfect couples.

After a while ,nanashi woke up as he yawned while Chen mei woke up with her right hand rubbing her lazy eyes.

When the two of them looked at each others , both were silent. They found the situation awkward. Because nanashi was embracing chen mei in his left arm like entangling snake. While chen mei was lying on his left shoulder like a virtue lover.

" ….. ? " both felt the situation very awkward. Soon nanashi gave a mischievous smile as he teased her " hello beauty, why don't we share a morning kiss ? "

" ….!! " Chen mei waved her right hand , giving nanashi a solid slap on his face which send him flying and got collided on the tree trunk .

Chen mei maintain her normal posture as she looked at her juniors who were stunned by the recent event . She coughed to rub away the awkward and embarrassing situation and said " okay, everyone are awake now . First we will head toward river to wash ourselves and search for some wild beasts or some wondering spirits for small training "

Nanashi stood up while maintaining his clothes and picked his fan and umbrella. He coolly said " yes , let us move forward " he acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong and nothing happened just now.

How shameless , that's what all the people thought about him.

Nanashi ignored them and headed toward the direction of river


After a while , they reached a riverside . The river was long and had crystal clear water , it was like a snake, had a curl way . Fishes were leaping outside from the river . Those fishes were red , orange or blue. This type of fishes were called flame fish. It is said that if flame fish manages to absorb enough flame essence in their body than they may able to evolve into something similar to kun peng with fire power . But it is just a legend but it is also said that in ancient period , ultimate powerhouses used to raise those legendary / mythical fish.


The area had plants and luxuriant grass and trees , shinning brightly in sunlight. Tall trees trying to reach the sky , coated by green leaves and branches . Lustre river , illuminating rainbow like shinning rays . On the creek were huge rocks and boulders as if they were the impenetrable defensive wall . One could see deep down till the end of river because of it's clearness .

Luxurious aura were around , despite being hot enough to burn a normal person , this place was the heaven on earth . Carved by natural itself , it seem like this place has been decorated from the primordial time through chaos energies to origin powers .

The line's share of the area was the beautiful pond that was just next to the river . The pond was 20 feet round with deep blue water , reflecting the azure sky . Around the pond were some bushes with beautiful flowers that were releasing the luxurious perfume . On the surface of the pond were stem of mist , and in the middle was boiling water .

When the group saw this , they felt like , they are in nirvana. A karma for lifetime good deeds .

The juniors couldn't help but exclaim in wonder .

" beautiful, it's no less than a sacred land that had nothing but beauty "

" I feel like my soul touched the nirvana while my body is still on earth "

" it's so pretty that even a moon would feel shame compare to this beauty "

Nanashi nodded and felt like he was the luckiest person to see this beautiful wonder .

Chen mei said in lucid way "this place has always been this beautiful, no one knows why but this place seem to carry some kind magical presence "

They walked till they reached the river , when they were enjoying the beauty given by nature , a voice resounded from far away yet not that far.

" senior brother jiang lei , you are too amazing . You were able to defeat an opponent that is one stage higher than you . I wished I could do something like that " a voice of a young man resounded while a beautiful voice of a mature lady also resounded "yes , junior brother , you are amazing . I have been stuck in early stage master for past 3 years but I don't seem to breakthrough from here. I guess you will soon surpass me too "

" oh senior sister is surly complimenting me too much . I am sure before I reach early stage master , you would already had surpass that realm . "

Soon enough ,there appear four silhouette of a humans . They were two girls and two boys . One man was young man had aura of a mature while another man was a young and had an arrogant aura . One young lady was beautiful as those lustre river while another seem to be mature enough to say milf. They were wearing a long azure robe with a thunder emblem on their left chest . They were from thunder heart academy from xi clan .

The man with mature aura name was xi huan with the cultivation of early stage true warrior . While another man with aura of arrogance was called jiang lei with the cultivation of middle stage true warrior . The lady with beautiful looks was called xi fen and was early stage master while the milf lady with irresistible mature charm was called qiang lin with the cultivation of early stage master .


When they arrive riverside , they saw few groups of young people . The both side of group gaze met each others and a silence confined the atmosphere.

Jiang with a bright smile said " senior sister and junior brother , it seem like there are already some people here who had occupied this area . But why don't we use this chance to introduce ourselves and get close and familiar with each others ? "

The others nodded while on the another side , nanashi glared at jiang and said to his groups while shaking his head " looks like there are lots of lustful perverted beast around , why don't we leave from here ? " when everyone were gazing each others , he saw a hint of lust in jiang's eyes when jiang looked toward chen mei . So he intentionally pointed his words directly toward jiang .

When everyone heard him , some were confuse but only those with quick pickup were able to understand his meaning .

He meant " this man is nothing but a perverted beast with only lust inside him . So we shouldn't try to get acquainted with a bastard like him or else we may get infected by his disease "

When jiang understood his meaning , he had a urge to kill this kid . But he calm himself . He thought " who is this kid ?he doesn't seem that strong . Does he wants to die ? If not than just get on the sideline and don't disturb your father from getting the girl he wants"

Although jiang was anger by nanashi , he still held himself from rushing himself .

He looked toward nanashi and said with a friendly smile " this little brother , why do you say that ? Can't we have chance to get familiar with each others ? " even when he was talking with nanashi , his gaze was fixed on chen mei's otherworldly beauty. Especially his gaze was fixed on her plum breast that was soft as a cream .

Nanashi didn't even bother to give him a look and held chen mei's left hand that was soft as and cold as a snow with his right, he turned around and said " let's go , if we keep on staying here my heart will jump out in fear if I get assault by the perverted beast that has the gaze of a licentious pig " when they heard him.,despite being on the side of jiang , those 3 released a small laughter before they covered their mouth with their palm.

While jiang gritted his teeth in rage . But those words were nothing compare to the words that nanashi said afterward .

He didn't had any limit of shame ,it was as if he hadn't found the meaning of shame in dictionary.

" somehow I feel naked in the eye of a perverted beast . My whole body is shuddering and creeping out just thinking about how that perverted beast is gazing at my manly chest . My noble and manly aroma is for only ladies not perverted male beast .

Why do I feel so cold down on my crotch ? Don't tell me this perverted beast wants to , noooo !!!! I am not a gay. "Nanashi cried while trying to protect his innocence.

While watching him , no one were able to hold their laughter so everyone began releasing a loud laugh while hitting the ground.

" senior , senior brother is so funny " cried the disciple from zhang family.

" senior brother , I understand now , this perverted beast is no other than that man " chenqi pointed his finger at jiang who was burning in rage. His head had a stem coming out with pure rage while vein was appearing on his forehead.

Even fen , huan and lin were enraged by nanashi's words but at the sametime they were also laughing inside them.

Until now no one in their sect were able to talk with him like that but this man was just too much .

" little animal , say that again " shouted jiang toward nanashi with fury and warth. While the latter one just ignore him and told to chen mei " help me mei, he is trying to take my innocent virginity that I have saved for someone special "

" puhh" someone spared their saliva in pure laughter in shock while jiang coughed bloods in pure anger .

This kid , how dare he trash my reputation ?

Who the hell is this kid anyway ?

I lust for women that is with you not your shitty ass.

How dare he , how dare he insult and humiliate me in front of my senior and junior ?

His whole body began to tremble with pure anger and hatred , eyes were now filled with bloods and his veins appeared all over his arms and forehead . His warrior qi began to release through his whole body and gave the vibe of a murderous aura .

" you little shit, you are not even equal to my feet and dare to insult me . Tell me who you are before I kill you " his finger was now pointing toward nanashi while trembling and shaking .

He was unable to maintain his calm posture .

But that was not the end , the thing that nanashi told him enrage so much that he vomited blood in a seer rage .

Nanashi turned to look at him and gave him a gentle smile that could flutter anyone's heart. A loving gaze filled with love and care ,he had a very loving aura surrounding around him. Even jiang felt his heart warm but alas the word told by nanashi caused him to nearly faint right away .

Nanashi said very gently and in a caring way " you ask me who I am ? Than get ready to hear the bitter truth of your life . And that is , I am your step father "

"….. ?" Everyone were now complete silent.

" baam " later , one by one , everyone fell down on their knees in complete helpless way.

Jiang had a blood dripping from his eyes and lips while he was muttering some words to himself and that was "stop , I don't want your love and care…otherwise I may believe you "

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