《Adventures in Atalok》Animation magic
Sitting at the back of the class half listening to what the teacher was saying magic had really been dumbed down so that players could get into it while his escapade in the cafeteria seemed impressive it really wasn’t the fire tornado was rather weak around 34 degrees the wind was barely enough to move the fire n a spinning motion lastly he had uses lightning power but even that was at 1 or 2 amps making him a human taser but considering fire could go over 1000 degrees wind could exceed 500mph and lightning could hit a million amps it was no wonder why elemental magic was considered the best for battle.
However, the animating class had a lot to do with summoning it seemed but instead of pulling the being fully into the world you pulled them into a weapon or item the only other way was to use one's own essence which was dangerous and the guild generally found on teaching it. the binding had two parts surprisingly first part was to bind the weapon and spirit together the other was to bind things to a player this way an item would be extremely difficult to steal.or lose. However there was one advantage that could earn him a lot of money when other gamers came into the game mech pets,
There was generally a couple problem with owning pets in an MMO like this one first was having to feed the things even summons needed food if one kept them too long then the never ending poop scooping would be a nightmare the two other problems mostly extended from these two.
A player couldn't go and have a long adventure if they didn't expect to be back for a week similarly if they had to go to work or a job even if you only left the unit for 9hrs a day that was 90 hours in game making it almost 4 days. Players could leave it with a friend or have a pet sitter but that could add up the cheaper option was to just have a robot that would activate if someone was within the house.
Considering how easy it was he could make a killing, of course, the hard part was actually making them look good no one wanted to play fetch with some cyberpunk monstrosity but if he could make it look almost identical to the real thing he could make an insane amount of silver and copper just on making cats and Shiba dogs. But that would be for later now he just had to not alienate every teacher and student he met but it was not really his fault the first prof was a Napoleon complex in disguise of a prof the students in the cafeteria were stereotypical entitled rich kids who thought they could walk over whoever they wanted.
In his experience making them fear him was easier and less stressful than putting up with them. As the class was winding down the tests began it was just like the elemental class each student Allen walked down last and did as was expected there was not a lot one could do to shock and awe in binding unless one could animate with a high-level spirit. Looking at the list of classes most of them would be considered kinda useless mastery over magic itself was a good one but talking to animals would generally not be same with lie detection that would really suck if one thought about it non-verbal communication would also suck as the magic ability really only assassins would use it or advisors who didn't want the representative to look stupid.
Other than production classes the only one that was remotely interesting was the primal magic from the info he had it dealt with the most basic of rules time gravity and space however they were unpopular due to the fact that they were mostly AOE spells and friendly fire was possible in the game it was first shot type magic either to buy time for your side in terms of time magic crush them with gravity or run away with special magic but the number of slots was limited in the case of time for instance one could either cast a spell to speed an area up or slow it down same with an individual person's aging or an object the same to processes took 6 slots even with the designated slots that were still a lot considering other skills outside of your class would also be counted for example blacksmith.
Regardless of whether you want to arms or armour the only skills under blacksmithing dealt with that specifically meaning how to form it and temper it etc however figuring out mineral quality was not or how to sell it these would be under the miner and merchant skills but you would need both to become a better smith, these abilities cold add up one of the lesser known ability costs was the different mounts most people thought it was one but there was four in the last game small or medium animals like horses and dire wolves next were flying mounts like a griffin then the gigantic versions of the former like elephants and land dragons and the actual flying dragons. If one was impatient or greedy they would miss out on the others.
That was the trick to the game, in reality, to find what one needed to win and specialize most people either got the regular riding and flying the giant creatures while powerful were near the end of the game. This was also the reason for particular schools of magic to be popular if one had a hundred slots for skills and at least 50 would be required for basic survival such as cooking and cleaning cloths and dishes were also different.
Being able to identify objects was another skill barter the list was endless while the number was arbitrary it stopped most people from doing what Spencer was planning to become a broken character. Broken characters were generally more prevalent with mages as the spell combinations would expand almost limitless unless the limit was there, for instance, his little escapade in the cafeteria could count towards taking five slots manipulating fire, manipulating the wind, manipulating the two together internalizing lightning then using the lightning as a stun gun.
One could only imagine if he were to use gravity and time alteration magic with this as well the more skills one could combine the better. So why wasn’t this more prevalent in other classes simply put they didn't overlap any skills learned for a two-handed sword was useless when used with a sword and shield or a two sword style same with a rogue or assassin as the skills were split almost into thirds there were assassin skills such as poison backstab weakness detect etc, thieves had skills like pickpocket shadow blend and at the high-end blink, then they had the archer class which had the bow skills.
Even if one wanted to there would not be an overwhelming advantage gained by learning everything. This also went back to magic in the end as everyone would want to at least learn elemental spells as to imbue their weapons as every warrior wants a fire sword come hell or high water warriors wanted that sword. That was the reason as to the limit and why no one wanted to take up 6 slots for running away, But that was not a problem for him with an unlimited amount of skills he could learn everything the next few days were relatively boring as he repeated the same day walked into a class learn something and use his over leveled stats to impress the professor eventually finishing off the arcane studies and spirit schools of learning gaining him a basic mastery of magic healing abilities soul reading and nonverbal communication altho talking to cats was going to get weird.
There were just a few classes left before he went on to the production classes as for the advanced classes they mostly dealt with either combining magics or the character's alignment and its effect on the magic meaning for someone who could combine magic already and was dead center between light and dark they mattered little. Walking to the time magic class he noticed a familiar face the rich snob from the cafeteria incident as it was affectionately known as now. She started to stare at him with an unquestionable hate but spencer was used to it rich snobs were all the same whether in the game or reality the thought the world should bow to them and they could push whoever around but push back and you're some sort of monster, however, he was used to it, in fact, he liked being a monster the only problem was people avoided you .
Without sparing a second glance he walked into the classroom and with rage filled eyes she followed. spencer could only half laugh to himself as he wondered if she was here to pick a fight or actually figured out this school of magic could assist her ice magic. People who saw the magic system for Atlock always had one question why aren't ice and water magic the same or some sort of variant of one another. The fact was that they were totally different water was as it implied water but ice was just a convenient label it was lowering temperature and as anyone who knew anything about molecules knew the fewer things moved the colder that thing was combining ice and time manipulation would make powerful ice magic but she probably didn’t realise it.
As class began spencer listened however Primal magic was stupid hard unlike other magic that one could “feel” Time was something that you couldn’t touch sitting through the class began to feel more like theoretical physics than magic after four hours he still was lost with time magic going over his head he went to space magic only to find no one there but him and the prof. The old man sighed and began to talk and the longer he talked the more confusing it got thinking that it would be easy considering the magics were kinda sucky was completely wrong the primal magic school was ridiculous it almost seemed like one needed a masters in quantum mechanics to figure it out still completely confused he went to the final class gravity at least spencer understood how this worked, however, to make mass from nothing was ridiculous the professors didn’t even ask if he wanted to try and do the magic luckily the week had ended and he had two days to figure out how to do any of the magic warping to his room Jeff was unsurprisingly standing outside waiting.
“So Allen finished up the Primal magics yet”
“No way I have no idea how they expect people to be able to do that magic “
“Really not even the almighty genius Allen can do it with ease could it be you have to work and study at it”
“Hey not my fault I'm awesome at most magic”
“I know just good to see that not everything is easy for you”
“Yea yea so why are you here you passed your beginner's fire course right”
“Yep aced it surprised the teacher to”
“So what’s up”
“What can’t I just drop by”
“Sure I guess I don’t really mind figured you would have left after passing through”
“Yeah right you know how crazy It is out there I’d never make it from the main warp city to the mage guild alive”
“So you want me to take you?”
“When you are done of course”
“Actually that might be problematic”
“I;m going to wait for my friends who will be arriving when the availability of this world is opened up”
“Whens that?”
“Math isn't my strong point so ill put it like this the entire time I've been here is a day I have 56 more days to wait”
“I…. see “
“Altho I have a friend who’ll probably leave in ten days or so so I guess a hundred here I really can't remember how the whole calendar thing works here”
“Really we have 14 days a week 8 weeks a month and 30 months in a year”
“anyway hundred-ish days then”
“Well I have nothing else to do so I'm staying here for a while”
“Fine but why not take some creation skills or something”
“Maybe but for now I'm doing nothing”
The two walked in and took their seats in the side room Allen sat down cross-legged and began to search his memory for anything his world had on time gravity or portals. Even after internalizing lightning he was still unable to sort through everything it was a serious pain when one remembered everything. Some people figured that his memory was like ctrl F while in reality, it was more like a list of every time a specific thing appeared, in this case, time or gravity but the entirety of them memory came with it so instead of remembering that you heard about time being relative you remember that it was 4:39 PM on Wednesday when you were 7 and one of your dad's friends who was wasted thought he was a philosopher was rambling. But you also brought up memories of taco time every Olympic athletes time in every event you had ever seen and having to sit through it .eventually after two days he finally figured out the secret.
Jeff had been enjoying his time in the dorm for the last couple of days he could study whatever topic he wanted mostly on fire, however, tons of other books as well. If he became hungry he’d borrow the warp stone grab some food and come back as he walked in and began to take his seat suddenly he felt incredibly heavy at least twice as heavy looking over at the librarian he had stopped moving and standing in front of him was Allen then out of nowhere he collapsed. It had been little over a week since then and Allen was still out luckily it was just mana drain and with enough potions, he would be fine. Dropping by he could only hear yelling coming from his room from what he remembered it had to be the Dean
“WHAT were you thinking! You nearly died”
“I thought I figured out how to cast primal magic”
“Yeah and then die!”
“That was not the plan and could you stop yelling my head hurts really bad”
“NO duh using internalization of lightning for two days will do that even LVL 40 combat mages go for 4-hour max”
Jeff began to open the door
“So you say you can do primal magic now as well”
Taking a copper coin out of his inventory he flipped it and a split second later
“You really did it “
“Partially it's really beginner, nowhere near my ability for elemental magic”
“Primal magic is usually reserved for levels 20 and above usually they have the INT and WIS to do so”
“Let's just say I'm good at what I do”
“I'll say, just get some rest then get to class when you feel better”
Jeff walked in to see the dean warp away and Allen sitting up and getting off the cot
“You sure you want to get up now”
“I have been passed out for a week they have been cramming potions down my throat All I want Is food real food”
“Fair enough”
Using the crystal the two warped to the cafeteria after Allen piled an anime character level of food on a tray however people were once again staring at him rumors had finally made the full circuit and everyone knew that he had been out cold for the past week that and he looked like a zombie as Allen continued to gorge himself on the mountain of food the girl and her lackeys were approaching once again and again
“So you’re still alive
“Yep Kinda hard to kill”
“I'm sure almost everyone here wants to know why”
“Mana drain, really not a good idea to internalize lightning for two days then use primal magic”
Shock spread across their faces for the most part mana drain was something only stupid mages would do or would happen in emergencies where mana would go negative however he learned primal magic and had internalized magic for two days. The longer internalized magic was used the more painful it became the longest people had heard of going was 14 hours with a mage who had an incredible pain tolerance
“You learned time manipulation then
“More or less I could probably speed up time to twice or slow time to a half”
“Could you teach me”
“I don’t even know your name plus I just got up and after I eat I’m going into food coma”
“My name is EIRLYS Fey you don’t have to explain it now but when you feel better would be appreciated”
“Fine at least you asked politely”
With that Spencer began to explain as best he could, however, it still took two hours and he had gained a large group by the end
.”Alright I’m going to find somewhere nice quiet dark so I can die”
Warping back to his room he went back to sleep after a couple more days Spencer finally dragged himself to the production classes.
The first was engraving allowing someone to draw Runes on an object making it easier to either draw magic of a type in or for a delayed spell. Crafting of wands and staves were also simple enough just time consuming as one had to engrave the item and imbue it with magic. Finally, the main class he wanted was coming up Alchemy. Considering his plan was to make arms and armor alchemy would be insanely useful as well as engraving. Considering alchemy was about changing the property of metal and other materials and one subsection was pioneering the ability to make potions basically a license to print money. While the theory seemed insane it made sense for a game with magic. Finally, after what seemed like forever it was done by his count he was up to around 20 days to finish the basic level of magic and he could always learn more advanced magic later. Warping to his room it was finally time to read a stupid amount of this library. Or at least that was the plan until the dean was sitting in his room waiting.
“I see you have managed to complete the basic magic course”
“Yeah despite the setback I’m slightly ahead of schedule”
“Really?nevermind I have a question for you”
“Why don’t I like where this is going”
“I would like to nominate you for the inter magic school games in ten days”
“And that involves?”
“In it’s simplest form they are mage duels between the 5 worlds held every 30 days”
“Of course they do”
“But you will have to win our school tournament first”
“Corse I will”
“Will you do it?”
Quest: Mage Acadamy Glory
Enter and win the Magic school games
Reward Increased intimacy with all middle mage guilds
Emyer will grant a gift
Difficulty LVL 6 C
“Fine I’ll accept but what are the rules like can I min without using a magic attack?”
“Every attack must contain some magic however that doesn't mean you have to use just magic for instance demons who generally rank second use a weapon summon from the element and then they use that”
“That sounds awesome”
“Potions and items?”
“Only wands and staves sealed magic is banned”
“It keeps the games somewhat level if they allowed all items powerful mages could make a scroll and give it to a contestant or they could have thousands of potions “
“Makes sense, come grab me when it’s my turn”
With a silent nod, he left leaving Allen alone for the next ten days all he did was train it was the same whether here or if it was in school he would train to become the monster within the group.
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