《Adventures in Atalok》Stories of old
As Spencer was in deep thought the hobbit appeared behind him
“You know I still don't know your name.”
“I haven't decided on who I want to be yet”
“Maybe you should visit the guilds and decide on how you will fight and pick a name of a hero.”
“Where are they anyway I only managed to get here due to an old man moving”
“I can give you a map of the city but they are expensive”
“All I need is to see it then I can memorize it”
“Really can all Travelers do that”
“No I think I'm the only one”
“Good I would never sell any If everyone could memorize it”
The Hobbit ran off on his stubby legs returning with a large map then he placed it in front of Spencer map in front of Him the City was split into five sections. In the centre the four big guilds from what he had heard from Caladr was that three would be in charge of changes and Increasing rank (MAGE, Warriors, and Rogues) while other NPC Guilds were more like unions in our world. The fourth would be where you could gain general quests to high ranking ones that players could miss that was also where Player Guilds registered and accepted most Guild Quests. Each section of the city did one job. Looking at the legend there was a school district that taught specific beginner classes Barbarian Bard ,Cleric ,Druid ,Fighter ,Magic-User/Mage/Wizard ,Monk/Mystic ,Ranger ,Sorcerer, Rogue, Warlock. ect. There were also schools that taught different fighting techniques from hand to hand to swords daggers to bows they were all there. Looking at all the different teachers and schools Spencer instantly recognized the tutor system however a specific role would be boring however a class would be necessary in order to learn class locked skills. The real question was which guild to join. The different Guilds would have hugely different quest types the warriors would most likely be protection and kill the thing types. The mage guild quests would probably be go get the magic thingy or seal some kind of monster. The Rogue's guild quest were most likely to be go steal a thing or poison a person. In all fairness all quests came down to a simple repetitive sequences. Depending on the person they may like to do only specific quests and it was possible to make an Order filled with different classes like guilds in other games. With sigh Spencer’s avatar got up and left the library walking towards the class hall .
Entering a large building there were booths for each class walking to the first booth he found out it was an alchemist recruitment
“What can you tell me about Alchemists”
“hmm We alchemists travel the world working towards our individual goals however we combine both magic and science to create new inventions like explosives.”
“What about mixing metals, Im a blacksmith and making a sword with the strength of steel with another metal that bends a bit more would be useful”
“There are some who work on that field altho most attempt to turn cheap metal into gold they give the rest of us a bad name.”
“Alright there are a lot of classes so I better be going”
“You know instead of going to each and every single one you could look through the catalogue to narrow your search.”
Taking the small book that couldn't be more than 20 pages he began to flip through some classes that were currently available
With a sigh he left the recruitment area and headed back to the library while thinking about what class he wanted to become. each one had something useful that he wanted but playing as a specific class seemed boring he wanted to fight like a monk throw fireballs like a wizard and sneak around like a Rogue. Entering the library he took the remaining books he had yet to read looking through them he finally came across “The Legend of the three heroes and the traitorous Gaius” from the records of Grey the scribe the record keeper of their adventures translated by the magic guild
When the world came to chaos due to the Defiler, people fled to their capitals and to the guilds for assistance. At this time the most powerful guild at the time was the Adventurers. They requested that each capitol send their champions. However when the guilds searched the rosters they found no suitable candidates. Upon returning to the Adventurer's guild they gave the
news with a sigh. They immediately began working on a back up plan. Many children from the ages of ten to twelve were brought into the hall and were given tests in each field to determine who they would chose to train and to champion them. The only four children that remained had entered the hall unassumingly. The wizards selected Fira a young red haired girl with strong innate magic and an iron will. Michel a tall child with a strong body was selected by the warriors. Riko was selected by the Rogues guild his deftness of hands and concentration that would be abnormal for a untrained adult, and he seemed to have a sixth sense. Finally the adventurers guild had to choose however there was no immediate candidate, the candidate had to be good at the three core blocks. Looking over the scores they soon began to see something odd. One candidate would be tied for first until there was only twenty to thirty left then he would drop out. After searching for the child they found him leaving with the three that had been selected. Approaching the youth the guild representative asked to speak with him sending the others away the fourth child stood staring dead eyed at the man. He asked the boy why he failed to which he replied it was boring and that to do one thing would bore him. They then put him through the tests once again however for the adventurers guild only falling only a few points behind each of his friends. They Immediately took him in making Gaius the final members.
After four years had passed they all met each other at the city entrance except for Gaius who seemed different. They set off on the adventures that would make them legends fighting beasts and monsters of ever increasing power however Gaius was always missing. They continued until they finally reached the destination the castle of the Defiler fighting tooth and nail through the hordes they finally made it to the top after weakening the Defiler, Gaius landed behind the monster and stole his power for himself. The three friends realized that his guild ordered this to ensure that the other guilds would always bend to their every whim and command. However they had become far stronger than before and they fought on until eventually Gaius was killed. The adventurers guild was forced to relinquish the power they had due to the uncovering of these facts...
That sounds odd why would the most powerful guild risk that, something is not right think this came from somewhere right so there must be a source an original, wait it said it was translated so there is an untranslated version... wait it would be the same thing what I need is the ruff draft or his source material.
Leaving his room he half sprinted towards the hobit having to stop suddenly almost falling over he found the man he was looking for.
“Quick question what do we have written by someone called grey”
“wha what are you going on about”
“Grey he was the original author of “The Legend of the three heroes and the traitorous Gaius””
“Maybe everything we have would be up here though and you've read just about everything here”
“What about the really old books the ones in the basement”
“yeah there may be but it needs to be translated and we don't even know what his name looks like or how to translate”
“actually we might we have multiple translated books right”
“so all we need to do is figure out how they line up and get the letters and words right”
“we could ok let me go get the untranslated version but may I ask why are you looking into this”
“I was looking for a class and came across this but something seemed off
After grabbing the two translated version and the untranslated he found grey's name in the old written form Γρεψ passing the name to the hobbit he ran down the stairs and after searching for a few hours the found an old diary with Γρεψ on the front. Writing what he down the translated words two job offers came up [Translator] one who interprets written and spoken words to those who don't know the language [scribe] one who transfers text and writes the words for letters and other tasks.”
Writing down what he read he eventually got a different account than the book.
Day 1: The Defiler has ravaged much of the surrounding area only the guilds have stopped the them from approaching those not killed are either used as work horses or used to transport things some area's with a guild have remained safe but for how long who knows
Day 5: The Adventurer's guild has asked me to keep track of the mission when it happens they have a bad feeling about all of this
Day:8 they have decided to wait and train 4 new recruits to be the best of the best the one of the Adventurers guild members told me what the recruit had said after they caught him throwing his recruitment that to him his friends were more important than getting into a guild and that even if he wanted to become great in one of them if he had to sacrifice his friends he would refuse. He seems Interesting ...
year 3 Day 363 my daughter was born this morning and I will have to leave her for who knows how long but the guilds have already paid me and I hope it is enough for my wife and daughter to live without me should I die.
Year 4 day 1: I introduced myself to my traveling companions Fira the sorcerer who can command the elements, Michel the white knight a Paladin apparent after this mission he gets the title and Riko the guy looks like a scumbag who would steal from his grandma. The final member seemed normal he walked up to the others with a smile and was wearing a confused face as he approached me he introduced himself as Gaius he then asked my name the only one to do so.
Year 4 day 10:The three seem to be exceedingly quiet they say nothing except to whisper to one another the only one to talk to is Gaius who seems to like being on a quest to save the world. Hopefully it's just nerves that is keeping everyone quiet we have a stop in a day to help a town that is under the defilers control it's only some flunky apparently but still it's four years of training for them.
Year 4 day 12: I caught Gaius leaving camp in the middle of the night he said he was going to end this his equipment was lacking only gauntlets shin plates and two swords one on each side. He said he would finish this fast so that the rest wouldn't get hurt. I followed him to a graveyard where a large group of skeletons burst from their coffins however his hands glowed with an energy and he would touch them and they would die finally the flunkey appeared a large zombie however the energy on his hand changed into magic flames and with a flurry of punches and kicks it was over. Returning to camp the others were ready to leave. They didn't ask where we were, or about the flunkey they just moved on.
Year 4 day 362: I know it was naive of me to think we could finish this before her birthday but it doesn't seem so. Gaius was the only one to notice how upset I was after he asked what was wrong I told him. He left for a few minutes and returned with a piece of paper and an envelope as well as something in a bag. Apparently he can send letters to the Guild and they can send them back to him as well this will be my first contact with my wife in about a year. The Item in the bag is an ancient music box worth a king's ransom. He said every kid should get awesome gifts for their birthday and with a smile he sent both my letter and his gift over
Year 4 day 363: I went to thank Gaius for what he did for me all he did was smile and hand me a letter It was from my wife. My daughter can walk around now. I burst into tears of joy she was safe and healthy. All I could do was thank him.
Year 5 day 20: It was a burning question Why did he do all the work while the other three did nothing. He told me that 5 years ago he was alone at an orphanage and then the other three trickled in it was Gaius's job to take care of the other kids but the village they were in was attacked and the cleric who had raised him told him to save the others and that's what he does they are all that's left of what he thinks of as family.
Year 6 day 340: Gaius Is has fought alone while the others have taken credit he is broken and tired. He has a fever and multiple broken bones however he fights alone tomorrow we fight the Defiler. He asked me what do I think is evil. I repeated what i had learned from holy men that Evil is when people do extremely terrible things. He then laughed and told me that True evil and True good doesn't exist it all depends on where you sit. It was confusing so I asked him to explain. What he said next made sense he asked me If I considered murder and theft evil I told him of course he said what if you needed a cure for a sickness that your daughter contracted could you steal the cure? If your daughter would die soon and a guard tried to arrest you would you kill him? No matter what you do it's evil stealing a man's work and killing a father, or siting and do nothing as your child withers away.
I’m following Gaius once again in the middle of the night if this is his last moments I want the world to know what he did
Year 6 day 341: Gaius has told me that even if he survives he might not be able to return with me after that he quickly ran out and began fighting with the monsters of this place hideous creatures half dead zombies rejected experiments hideous creatures.
It took five hours but the Defiler appeared a black fog that took the shape of a giant Dragon. Using his ki and all the magic power he could muster he fought with it moving faster and hitting harder than ever before the fight went on for another 4 hours then as he finished the monster off two daggers appeared in his back. The Greasy Riko had stabbed him in the lower back but Gaius stood back up and kicked him in the gut. then then a Lightning bolt was deflected as Fira came into view after she attempted a fire large spell Gaius used a wind spell to blow it up in her face then Michel appeared from his side swinging his sword down however he blocked it with his sword then punching him in his helmeted face. Standing back up all he could ask was why. All they would say was guild orders. After that the three attacks together non stop not allowing him a moment to rest as I ran in to help somehow I found myself standing in the Adventurer's guild. With tears in my eye's I reported to the guild master.
Year 7 day 1: the other three returned as heroes while Gaius is viewed as a villain. The three guilds planed this from the beginning they had hoped that the Gaius would die before the final confrontation. However he did a huge amount of damage to them Riko is missing a hand and walks with a hobble, Michel Lost his shield arm his thumb and his toes on his right side and Fira's face had been burnt making her lose her eyesight. However they get the last laugh The adventurers guild has lost all power and is used solely for organizing quests the only members are Administrators and some teachers from the other guilds. When I planned to tell people the truth my wife handed me a letter it was from Gaius the letter reads
Dear Grey
Sorry I sent this with your letter to your wife but I figured if something happened to me then you would do something stupid. If I defeated the Defiler then my journey is over the farm boy who grows to champion the people and slays the monster I'm gone and nothing changes that now you must decide Which evil you will commit
Tell the people maybe they believe you but what might the other guilds do to those you love you might indirectly kill them
Bury the truth allow my name to live in infamy and to be considered evil till the end of time . But those who you love will be safe
That's what you have to choose to be honest I don't care about my name and those who have wronged me will feel my wrath.
Best wishes Gaius
P.S I sent most my stuff to the guild If you want It just give tell them I sent you and show this letter they will understand
After reading the letter I finally Understand his thought on Good and evil I have Decided to follow his advice and stay silent however this Diary could “accidentally” get lost then whoever finds it could do as they please.
If you have the courage to fight alone and avenge Gaius the greatest hero I have ever known please take up his mantel and Avenge him
Class selection [Adventurer] A class that has only one advantage over all classes, the ability to learn all abilities while They still need to find teachers who will teach a non member. Adventurers have the special skill [persona] The ability to create another character with similar or lower stats and personality that might also have a different fighting style and skills All fame or infamy are regulated to said persona as well as achievement. If [Persona's] are linked they combine Fame and infamy as well as skills this only happens if It becomes common knowledge. [Persona's] may also look different and may not be the same race. While other classes gain advantage in one field Adventurers combine classes to have an advantage against all however this takes time and practice. Adventures gain skill experience at half the rate of normal classes Currently the world fears and hates all who posses this class If it is ever revealed the three guilds will begin to move this class also comes with a SSS quest.
This class Is only available to those without an allegiance and no class .
Do you accept
Yes NO
Sorry for being so late my shifts just got switched and I was having problems with editing and with the flow of the story any way I should be able to get things up on time if not sorry about that
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