《A Cultivation storie : Stupid edition》Chapter 12 : Void body


The two where sitting inside the garden the machine between them they look at each other the old man start to talk :

“You just need to insert a bit of qi inside.”

Gold nod before he start to activate the machine the sphere start to elevate before it suddenly stop and slowly fall back in place.

The old man don’t seem surprised by the unexpected stop of the machine he look at Gold before he start to explain :

“Gold you can’t have deep desire you can only want things superficially…”

Gold feel a bit uneasy by what he was saying, the old man continue :

“That a side effect of the void body…”

The old man start to explain in detail what it was, the void body was a very rare condition the people effected can’t sense, absorb or interact with qi in any form it as also the side effect to make the calmer …

“… and in extreme case they can be completely hollow but in exchange they have partially immunity to the impurities of the world.”

Gold was focus on what he was saying the old man continue :

“That make possessors of void body fit for being a holder it will let you have a bigger pattern than a normal person let go get the other three before I finish explaining.”

The old man quickly teleport away before he come back with three confused girls he summon a few more cushion for everyone after everyone was install he start explaining to everyone :

“Ok now that everyone is here I can start to explain your training schedule ...”

After explaining his training plan to the four kids he send them back to rest for the day.

The old man was standing in a middle of a small garden, the ground filled with a surprising variety of flower and plant.


A swarm of butterflies where flying inside the garden some small like a snowflake some as big as a human but each shine with a different colour all slightly different from one another.

He sitting on a small platform in the centre meditating when suddenly :

“Your students are not bad old man your are pretty lucky to have found a void body what a lucky boy you are.”

An old woman was floating behind him looking at him with a little mocking smile on her face.

Without turning he answer back :

“What I have done to get the pleasure of your visit annoying girl.”

She annoyed by the comment :

“That mean you know here a letter from big brother I need to leave now old man bye.”

He grab the floating letter and after breaking the seal he start to read it after finishing he lay down a bit annoyed to see more problems coming to him.

He grab a small sheet of paper inside his robe before quickly writing down everything once the letter finish he reach out for one of the numerous butterflies before he fix the letter on his back.

Ascending in the sky the butterfly start his adventure to deliver the letter.

The next day after the breakfast the old man assemble the group inside a small room he look at them before he start to speak :

“Some unfortunate circumstance as arise I will need to go meet a friend to speak about some important matter for now …”

A little butterfly appear on his side but suddenly his form start to transform after a few seconds the little critter was no more in his place a young man everything seem normal until they look inside his eyes. The two eyes where shining, all the colour dancing like a whirlpool of colour.


“My butler will help you start your training I don’t know when I will come back so don’t worry.”

After he finish to talk he just disappear leaving the four kids with the weird butler he slowly look at them one by one before he open his mouth to speak :

“Hello I will take care of you until master come back your training start tomorrow. Any question to ask ?”

The four kids nod still a bit confused by the event but …

… as the same time the old man was leaving a portal around him the void but in the middle of the void an enormous floating mountain.

The view was beautiful he has no time for that he quickly fly to the entrance in the base of the mountain.

He reach the entrance two guard standing on each side On of them stop him :

“Old man what are you doing here we see you once every millenium are you here to make mess like last time I have nothing against you but the elders where not really happy to clean the mess.”

Old man a bit amused that the good old time he will probably not do it again they try to make him pay for it for a good centurie but releasing butterfly making the sound of cosmic beasts and seeing everyone panic was so funny.

He slowly walk inside , he quickly reach the great hall .The multiversal map sitting in the centre some small red mote moving in the edge of the map.

Happy to see he will not be drag in to defend some backwater universe, after getting around the map taking most of the middle of the room he continue on the main staircase on the other side after passing by a few corridors he finally reach his destination

Sector 42 Meeting Room

He push the door inside a big table with a people sitting around he reach for the nearest chair before he sit.

One man on the other side start to speak :

“Good now that everyone is here we can start ...”

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