《Dungeon of books》Welcome to Caelus - Chapter 2


Welcome to


I stared blankly at the window that is in front of me… Well fuck, I have no idea what is going on, a weird rune thing just gave me a new race, and now I am apparently in a new world. But what is that name? Is it Latin somehow? Whatever it is, I can’t pronounce it. Even if I could, I don’t know if it is a new language, or not. For all I know, it could also mean earth. But all thoughts are beside the point for now, because I would just think myself into an endless spiral with no answers to find.

So first off the list of things to do is to look around, well all I see is stone walls, wait if it is cut perfectly circular does that mean that it is all one wall, no wait how am I seeing things in a perfectly closed-off space without light. I then turned around really fast to take a quick look again, then I saw what I think I am, floating in the exact center of the room is a book. So I am right, it is that type of dungeon core, the type of dungeon core that spawns monsters to protect themselves and lure in adventurers with the promise of wealth.

So, how do I start, is there a tutorial or am I going to have to start from scratch. I try to use an imaginary hand to punch the stone wall and nothing happens, or maybe I am missing it, I try to punch it again, but still, nothing happens.

So that's still not working, wait there was a window that said “Welcome to Caelus” does that mean there is a system. So in my head, I imagine status, nothing happens, so I imagine stats, still, nothing happens. Am I just going insane and Just imagining it, no I won’t give up that easily. The next few minutes are me trying words to summon a status of some kind.

I breathe in sharply, the anger that I feel is palpable. I tried every game term and novel phrase I have ever heard to no effect, like what am I supposed to think to get this goddamn menu open. At that moment the menu opened






I took a sharp breath in then out, All I had to say was the menu. What is that, I can even see the status in the menu. How come it didn't open when I thought status. Calm down Jacob, take a breath in, then out. Let's just take a look at what is in the menu, still steaming about the activation word to open the menu, I take a look at what is inside it.


Wait, I have seen this type of window before… wait, you're telling me that the sphere of runes was the system that I am now in. I want out, the system was an asshole when I was near it, though now that I am inside it, won’t it just be a bigger asshole. I scream at the top of my non-existent lungs that I wanted out, but the system didn’t care, just like early.

Alright, let's just see what each of these things are before I overflow with anger at the system again and get nothing done. I should look at what is inside the menu. Oh, this does not mean we are done system, I will get you. Alright, let us see what these windows have in store, I first mentally click status:


Name: undecided

Level: 0

Race: Divine Dungeon core

Durability: 100/100

Mana: 1000/1000

Divine Energy: 10

Mana Regan:

10 per hour

Archetypes: Books

Title: “Unique Race”



Toughness: 10

Presence: 10

Intelligence: 5

Will: 10

Domain Sense Lv.1

Monster Creation Lv.1

Item Creation Lv.1

Book Creation Lv. Max

Book summon Lv. Max

Language Linguistics Lv.1

Mana Manipulation Lv.1

Temporary Abilities:

Summon Assistant Lv. Max (Uses:1)

Room Delegation Lv. Max (Uses: 1)

Huh, interesting, I see I don’t have a name so how does that work. It also looks like I am at level 0. How does that even happen? I always thought that the level only went down to 1 because it is like that in all the books I have read. It also looks like the system was not kidding when it said it gave me a new race. The durability is only 100, is that good or bad, it is most likely bad because I am only level 0 though my Mana is 1000 which in any setting is good or are children running around with millions of Mana. My Archetype is books, which it did tell me before I came here, but I still don’t understand how that would work in a setting like this. Though it does look like I am one of a kind, thanks to that title of being a Unique race, though the real question is, do the titles have an effect or is it just a title. Though all my stats are 10 across…the...board… What do you mean 5 Intelligence I am not an idiot you're the idiot system, I tried to make peace system, but this is war, I will make it my duty to fuck you over at least once? Cough… Alright, maybe I did get a little angry but system you can’t blame me you did call me an idiot, so how about this you change it, and we can go back to peace, ok. I look away, then when I look back it was still 5. Alright, system, this means war.


So, maybe I and the system having a war is a little over my head, but that does not mean I won’t stop being angry at your system. So let's move from stats to my skills which all look relatively interesting but how do I use them or better yet what do they do. After my skill is my temporary abilities, from what I can see I only have 2 of these temporary abilities, summon assistant seems relatively obvious, but room delegation seems pretty open to interpretation. Well, the obvious thing to do seems to be to summon an assistant to help me out, cause this is my time of need. So do I just will it, to summon Assistant, alright here I go:

Summon Assistant

. . .

Checking the personality and abilities of the summoner

. . .

Assistant found

. . .


In front of my book, core well whatever it is the system seems to be summoning someone to help me. The tear in reality that has opened seems to be a gateway to the nothingness that I was in, but I can also see another tear appear in the nothingness to draw someone else out. When the other tear opened a person was sucked through, wait they're traveling fast, oh shit.

Boom, some dust fell from the ceiling, and now right in front of my core is a hole that someone just created. When I figuratively open my eyes again, I could see that the tear was slowly going back together and the person that was shot from the portal is now in a hole about a meter away from my core book. Actually that is a good name for the book that is my core, but that's besides the point, for now, is the person that was shot through the portal ok. As if to spite my words, the lady gets out of the pit without a scratch on her. Actually, is she even human, cause the last time I saw humans they did not have wings, so why does this person have wings?

When she gets out of the hole completely and stands up, she looks around. She has brown hair that falls goes back into a ponytail, she has glowing silver eyes, no I mean she really has glowing eyes. She is also wearing some glasses with rune script on the side of them, and she is wearing a dark blue and gold robe that covers everything except her head completely. Furthermore, she looks around as if in a daze and then asks out into the world, “Huh wasn’t I just sleeping in the library, how did I end up here.” of course a librarian, what else would the system give me a book. After a few looks around the room, and when her eyes seemed to have finally refocused, she had finally noticed my core book just floating in the room.

Her eyes when she finally sees my book just floating there, she seems to focus on something else in front of her at this moment, "oh..." she says “I see, so I am currently an assistant to a new dungeon core, and I am supposed to help it grow.” She then seems to look at something else on the screen that the system is most likely showing her, she then gets this creepy smile that splits half her face then says “not only a new dungeon but also a dungeon with a new type of core too.” She then shudders in what seems like pleasure, then her focus lands back onto my core book with insanity in her eyes, “you're also a new archetype that has never been seen before too, the news just keeps getting better.” Then at a speed that I can’t even see, she grabs my core book with gentle hands and examines me. “So little core, how are you. You and I are going to become good friends,” she says with the same eyes.

Akasha has accepted the Assistant role

. . .

Commencing Binding Ceremony

I feel a small tendril of my soul reach out of my core book and touch the crazy girl's tendril, wait her name is Akasha which sounds weirdly similar to akashic. Yet, before I could think even further about that, I feel the soul tendrils touch each other. I feel the tips of the tendrils mixing together. I now weirdly seem connected to her, she feels as if she were a piece of me now. But before I can continue down that train of thought, Akasha says directly to me, “Try to send your thoughts to me through your will.” So I thought to her, What is going on? Akasha gives me a large evil smile that causes my floating consciousness to shudder, Akasha then said “Nice to meet you Core, I am Akasha we will have a fun time together from now on.” Those words sent a spike of fear into me.

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