《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 27: Uprising
This is Shadyna, and I am getting slandered again!
I was on a skill scroll shopping spree when yelled at me using [World Voice]. Not directly at me per se, but still, please refrain from doing that. I am having kids here! Wait, that sounds a bit off…
_ Fensen: Uhm, was that…?
_ Shadyna: Don't mind them. I would like this [Fort] scroll!
_ Merchant: Right away little Miss!
I am well aware what the lolicon was screaming about. The rest of the big guilds will be after me soon enough I think.
What did I do? Nothing. Hessy just has good relationship with other guild's [Cooking]-focused players. She dreamed of a day when they would all be working together instead of against each other like an idealistic soon-to-lose-hometown hero, but did not have the resources to pull off.
Then I logged in for the first time and… wait, wouldn't that make me the overlord destroying her normal life?!
Anyway, she and the waitress corps were preparing for the departure as I empowered them through the power of friendship (cooperative mechanic exploitations). They did not ask me to help, just that I do not stop them when the time comes.
Not that I mind, so I agreed to craft for everyone under Hessy's banner. That, is my side of the contract with Nerin.
Didn't think they would begin the day after though. Because you play this game for like 8 hours a day in your sleep, your sense of time may get a bit dulled. That and fighting against a big bonus boss.
During our talk, Hessy said she would wait until she could pay off her shop first. Such a good girl…
Less good when Su, the perverted proprietress of the teahouse, informed us earlier that the big guilds are conspiring against me in a super duper secret meeting.
In retaliation, Hessy immediately negotiated with the bartenders in and the pizza (yes, really) chefs in . While has not shown any aggression towards me, they weren't against an alliance against me either.
At the same time, Elri and the rest of the corps were frantically building up the new restaurant where we will be working. It's the lot of land she just bought from right before the meeting.
I admit, Hessy planned to build it eventually. However, the change of plan was painful for everyone involved. With the forest being occupied by the Magnus Bestia, woods, of all things, became a luxury. Sure, crystals will do just fine, but the building will look ugly!
Elri is still decimating the ecosystem over there by the way. Magnus Bestia or not, she is destroying everything in her path while Mera is teleporting back and forth using [Recall] to transport the materials. The efficiency is a bit scary, but I am in no position to speak against it, having the dynamite excavator and all…
Stone and metal are no problem, as can use the storages in the secret base.
Why is it that a restaurant has more trouble with building materials than with food?!
It was distracting for my shopping trip with my cute students too…
Well then, should we evacuate from town before they come with pitchforks and torches? Hessy promised not to get me involved as much as she can manage. To be honest, I think she has a decent chance of winning even without my gear. Maybe we need a skill-exchange session…?
_ Shadyna: Let's go on a hunt now!
_ Fensen and Poltea: Oh~!
Not only skills for these two. I bought skill scrolls for myself as well. Combination skill scrolls are way too overpriced though!!!
[Combat Support] for buffing status, and [Potential Manifest] for buffing attributes. There're self-buff equivalents too, but they override each other so I only need the on-target skills.
_ Shadyna (Party): I'm leaving party to lead my cute students. If you need LDR have someone wear the set at home, okay?
_ Hessy (Party): Understood. Thanks for everything, .
_ Shadyna (Party): Please don't say lines that trigger your death before battle~
Now then, our target: The grove way to the west of town.
We leave from the south to avoid the angry horde. Not that any gate is safe, but members are not familiar with me yet (I think), so it's safer in comparison.
To reach the grove, we need to go past the area with sand circles first… Let's hope I can get there with only the directions from merchants. Getting lost episodes are not fun!
_ Fuelri: To think I would be fighting by your side again…
_ Hessenria: Feeling's mutual. You don't have to be here you know. They are after us cooks.
Sitting calmly at the front yard where the outdoor tables are, and are preparing for the fight.
All the service workers of the big guilds are furbishing the upper floors inside. They have to get everything ready to serve the customers afterwards. Currently only the first floor is operational as the main cafeteria.
_ Miel: Please cease all flirting. Your death is inevitable after being lovey-dovey before the last battle.
_ Fuelri and Hessenria: WHO THE HELL IS FLIRTING!!!
_ Miel: By the way, I brought you energizers to keep you up all night long.
_ Fuelri: There's no escaping these maniacs!!!
In any case, their buffed up stats are way too much. They will be killing all oppositions in one strike, skills or not. In the off chance a damage negation or evasion happens, their target will just die the next hit.
The only way for the mass to win is by focusing on [Ignore Defense] skills, and superior numbers. It almost worked out in 's favor last week, so they may try that again.
_ Hessenria: By the by, did you catch 's status? [Inspect] only returns her name and… profession now.
_ Miel: She got more titles after the boss fight. I don't know what exactly, but I could see her stats during the fight. None of my new titles gives such effects.
_ Fuelri: What do your new titles do by the way?
_ Miel: I am some kind of holy maiden now.
can't help but facepalms.
_ Hessenria: At least we can say she's a bit bonker because threw her at the boss.
_ Fuelri: I know right? What the hell was she thinking!!!
It was casual (?) chatting while waiting for world war, as usual.
_ Vladina: ! I know you are in there!
_ Hessenria: Break time's over.
The Sand Circles zone is half grassland half desert. This place is littered with big sandy circles not far from each other. A level 3-7 zone, but it's a bad place for my students.
Each circle is a nest of various aggressive beasts. When you step into one, they emerge in packs and pounce on you. While they can't really pierce armors made by me, it's not really good training.
I want them to practice on big, slow targets to get accustomed to combat first. Throwing them into chaos and telling them to git gud is not my style.
…Then again, I'm a pacifist. Should I even be doing this? Oh well, it's a material crisis, so I'll let it slide.
Materialism demands its tributes!
_ Fensen: Avoid the sand~ Sand is lava~
_ Poltea: There are players fighting over there… Should we help them?
_ Shadyna: They seem to be doing fine, so don't rob them of their loots. We'll help when they panic and start dying.
_ Poltea: Wouldn't that be too late…?
Little details~
Ah, a big centipede is rolling in that big circle. Is that a field boss?
Un, a field boss. [Inspect] says it's called [Storm Worm Turpedis].
As much as I want to rip it to pieces using [Refinery], it's best to refrain from now. If we fight it the only person capable of fighting properly (?) is me. Current armors are good, but not good enough for tanking bosses for the time being.
_ Fensen: [Inspect]~
Yeah, I bought [Inspect] for them too.
_ Poltea: It looks strong…
_ Shadyna: It's probably a boss. We will fight it later when you are better-equipped.
_ Fensen: Roger~
The good thing about this place is you don't really get aggressive monsters outside the sandy spots. Way better than unexpected Merexxa attacks…
Leaving the coarse sand zone behind, we cross a barren wasteland that has no plant or creature. The only point of interest is a faraway suspicious-looking pillar that reaches the clouds. Seems to be made of stone, so it's probably not a space elevator. Peculiar~
After more uneventful walking because it's too barren, we arrive at our destination.
A level 15-20 zone. A tree-filled grove with the biggest mobs in the current world. This is where the girls will start their real combat training!
Oh, they are level 3 by the way. We are way under-leveled for this place, to make it fairer for the local fauna.
_ Vladina: ! I know you can hear me! Don't give in to darkness!
_ Hessenria: Just PM her!
_ Vladina: The atmosphere is important!
_ Miel: Something something she's here on her own will. And treated her better.
_ Vladina: GUH!
_ Olkan: My bartenders! The pride of !!! Give them back!!!
_ Hessenria: They still work as bartenders, just not for you anymore.
It was like a protest in front of the new restaurant. The patrons from the tavern decide to ignore the weirdoes and walk inside despite all of that.
A lot of fighters from the big guilds are here too, but they are a bit hesitant to fight against old members, and more importantly, because overly glowing people are known to be destructive.
_ Cinrald: Hi there~ You must be the elf girl who bought this land from us. Nice to meet you!
_ Fuelri: Uh… likewise.
Some of the protesters are actually not here for protesting. It is not certain why they even bothered to be here!
_ Torenis: So you are behind this, .
_ Hessenria: Damn it this isn't a mixer! Stop beating around the bush and state your damn business!
_ Olkan: That's obvious! Return our cooks!!!
_ Hessenria: Rejected. They joined force with me on their own volition. I only provide them a workplace.
_ Fuelri: To be fair, this land is mine on paper…
_ Torenis: Don't bother, , . She has all but declared war officially. Force is the only answer to them.
And as usual, the agitators to escalate the whole thing are also present.
_ Olkan: W-wait! Nothing good comes out of violence!
_ Cinrald: What the hell, …
For all the gung-ho talking, he is truly a snaky merchant against an actual threat! Not knowing about his recent traumas, the guildmaster of looks at him in disgust.
_ Vladina: here will teach you a lesson! Pick your fighter!
_ Torenis: Oi!
And so, a duel is arranged because some brat decided to sacrifice her own comrade!
If this was a dating game, 's opinion of these two would drop so low the bad ends would trigger in the next sentence!
The tables and chairs on the courtyard were quickly picked up by and to avoid collateral damage.
_ Hessenria: That was fast. Are you used to this kind of job?
_ Fuelri: Learned since last raid. No one was willing to help me with the corpses.
_ Fuelri: Oh shut up. You guys were literally asking to step on you every day.
There was no tension on the waitress side, and their patrons as well.
Inside the "ring", which is just a small now-empty space, the combatants stand ready. On the big guilds' side is , and there's on the opposite side.
It's a weird match as no one really expected the duelists. 's guidmaster is known for large-scale battles, while his opponent… did not have a long working history with him. Why she participates instead of is a mystery.
Despite having overwhelming number, members of the big guilds are not trying to swarm their "enemies".
While each individual is not as strong as the waitresses, they still are experienced players. Being familiar with the ins and outs of combat, of course they used [Inspect] to gauge the opposition!
…The result completely shattered the big guilds' will to fight.
Even 's equipment, which is said to be the best in the game right now, is puny compared to the anomalous waitress standing before them.
They cannot see a possibility where they will be winning against such overwhelming odds.
_ Olkan: Ready… START!
All, except for one.
_ Torenis: Etena.
A fiery bird as big as an average human soars into the sky. The famous undying summon beast that held against the first Nox Terminus, and soon-to-be the first Magnus Bestia killer, Etena, has entered the ring.
_ Torenis: [Dive]!
The bird goes straight at its target like a hawk.
has quite good defense as she was one of the tanks. But that doesn't matter, since [Ignore Physical Defense] treats any defense as if it's not there for that portion of damage. When the opponent overwhelms in stats, inflict death by thousand cuts.
Etena itself has the stats of a mid-level boss, which is a lot compared to a level-capped player, and way stronger than a normal summoned beast. For something so tough, it's outright cheating to have self-resurrection as salt to injury!
To counter such a never-ending foe, the only choice is to aim at the summoner. 's entire build revolves around this attrition warfare. A balanced split between evasion and defense to maximize survivability in all situations, to buy time until the angry bird pokes its target to death.
It would have been tough against who has homing [Dark Bolt]. However, this time it's a melee player who uses two-handed hammer which is inherently slow. She is hard-countered by the summoner's playstyle.
_ Miel: [Summon], Yassyl!
A little fairy in black manifests in front of then charges towards Etena.
_ Miel: [Square Mask].
Pulling out a small pitch black shield with a D: expression painted on the front, much to the discomfort of the audiences, the fairy collides with a nasty "WHAM", but successfully stops Etena dead in its tracks (wings?).
_ Torenis: What the…
Last time they fought together, this waitress had no summon! Maybe, kind of. The guildmaster wasn't paying attention to her to begin with!
_ Miel: [Leap].
is right in reach of as she lunges forward, hammer in hands. Even without OP stats, you usually don't want to be receiving such attacks.
_ Torenis: Hmph!
Even though she has superior speed, it's not unavoidable for the guildmaster. While not as fast as , he can maneuver well enough to barely jump out of the danger zone. Effective and decisive actions triumph wasteful uses of stats any day!
So thinks , at least.
_ Miel: Dark Bolt!
_ Torenis: [Leap]!!!
When you are used to a certain harsh mistress of the tavern, it is normal to develop a condition which makes one gives the words [Dark Bolt] the highest priority, especially if they are from the enemies.
Seeing the former superior freaking out due to accidental brainwashing, can't help but facepalms out of pity.
_ Miel: Just kidding. Die.
Tossing a small rod out of inventory, the waitress swings her weapon upward like a golf club. The guildmaster, no longer able to evade due to being midair, is checkmated.
_ Torenis: ACK!!!
It was a direct hit in the chin. 's life does not have the chance to flash one last time before his eyes as he soars into the bright blue sky, because one of the requirements is, surprisingly, being alive.
_ Miel: Hmm… I may not be able to live without 's rods anymore…
_ Hessenria: What?
_ Fuelri: The heck?
_ Shadyna: I feel like someone just said bad things about me again…
_ Fensen: , sometimes I do not understand what you are saying at all.
_ Shadyna: Don't mind it~ How's it going?
I am just sightseeing the place, while and were hunting everything they see without any hesitation. Children are scary…
_ Fensen: We~ll, they died in the first strike.
_ Poltea: I'm glad. I don't like getting hit…
Then why are you playing melee, little girl?!
_ Shadyna: We need materials so I'll dismantle the corpses. Next time I'll let you do it to practice [Refinery].
_ Fensen: Thank you~ I love you!
_ Shadyna: Love you too. [Refinery]!
, how could you even abandon this adorable dork!
Anyway, the monsters at this zone give as much materials as raid boss's minions, most likely because they are in same level range.
Now, what should I make for them…
Crossbows are definitely out for lack of "coolness" in large numbers…
_ Shadyna: , what kind of weapon do you want to wield?
_ Fensen: Eh? Not crossbow?
_ Shadyna: This game seems to treat ranged weapons similarly except for reload mechanics. Do you want a more… uhm… badass weapon type?
_ Fensen: Oh~ Badass weapon~ Hmm~…
_ Shadyna: You should think about it too, . Just a preference is fine too~
_ Poltea: Ah, okay… Uhm…
Meanwhile, I'll set a temporary excavator and collect whatever ore is in this area. We need metals to craft weapons after all!
…By the by, I actually can move after excavation without dumping out the trash first, thanks to my 800 STR… Bye physics, it was nice knowing you.
_ Fensen (Party): , can we have guns in this game?
_ Shadyna (Party): I think it's possible, cosmetic-wise. You want to use guns?
_ Fensen (Party): Un! When we talk about badass weapons, I can only think of guns!
What about tanks, warships, jet fighters?! Oh wait, you are still a child, my bad. You aren't supposed to be well-informed about mankind's worst and best means of destroying their only planet yet.
_ Shadyna (Party): Are bigger guns okay?
Being surrounded by floating guns are cool, but being surrounded by even bigger guns are better! Your weapon's size has to be inversely proportional to your body size!
…Yeah, 's a young girl. She needs to have the biggest cannons Sateri would allow me to craft.
Not cannons, but guns? Can't hear anything over the sounds of explosions~
Having her approval (more like a big "Yay") after the first prototype, I mass produce the new "crossbow" using the materials we have been gathering.
_ Poltea: Uhm… …
_ Shadyna: Yes~?
_ Poltea: Do you know a melee weapon that is not sharp and good at defending…?
…I will have to ask again, why did you even choose a sword as your weapon?!
_ Shadyna: Not sharp, high defense… a shield?
_ Poltea: But that's not a weapon…
That's your reasoning for choosing a sword over it?!
_ Shadyna: It… is a weapon though?
_ Poltea: …It is?
_ Shadyna: Un, blunt weapon. Not the main use, but shield can bash enemies no problem.
In this game, melee skills only apply modifiers to your speed or damage. [Slam] can be used even with a bow, for example. Just look at Hessy's friend, . She uses dual shields as her weapon!
_ Poltea: Th-then… if you could…
_ Shadyna: Sure thing~ Lots of shields coming right up!
I may need another excavation trip… Welp.
_ Olkan: For all of his "I'm fighting the last boss" atmosphere, he got rekt way too quickly.
was the first person to break the awkward silence filling the arena. With flying to who-knows-where, the protesters don't know whether to charge or retreat, hence the current mood.
_ Vladina: Kuh! Don't think this is over! We will come back to have 's -censored- kicked again!
_ Hessenria: At least pretend to fight your own damn battles!
The protest quickly disperses as the leadership has lost all morale. In the first place, it's not like the defected players would go back even if had somehow won the fight.
The waitresses' victory will surely boost their popularity though.
_ Fuelri: I'll go grind in the ocean. PM me if they make a mess again.
Jumping onto the big salamander (drake), the elven cavalry scatters the crowd as she marches through the street. It is going to become a habit for players living in this area for sure.
_ Cinrald: I'm going to go with that elven girl. Bye~!
The brunette disappears into the streets. No one wants to ask how she would keep up with a rampaging salamander of doom. They have enough abnormalities in a day just by having Illusive Sprout logging in!
_ Miel: Back to raising a child…
_ Hessenria: Sateri-chan-dammit , we don't need another Mera to drive our patrons even crazier than they already are!
_ Warrior: We are grateful for the service!
_ Miel: I'll do my best.
_ Hessenria: That's not a compliment!!!
And everyone lives happily ever afte…
_ Olkan: Let's go, . I will craft you the best sword ever so I can reclaim my boobs once more!
_ Everyone: …
_ Olkan: Sorry, that sounded better in my head.
_ Hessenria: …Whatever. Are you eating?
_ Olkan: I'll have [Crafting Time Deluxe], honey.
_ Hessenria: And keep your mouth shut, damn degenerate!
After all, good players need food buffs and verbal abuses to do any meaningful gear crafting.
--- Topic: Big guilds are dead, long live Illusive Sprout ---
## Bountiful Hunter
She has done it, the mad lass. Illusive Sprout and her comrades are the new powerhouse.
For people out of the loop, the Cooking players of all big guilds rebelled earlier today under Illusive Sprout's banner. From now on, get your food in that five-story complex across the marketplace.
On a side note, Phoenix Ashes guildmaster got DESTROYED! (;一_一) By a waitress, no less!
## Serious Mage
Long live Illusive Sprout! (*^0^*)
She has officially become the last boss! Her friends are all boss-level now!
…Where do I sign unconditional surrender?
## Teabag Master
Looking forward to your continued support!
Don't worry about the… relocation. The peaceful tea room and noisy night club are operational! (^.^)/
Of course, you can get stepped on and buy pizza too. I'm not judging. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
## Heaven Piercer
Miel (the one fighting Torenis) could have just crushed him with power difference, but she just had to show off her humanoid summon, invoke his deep, dark fantas… fear of Dark Bolt, then -censored-slapped him with Illusive Sprout's shaft to assert dominance. All for the public to see.
I did not expect this level of cruel treatment even from our harsh mistress. (*´▽`*)
## StoneHoarder
Humanoid… summon? We don't even have humanoid monsters in the game!!! (≧ロ≦)
And uh… Where do you sign up to get treated like that by the harsh mistress? Asking for a friend.
--- Topic: Patch discussion - 1.0c11 ---
## Fire mage of Justice
Sateri-chan is getting weirder every emergency patch. Guess she's losing it with Illusive Sprout's shenanigans.
Summary for 1.0c11:
- Put a stop to door abuse. (OP note: What the heck happened here?!)
- Put a stop to strong boss abuse. (OP note: Poor Avitus Caelicola…)
- Added special contents for long term.
- Got into a relationship. (OP note: …Can anyone verify this while I get my weapons?)
## Maximus Archery
Got weird title called Goddess's Chosen after patch. [Pic]
Anyone else got that?
## Manly Warrior
I have it.
## Fire mage of Justice
So do I. Did everyone receive it?
## OP alchemist
I didn't. Not everyone at least.
As for the boss note, Alchemy buffs were heavily nerfed for once. Material cost increased a ton, and I cannot craft the same effect strength without losing pretty much all effect duration!
How are we going to kill anything non-mob at this rate?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
## Newbie Charisma build
I didn't get the title either. (;_;)
And RIP Alchemy. Then again I heard 100% stats buff is normal for boss fights. Doubling your stats for hours is OP in a way.
## Teabag Master
Regarding the door, I have confirmation that it is a fix to prevent using doors as ultimate skill countermeasures.
PM if you want to buy the details.
Also, Cooking got similar nerf. The crazies don't seem to mind. Welp.
## Mage of Sin
I… how… Σ(゚Д゚)
Why doors!?
## Fire mage of Justice
Why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do think we should not question Illusive Sprout's ways of doing things. What things, I do not know. It is a mental health hazard.
## Mage of Sin
Btw, I got into character creation again to ask Sateri-chan about her relationship. She wasn't amused. (^_^;)
I have findings though.
The good news: She's not married.
…The bad news: She's engaged. Has a very expensive-looking ring on her ring finger. Go into character creation to see for yourself.
## Fire mage of Justice
Guys, and gals, if that's your thing, get your torch and pitchfork.
We are going to war!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ(#゚Д゚)
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To move on from her past, an extraordinary girl must tear down the walls she has built to protect herself.Mackenzie Douglas seems to have it all: good looks, a great boyfriend, a passion for biking, and a little sister who worships her. But under the veneer of perfection lie the emotional scars of her childhood, inflicted by her father. Though her memories have faded with time, the wounds on Mac’s subconscious remain.Having vowed to never be a victim again, Mac focuses on a journey she’s always wanted to take: a summer bike trip on her amazing new RoadCap bike. But as the excursion finally gets underway, memories Mac long ago buried start to claw their way back to the surface, forcing her to confront a past she has done everything she can to forget.To prevent her sister from enduring the same trauma, Mac must let go of everything in which she’s found refuge. To break a cycle that needs to be broken, Mackenzie summons her strength and risks shattering the world she has so carefully built, exposing hidden secrets, long-told lies, and a horrific crime.Hello, Readers!It took me nine years (seriously!) to finish this YA, Dancing With the Devil, and Diversion Books has published it both digitally and in paperback versions. But guess what? I'm also putting it up here on Wattpad, free. Serialized, so it might make you crazy, but still, cool, right? And the whole thing will be here. I'm serializing twice a week every Sunday and Wednesday and the completed story will be one of the Wattpad Featured Stories starting on June 6th. You'll just have to wait to read the whole thing. After it's all up, I get to answer questions in a LIVE Q&A book club! Talking to readers will be a dream come true. Sign up here to make sure you don't miss the event: http://katiedavis.com/devilbookclub
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