《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 18: Raiders
Hiyo, Shadyna the wanderer is stuck in the cavern today!
I logged in and intended to explore new areas, but a raid is coming so I ended up going to my secret base instead.
And here I thought the cabin fever would finally be rid of…
I could have stayed in Elri's house too, but there's not much left in the storage. Therefore, I decided to harvest the trees in secret base instead.
Oh, and it's patch day. Let's see what Sateri has been up to this week…
…Sleeping is implemented. What.
I tried making a bed with [Creation], and voila, I really can!
[Red Crystal Bed]
- Creator:
- Furniture: Inspect Resistance
The skill has no level. Does that mean it doesn't assist, but boosts or trains the skill while I sleep?
When I tried to logout, I was asked if I wanted to use the nearby bed.
So that's how it is…
I can train skill while sleeping, without playing!
Let's spend the free time between harvests to find ways to abus… make good use of this new feature! Crafting too!
On to the next patch note!
…Dead creatures do not leave an item bag anymore, but a full corpse item instead.
I expect raids will become a literal corpse mountain. Welp.
With this change, maybe item bags will finally see their end. No idea if players can interact with corpses they did not kill like before.
Not my problem though. By the time I can deal with corpses, the perimeter is always secured anyway.
The last big change is potentially game-changing.
Bosses have been massively buffed. At the same time, "Variants" are introduced to help fill the place of the old bosses. Variants are normal creatures but have buffed status, skills, and most importantly, better drops.
I wonder what the new drop rate will be like. I doubt variants drop [Unique] and [Rare] though… Wouldn't that make the current ones more expensive?
The plan was to grind materials today in the field.
However, due to the incoming raid, grinding is out.
_ Mera: Hey~, Nerin~, how about we grind like the cavalry girl did?
Mera, who is now the leader of the corps, makes an outrageous suggestion.
_ Nerin: What the heck, Mera? I didn't know Hessy was the only person keeping you kind of sane!
_ Mera: How mean~
, the waitress with a two-handed hammer, walks to her peers.
_ Miel: Do you have anything in mind? We need to protect the gate first and foremost.
_ Mera: You see~ When we fight at the gate, we are not allowed to va~porize monsters. I was thinking about using this raid to grind materials instead~
_ Nerin: And how are we supposed to survive when surrounded by hundreds of monsters?!
_ Miel: So you are suggesting we not join in the defense.
_ Mera: Well~, side was doing ju~st fine without a leading party. Our guild members are familiar with raids already, so~
_ Nerin: …You ran somewhere yesterday for hours, and since you returned with the psycho sisters, you have been even weirder than usual. What the heck were you doing?
_ Mera: That's why I want us to grind away from town~ And I am not weird~
_ Nerin: *Sigh* , your opinion?
_ Miel: Isn't it fine? It's true they can hold without us. If we can kill freely, we won't need to postpone our grind.
_ Nerin: …Fine. You had better do this properly, Mera.
_ Mera: I will~
_ Vladina: Hmm? Is not here today?
_ Olkan: She's out grinding today. Near the Honey Swarm, I think?
_ Vladina: For real? Her [Dark Bolt] is single target, why would she be grinding in the area with swarms of enemies?
_ Olkan: That's what she told me. More importantly, how's it going with the Magnus Bestia?
_ Vladina: We are dealing damage, but [Inspect] implied it having some way of retaliation. I don't know what though.
_ Olkan: Think we can get it before returns?
_ Vladina: At current rate? I would give it around a week, so yes.
_ Olkan: No problem then. , I'm counting on your party this time to protect the siege engines.
_ Maximus: No worries.
_ Tippe: I haven't even had my daily dose of abuse from yet…
_ Ignar: *Sigh* Let's get this over with, then we can check out the buffed up bosses.
_ Nerin (Party): …Hessy, I can understand. , no problem. But who the heck is she?!
As the waitress corps arrives at the border between the plains and the next swarm area, they found waiting for them, along with another person. An elf, wearing dark heavy armor, with an enormous chest!
Waitresses serve a lot of people. They can't really remember everyone unless the person does something out of the ordinary. , aside from her appearance, was a surprisingly normal patron in the tavern, so of course Nerin did not remember who she was.
is also in the party, but she's currently in the Crystal Valley, which is nowhere close!
_ Fuelri (Party): I am , elven… cavalry, I suppose?
_ Nerin (Party): …Eh? You are that cavalry person the board was all about? You are not on a mount, using totally different equipment. I would have thought you to be someone else if it wasn't for your bust!
_ Fuelri (Party): Is there no one in this party who has actually likeable personality?!
_ Shadyna (Party): I do~
_ Fuelri (Party): AS IF!
_ Mera (Party): Hessy, if you would be so~ kind to explain our strategy?
_ Nerin (Party): You didn't have one until now?!
_ Miel (Party): I'm .
The waitress with short dark brown bob cut bows slightly. While she seems a bit on guard, she doesn't seem to be a bad girl, and she even greeted without snarky questions!
For the elf girl, the bar has become so low that a short introduction is one of the better and saner interactions she has ever had.
_ Fuelri (Party): Ah, nice to meet you. I didn't expect a waitress to wield a hammer.
_ Magnemi (Party): , water mage.
The red-headed girl with messy hair has nothing in her appearance that gives even the slightest hint of her profession! Even her staff is bright red!!! Worst of all, her right arm has the broken rock texture, indicating her half-golem heritage. Why did this person even choose water of all elements?!
_ Centanny (Party): , shield specialist.
…This half-fish person… wields shields. Spiky shields, and there are two of them! Did she think the spikes would go well with her fin-shaped ears?!
Apart from her bad sense of weapon selection, she's a mermaid with light blueish ponytail. This game doesn't even have an area with the ocean yet!!!
Sateri-chan was too generous when implementing this wide selection of races!!!
_ Melodyn (Party): Melod…
_ Fuelri (Party): I already know who you are!!! And don't you dare introduce yourself again, !
_ Choruse (Party): Tsk…
_ Nerin (Party): Must have been rough being the only sane person huh, ?
_ Fuelri (Party): You are not helping!
_ Hessy (Party): Okay, introduction time's over. I'll brief our strategy now.
_ Nerin (Party): …Isn't that… a bit risky? We don't have potions to fight for hours here.
_ Mera (Party): Don't worry~ I will make sure your suffering is lo~ng and painful~
_ Nerin (Party): *Sighs* And how are you going to do that without a warehouse worth of pots? Are you going to make help as support?
_ Mera (Party): I will not~ Healing four players is normal you know~
_ Nerin (Party): …Four?
No matter how she counts, there are nine players here, Mera included. is too far from here, so she doesn't count, obviously.
_ Mera (Party): We pro~bably won't need healing either. Just try to kill as many as possible, okay~?
_ Nerin (Party): Why are you so obsessed with grinding today…
_ Mera (Party): Because~
She puts a finger on her lips, leaning towards the confused Nerin.
_ Mera (Party): A contract with the devil is not cheap~
_ Nerin (Party): What. The. Heck?!
_ Shadyna (Party): How rude~
_ Hessy (Party): Leave that for later. Switch to combat gear, everyone.
When she sees the glowing tattoos appearing all over her allies, Hessy's eye glowing, and the elf girl jumping on the summoned black salamander with wings growing out of her back, the poor waitress that is Nerin decides to stop thinking altogether.
_ Mage: We have a breach!
_ Warrior: Dammit, not again! Do something about those corpses!
The new patch was Sateri-chan's way of saying "I see you were having it easy in raids. Let me change that", as the players found out the hard way at the worst time possible.
Variants, the new type of enemy, are pretty much Merexxa but more common. They are "normal" monsters with status of a weak boss. Because they are "normal", they can appear in raids.
Combined with the amount of monsters in a raid, it became a semi-boss-rush event. The number of enemies that can fight back skyrockets with variants leading the charge.
However, that alone wouldn't change much of the strategy, because they are still vulnerable to the pathing abuse. No matter how strong variants are, they cannot do damage if they are stuck in the middle of a debuffed horde.
That's where the removal of item bags comes in.
As magi kill the monsters behind the engaged frontline, the dead bodies pile up into small hills. Remaining monsters can climb onto these hills and jump to behind the players below, or create a ramp up to the wall where they can run relentlessly instead of climbing slowly.
Against the sudden change in the enemy's tactics, wall breaches were inevitable.
_ Archer: STOP FIRING BLINDLY! Killing them right now just makes everything worse!!!
_ Mage: This is bad! The gate fell!
_ Priest: Block the streets! Do not let them overrun the town!!!
_ Ignar: The plan is working, Max! The town walls have been breached though!
At the siege site, the defense employed a different strategy. They focus on debuffing the enemies climbing the wall and killing them at last moment, while the main nukes fire at their range limit.
For the monster they have to kill to prevent breaches, magi destroy the corpses for good. DPS is bad, and loot is horrible, but the situation remains under control like most raids in the past.
All thanks to the defense leader, 's party.
_ Maximus: Send the reserve to the back! Don't let the monsters attack us from the town!
_ Tippe: How the hell are we going to hold for hours with this!
_ Ignar: We will hold. The town… I'm not so sure.
_ Maximus (Party): Sateri-dammit what are you scrubs doing, , ?!
_ Olkan (Party): There's so much I can do when all I have are merchants! They are not the best at following orders!
_ Vladina (Party): We are holding our gate, but 's overrun segments are disrupting us!
_ Maximus (Party): Mobilize the scrubs sitting their asses off in the market! Use the streets as gates and houses as walls!
_ Olkan (Party): On it!
_ Ignar: How's doing… Actually, don't tell me.
_ Tippe: Got words that both and 's gates have been overrun.
_ Ignar: Welp. Any idea how to deal with that? The town is going to get wrecked.
_ Maximus: What the hell are those waitresses doing?!
Little did they know, none of the waitresses is in town right now.
_ Ignar: No point crying over spilt milk. Should we go help them? Our defense is stable even without us.
_ Maximus: Can't be helped. Damn nubs.
_ Vladina (Party): , call ! We need every fighter right now!
_ Olkan (Party): Right!
_ Nerin (Party): [Mass Dismantling]…
_ Shadyna (Party): Nerin lost all will to fight~
_ Nerin (Party): Who wouldn't?!
Hessy and Mera aside, even the new dark elven sisters have become totally insane! And they are not even at level cap!
decimates an area every time she swings her dagger. It was made for spellcasting, so it gives MAT instead of PAT. Nevertheless, last time she went out, she wasn't one-hitting enemies with AoE spells!
_ Melodyn: [Elemental Blast]!
Another area is completely filled with corpses just after one skill. Now it's just Nerin's job to dismantle them and give the materials into the wagon behind Mera.
For some reason, that wagon can store way too much stuff! Even wagons of wouldn't have that kind of storage space!!!
_ Choruse: [Leap]! [Slam]!
is on the other side, smashing everything in range with her two-handed morning star. Even the bigger monsters get squished as the not-so-blunt weapon comes down upon them.
_ Miel: [Slam]!
In the odd chance that something does survive, jumps in and finishes it off with her hammer. Why are these two brutal monstrosities together?!
Hessy is the rear guard. Actually, rather than a "guard", she's more of a back-facing cannon! What's with the 5-digit-damage [Dark Bolt]!? The only things in the game that can deal such amount of damage are the Magnus Bestia! It's a basic attack spell, so the cast time and cooldown may as well not exist. Look, she's firing faster than she can chant!
Mera is using [Devotion] so all her stats and attributes, including the ones given by equipment, are gone. Her HP is exactly 1, with no defense. That's why everyone is around her, making sure nothing gets past.
As for the monstrosity who received [Devotion]'s effect…
_ Fuelri: [Pierce]!
The variant of a big wolf falls after withstanding multiple charges from the cavalry girl.
Why is that elf having 5-digit damage as well?! She's not even a mage!
They have encountered a few variants and one boss so far. slayed them all, alone, while the main party fought the horde from a distance.
A raid boss is hard to deal with because it's guarded by way too many monsters. This stupid elf just melted everything in her path using basic attacks then whacked the main target with one or two skills! She would not stop to engage, but continue forward and turn back for the next charge instead.
As if she's role-playing a true cavalry.
_ Fuelri (Party): Got another one!
_ Mera (Party): Nice~ Did you see the despair in its eyes as you en…
_ Fuelri (Party): I DID NOT! Stop trying to give me PTSD!
_ Nerin (Party): By the way, are we not dismantling the variants and boss?
is keeping all those corpses. In other words, her STR must be abnormally high.
_ Hessy (Party): No need. We'll leave it to the professional later.
_ Nerin (Party): Aren't we the professionals for that?!
Usually, a boss-hunting party will bring the corpse back to the tavern for dismantling.
Somehow, the very dismantling crew is not going to dismantle their own preys?!
_ Mera (Party): Well~ None of us can ri~p apart a corpse and end up with more meat than it could physically contain~
_ Nerin (Party): How?!
_ Shadyna (Party): I'll do my best~
_ Nerin (Party): What the heck have you been doing these last few days?!
At least the last time Nerin saw , the little brat was somewhat a clueless newbie. Since when did she become the best dismantler acknowledged by professional waitresses themselves?!
_ Hessy (Party): Everyone, and just called. Tyrel's defense has fallen.
_ Nerin (Party): …Seriously?
The raid has been too easy for the waitresses so far that they hadn't even thought about the town at all!
_ Mera (Party): My my~ It will be like the old days~
_ Shadyna (Party): The old days?
_ Mera (Party): In the beta, when we had no wall around Tyrel, raids were last stands for us~ E~veryone kept killing, dying, returning to spawn point ju~st to hold off the enemies from all sides~ It was pure joy~
_ Shadyna (Party): For you only, I would assume…
The closed beta players here can confirm that.
_ Nerin (Party): It won't be good if our tavern gets destroyed. Shall we retreat?
_ Mera (Party): It can't be helped~
_ Hessy (Party): I'm indebted to them so yes, I'm returning. What about you, ?
Because is not part of the waitress corps, she doesn't follow Hessy or Mera. And last raid she was doing just fine on her own as well.
_ Fuelri (Party): I'll go back too. The house costed a lot.
_ Shadyna (Party): Please do your best to protect the fodders in the storage!
_ Fuelri (Party): They are just going to be stored in a special temporary inventory if the house gets destroyed, but I don't want to sort all of them AGAIN!!!
_ Shadyna (Party): Me neither~
Just the thought of going through thousands of items is a good (de)motivation for most people!
_ Mera (Party): It's decided then~ [Devotion]. [Mass Recall]!
Turning off [Devotion] to get her MP back, Mera sends the party back to Tyrel in a flash.
_ Nerin (Party): What the heck is that casting speed?!
_ Mera (Party): My end of the deal with the devil~
_ Shadyna (Party): I'm not a devil~
_ Hessy (Party): , please support the side. , help , prioritize protecting the tavern. , join up with , just keeping the monsters off them is fine. I will go join the boob-obsessed pigs.
_ Mera (Party): What about me~
_ Hessy (Party): Do whatever you want, Miss new manager. If you go with me the pigs will just get distracted.
_ Mera (Party): Aw~
And so, the crazies split up and disappear into the streets.
_ Nerin (Party): So… uh, what do we do now?
_ Miel (Party): Sign a contract with the devil?
_ Nerin (Party): WHY?!
_ Magnemi (Party): Why not?
_ Centanny (Party): I agree. We were dead weight.
Materialism has claimed its newest victims!!!
Despite all her straight man talks, Nerin felt that too. If it were only Hessy and Mera, she wouldn't have batted an eye. However, the newbie dark elves being outright overpowered is not something she can overlook! They were not even closed beta players!
_ Nerin (Party): But…
_ Mera (Party): You know~ I didn't call it a contract with the devil for no reason~
_ Nerin (Party): Eh? You actually put some thoughts into your words?!
_ Mera (Party): Your words are really harsh today, Nerin~
_ Miel (Party): , what's the price?
_ Nerin (Party): Can you at least be a bit wary?!
_ Shadyna (Party): Uhm… Elri, would you mind dropping the big corpses at the door?
_ Fuelri (Party): Sure thing.
_ Shadyna (Party): Well then, please go to our house. I'll unlock the door for you.
_ Nerin (Party): Eh? Aren't you in the vall…
's signal had moved to Tyrel before Nerin could finish her question.
The tavern is empty.
Even when mobilized, one or two waitresses stay behind to ensure the patrons are served. This time, however, there was no one at the counter.
Everyone panicked when they saw the waitress corps left the tavern unattended, by 's order. It is the first time for this tavern since closed beta.
Now, the defense is overrun. Casualties are piling up, and there's no one to provide good food buffs in 's area. This in turn makes respawned players weaker than before, and causes even more deaths.
The vicious spiral has begun. Or so the defenders thought.
Outside, a few parties of frequent patrons are fighting to protect the building. If it gets destroyed, not only will it take time to rebuild, the owners will have to redo all the storage management again. The tavern will be out of commission for quite some time.
The defenders are fighting ferociously, but the horde cares not about morale. Slowly but surely, they are losing ground.
_ ???: [Elemental Bolt]!
A barrage of rainbow-colored projectile rains upon the monsters surrounding the defenders, killing them on contact.
No, [Bolt] skills are not supposed to kill anything in their level range in one hit.
The confused defenders turn to the origin of the barrage. There, a single dark elf with ample chest is walking towards them.
Even better than her chest, she is wearing the distinctive waitress outfit that everyone here knows and loves more than anything else.
If the waitresses themselves tell these guys that such obsession is not healthy, the perverts would say it was a reward!
_ Waitress: [Mass Dismantling].
The corpses disappear into crafting spheres which quickly turn into items in the waitress's inventory. Then, foods appear en masse.
_ Waitress: Brave warriors, reinforcement has arrived~ Sorry for the wait~
_ Defenders: …FOR THE LADY!!! URAH!!!
As annoying as these perverts can be at times, their morale is one of the easier aspects to manage. A kind smile from a beautiful girl is more than enough to push them into the deepest corner of hell.
And fully intends to push them as far as she could.
--- Topic (Sticky): Patch discussion - 1.0c10 ---
## Fire mage of Justice
PLEASE READ: If you can login and are reading this, please login and help defend Tyrel. It is under heavy fire and needs all the help it can get.
- Sleep is good for your body.
- Killed creatures leave corpses. Item bags weren't their true forms, surprisingly. (OP note: The board's meta is leaking to Sateri-chan!)
- Introducing variants, a normal creature that is as strong as a boss that can appear randomly in field.
- Current bosses are buffed to fit their positions as top of the food chain. Revamped bosses' loots. Existing items are not changed.
- Added several contents to support the coming big patch.
## Manly Warrior
Thank you for the hard work as always, Sateri-chan! (^o^)
Sleeping is confirmed to be giving skill experience while you are offline. Requires an enclosed room with bed furniture. Your character can be killed in sleep and will disappear like a logout if the room is destroyed.
In other words, remember to set the room to private!
## Nearseeing Sage
I remember Sateri-chan implying item bags were because of the performance hit when she had to process the corpses in the beta. Glad to see her being able to resolve that problem! (^_^)
## Heaven Piercer
I wonder if she had a hardware upgrade?
Maybe her other… parts got an upgrade too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
## Serious Mage
Reported for harassing Sateri-chan.
The variants are a welcomed change. Our voices regarding the competition over the bosses were heard. (^_-)
Anyone tried the new bosses?
## Flame knight of Darkness
We tried one since there's time before the raid.
A level 7 boss is now stronger than the old Laetque Eye! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
## Manly Warrior
Seriously?! Sateri's standards for buffing needs to be nerfed! orz
## Fire mage of Justice
I have a feeling Sateri-chan wasn't amused when she saw Illusive Sprout soloing the Laetque Eye. Just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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