《New Roads》New Roads: Prologue
A little over a decade had passed since Royal Road had first started. The game had been conquered by the legendary Weed. The in-game character had ascended to the throne and the player had gained the monetary benefits from Unicorn Inc., that hadn’t been all though. The player, Hyun Lee, had earned back the three billion won the loan sharks had taken from him and with it he was able to gloat over them as the leader had to bow before him and call him Hyung-nim as he had promised years ago. Hyun Lee was now in his early thirties, his sister had found a wonderful husband that he had finally come to terms in accepting as he had the preconceived notion that the man was a playboy. Even Hyun himself had found love in the one he considered to be the most beautiful on earth and had also found something to live for now that his original goal of ensuring his sister’s happiness was accomplished.
Hyun had also acquired a job with his victory over Royal Road; it was an interesting one that he hadn’t expected to acquire. None of his family knew what it was either; he had kept it under tight wrap since it would be game changing in a sense.
He stood looking at a large monitor, his classically rotten smile plastered on his face.
‘The money earned from this will be enormous!’
Beside him a few of his co-workers grimaced, over the past few years they had come to discover that he was actual a devil in sheep’s clothing. He had worked them to the bone and rarely praised them, usually when he did it was so he could manipulate them into working harder. Of course some also recognized that he did the same; while he lacked the programming and other technical skills that they had, he made up for it with relentlessly testing the generated content in the digital world to make sure there were no bugs in the programs.
‘Finally, we will be free of the devil!’
‘I can finally sleep peacefully!’
‘Thank god this is almost over’…….
Were a few of the thoughts running through his co-workers minds. Eventually Hyun Lee turned away from the monitor and made his way to the special capsule room Unicorn had developed for its in-game system checks. The place was one of the several places in Unicorn headquarters where only a select few were able to enter, namely those in the development team. Hyun found the Creator there, the nickname he had given the man responsible for the creation of Royal Road.
“It’s time, are you ready?”
“Yeah, with this despite the price drop there will be a larger profit!”
The Creator sighed slightly; despite his vast intellect he had never quite been able to understand Hyun Lee. He did have a great respect for him though, his input during the development process had proved invaluable.
“Go give them a good show”
“I will, I feel a song at the end will be perfect!”
There was a harsh cough of surprise and the Creator hesitantly said, “please just stick to the outline we agreed on, there’s no need for a song.”
Hyun looked a little put-out but gave a nod as he slipped into the capsule. The capsule thrummed to life as he was transported to the world of Royal Road.
Weed overlooked his land, all that stretched out before him was his. He was in his Citadel in Morata, the place where the seeds of his rule had first taken root. His wife found him quickly, it was likely that she had been checking for his entrance to the game. He had left her at their house in the real world two days ago. He had told her that after this, he’d be able to tell her what exactly he had been up to in Unicorn for the past few years.
She grabbed hold of his sleeve, “found you,” her voice was quiet; she wasn’t much of a talker.
Weed jumped slightly, whether in this world or the real one he was always a little nervous around her whenever he thought she was angry. As he turned around he noticed she was smiling and relaxed a little.
“You did, Are the others here yet?”
“Yes, they’re at the Tower.”
“Good, let’s be off.”
Weed called Bingryong to them and after they had both stepped onto his massive head they flew off to the Tower. It was an enormous structure, no one had any idea why Weed had ordered it built, and what’s more it was built around the Tower of Light in such a way that no one could see it anymore. As they landed his friends gathered around him. The 505 Geomchis, his sister Yurin, her husband, Pale, Hwaryeong, Seechwi, Irene, Maylon, Mapan, Surka, Romuna, and even Alveron, the Pope of the Freya religion, had gathered around him. Alveron strode to the front; he was no longer the obedient child that had helped him liberate Morata from the Vampires, but a full grown pope.
“Weed, I believe it is time, we can no longer hold back the tide of change.”
“Yes Alveron, I have prepared as best I can, it is time.”
The others surged around them asking what had happened and what they were talking about. Maylon had an inkling of what was happening because she was here for work as well as for Weed. A deal had been cut between Unicorn and KMC for some special event that was supposed to take place soon, the deal was for KMC’s rights to broadcast the live feed from Hyun Lee’s capsule. Eventually everyone was settled as Weed raised his voice.
“Today is when this world ends.”
Everyone had a shocked expression on their face.
“For years, the Church of Freya and I have co-operated on holding back the darkness that is about to sweep the land. It started with Bar-Khan, back then we didn’t know what was happening but after I gained rule over the world we had found out the truth about what was happening. Now the only thing we can do is escape and save as many people as we can.”
The setting sun bathed them in its last rays of light as they stared stunned at Weed. The speech had been partly scripted but Weed was quite proud of his delivery. Alveron now stepped forward.
“The Goddess Freya has seen fit to smile on us and has provided us with a way out of this ending through Weed. That is what this tower was built for; it will shine a light on the pathway to safer lands.”
“Yes, and now it is time to open the door.”
After this Weed and Alveron turned around and walked towards the Tower in what Weed considered a regal fashion. They stood in front of the smooth surface of the Tower, after its completion the Tower had transformed and become one solid piece of stone. No one had been able to enter it, this had added to the mystery as to why Weed had wanted it built. As the two touched the tower it glowed and with a shimmering crack, large square holes opened up all over the tower. One opened up in front of Weed and Alveron. They now turned around to face the group; Alveron had a sad smile on his face while Weed attempted to look sad. It was difficult for him because he was in such a good mood thinking about all the money that was about to come his way. This turned his sad expression slightly rotten, though only a little, he did actually feel a little sad since he had grown attached to the game over the years.
“The way is open; I need all of you to form groups and equally distribute yourselves at the openings. When the moon rises, you will be sent to key places across the Empire. I need all of you to save as many people as you can and lead the evacuation, send them back the way you came. Soldiers and followers of Freya are at these locations use them well.”
New Stat: Absolute Leadership
Absolute Leadership
Your skill in leadership has risen as a gift from the heavens.
All troops under your command gain 50% increase to stats
All troops under your command will follow your orders to the letter
Particularly loyal troops may continue to serve even after death
“What is this?”
“A special stat, it’s only available because of my command and the blessing of Freya”
“This is amazing!”
The crowd was murmuring in excitement over the new stat. Weed separated himself and began to cook, he smiled as it had been a while since he had last cooked. He hadn’t found much need to after he had raised the skill to its maximum, by then he was already emperor of Royal Road and didn’t really need to do it anymore. The Geomchis were the first to notice the smell and all of them gulped in anticipation.
“We can’t go into the final battle on an empty stomach now can we? Everyone hand me your equipment and I’ll take care of that as well.”
There was laughter as the tension diffused and comments about how it was like the good old days filled the air. By the time everyone was done and everything was in order the moon had reached its zenith and everyone had moved into position. Suddenly the tower seemed to collect the moonlight and then it radiated it outwards from the holes in the tower. The light resembled a path, simultaneously there was a massive earthquake and the sky seemed to darken slightly.
From Weed’s perspective two status windows popped up, one was exclusive to him and the other was visible to every player in Royal Road.
Final Masterpiece!
You have finished the sculpture – Tower of the New Road
This is your final Sculpture, the greatest masterpiece in all the land. Wherever its light touches one can travel to the Tower instantly
You now have gained dominion over all sculptures!
Then there was the one everyone could see.
The Final Adventure
The darkness has risen and now no one can hold it back. A great cataclysm will befall the world. Save as many as you can and escape along the paths of light.
Difficulty Level: SS+
Reward: Special gifts from the gods based on contribution
Penalties: If quest is refused player will be kicked from the game
Every player in-game accepted the quest, unwilling to risk missing out on what seemed like a huge event. KMC had already been broadcasting the live footage and everyone who was able to log into Royal Road did so, those that couldn’t remained glued to the TV or kept checking the forums for updates and speculations.
‘What is this!?’
‘I had heard that Unicorn was working on something new but I didn’t think they’d end Royal Road!’
‘Please, let me make it in time to join the quest!’
The Server for Royal Road was placed under the greatest strain ever in its operation history as nearly all players logged into their account, it was the first time in history that this many people were simultaneously playing the same game at once. The people within the operations department were furiously working to make sure that everything was running smoothly. At one point the influx of players from the West seemed like it may crash the server but the Creator stepped in and rerouted the path of the login in requests through the internet so that the system could process them without crashing.
The groups within the tower all moved along their paths and suddenly found themselves in different parts of the Empire. Already players had gathered around the pathways, fortunately none had tried to enter the light. As the groups stepped off the paths of light, they themselves began to shine with light, it appeared to be an effect of the new stat they had received. As they appeared they were swamped with players asking them questions until a sky-shattering roar filled their ears.
“Listen! All the dark armies are on the rise once again! The darkness behind the Embinyu church and Bar-Khan has begun its final march across the world! Help the citizens of this great empire flee and then save yourselves!”
Quest update!
The Emperor has informed you of what the darkness is. All once defeated enemies of the world will rise again. The Undead Legion marches as the Embinyu church rises to greater power to name a few of the resurrected nightmares.
All monsters that have been slain in the past year have revived
All enemies from A and S ranked quests have revived
All dead humanoids will rise as undead. This includes player and NPC bodies
You have used: Final roar
The final form of the Lion’s roar skill, all who hear it will find new strength and determination.
Fighting spirit of everyone who hears it increases by 50%
All stats receive a 50% increase
Lion’s roar skill is now unusable
Weed bit back a small moan, he had known that would happen if he used the skill but that didn’t stop him from regretting it. He began crying internally for what he was about to do next.
“Sculptures of the world, heed my call! Rise and defend my subjects, I grant you all life!”
All sculptures have been granted life!
Through your dominion over all sculptures you have successfully given all sculptures in your domain life.
Art stat has been reset to zero
Level has been reset to 1
All stats have been reset to starting values
Despite the fact that this had been planned out, there was only so much that could be done with a system like Royal Road, the ruling A.I. known as the Goddess would only let the Unicorn development team tamper with the system so much. Thus it had resulted in Weed losing the entirety of his power. He stumbled slightly as his strength left him, his unique class armor and weapons disintegrated leaving him in just a plain shirt and pants. His wife gave him a concerned look and asked what had happened. He explained, and after he was done she stepped in front of him and raised her shield as if she was going to protect him from everything like she always did. They had remained at the Tower with Alveron and Bingryong. They were busy observing the evacuation of the Capital of the empire, the players that were in the area had already come to the tower and had received orders from Weed to spread out around the capital and destroy any monsters they came across down to the last rabbit. Bingryong took off after a short while and began destroying the larger boss class monsters that had revived in the area.
Everywhere there was battle. One could hear the din of swords on armor and the roar of beasts from the Plains of Despair to Kallamore. In Baran the statue of Freya began to move and crush the lizardmen underfoot that once again threatened the town. Outside of Serabourg a great sphinx began to pounce on the hoard of rabbits, foxes, and wolves outside of the city gates. Inside a frozen cave a pair of lovers released their hold on one another to destroy the bone dragon that threatened the valley of flowers below them.
Other news sites had begun to pick up the story and it quickly spread around the world. Even those normally not interested in games watched with interest as they watched the battle for survival rage on
‘so, this is what the game looks like!’
‘I wish I had had enough money to play, this looks like it could’ve been fun’
‘so this is how Koreans imagine what the end of a medieval world would look like’
A lone teenager sat in his living room glued to the TV, his fists were clenched and a furious expression was on his face.
‘I finally save up enough to buy a capsule and Royal Road is ending!?’
He still paid avid attention to the events displayed on the screen. He had been obsessed with getting to play Royal Road like many of his friends, but now it was ending and he had no idea what to do.
Back in Royal Road the battle raged on, slowly NPCs of all races made their way onto the paths of light. These paths lead them back to the Tower of the New Road, once there they followed the crowd to the top of the tower where a beam of light shot out of the center. Once someone entered the beam they flew up into the sky and disappeared from sight. If one were to look down this beam they would notice that the light was coming from the Tower of Light that was at the base of the Tower.
The battle and the evacuation raged on under eternal night for two days or twelve hours in the real world. Every player stayed as long as they could but eventually some succumbed to the NPCs who had died and turned undead or the monsters themselves. Others had to log off since their duties in real life forced them to leave. Towards the end the players rapidly lost ground and retreated along the pathways of light to the Tower. Once there they formed a final stand at the base of the tower, Weed led them from behind since he no longer had the strength to fight the monstrous onslaught. Elsewhere in the world statues fell one by one. The once beautiful face of Seoyoon in the Plains of Despair lay cracked and mutilated, the head of the goddess of Freya outside of Morata now rested in the lake. The only statues left were Bingryong and Wy-1. These two were the strongest of all the statues Weed had created. Van Hawk had already been slain and resurrected again and was fighting valiantly to allow lower level players make their escape up the tower. Even the dragons of the world had been destroyed by the sheer number of creatures that attacked them. They had been the only monster unaffected by the encroaching darkness but even they did little to thin the ranks of the horde.
Suddenly bats by the thousands blanketed the sky; the players despaired as they thought they would now be attacked by another airborne enemy. But just before they reached the first line of defense they dove towards the monsters and transformed into their vampire form and began to fight alongside the players. One bat continued onwards before it transformed and stood before Weed.
“We have come to aid you as you once aided us.”
“Tori!” Weed was surprised, this was one of the factors that the Goddess hadn’t allowed the development team to fiddle with, it had always left Hyun Lee with a bitter taste in his mouth.
“It seems you have become frail in these past years, oh how humans decline! However you have made something truly beautiful, a perfect work of art! We of the night will see that this piece does not get sullied by the ruffians below.”
“It seems you have finally learned to be useful, good.”
Tori grimaced; it disliked how Weed had insulted him. However, all the training Weed had put him through kept him from acting on this feeling. Instead he left without a word to fight alongside Van Hawk, his comrade-in-arms from years past.
At the end of the second day the entire world was burning, all the remaining vampires had taken to the sky fight from the air with Bingryong and Wy-1. The last of the players fought within the base of the tower. The last players were Weed, his wife, Geomchi-1, Pale, Irene, Alveron, and surprisingly Bad Ray. He had only glanced and nodded curtly at Weed as he continued to fight. Weed was at the top of the Tower observing the fight since he couldn’t do much else, the players were slowly being backed up the stairs. Irene and Alveron were gulping down mana potions and desperately healing everyone if they so much as lost a fraction of health or attacking with holy spells. By now all that was left was a predominately undead horde so the spells proved somewhat effective in staunching the assault on the interior of the tower. Tori landed on the tower and took a knee, exhausted and drained of health.
“The horde has no end, you should all leave now while there is still time!”
“Very well, command you troops to leave first, we can still hold the interior of the tower.”
“As you wish.”
Tori left and eventually vampires began to land on the tower and try to enter the beam of light, however nothing happened.
“Why….why can’t we leave!?”
“What is going on how can humans leave and not us?”
The vampires began to complain and shout in fear and rage, Alveron then came up from within the tower and saw what was
going on.
“Those of the darkness must remain, even if you help us the Goddess Freya will not grant those tainted by the dark safe passage. You will die here.”
The vampires hissed in frustration and sorrow, they looked desperate and unsure of what to do. Tori returned and when he heard what was going on he got on his hands and knees in front of Weed.
“Please, my people do not deserve to burn with this world. For all that has happened between us, please at the very least save my people. I will do whatever you want, I will serve you forever! Just save them.”
“I do not know what I can do but I will try.”
“Thank you!”
Weed turned to Alveron, “Are you sure there is no way for them to escape?”
“They are of the darkness, the dark cannot walk on a road of light.”
It was in that one sentence that Weed figured out the answer. It wasn’t that he particularly cared about what happened to the vampires, but the thought of having Tori as his servant again was too great a lure. He then looked at Alveron.
“Get everyone up here, you and Irene are to spend all your strength pushing the horde back and then I want you to run like hell, we are leaving.”
Alveron quickly ran to the others that were just a little ways down the stairs. Then a massive crash could be heard and huge flashes of light. Afterwards everyone came running up the stairs and into the light.
“Finally we can leave!”
“We made it!”
“I can’t believe we’ve managed this long!”
As everyone began flying away only Weed, his wife, Tori and the vampires were left on top of the tower. Weed turned to face his wife.
“Please, you need to go too!”
“Not without you!”
“I’ll be right along, don’t worry.”
His wife glared at him as he tried to give her a reassuring smile. They stayed like that for a short moment until Weed grew impatient a pushed her into the light.
“Don’t worry I’ll be right up!”
His wife was angry but worried and sad at the same time. She desperately reached her hand out to him as she rose slowly into the sky. He waved at her and gave a sad smile, it was then she knew that he wasn’t going to be following her.
“Bingryong, Wy-1, you guys go too!”
The last of his sculptures agreed tearfully as they flew into the light, knowing that no matter what they did their master had given them their final order. Then it was just Tori and Weed on the Tower.
“Gather all the vampires and have them hold the line here, you’ll be able to tell when you can leave.”
“Thank you, Weed.”
Tori looked relieve as Weed turned and walked towards the light. He jumped into it and Tori thought that he had betrayed him when.
“Wings of Light extend!”
There had been one sculpture that almost all had forgotten about. The angelic wings of light that Weed had made as a dwarf, years ago.
“Take me down!”
The wings flapped as they pushed weed against the force of the Beam of light and brought him down to the sealed base of the Tower where the Tower of Light was. Once down there he looked over the sculpture quickly, knowing he didn’t have much time. He then raised the only weapon he had kept with him since the beginning, Zahab’s sculpting blade!
“I hope this works, Moonlight Sculpting Blade!”
Zahab’s sculpting blade was sheathed in blue light as he cut around the Tower of Light in a spiral like fashion. The blade seemed to leave a trail of shadow behind it.
You have altered the Sculpture: Tower of the New Road!
It has been renamed: Tower of Twin Roads
The sculpture now hosts the darkness as well as the light, allowing any creature to travel along its path
Stats have not risen due to the cost of granting life to all Sculptures
Weed chuckled as he saw the last status window. Of course his rotten luck would prevent him from even regaining a sliver of his former power. He watched from below as the vampires fled through the new path that mixed both light and darkness. Tori was the last to go, he looked down at Weed briefly, a pained expression on his face. As Tori ascended, Weed turned back to look at the now deformed Tower of Light. With a heavy sigh he raised his blade again.
“Sculpture destruction!”
His blade crashed down to destroy the core of his final masterpiece. It was all so that the other creatures of darkness couldn’t follow everyone into the new world. That had been part of the script and Weed knew he had to stick to at least that part.
You have used Sculpture Destruction!
The fury of an artist who has destroyed his greatest work flows through you!
All stats +900 for a day
Weed trembled as the newfound power surged through him. He shot up with the wings of light and looked over the burning world below him.
“You may leave; take the last trace of light and escape.”
The wings of light detached from him and wordlessly left, it believed that would be the proper way to honor its master’s final wishes. They flew off into the rapidly receding path of light and darkness. As Weed landed on the tower all light had disappeared from the world. He raised his sculpting blade and suddenly smiled. He had thought of a witty line.
“Time to start carving!”
He roared a battle cry and rushed for the group of undead that was gathering on the tower. His abnormal stat raise allowed him to crush everything in sight.
Outside of the game every person with a TV was watching as Weed fought against the endless horde in one grand final battle. For hours he stayed on top of the tower before eventually jumping off and crashing into enemies below. Armor began to magically appear on him as well as swords that broke and then were replaced by other swords. People realized that as he was fighting he was looting the corpses for armor and weapons! They marveled at his monstrous power. The feed continued through the day and into the night, it was even sped to four times the regular speed so the in-game time and the real world time matched up. No one dared to sleep as they watched Weed’s final battle in Royal Road. The internet forums blew up as people began commenting on the length and ferocity of the fight. And then it happened, despite all of Weed’s skill he fell to the onslaught.
‘That was amazing he could survive that long!’
‘Weed truly is the God of War’
‘He’s the most Badass player ever!’
‘So that was how far the legend could go huh?’
Then they saw the corpse rise from where Weed had been. It began to brutally slaughter all the other undead around it, and as it did so the fallen enemies rose and began to support its fight against the horde.
‘Holy shit! I forgot he had the power to reject death!’
‘Weed is so OP! It’s awesome!’
‘This….this goes beyond being the god of war!’
‘yeah, he’s been playing like this for over 24 hours real-world. This is insane’
‘it’s decided, God of War can’t describe what he’s doing now!’
‘Yeah! Look he’s turning the dead against each other!’
‘he’s the God of Death! The Grim Reaper!’
This new title for Weed rapidly gained popularity, no longer was weed just the God of War, no he was the God of Death itself. He controlled death and was death to his enemies. Eventually though, even that wasn’t enough to halt the onslaught; his undead minions crumbled under their former comrades. In the end it was just a very exhausted, undead Weed versus the last hundred enemies.
‘they’re showing on the TV the remaining enemies! There is only 100 left!’
‘Show them whose boss!’
‘You can do it!’
An outpouring of support was directed towards Weed. Meanwhile the development and operations group at Unicorn was
freaking out.
“That wasn’t part of the script!”
“Shit! Keep searching for bugs! The World is becoming unstable!”
“Whatever you do don’t let Royal Road crash!”
They were being worked to the bone, the deviations Weed had taken from the script were thrusting them into uncharted territory and they didn’t know if the Goddess could handle it since they had already tweaked its program to induce this event. Thankfully it seemed like it was working and only a few errors occurred that distorted other parts of the world.
There was a long pause as Weed desperately dodged attacks from the two remaining enemies, a Death Knight and an undead wolf. His health had dropped to dangerous levels, anymore and he would die. His mana was also so depleted that he had to wait for it to recharge. His stat boost from sculpture destruction had run out ages ago, but thanks to all the enemies he had regained levels and skill masteries at a frightening pace. Along the way he had found armor and as he moved through his capital he managed to find health and mana potions that were still intact. He had run out of those by now and had to just wait. He finally managed to find and opening and scored a hit on the undead wolf.
You have dealt a Critical Strike!
All that was left was him and the Death Knight, though technically he had revived as a Death Knight as well. He watched the Death Knight as they observed each other, waiting for an opportunity to strike . Then, Weed noticed his mana had charged enough, he rushed towards the Death Knight with a final roar.
The Dark Spear formed in his hand as he viciously stabbed the Death Knight with it, He had stunned it slightly on the first strike and then from there he kept hitting the same spot as its health rapidly fell to zero. Then there was silence as Weed collapsed to his knees and rested against his sword. He then raised his head to the sky and shouted.
Around the world people roared and cheered, a few were in tears as they watched Weed roaring his triumph. At KMC where Shin Hye Min had joined as a commentator there were screams and shouts as they all began to celebrate. His wife was in tears at home watching him through the TV.
‘I can’t believe he did it!’
‘I definitely don’t think that was required for quest completion’
‘that’s…… I’m sorry to say this but I think he’s miss labeled. He should be the God of Victory!’
‘All hail Weed! The God of Victory!’
He had achieved what people thought impossible, he had defied even what the system had set up as a scenario. He had stopped the hoard of darkness.
Quest Completed!
Against all odds you have defeated the minions of Darkness! Not even the gods believed that this would be possible! Though the world will still experience a great upheaval, your efforts have lessened the effects! Because of this the Gods believe that you should be granted godhood
Special Quest Reward: The gods have offered you a place in the Pantheon as the God of Victory.
Do you accept? Yes or No
Weed smiled, this was an unexpected change in the storyline. He had no idea what was going on but he figured that this was something that the Goddess had generated.
“I humbly accept the request”
You have accepted the job request
A light glowed around Weed and he watched as his body regenerated and was restored to its living form and then he felt a small tug and he floated into the sky. The light grew brighter and brighter until he couldn’t see anymore.
Thank you for playing Royal Road!
Congratulations! You have achieved the highest rank possible in the game.
Be sure to log back in next month for the start of a new adventure!
The people watching the live feed from Weed’s capsule were struck speechless.
‘What does that mean?’
‘I thought Royal Road was over! Does that mean there is more?’
‘My friend is part of that gaming company that just merged with Unicorn. He says this whole event is just the beginning’
‘I can’t wait a month!’
Such was the nature of the comments across the internet.
There was a slight hiss as the capsule opened. Hyun Lee shakily got out and immediately went to the bathroom; he had been in there for over twenty-four hours. After a few words with the Creator about what was going to happen next, a company car drove him home. He slowly walked into the house to find his wife standing there looking at him expectantly. He shrunk slightly, “I-I’m home.”
“Welcome back God of Victory,” she said with a slight smile as she hugged him.
Hyun laughed softly, “Very funny Seoyoon.”
The teenager on the couch grinned excitedly. It would be one more month but he could wait.
“Just you wait Weed, I’m going to catch up to you!”
TO CHAPTER 1!!!!! -> http://www.royalroadl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=2630
So waddaya guys think? any good? This is my first time ever writing a fanfic so I have no idea if it's good or if it's shit. Tell me in the comments below, but please be gentle it's my first time *laughs*. anyways if you guys like it enough I'll continue it.
- In Serial18 Chapters
Calforn Chronicles (Original)
With the world in a senseless haze, the Forgotten and the Digits live under the thumb of the Government and Bankers. When there are world shattering discoveries on the moon, agencies working in the dark see infinite opportunities. When one engineer from the lower classes breaks through the societal mold, repercussions follow. The chain of events his incarceration began will affect the entire solar system, if not the universe. Cover Image by Harkale Linaihttps://www.deviantart.com/harkale-linai Cover Emblem by Kellericahttps://www.deviantart.com/kellerica
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Tale of an Anomaly
It was supposed to be a normal weekend, staying a little bit longer in bed, not worrying about work, spending quality family time, or partying late night for some people and hoping to get a little lucky. Then why the hell were half the buildings disappearing right in front of them? What was the big message in the sky supposed to mean? And why the fuck was there a dragon in the middle of the city?! Follow Bharat, an ordinary freelancer out for a job, who, after getting caught up in an unfortunate series of events finds himself all alone in a forest full of dangerous creatures out for his blood, along with a strange screen in front of him that felt awfully similar to the games he used to play and the books he used to read as a kid. Maybe his countless hours of gaming weren’t useless after all! Release Schedule: 4 days a week About the author: Just an amateur writer from India who started writing as hobby during quarantine. English is not my native language, so any kind of feedback is most welcome. Don’t take the tags and warnings too seriously though. It’s just to prevent flames later, just in case.
8 233 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Head That Wears The Crown
It's a tale as old as time. Boy goes to funeral. Boy gets sucked into a different world. Boy has to lead a settlement. Boy has to lead a settlement? Boy has to lead a settlement. This is a story about that settlement, and some other stuff. Maybe. Disclaimer: Not sure if it qualifies enough for a gore tag. There is a description of someone's death somewhere in this, but I don't think it is descriptive enough to justify a gore tag. Disclaimer part deux: I initially started writing this as background for another story but got so into it I just ended fleshing it out a bit. Disclaimer part tres: People love reading disclaimers don't they? It's why I've included so many. They're just for you. Disclaimer part four: I know, this is getting egregious. You're starting to find it less funny. Just wait till the twentieth disclaimer, it will start being funny again. Disclaimer part five: I'm kidding, this is the last one. I don't promise I'll read every comment or message, but I certainly welcome your feedback. Disclaimer part six: I lied, it wasn't the last one. I wrote this story without breaking it down into chapters. It just goes, that means that the chapter ends when it ends, not when there is a convenient break in the story. That means that it's very annoying for you as a reader since chapters can end mid sentence. Hah! Sucker! Disclaimer part seven: Get ready for slow updates. Who knows when this will continue. Toss it on read later and come back in fifty years. Disclaimer part eight: Cover Photo by Arthur Ogleznev on Unsplash
8 157 - In Serial10 Chapters
Sorcery, Sword and much more bring the world to fruition. The world is seen lively, to many who live normal lives with no known issue of despair. Fun and games are what keeps them sane and filled with little adventure whatsoever. Yet the world harbors many deep and dark secrets seen by many others with a deep seek of adventure. This world, is not all of fun and games. Intended for five volumes, each shorter or longer in length. No extra plans, as it is intended to be a shorter series rather than a long one.
8 86 - In Serial36 Chapters
protection. | DAVE EAST.
"when I'm way down, you're my safe housewe built from the ground, guess I'm home now"kidnapping occurs here.cover by @wordsbykay.
8 82 - In Serial13 Chapters
The embodiment of pain, sadness, and hatred
Allan jons only felt pain and sadness his entire life. His parents left him when he was 5forcing him to live with his sister. She abuses him because her job sucks. After entering high school he makes a few friends and has a crush. But after an event he kills himself with hatred added to the mix only to find himself in front of gods and they offer him a job to destroy every human.
8 180