《PvPer Casual》An Unusual Bet Part 1


Chapter 2 Part 1

Darkness. Stillness. Emptiness. Those were the only words Cris could use to describe death as his conscious floated in the abyss. Then a blinding bright light shined on him. It was a pop up.

[Death Report. Killed by Mutated Wolf. World: Wasteland Location: Great Wilds. Killing Blow: Laceration Neck. Death Timer: 1:00:00… Returning from Terminal. Please Wait… Thank You for using Axis Terminal Station. Enjoy your stay in Axis.]

Then a sudden surge as if he was being pushed out from underwater to the top. The closer he got to the surface the more he got the feeling back into his numb body. At the top he could hear what sounded like sea gulls. As his eyes adjusted to the light he could not see clearly. Then it hit him. The memory of his death. The image of the wolf yellow eyes forever imprinted in his mind.

Cough. Cough.

As Cris was coughing, he quickly moved his hands to his throat to check for a hole. There was none then he patted his right arm with his left hand to reassure him that nothing happened to his real body. However, something was not right he was way too calm after having such a tragic death. He still retained the memories of what happened but the intense fear and emotions he felt were suppressed or gone. Freaking out that something might have gone wrong on his returned, he jump up off the bench to only find himself on his knees after tripping on something. Panicking from not being able to see what trip him he desperately move his arms and legs trying to find what tripped him.

Feeling around the bench he found what he hit, moving his hands all over it to get a better image.

What is this? Rough. Squishy? Hairy?!?!?

After touching what trip him, Cris instinctively push and kick it trying to distance himself from it. Pushing off from it Cris pulled in his legs in, hugging them and curl into a ball. He sat there freaking out refusing to believe what happened.

What is that thing? It felt disgusting! Did it do something to me while I was in Terminal?

Cris started to rock back and forth as he thought of the possibility that thing might have molested him. He could now hear some low pitch moaning coming from the direction of that thing.

What is it?! I don’t like that sound. And how come I can’t see yet… wait how come this is the only thing that’s bothering me?

A bit perplexed of how that thing had him so worked up and yet his death he didn’t feel anything. He felt a little bit of rage and maybe frustration but that was after the fact of him dying. No stress, anxiety, fear that he normally experienced in his VR games that would carry over with him but after leaving Terminal he felt nothing. He clearly remember everything that happen and how he was feeling but now it felt like all the bad emotions were removed when returned. At least no one was around to see him get mangled by that wolf, if that got out he would be done as an elite.

As he sat there trying to figure out the mystery behind his death his vision returned. He could finally identify that thing now.

I can see. Now what is that thing…? A RED HAIRY CAVEMAN HOBO? I GOT RAPED BY THAT….

A man wearing ripped heavy dark baggy and raggy clothes lay on the ground in front of him. His face was cover in an unknown dark substance making it impossible to tell how he was feeling. He had a large red tangled dirty bread that went down to his chest and gave off the aura and impression that he was homeless. He was moaning as he cupped his arms around his stomach and closed his eyes in pain.


Did I hit him? No, it was self-defense. Yeah, I had to protect myself. He must have perform lewd acts on me.

Cris hugged himself and shiver at the thought of what could of happen. He closely exam his body for any signs of tampering while he was away. He got up and tip toe around the man to grab his things on the bench. The man’s moaning grew louder as if he could sense someone was nearby crying for help. Looking down at him, Cris could not help but feel a bit sorry for him or so he thought.

Sorry, looks like that really hurts. I shouldn’t have been so rough… Yeaaah right you deserve every little bit of that and more. How dare you touch an elite like me? A screw up like you shouldn’t even be near me. How did you even get here? Stowaway?

Cris spit at the ground near him and was about to give him a kick to the gut as a good bye gift. Before he could something shining caught his eye in a tree. Looking over it was the lens of a camera.

What is that? A camera? Is he that much a sicko that he needs to… huh more of them?

Cris look around and saw what look like multiple cameras in the trees, rocks, benches and fences. These were not regular cameras they were surveillance cameras. He was so tired when he came here to notice that the park was filled with them. Cris gave the hobo a twisted smile as he gloated over his misfortune.

“Today, is really not your lucky day caveman. These bad boys caught all your criminal actions. Now how do I call the cops? Does 911 work? Is there even police here?”

Cris took out his phone to look up the police number for Axis. Before he could dial the number a lingering thought stop him. The thought slowly festered into doubt as he closed and put away his phone.

Just a second… my stuff was not moved and I didn’t find anything wrong with my body. What if. IF! If he is innocent? Which means? Which means I would have assaulted a homeless person on CAMERA!!! NO, NO, NO. Not like this! I can’t think like that.

Not ready yet to dismiss the possibility that this hobo was guilty, he double check everything to make sure he had all the facts and did not miss anything. Staring at the hobo was now rolling around in pain and was putting on a good show for the camera by playing the victim. Cris had to do something, he could not leave a person in need not after being caught on camera.

Crap! If I leave now and this guy didn’t actually do anything, this would be hit and run. My career. My stardom. My life. Would be ruined.

Taking another long look at the guy again who was still moaning on the ground. Then an idea pop up in his idea.

That is it! I will take this guy with me to boost my image. I will carry him off and seek aid. People will see me as a caring and compassion person. And, if he did do something to me I can use it to build pity for me. Either way I am guaranteed to make headlines. Who knows maybe Digital will waive their pro VRV bullshit and let me in? Or at least I will get enough PR to get a job. It’s perfect.

As Cris fantasized of how this could play out if it worked, the groaning intensified. Cris shot the hobo an annoyed look who was trying to his plan.


“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hold a second. I need to figure out where we heading…”

OF COURSE! I should take him there. There should be a ton of people who will see me.

Cris pick the guy up, placing his arm over Cris’s head. The hobo reeked of all sorts of disgusting smells and he felt gooey, on top of that he was heavy and breathing heavy in Cris’s ear. Trying his hardest not to vomit, Cris started to make his way to only place he knew he would receive help.

“Hang in there, buddy. I know a place nearby that can help. Happens to be where my first fan works. You are going to love her.”

Best that I act the part of a good and concern person to improve my rating.

Managing to carry the hobo out of the park and onto the main road, Cris was met with an onslaught of onlookers. They were whispering and trying to avoid eye contact when Cris shot passing glances once in a while. Playing the Good Samaritan, Cris was eating up all this attention, people were taking notice of him and the word was spreading fast. Staggering after each step he did not expect carrying a person was this hard and the putrid odor did not help. However, he was able to maintain his ruse of the caring and concerned person doing a good deed.

That’s right. Look and be amazed of how an elite like me has a heart. But… this guy smells so bad like shit, a dumpster and rotten eggs thrown into a blender. Just gotta keep going if I drop him now all this would be for nothing. Just a little further.

Holding his breath for the last few minutes, they arrived at the restaurant where Cris made his first fan. Not wasting a moment he open the door and made his way in. The restaurant was packed but not full. There was no line or waiting seeing the waitress at the podium Cris seized the moment to put his plan in motion.

“Loco, glad you’re here. I need your help. This guy is in bad shape he needs help.”

“Whhhat is that?”

She was surprised to see Cris so soon and with unwanted company this time. She caught the scent of the hobo and quickly took a few steps back while covering her face with a napkin.

Odd? Not the intended response, but I can still work with it.

“I found this homeless man in trouble and your place was nearby. I thought you could help.”

“That’s your reason?! I…I…I can’t help… He would trouble the other guests. Please leave.”

Loco eyes was twitching from the intensifying smell and how absurd that sounded. Her voice was muffled but it sounded like a strangled cat.

“Please Loco. You’re my fan. Let us stay here, just until help comes.”

“I don’t want that thing in here.”

She turn her head around away emphasizing how she felt about the matter.

The front door open and a group of people were coming in. However, the scene at the podium caused them to hesitate at the doorway. Loco noticing the customer reluctance to proceed, removed the napkin and put on a big smile.

“Right this way Cris. I got a special table for you.”

Loco lead them to a booth in the back by a corner isolated from the rest of the tables. Cris put the hobo on one side and sat across from him.

“Wait here, I’ll deal with you in a minute.”

“What about the guy? He’s in pretty bad shape. He needs help.”

She shot Cris a disturb look while trying to main a wearily smile. She clench her fist wishing to say something but she swallow her words and went over to inspect the hobo. His face was contorted with pain as he was breathing heavy. At first, Loco was reluctant to touch and took out a napkin to avoid direct contact but this needed to get done so she proceeded. After a moment, she back away and glare at Cris and in a stern tone she informed him of her findings.

“He will be fine. He just needs rest. As for you….”

Before she could finish, the front of the restaurant was getting a bit noisy. Loco turn her head to see what was going on. A massive line was forming and a few people were leaving due to a lack of a hostess or server.

“Just wait here.”

Loco quickly left to go attend to the customers, leaving Cris and the hobo at the booth. Cris crack a mischievous smile as Loco left. Everything was going according his plan, Loco reaction was a bit off que but that hobo is really disgusting so he could not completely blame her.

I love it. Now everyone can see how much I care. This table is perfect, exclusive enough to show how important I am, but far enough for everyone to see. Now, all I have to do is sit tight and… what the hell is that hobo doing?!

The hobo was violently banging his fists all over the table like he was trying to squash a moving bug. After a few miss hits, he found his target and look down. While looking down he begun to murmur to himself as if he was doing some sort of chant. Cris look over to see what was going on.

What is he doing? He’s going to ruin everything… is that Loco’s menu? This is not a normal table? Is this one of those smart tables? Can you order with this?

Cris copy what the hobo did earlier and after a few misses, Cris finally hit the correct one. A portion of the table in front of him lit up and screen appeared.


Pictures of food appear in front of him. At the edge of each picture was a small little green return arrow. Cris tap it and the picture flip and took up the entire screen. On the other side details of the meal, calories, carbs and other information related to the dish were all there. At the bottom were a bright green box “Order”.

His stomach was rumbling as he saw all this, he was famished from all the job hunting he did today.

This is so cool. There was nothing like this back home. You can actually order on the table. HOLD ON! That hobo is making an order I should stop him. I don’t have any money not like I’ll treat him anyway. But I can’t blow my cover now I came too far for it to be screw up now.

Cris was about to get up and go yank that hobo’s scruffy bread away from the table in the most subtle way possible, then he had an epiphany. What if he could take his charity to the next level?

Just a second, maybe I don’t have to pay. Loco is my fan and a business woman. Surely this is a chance for her to promote her restaurant, while supporting me. I can see it now, this is the special table. Caring elite superstar and hot waitress fangirl feed and care for the homeless after a tragic accident.

Maybe hunger or his own delusion about including Loco in his scheme made Cris forget what really happened to the hobo. Cris looked over at the hobo who was finished placing his order, he was now sleeping drooling a bit over his beard.

Anyway, I don’t know when I will get the chance to eat like this next time. So I better not hold back. After all this for charity.

Cris place a large order on the table, taking this moment of peace he shut his trying to rest before the food arrived. After 10-15 minutes an unmanned large cart of food stop at their booth waking both Cris and the hobo. It line up with the table and slow moved towards it. After a few seconds a clicking noise was heard and the cart dock with the table. Green circles appear on the table with the name of dishes in the middle. In response to this, the meals on the cart slowly moved to their matching green circle as if an invisible hand was guiding them.

This is more like it. From the looks of it the hobo ordered a lot as well. Heh, eat up buddy it’s for charity.

The table was packed with food not leaving an inch of vacant space visible. Drooling a bit, Cris and the Hobo dug right in. The food wasn’t great but that did not matter. The satisfaction of filling ones belly was more than enough. As Cris and the hobo stuff themselves they were oblivious of their surroundings as if they did not have a care in the world.

It feels great to do the right thing. I am awesome.

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