《PvPer Casual》Welcome to Gamer Central Part 2


Chapter 1 Part 2

After clearing the final security checkpoint, Cris was home free, he could finally enter Axis. Beyond security, he found himself in front of what looked like a small town, it was a wide street filled with shops and stands, crowded with people coming and going. Cris did not get the chance to browse the costal shops and this was the first time seeing some of these gadgets. Unfortunately, he had a place to be and something to do, resisting the urge to window shop he shoved his ID and pamphlet in his pocket and made his way. Not being distracted by the shops and other lures of the bustling street, Cris was elbowing his way to the shuttle departure, unfazed by the temptations.

It didn’t take Cris long to reach the shuttle departure, all he did was follow the crowd and it led him there. It was a huge glass building with the words [LANDING ZONE] written on a sign in front. Once inside it was pristine state of the art train station with numerous large screens and monitors all in different shapes. The first image that caught Cris’s eye was a large IMAX size screen hanging from the ceiling that was curving around in the center forming a semi-circle. Getting closer he saw that multiple videos were flashing on the screen of news, highlight reels, live feeds of what was happening in Axis and arrivals and departures. Looking for the earliest possible shuttle to the city, he found out where he had to go. Before leaving, the entire screen changed and flashed a message [TO FURTHER INCREASE YOUR EXPERIENCE PLEASE VIEW SCREEN WITH YOUR VRV FOR MORE OPTIONS OR ASSISTANCES]. He wanted to try it out so bad but he would have time to play after he enlists.

Despite it being somewhat early, the crowd was forming as a torrent of tourists were streaming in. Deciding to get ahead of the mob he moved quickly to departures. He could not help but shoot passing glances at his surroundings, mostly the monitors on the wall that were decorated as posters, which most of them were bare.

I guess, they are waiting for more things to happen in Axis. Heh, no problem my face will fill them.

After a minute, Cris finally reach the shuttle.

The shuttle was a mix between a tram and train with large glass windows. Climbing onboard Cris saw the inside was very similar to how the trolleys back home looked like. Not caring how it looked he took the seat nearest to the door. Within seconds the shuttle got packed with people. The crowd that was behind him came rushing in, there was no breathing room left when the doors shut. This did not bother him, being cramped like this would be a typical day for him when he went to school. Currently, he was on spring break but if things went well he might not return home.

There is no going back. This is my new home.

The shuttle begun to taxi out when it exited the building it show what look like an airport below. The shuttle tracks were place above the airport leading into the city. A female voice could be heard over the intercom, giving a tour about Axis. Cris did not care about this, all he could think of was what to expect when he got off.

The tram left the airport and was now on the coast with the ocean on one side and what looked like residential buildings on the other. Cris, was staring mindlessly at the ocean trying to drown out the noise, his mind started to drift of what this day could bring.


Finally, I am heading into Gamer Central. I will finally be with my people. Fellow gamers who love to play games as much as I do. But this is just the beginning.

The chatter in the tram intensified and broke Cris train of thought. He took a quick look around him he could tell the vast majority here were tourist with the way they were dressed and snapping pictures of everything. Ignoring the sudden disturbance he went back to his day dream.

When I arrive, I will go the recruiter and show off my achievements. They will be begging me to join. They might give me the rank of officer right off the bat. Sucks that the war is over and I can’t show off my skills. Whatever. Guess Forsaken heard I was coming and ran scared. I wouldn’t blame them, after all I am the best and the world is just waiting for me.


The view of the city’s skyscrapers was now coming in sight. The announcement caused everyone to get on the edge of their seats.

Cris couldn’t help but get more excited, he was a bit nervous but the trill of being here overpowered any uneasiness. His thoughts were going out of control as he was getting closer to entering the city. The idea of his arrival being leaked crossed his mind.

I am almost here. What should I expect? If Forsaken did withdraw because of me does that mean the people in Axis know I am coming? Will there be someone waiting for me when I get off? Maybe other communities will be there as well. They might try to recruit me. What should I do?


Everyone on the shuttle rushed off as Cris sat there trying to compile his thoughts. His heart was pounding, as he prepared himself for his grand welcoming. He slowly got up and managed to exit the shuttle, loud music blasted him as he made his way off. A bright light blinded him for a moment preventing him from seeing.

This is it!

Recovering from his temporary blindness, Cris saw that there was no one, the platform was completely empty. He frantically look around, searching for any signs or indication that someone was waiting for him. After a minute he calm down and regain his composure. He ran his hands through his short spiky brown hair.

“I guess, there is no one. Well, I guess the exact details of my arrival were unclear. And those damn speakers are too loud. When I get to top I’ll have someone head getting my hopes up for nothing.”

As Cris storm off the platform and into the station all of expectations were shattered or so he thought. The station was identical to the other one, only things that were different was that it was more festive and had a wide variety of restaurants. Once outside his disappointment and frustration reached the boiling point, he could not help but openly berate the city.

“What the hell is this?!?! How is this state of art city! It looks like so plain and boring. It’s a dump. The train station looks a billion times better. This is a pile of garbage.”

Cris gazed up at the skyscrapers which were mostly glass buildings with a few big screen TVs on the sides which were running ads. The streets were void of any cars but filled with a lot of foot traffic. A few trolley tracks were laid out but were vacant. The only distinguishing feature that was obvious was that it was jam pack with people. Beside that nothing stood out, to make sure he did not miss anything, Cris took another long look.


“Not even modern day San Fran is this behind and the NYC makes this look like the stone age. Where are the holograms, the space ships, the hovering cars… or at least a robot? Did they miss name it?”

Cris could not believe it, this city was so hyped up, ground zero for the VRV, STEM and Terminal. That it just looks like a normal city with nothing justifying its name of being state of the art or futuristic, he expected a lot more.

Sighing as he had his fill of disappointment, Cris pulled out the pamphlet with the map.

“Whatever, I am going to be the best. At least there is room for my face up there. Now where do I have to go?”

Cris looked up and down then around and after a few minutes he figured out where he was and where he had to go.

“Sweet! Its close by. Wait for me Digital, I am coming.”

As Cris went off into the city, putting his lackluster arrival behind him. The main purpose for him coming to Axis pushed him forward as he ran towards the Digital recruiting office. Taking the chance to shoot a passing glance at each street he passed in hopes that his first impression of the city was wrong, they all looked the same not impressive. About 10 minutes later he found a tall building which had a sign outside “Digital Recruiting Office”. [DIGITAL RECRUITING OFFICE]

“Guess this is the place, it’s so big. But that should be expected, Digital is number one. Okay, ready for this!”

Standing in front of the glass doors, taking a moment to mentally prepare. Loosing up his body getting ready for his big entrance, he remember something was still in his hand, it was the pamphlet. Crumpling it up and discarding it in the waste bin near the door thinking he did not need it anymore, with that done he was ready.

Taking a final deep breath, Cris slam open the glass doors and fearlessly announce his arrival.

“I have come! Cris Philips has arrived!”

The interior gave off a ritzy hotel lobby vibe. Fancy marble and granite tiles neatly placed on the ground covering the entire ground. Round wooden tables with large vases elegantly placed near the entrance to add to the decor. On the walls were large monitors displaying Digital cube symbol with long cylinder lamps hanging from the ceiling. A large ornate Persian rug leading into the back to multiple hallways and what look like two reception desks in the middle.

There was a woman dress in a sleek black receptionist uniform, with short reddish orange hair, who was smiling as she waved for Cris to come over. The lobby was empty and she was the only one who heard Cris as he made his way over. Upon getting closer, Cris noticed the receptionist was wearing the latest Cyber Junkie Glass VRV model, which was a tinted glass cover the top half of her face only exposing her mouth.

Is this a hotel? It is really clean and fancy. Doesn’t matter it will do.

Cris march over with his chest puff out not showing any signs of fear as he slammed his hand on the reception desk.

“I am here!”

“I see, Mr. Philips, what can I do for you?”

“Hi, my name is Cris Philips…”

After giving the same introduction he gave to the security guard, the woman smile weakly as she heard it. At the end, Cris was smiling savagely as he nailed his intro and thinking he made one hell of an impression.

“So your one of those… You know, our war with Forsaken is over.”

Again, with that remark. Whatever, I’ll let it go.

“I know, but I still want to join. It pains me, that I couldn’t do my part in the war. But I am here now and let Axis know, I fight for Digital.”

Cris clench his fist showing remorse deeply regretting that he was not here to defend his new home. Showing unyielding loyalty and a bit of compassion while continuing to boast about his online accomplishments.

I’m shoo in. There is no way she was not impressed with that. Also, I saw a security camera near the door. The higher ups got a peak into a legend in the making. They cannot deny me now.

“Your achievements are impressive and you look strong. Based off this…”

Yes, praise me more, I know I am awesome!

“…you are too much of an elite for us.”

Yes, I am elite. WAIT WHAT!

Cris almost blurted out what he was thinking and was on the verge of losing his composure. The revelation of him being denied because he was an elite came as quite a shock. Taking a moment to clear his throat, he inquire the reason for his rejection.

“I don’t understand, you said I am too good for Digital?”

“That is what I am saying.”

She had a fearless smile, not showing an inch of emotion or retracting her previous statement. Before probing more into the matter, Cris held his next question to evaluate the situation.

What is going on here? This has to be some test. The camera up there is watching… I get it now, a community like Digital may say they welcome everyone but they only want only the best. But she said she was impressed, I don’t get it. Maybe, I have to demonstrate my capabilities or something? Now the question is how do I do that?

Taking another moment to finalize his next move, Cris turn to face the receptionist and gave a devious smirk for the camera, he was ready for his attack.

“I see, but isn’t Digital a V-Sports community, so in that capacity it has to be competitive at some degree. Swagger, is a superstar and he is in Digital, how come?”

Yes, that is right. My superior skills and gamer instincts have no equal. Your move.

“You are correct, Digital is part of the V-Sports community but that is not our primary role. We are a friendly social community, which welcomes everyone and anyone. If you are interested in joining our V-Sports division, then please talk to one of our sports recruiters.”

I see, so I applied at the wrong location. A common mistake.

“Where do I go for that?”

The woman looked at the desk next to hers and side step over and gave Cris a pleasant smile.

“I can take you over here, sir.”

Are you kidding me…?

Cris’ left eye was twitching and he return the smile with an annoyed grin. He could not believe of how absurd this receptionist is being with his enlistment. Following suite he sidestep over to the other desk.

“Well, I want to join Digital V-Sports.”

“Ok, may I see your VRV or the one you intend to use?”

Cris put his backpack on the floor and pulled out a thick pair of gray metal goggles almost like wielding goggles. They had dark tinted lenses and had large frame covering each eye. This was his pride and joy, his partner this was his VRV. He shoved it in front of the receptionist face, she took it exam it for a moment and hand it back.

“I am sorry, it is not up to pro standards.”

“What? What’s wrong with it? It is only like a year old, I got it when it came out.”

“Digital V-Sports requires each member to follow the regulation and use the necessary equipment. If you are still interested we can give you loaner. May I see your tag?”

“My what?”

The woman gave a slight disturbed look as she slowly tilted her head to look behind Cris. Cris wonder what she was looking at and turn around.

There is no one. What is she looking at?

“I am sorry, sir. You do not meet the standards to apply for Digital V-Sports.”

Wait, what is going on here? One side I am too qualified, other side I don’t meet the standards. This is ridiculous.

Cris gritted his teeth while trying to maintain his composure in front of the camera. He would hate for his first impression to be ruined by him losing his cool. Swallowing his pent up emotions, he question why is this happening, unfortunately he could not hide his frustration in his voice.

“How can this be, you said I was elite and now you’re saying I am not standard? I will not stand for this. Elite gamers like me don’t always come walking in, willing to join.”

“Calm down, sir. Once you present the necessary requirements to join, I can accept your application.”

“So, if I get this pro visor I can apply?”


“Where can I find a shop that sells them?”

“The next street over is sports memorabilia shop that sells the necessary equipment. They are associated with Digital.”

“Alright. Then I shall return.”

“Have a nice day. Thanks for visiting Digital.”

Cris picked up his bag and threw over his shoulder and calmly walked his way out of the lobby. Once outside he broke out into a mad dash. After Cris left, the receptionist lowered her head and whimpered.

“Why can’t we get normal people?”

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