《PvPer Casual》Welcome to Gamer Central


Prologue + Chapter 1 Part 1


In the not so distance future, an artificial island was built 30 miles off the coast of California. A massive state of the art city was built on this island. But it was void of any people, a ghost town where the untouched city dwelled. No one knew the purpose of this city or the island just that it was off limits to the public. Years have passed and the world forgot about the island until an announcement of the latest and hottest new technology. BioTech Inc., is the frontrunner company in this new developing field of science, a combination of bio engineering, neurology along with modern technology. The virtual reality visor (VRV), with the System Terminal Electronic Membrane (STEM) are the latest invention from BioTech. It is a combination of smart glass, wearable and interfacing technology all in a pair of glasses along with a small strap that goes on the back of the neck that allows the user to put their conscious and brain into a computer. At its announced release of these gadgets, the truth behind the forgotten and mysterious island was revealed. The island and city was a testing site for these devices. The name of the city was Axis and it was home to Axis Terminal Station the very first NEURONE NETWORK. The NEURONE NETWORK is a system for the brain allowing the user to access information or dive themselves into a computer. The world went into frenzy with the release of this new device. It was the second coming of the smart phone. Everyone needed to have one and it slowly became a household device. However, being a new piece of technology it lacked a foundation to support it. The number of uses and the absence of a network were very limiting but that did not stop the masses from buying. A year after its launch another shocking announcement came. The city of Axis was opening itself up to the world to everyone and anyone who will come. For a hundred thousand people they will get the right to live in Axis and use Axis Terminal Station as the first users. On the day of the migration the world believed scientist, programmers, business people would be the ones that would populate Axis.

However, the unexpected happened, droves and droves of people from diverse backgrounds and races flock to the city. The one burning passion they all shared which connected and gave them the strength to uproot their lives. The all loved to play games. With the majority of the populace having this in common the city of Axis got an unusually nickname, Gamer Central.

Welcome to Gamer Central a city built upon virtual reality. In this city the citizens have the privilege of using Axis Terminal Station or what they call Terminal. Terminal, is the internet for the brain allowing the user to have more of a direct interaction with the virtual environment. All the residents of Axis based their lives around Terminal for their everyday duties. The previous evicted occupants the scientist, created three massive virtual worlds with almost limitless possibilities. C-Space, the space simulator where one can get lost in the vastness of space. The pristine earth like world Eden, which has been ravaged by anyone and everyone. Along with, The Wastelands, which is a futuristic post-apocalyptic pile of dirt with nothing but radiation.

With the grand opening and the arrival of the gamers a new era of freedom, order and chaos engulf the worlds. In their wake anarchy descended the worlds, as anything that happens in the worlds stays in the worlds. Any grudges, disputes or unlawful acts are allowed but keep them only in the worlds and out of Axis and reality. With the rules established that there are no rules everyone was ready to play. The results so far were a multiple of changes in the worlds and the birth of the two new ones. Major Arena, the world of coliseums filled with blood and V-Sports and The Projects the platform for the new and upcoming prospects, a great way to waste ones time and money. With no end in sight for this game there is always something happening. So let’s play.


Chapter 1: Welcome to Gamer Central Part 1


War has broken out in Axis.

The incursion of Forsaken threatens to destroy everything we hold near and dear in the worlds. This warmongering community will not ease up their aggression on the innocent denizens of Axis.

We at Digital V-Sport Community, have been forced to take part in this meaningless conflict.

Every men and woman at Digital is contributing in the war effort to drive back Forsaken. Even V-Sport super star Swagger is doing his part.

“We must all come together and stand up to Forsaken. Or they will not relent but escalate their campaign of terror.”

If they are not stopped, it will be the end of Gamer Central. Become a legend. Become a hero. Become the one who will save us. Enlist today at a nearby Digital recruiter. Paid advertising by Digital Inc.

A week later

The sound of the screeching seagulls could be heard under a fragmented lit sky. A massive ferry from the mainland finally reached the port. Hordes of people hurried off as if they were late. After a few moments the ferry was bare of travelers as they crowded the pier. They swarmed the shops which sold varieties of assortments. The shops sold what one could expect to find from a costal market, however this port was a little bit different. This port was the southern security check point for the city of Axis.

Which, meant besides the normal sea trinkets which were sold, one could buy the latest BioTech and the hottest trends from Axis. Everything from the newest gadgets, tours of the city and latest merchandise was sold here. Some shops took pride as they displayed these items by placing them in the front.

Despite it being early in the morning it was sunny enough for one to navigate without much issue. The shops were all open displaying their wares for the day. It was clear, which business owners must have gotten up really early in order to set this up in order to meet the early rush. With such a thriving business there was little complaint as more ferries could be seen approaching the port. It could be described that port was finally waking waiting for what the day could bring.

The vast majority of travelers did not stop here, but preceded further inland. A sea of thousands of people were contained by no more than a dozen pavilions. The ones who manned them were issue with the task of vetting all those who wanted to enter Axis. Each day brought something new and unique for these brave men and woman who had to face the unknown. For them this was the starting, midway and ending point between the rest of the world and the city of Axis.

“Nextttttt! Yes, you gray hoodie and blue jeans! C’mon Kid get over here!”

As the security guard vigorously wave his hand at the boy in line to come up to the counter. The guard wore an officer’s uniform, with a ceremonial hat which was dark blue and his shirt was adorned with colorful patches and a badge signifying his position as a security guard. The guard had tremendous dark patches under his eyes and did not show any signs of emotion. This was due to being fatigue and overworked from a very demanding job.

“Welcome to Axis. Reason for visit? Business? Pleasure? Other?”

A pale youth with scruffy short brown hair carrying nothing but a red backpack walked up to the counter. The pavilion was a simple a security check point, the final one before entering Axis. His eyes and expression were beaming with excitement but with a certain level of confidence as he slam his hand down on the counter. The youth looked directly into the eyes of the security guard who was completely unfazed by this action.


“Hi, my name is Cris Philips and I want to go Gamer Central. I’m one badass gamer. I have been playing games for years, got the highest rank in some of the most competitive popular online games. Also, I beat tons single player games. I saw the ad for Digital, calling for everyone to rise up against Forsaken. I saw this as a sign, that the time is right. That Gamer Central is ready for me, the one who will save it.”

The security guard stared blankly as Cris’s face could only show a discontent look as Cris finished his introduction in one breath.

The guard could not help but sweat profusely as he saw how the kid was dress. His blue cotton uniform made him itch which he was resisting the urge to scratch. The crowd made it unbearably hot, everyone cramp together carelessly chatting like it was nothing. The only blessing was it was a windy day and the occasional sea breeze made this hell tolerable. Now, he was reluctant to do his job not because of the hellish environment but because of this kid. This kid was the one type of visitor that all security guards station here dreaded processing.

“So your one of those… Do you have any ID, hero?”

Cris quickly took out his wallet from his side pocket of his hoodie and pulled out his driver licenses and handed it over to the guard.

“Just a moment… Cris Philips. Age 17. Resident of San Francisco, USA. Height 5’-11’’. Weight 165 lb. Hair and eye color both brown. Gender male. Ethnicity Caucasian. Hmmmmm… is that correct?”

As the guard punch all the information into the computer which was built into the counter, he shot Cris a quick glance for confirmation.

Cris nodded.

The next part was the worst part of being a security guard for Axis, especially when dealing with an overzealous kid. This one phrase made everyone quake in fear who worked here. However, they all had a job to do no matter how unpleasant.

“Do you… Do you have anything to declare?”

The guard couldn’t even say it and had to stutter because he knew he was going to receive an outlandish response.

The kid straightens his back, puff out his chest and boldly declared.

“I am Cris Philips. The best gamer ever. I am going to be… NO will be the best champion Axis has ever or will have known. On this very morning is a birth of a legend. Mine. So I declare I WILL BE THE BEST!”

Cris’s declaration reverberating through the pavilion like thunder, causing a brief pause of silence. He had a bit smile on his face after getting that off his chest. The guard looks behind the kid and a saw a few people snickering and giving Cris strange looks. It was obvious, that the crowd and other employees overheard what he had to declare. It wasn’t the best or the worst declaration the guard heard just average. Taking a moment to clear his throat and the atmosphere everything return to normal as if nothing happened.

“Okay that’s done. You have visitor statues which means your allow to stay for the next 60 days. If you want to extension you must file the proper paperwork at the main office or obtain citizenship.”

As he quickly and flawlessly explains the rules as he done a thousand time before but this time he took the liberty to try something new. Maybe the job and heat was finally getting to him. Or the fact he wanted the gossip on Chris’s declaration to die down a bit more. The guard weigh his options on if he wanted to hold a conversation with one of these.

“You, said something about Digital and joining them?”

“Yes! I want enlist and fight against Forsaken.”

“Forsaken and Digital, just a second.”

As the guard was looking up something on the computer Cris saw what look like a thick pair of sunglasses hanging by the guard’s collar. They had octagonal shape frames and a slight dark tint to them.

“Those shades look awesome! Is that the newest VRV? Can you link from here?”

The guard couldn’t help but put a faint smile as he heard those words. His expression lighten up a little bit, maybe his risk paid off. A thought passed the guard mind that just maybe this kid isn’t so bad.

“Like them, huh? Nah, you can’t access Terminal from here only within the city. But these shades are the latest from OakNeo. They are quite popular now in Axis should check them ouuuu… ah, found your war. Digital vs Forsaken. It’s been over for about a week now.”

Cris face froze as his heart drop into his stomach when he heard the news. His face had a twitching smile as he was muttering something under his voice.

“Over how? Who won? Did Digital lose? What would I do if they were wiped out?”

Unable to contain his sporadic thoughts, Cris continue to mumble his true feelings. Venting for a minute, Cris shakily looked up at the guard. Taking a breath, he timidly asks the guard who seem not to care about this grim news.

“Whhoo whhoo Who won?”

The guard shifted his eyes from the monitor to see Cris. The guard looked upon Cris with unabashed awe and loathing. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to fully hate the kid, in fact he was starting to feel a bit of pity for him. Cris was still in shock as he was gazing at the ground in terror, devoid of any energy and excitement he once had moments ago, waiting to hear further news about his precious Digital. The guard couldn’t help but smirk as he thought just maybe you are normal.

“No one did, Forsaken withdrew their war dec 24 hours after they issue it. So in a way you can say Digital won.”

“Really?!? I guess, that is expected after all Digital is the best and soon I will join them.”

Cris’s demeanor did a complete reversal when he heard that Digital won the war. He tried to hide his nervousness and uncertainty by passing it on that there was nothing to worry about, the guard couldn’t help but smile at him. Now, Cris was raring to go as he got his spring back in his step, with the news that Digital was still around and kicking, he wanted to join more than ever.

The guard saw the crowd behind grow even more and Cris renewed excitement. He had to hurry this up, as he took out a pamphlet with one hand and a marker in the other.

“I guess you want to know where to go to enlist. Right? Here.”

He opens up the pamphlet revealing a map and circles an area.

“That’s where you need to go. Everything you need to know about Axis is in this pamphlet. I highly suggest you READ EVERY WORD on the ride over. Any questions?”

Cris shook his head as he took the pamphlet and his ID.

“Good. The shuttle to the city is in the back follow the signs. It leaves every ten minutes. It’s a short ride. When you get there you’re on your own. Welcome to Axis. Enjoy your stay.”

As Cris cleared the last security check, he could not help but blurt out a few departing words.

“You saw it here. A legend. When I make it big I’ll tell them about this day. And how this security guy helped me out.”

The guard frowns as he retorted. Any pleasant thoughts about Cris disappeared in that moment.

“I rather you not.”

As the guard went back to handle the next visitor he came to the conclusion. That they will never change. I guess it’s in their nature.

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