《Elemental Artists》Prologue


Flames appear in the surroundings, lighting up the space in a bright bluish-white hue.

"Hahaha, how do you like that Veronica? I've been training so long for you to be the first to experience my Azure Hell Blaze. Now-"

Before he continued with his monologue, a shadow appears walking through the fire towards him. It holds out an arm in the flames forming a blade like object. With a swipe of her blade, the blaze goes away revealing a female in metal armour like a knight, covering her from head to toe in black steel like metal.

"Enough with your backstory, you'll be second place like always. Standing one step below me, Reinhart."

Veronica brandishes her three feet blade that had a handle in the middle on one side and a curved blade all along the other side. Slowly walking towards Reinhart like he's cattle for slaughter.

Gritting his teeth, Reinhart clenches his fists in desperation then opens his right hand revealing an azure flame.

"We shall see who is second place!"

He slams his right hand into his chest causing his torso to be enveloped in blue flames that spread all along his limbs. He crouches down in agony then stands back up with both his arms spread out. His body growing bigger and bigger reaching a height of six meters while releasing a loud gutteral roar. He becomes a blue flaming giant smirking as he looked down at her. Veronica watches on in disbelief, but quickly reclaims her composure.

"Hah, you're not the only one who's been training." She casts her hair that cascaded down infront of her eyes to the side and wields her blade with both hands. To the audience's shock, she thrusts her blade into her chest just like Reinhart. But she didn't become a giant, no, her stature stayed the same, however her skin now had this metallic sheen that spread out from the blade. Making her skin become crystallized silver. She swipes her blade to the ground displaying her new appearance as a completely metal swordswoman.


The flaming inferno giant grimaces and sticks his hand out launching a barrage of azure flames toward Veronica. She gets into a sprinting stance with her blade to the side and starts vaulting towards the hellstorm of fire.

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