《I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast》Trail 2 : worse than the death …………


Note : sun refers to 'surya'…..

trail 2 : worse than the death




inside the forbidden area of demon world , a young man was panting hardly. His breath was hot as a fire ,his body was burning with those demon energy from demon world. It was as if a normal human has been living on the Mars without an oxygen.

It has only been few hours that he had killed demon snake and his left hand been eaten by demon snake ,but somehow sun has regained some ability to endure pains.

slowly it became night , a crescent blood moon was hanging in the night sky with countless stars. sun was lying on the ground that was full of nasty waters.

bloods had been stooped bleeding from his left hand because he had undressed himself and used his cloth to tie his left shoulder by tieing it on his chest.

He was watching night sky , but suddenly he saw something shinning inside demon snake body. He looked at it in curiosity.

He stood up on his shaking weak foots that was badly hurt. He walked and walked. The dead demon snake jaw was opened so he easily entered it. It's body was like a small cave where a person could walk to. His poison in his body has already gone with his bleeding bloods. He has lost lot of boolds which made him to feel weak and dizzy.

walking like a drunk man , he reached inside the demon snake body. There was a hole before getting inside the stomach , it was big enough for sun to walk in. There were inner organs all over. There was heart huge as sun's head , he glued after seeing it his stomach growled in hunger.

He moved his right hand but stopped it , but again he moved it but stopped it but he couldn't take on his hunger so he moved his right hand and grabbed it. but it was too hard to remove it from the body so he took bite from it.



the taste of the raw heart of demon snake was too , too , too disgusting. While eating it he tried to puke but stooped himself from doing it. He thought " I can't , I am too hungry to waste this. If I puke now than my stomach will be empty and I need more food to fill myself. so its better if I eat. "

he ate it even when he felt disgusting like if he was eating a garbage.

when he was eating the heart of the demon snake , he looked at the source of that light and saw a green light inside the demon snake body. There was a small stone stuck in its inner skin. sun looked at it in great suprise. This green stone was small and it's size was equal to a marble. sun stopped eating and moved forward to pick it up.

damn !! what , this thing is ?

why is it stuck on this skin so hardly ? its as if someone has used super glue on it. come out , come out…


only after returning out of the demon snake body and taking demon tree stick ,he was able to pull it out. He looked at it with great curiosity.

The inner body of demon snake was stinking so badly that sun couldn't take it any longer so he came out after eating the heart completely.

He looked at the stone and tried to eat it but he couldn't eat it. It was so strong as if he was trying bite an iron marble.



"damn it , I couldn't eat it … I guess it's only good for me to use it as a tourch. but what the heck is this snake ? no ! I should be asking what the hell am I doing here ?and where am I anyway ? ……. today many thing happened. first , I was burned by mysterious chemicals and after that I had to face this mutant snake and loose my left arm. Following that I had to eat that disgusting heart and found this strange light device. who is actually using me as a test subject ? no matter what ,I don't care anymore.

You know what ,whoever is it ? Once I find out who you are ? I am gonna show you why we rai families are known for their dangerous rage and brave heart in Nepal ? fuck ,whoever is it ? Just prey that i would die or else i am gonna show what inhumanity is ?" cursed sun….

when he was talking to himself , he felt a circulation of strange force in his body.



sun felt as if his whole body was going through a tribulation. His bloods started to boil and his body started to twist.

mother*(* is curse that used in motherf**ker), what the hell ?….

you know what ? fine !! if you wanna take my life than take it. I had it enough ,feeling pain sun said in his heart. He felt a change in his body , inside his body , his bloods were turning into green and his whole body was strengthening a little. His body felt a layers of air has covered his body.


he started to puke crazily , from his body , black materials started to come out. All those black things were stinky and dirty.

sun kept on puking and vomiting. His whole body felt a little weight has been removed and his body felt a little fresh.


taking a long breath , sun was about to curse but suddenly he felt a strong killing intent coming from behind. His body froze with this killing intent. He didn't even dared to stand there and in the darkness , he started to run like a crazy leopard. In his fear , his potential in speed was awakened without his knowing.






even after hearing that ferocious roar , sun didn't even tried to look back to know that it was extremely dangerous predators that could crush him with only one move.…..


step , splash , step , splash , step , splash , step, step , splash , step, splash , step ,splash , step , splash , step ,step , splash , step, splash , step , splash , step , splash , step , splash , step, splash



he was running with all he got but alas from his back , a huge bear claw appeared and hit him.





ah…my body feels as if all my ribs are gonna be crushed….

He was crushed on a demon tree with a huge impact… this time his whole chest's ribs were cracked which leaded him to breath hardly..





ah..ah..ah…ah !!!!!!!!!!

it hurts , it fucking hurts….!!!!

fuck…. what did I deserve to receive this ?..

He saw a huge twenty feet tall black demon bear in front of him. He was standing on his two feets , had two demon horns on its head , two fat arms enough to crush a giant rock. eyes were black and jaw was huge enough to swallow a single hen in one time. It's black fur were too silky and black. its claws were long enough to make a needle.

sun started to tremble , he didn't know weather to cry or laugh ? no !! why should he laugh ? he felt like on the east was a hunter waiting for him while on the west was a predators waiting for him…..

He looked at the bear which ferociously roared at him.


This roar shaked sun's soul from the core. sun gritted his teeth in anger , first was that poisonous mutant snake and now this mutant bear hulk with great strength.

damn it !! I couldn't take this….

my temper is reaching its limit.….

mother* hell , who do you think I am ? thought sun.

He stood up on his shaking foots and looked at the bear but the bear threw a brutal hit with his right fist.





sun was send flying to get crushed on a huge rock. The Rock was ten feet tall , it completely got destroyed. you could just imagine right ? What happened to him afterward was no surprise thing. He was brutally crushed and his back part of skull got cracked and his spinal cord was little damaged but he was still fine enough to stand and walk. He started to bleed bloods but it didn't stopped there , he was crushed by the demon bear mercilessly , he was utterly forced to become meatpaste…









again and again , he was beaten mercilessly, his eyes turned into white. He started to lose his consciousness.

mouthful of air got released from his lungs to mouth…

the demon bear stopped there and looked at the sun who was painted on his own bloods. The bear disdainfully looked at him and threw sun on the ground.

After a while the demon bear opened its huge jaw to take a bit on sun's right lap.



A huge amount of pain was felt on sun's right lap , he regained his conscious and screamed pitifully and miserably in pain….


The demon bear didn't care for his cry , sun was crying full of tears on his face. He was just like how a small kid would cry after getting injection on his butt.

The demon bear kept on chewing his right lap meat , green bloods kept on entering inside the demon bear's mouth to stomach.

With that , demon bear took another bite from the same spot as before.


you….!!!..just you wait and see !!

gritting his teeth , sun looked at demon bear with great hatred , he thought , you dare to eat my body , I dare eat yours too , just wait and see……

his eyes were bloody red with rage…. He forgot his all pain and kept on glaring at demon bear in great hatred….

but suddenly something happened , this demon bear's body started to look pale and was looking as if he had been sucked out of his energy.

The demon bear started to release pitiful cry , it's cry was very pleasurable to sun's ears. sun started to laugh at this demon bear's pitiful and miserable cry. He didn't know what was going on but he felt very satisfied.

forgetting everything , sun kept on watching this about to dye demon bear. The demon bear fell down on the ground and started release very sad scream.

but somehow , sun wasn't satisfied with this much so he stood on his bitten legs and started to search something in this dark forest. He used the glowing green stone to search for something.

He searched and searched , finally he found it. There was a sharp rock on the ground that was hidden inside the dirty water that was still flowing on the land.

This sharp rock was like an axe sharp part , it was natural created when that demon bear made sun collide with that huge ten feet rock. sun grabbed it with his right hand and went to attack the bear who was still releasing miserable cries…

sun didn't held back and used the rock's sharp part to destroy it's skull but the skull of demon bear was so hard and skin was too thick that sun was unable to even make a tiny hole on the skin. Instead his right palm became numb enough to say paralysed.

sun didn't belive that he couldn't do anything to it so when the demon bear was crying miserably, sun grabbed a long demon tree branch that was floating on the water. He used all his body force to penetrate the mouth of the demon bear. The demon tree stick was strong enough to make a hole inside the demon bear mouth. It first struggled like a slayed chicken and later he died…..

and only after that was sun satisfied … but his anger was still not dead. when he thought everything was now fine he saw a huge demon alligator rushing on him. This demon alligator was ten feet long and huge as a fox. its huge jaw was enough to swallow sun in one bite.

Instead of running sun eyes was burning with hatred toward this demon. He roared at the demon alligator " fuck , another mutant.…. come and get me than. I will also see what you can do to me ?"

    people are reading<I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast>
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