《I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast》Trail 1 : demon world ??


tale 1 : demon world ??

This is the tale where I , the person who got trapped in another world. This is tale where I had to live life worse than an insects. This is the tale where I had to walk on the path of life and death…… this is the tale where I , sun rai had to belive in no one , not even myself….

people's said to me , to save hundreds , killing ten is nothing wrong. but for me , killing millions in order to save myself is nothing wrong. I , who was living my life on earth in Nepal was suddenly transported in another world. worse case worse , I , was transported in hell , the worlds of a demons and devils….

!! This tale is the proof of how I crawled out from depth of hell and faced the whole world…. This tale is just a simple tale where I will entertain you all by keeping my life on the line………


1280 / 08 / 05 the calender of hell. In the margin world , the world of demons. There are few worlds in hell and they are margin world , sinful world , asura world and finally hell…

those three worlds , margin , sinful and asura always keeps on circling hell like an earth and other planets to sun in a solar system.

margin world, somewhere in forbidden forest of death……everywhere were demon trees and plants. land was covered on a dirty lakes and muds. There were demon crocodiles and alligators, venomous demon snake and bats. There were even demon predators that were in a tier two demon realm. tier two demon realm was a demon who were strong as a three floor building houses.

demon bugs were making noises all around and there were also demon mosquitoes flying all around. This place was filled with demon energy.

In somewhere in this forest there was a young man that seems to be in his twenty five and he was five point six inch. not muscular at all , he wasn't even handsome but had an average looks. wearing a blue jeans pant and a long sleeve black cloth. His hairs were black and eyes too. He was wearing a slipper and had a confuse looks on his face.

His name was sun rai. He was just a normal worker that was working for water department in Nepal. so why was he here ? he thought , was he dreaming ? no it couldn't be because the feeling it gave was too real and also the nasty smell were also real. so where was he ?

sun looked all around and still didn't know what was going on ? suddenly some thing came to his mind. by chance , am I kidnapped ?

shaking his head , he told himself. no I couldn't get kidnapped because what do I have to be kidnapped for ? my family ? no , they had divorced already and lives separately while I live on my on doing some works in water department.


my friends ? no , I don't have any friends to say that I was kidnapped by them.an enemy ? no not that too , so why am I here and where is this place ?

when he was thinking something , slowly he started to feel uncomfortable. His breathing process became extremely hard and painful.

His livers started to burn like hell, his whole lungs were feeling painful.








what is going on ? why is my lungs and livers feeling like this ? It's painful , it's hot. ..

Water. …


no , help me…


please help , I am feeling pain and hot over all my body and even soul….

sun's whole body started to felt like as if he was in a lava and he was being boiled in it.

He started to breath hardly while holding his neck with his both hands.





his heart beats started to beat faster and faster. His whole body started to shake and violently vibrate.

His mind felt as if he was going to be mad and his soul would be destroyed in any minute. He fell down on his knee and grabbed his left chest tightly with his left hand and gritted his teeth.

tears started to fall from his eyes , nose started to drop white water from it. He had an extremely painful looks right now. He felt as if a devil was torturing his whole body in a boiling water pot.

"AHHHHHHH…………." he couldn't help but scream in pain.

am I gonna die ? who the heck did inject me with a drugs or a poison. ? If I survive now and find that bastard , I will torture that person same as he did to me…….

cursing the mysterious kidnapper that kidnapped him here , he showed rage in his eyes. His eyes turned in an extremely red as if his eyes were the ocean of bloods…..




gritting his teeth he tighten the grasp of his both fists. but suddenly his eyes were filled with fears. He saw a huge demon snake size of a bear , long body (50 feet long ) . It had a double horn on its head , it's fangs were sharp and strong enough to penetrate a hole on a iron metal heading his way in the speed of a motorbike…..



holy moly !! what kind of snake is that ? mother !! oh Lord shiva , how can a demon be here on earth ?…..

without his realisation, the demon snake had already reached to him. The demon snake opened its huge jaw and got ready to swallow sun.

sun's whole body was trembling in fear and he couldn't even make a noise , let alone run away.


the snake was about to eat him but suddenly he calmed his mind and jumped at the left side of his body.



the demon snake turned and glared at him before rushing at sun. sun once again jumped side and the demon snake got a demon tree in his huge mouth.






instead of throwing the demon tree out from its mouth , the snake demon extually ate it like it was nothing. and it's teeth and fangs were too strong.

watching this brutal force , sun didn't care for anything and started to run and run away.








with a hiss , the snake chased sun from behind. but how can sun run away from the snake ? he was crashed with demon snake's huge and strong tail.





sun was crushed on the demon tree and the tree was shaken by crash.



sun coughing bloods , he looked at the demon snake in great terror. He was scared , not scared because he was about to die but was scared because he was about to die without knowing how the world really looks like ?

he was about to die without fulfilling his dreams and desires.

no , I can't die….

when he telling this to himself , he suddenly felt a huge pain in his body. His left shoulder was burning insanely…




he turned his head took and saw a green liquid covering his left soulder. He immediately got what this was ? it was a poison. His left shoulder slowly started to turn into green because the poison happens to be near his heart , the poison didn't took time to effect him.

His heart beat slowly turned to be slower and slower….

his eyes shacked in terror and despair. He felt that his whole world was going to be destroyed. His body was numb because of previous impact by demon snake's tail.

The snake slowly moved to him taking its time to torture the prey before eating it.

"don't come near , you freaking mutant beast… I tell you , I am no scientists but I know that the mutant are a monster. you monster don't get near me….. " saying that , he was moving back with all his remaining force. but a slap on his right cheek was seen with demon snake's tail.





sun collided on a demon tree once again and felt his left shoulder broken bones and nimbs. He was truly in despair this time , he didn't know what to do ?

he was burning with invisible pain , feeling despair by his injured body and soul ,and also feeling terror in his heart. His mind and soul were in chaos right now. His thinking was slowly turning into chaotic.

His survival instinct was telling to run away while his hatred toward this demon snake was telling him to fight till death….

He gritted his teeth. He looked at the Demon snake with great hatred and fear. While demon snake glared at him in disdain. It hissed…



crang (teeth gritting )

sun moved his right hand in water and tried to search for something before smiling. He stood up while coughing bloods….

The snake stopped playing around.

sun was under a broken demon tree , it's branches were broken. The demon trees were all strong and even it's branches were strong as steel pipe. because this demon trees were old now they lost their ability to stand strong but their new grown branches that had only reached hundreds years were strong as as steel.

before standing , sun picked a large palm size stone and kept it on the fallen tree. With that he grabbed a long demon tree branch size of a scale(15 to 25 centimeter).


the demon snake attacked sun, it opened its huge jaw and tried to swallow sun at once. but sun showed extreme hatred toward this demon snake which leaded him to not care about his life and risk himself. He let the demon snake to take a bite from his left hand.


His left hand was bitten by the demon snake which leaded sun to cry in pain. but his hatred was only lighten more. He swang his right hand and aimed the demon tree branch on demon snake's left eye.


demon snake left eye was destroyed by sun , the demon snake started to struggle it's body in great pain. its body rolled and rolled , the blood came out bleeding from his left eye.

gritting his teeth , sun grabbed the stone that was on the fallen tree. than he rushed on demon snake , he jumped in the air and put all his force and strength on his right hand. He than banged the stone to nail the demon tree branch. This made the demon snake cry in agony and pain…

even after all this , sun was unable to loose his anger so he bought another branch and repeated the process with the another eye which made the demon snake to become blind.

It was struggling and struggling… it was in pitfull situation but sun was unable clam his mind.

He looked at the demon snake and remembered how he was near in the mouth of death…..

His body shudder in fear and his throat became dry. His mind was really in chaotic states ….

He started to search for something and found it after a minute. even now the snake was still struggling on the ground in pain.

sun bought a huge demon tree branch that could be said to be strong as a hammer.

He forced his body in anger , his ribs were cracking but he didn't care about it anymore. He was blinded by his anger. He banged and banged the demon tree huge branch on the demon snake's head , again and again…

ribs kept on cracking and his left shoulder let on dripping bloods but sun was already out of his mind.











eat this , bastard !!…..

The pitfull and miserable demon snake kept on crying until it's death…. only than sun was calmed but after that he gone through hell……..because of his pain.

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