《Mystic Reality》Chapter 7 The Champion


Tom’s POV


Pedro looked at me and smiled. He has a red-white phoenix insignia on his left shoulder which surprised me. But what shocked me was not the insignia on his shoulder. It was the symbol on his forehead.

Ped:”Hand of the Healer”

Pedro healed my wounds in just an instant.

Is he a cleric? No, judging from that kick alone maybe he is a monk.

Ped:”Go Sir Tom, help the others. I got thi-”


Is he calling for reinforceme-

Before I even finish up my thoughts four more Tikbalangs and a lot of Ramos came at the woods behind the Tikbalang we were facing. I looked at Ped anxiously.

Ped:”Go now sir, I can handle this.”


That was what my mind was telling me. But my instincts told me to follow his command. I looked at the monster once more before going to the others.

Tom:”You better not die on me”

Ped:”Of course, Sir. You too, Sir Tom.”

Then I left with a worried face because I am not sure on how he will win. To take down one Tikbalang, we need a party of at least 5. Now he was facing five Tikbalangs and a number of Ramos. But something is telling me, that Ped was not the same guy I trained before.

What is that kid? Even if he is a Champion, that is just reckless.


Ped’s POV

I didn’t know what came to me. But something took over my body and moved on its own. I was like a spirit watching myself as he ran towards the battle. He kicked the horse-headed creature and send it flying.


Ped: Who are you?

???: I am you, Ped, I will be your guide. But first let me show you how to use your body and skills. Don’t worry I am not demon or spirit that takes over bodies. As I said earlier, I am you.

The entity who took over my body was talking to me in my mind like it was nothing. He approached the Trainer and healed him. The horse-headed creature started to curse him and then said a kind of a ritual. After a while, figures started to appear in the woods behind it.

So this is what a Ramo looks like.

Lots of Ramos came from the forest. The treetops shook wildly as if something big was coming. Four figures jumped out of the trees and stood beside the creature. It was the same race as the horse-headed creature that was welding a giant double sided axe.

They were armed with different weapons namely, a giant sword, a huge mace, a long spear and a gigantic wooden club. They had red eyes and a very intimidating aura. I panicked and talked to the entity inside me.

Ped: This is suicide. I never had any fights before, and now I’m facing a monster my Trainer can’t defeat. And there’s five of them, not to mention those Ramos. LET’S GET OUT OF HERE

???:That’s why I told you, I will show you what you are capable of.

The entity who took over my body readied himself and faced the group of monster. The Tikbalangs shouted their battle cry and came running towards us along with the Ramos.

???:”Petrifying Pulse”

What the heck!

The monsters advancing towards us was gradually moving slow until they came to a stop. I thought that the time stop but as my spirit looked around, the fierce battle around the area was ongoing.


???:”Vermillion Flames of Gehenna”

A huge fire pillar erected towards the sky. The Ramos instantly burnt out and died while only two Tikbalangs were toasted. The other three quickly moved out of the flames when the petrifying spell was dispelled.

Ped: Oh my God!

???: I’m not done yet. Even though this still falls a bit short of your true abilities, I shall show you a glimpse of it

???:”Aspect of the Wild – Call Spirit of the Jungle, Tamaraw Warrior”

“Aspect of the Wild – Call Spirit of the Skies, Agila Berserker”

Two magic circles appeared on each of the side of my body. A bipedal giant black buffalo with heavy armor and a broadsword and a humaniod eagle-like bird with two swords on both of its hands and brown wings on his back appeared. They bowed with one of their knees on the ground.

Tamaraw Warrior and Agila Berserker:”You called Master?”


Tom’s POV

Ped:”Petrifying Pulse”

What is that spell?

The monsters attacking Ped was slowed and then stopped like they became statues.

Is that an earth-based magic? Then he is a Magi that specializes earth element. But that is Advanced type magic. How can he yield a magic of that magnitude.

Ped:”Vermillion Flames of Gehenna”

A-another magic of advance type but of different element. What is this guy made of? Is he some kind of sage at a young age?

Ped:”Aspect of the Wild – Call Spirit of the Jungle, Tamaraw Warrior”

“Aspect of the Wild – Call Spirit of the Skies, Agila Berserker”

S-s-summoned creatures? He is also a Summoner? I never heard of such a combination on magic. T-this is absurd.

There were tales about a human who can summon creatures at his will. A summoner is a very rare class that only appear once in a millenia or so. This tends the people to deduce it as a myth or a stuff of legends.

H-he really is one of Them. One of the Champions.


Tom was in deep thought when a strange thing happened. The ground was rumbling and the trees were shaking from a far. Then debris and uprooted tree flew towards Ped.


???:”Anti-material Shell”

Ped casted a spell that shocked even the Magis around. All the debris and trees where vaporized as soon as it hit the orange barrier that covers Ped. Then a giant 10-foot tall figure jump out from nowhere and landed in front of Ped. It was welding a two-handed magic sword bigger than Ped. The creature has thick and rough dark green skin, two bulging eyes and intimidating tusks from its lower jaw, and has tremendous physique adorned with magical armor with elven blessings.

The creature moved so quickly that I can only blurt out words of warning as it was swinging his sword to Ped after closing in on him. It looked like Ped was gonna be sliced in half.

Tom:”Ped watch ou-”


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