《Mystic Reality》Chapter 6 First Encounter


Tom’s POV

What’s that rumbling? Are there carriages running about?

Tom immediately stood up and looked outside through the entrance of his tent. He was still half-awake as he peep through the slit when he heard a scream. He hurriedly donned his equipments and grab his weapon as he went outside.

The outside was an uproar with the huge monster invasion and adventurers clash against each other. Vanguard-type adventurers scrammed to the front and positioned there shields as a great wall that protects the damage dealers. The Magi and Viper professions are using a wide AOE long range skills and attacks. This formation is very effective and easy to follow.

If ever the monsters pass through the Vanguards, Fighter and melee type Viper professions are waiting to slaughter them. They positioned themselves in behind the Vanguards so that they can slip their weapons on the holes of their shield.

The monsters where no joke also. Tom saw a huge flock of Kabogs interrupting the magic and arrows. Ramos and Bakukangs also rammed the shields which shook the Vanguards. It was one of the biggest battle of monsters against human battle he had ever seen. That’s what he thought.

Just as he stepped ouside, he saw a figure leaped from the monster towards the Magi and Vipers. With one swoop of his giant double sided axe, the figure sliced 5 men in half. It was a bipedal creature with a huge human body but had the tail, feet and the head of a dark horse. It was one of the rare monster that appear in the forest, the Tikbalang.

Tom rushed towards the Tikbalang and blocked the second blow with his sword when the Tikbalang was about to strike again. Tom was thrown several feet after receiving a hit from the Tikbalang. The Tikbalang effortlessly closed their gap and prepared to strike again. He hurriedly move back to his feet block another hit from the Tikbalang which causes him to fly again and hit a tree.

Owww, he’s way too strong and fast. If only we had a priest.

The Tikbalang rushed towards him and sliced horizontally. He dodged the Tikbalang by rolling to his left side but he got kicked in the stomach instead and hit the trunk of the tree that was chopped down. The Tikbalang slowly raised its axe, and then….



Pedro’s POV

Ped: “Who are y-?”

???: “I am the one who brought you here.”

Ped: “Why ha-”

???: “If you want answers. Finish the mission entrusted in you by the Trainer.”

Ped: “But how? I don’t even know what I am anymore.”

???: “You are what you always are.”

He vanished, I gasped.

The figure made of light vanished and the light that accumulated was scattered once again. He was confused but he got a lead to find the answers he seek. He looked around and saw nothing strange. He then remembered Diales and what she said.


Diales opened the door but was awe-struck when she saw Pedro. Pedro was observing Diales because he knows this is an unusual light. It was none of the given colors of light that she emphasized earlier. Diales immediately kneeled and prayed with a bowed head. Pedro was shocked of her actions and hurriedly ran towards her.

Ped:”Are you okay, Miss Diales?”

Diales: (murmuring) Oh Great, Merciful God. We thank you for the lives we had and all the things…….”

Ped:”D-D-Diales, Diales, Diales!”

Diales was back to her senses when Pedro shouted.

Diales:”I-I’m sorry, Sir Ped. That was unsightly of me.”

Ped:”N-no worries.”

Diales:”Now, back to your light. That is the very first time I have seen it in this area. The divine light.”

Ped:”D-D-Divine light?” That doesn’t sound very relaxing.

Diales:”You are the first ever human to have a divine light.”

Ped:”F-F-First??” Definitely problematic.

Ped was alarmed when he heard Divine Light. His worry worsens when he heard the word first.

Diales:”Humans have very low affinity to magic and has the least physical prowess on their arsenal. That is why I was surprised to see a human having the light of the Divine.”

Pedro then looked back at the orb and it was back to a ball of glass. He looked around and it was the same room as he entered. Diales asked Pedro to follow her back to the reception area. Pedro took a sit opposite to Diales.

Diales:”Normally, it will be us who will fill up your form. But since you are one of Them, you need to fill them up yourself.”

Ped:”Them? Who are Them?

Diales:”It was said that they are the foreign entities of this world. They said they came from other worlds much different than ours. They don’t have any particular specie or race. But, legend said that they were all chosen by the gods. They are most commonly known as Champions.”


Ped:”O-other worlders. Is my p-profession a Champion?”

Diales:”That is correct. Although I am not sure of you humans, but there are many books that discusses the uniqueness of the Champion profession. What is your specialty?”

Pedro thought of everything and he remembered when he was still a child with his father. They were the moments of when he and his father bonded. His family was poor so they have no money for buying toys. Instead, his father thought him to imagine the things that he held to the things that he want.

And so, Pedro and his Father acted like valiant warriors with steel pipes as a sword even though the length of the pipe was as big as Pedro and they played all afternoon. It made Pedro realized that he was comfortable with long stick type weapons. Then he thought.

Maybe, I should ask her that. Just in case.

Ped:”Is there any book concerning the general knowledge of weapons and magic?”

Diales:”Yes indeed, but first fill these up.”

Diales passed Pedro three sheets of paper of the same copies. It looked like a personal sheet or biodata from his world but there was one problem. He can’t understand any of the writings on the paper.


Ped:”Uhm, excuse me. Is there any other language around here?

Diales:”Other language? No there isn’t. Everyone on this planet uses one language.”

Ped:”I-I-I can’t understand the words written on the paper.”

Pedro lowered his head because it looked like he was an illiterate.

Diales:”OH! I almost forgot. I apologize. I didn’t take into account the fact that you were from another world. This writing here is called Alibata. The language in this world is Eskri.”

Diales opened the drawer under the receptionist’s desk and grab something. She gave it to Pedro and the latter was confused.

Ped:”What’s this?

Diales:”It’s called the Common Glasses. It is a rare item obtained from the fairies when you do what they asked. It helps you understand the gibberish words you are looking at right now.”

Pedro was holding an eyeglass piece with a gold plating around it. It was just a plain piece of circular lens of a glass. He put the lenses to his eyes and he saw Diales with a blue aura around her and a red aura in her stomach.

Ped:”W-What is that blue aura around you and the red aura inside you, Diales?”

Diales:”Oh yeah I forgot. You can also see other peoples mana and life. Blue aura represents mana and red aura represents life. Now try looking at the papers.”


Registration Form

Year of 921X


Age: ___________________________________________________________

Gender: ________________________________________________________

Race: __________________________________________________________

Specialty: ______________________________________________________

Profession Acquired: ______________________________________________


Sub-Classes Desired:



Purpose of becoming an adventurer:





Signature of the Applicant:

Drop a droplet of blood

in this Area:

Diales passed an ink bottle and a pointed quill to Pedro.

Diales:”Use this to write”


Pedro filled the paper that was given to him by Diales. He pricked his left forefinger by the needle given to him by Diales. As soon as the blood dropped to the paper, a red and white insignia was embedded unto his left shoulder. It looked like a phoenix going clockwise.



Diales:”The insignia of the champions differ in color from one another. That’s what I know for now.”

As they were speaking, a hexagram has suddenly appeared in his forehead. It shocked Diales for it was the first time she saw it. Little did she know that it has a very deep meaning. Pedro suddenly stood up and excused himself.


Ped: “Excuse me, Ms. Diales. I have done what you’ve asked, now I need to go.”

Ped rushed outside and stride like the wind.

Ped:”Clarity of the Oppressed!”

Ped saw the area where the battle between humans and monsters are taking place. He saw the valiant efforts of these adventurers as they defend themselves from the savage beasts of the forest. He then turned his vision to the battle between his Trainer Tom against a horse-headed creature.

Ped:”Aspect of the Tiger!”

He ran faster than before to reach the battleground.


Tom’s POV

As he scrambled to retrieve his sword to block the lethal attack of the Tikbalang, a figure rammed the creature that send it flying. The figure that rammed the Tikbalang used a very powerful flying kick.

Tom was shocked when he saw the Tikbalang flew for a few meters. What’s even more shocking was the one who kicked it.


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