《There Is Something Beyound Heaven.......》Chapter 21 : They are my womens


Chapter 21 : They are my womens

After an hour,the carraige reached the warrior tribe village…

Everyone in the village looked at the luxurious carriage as they were thinking who may it be inside that carraige..

When they were thinking that ,the carraige stopped infront of Haze home. From inside a man wearing long black robe with a high neck covering upto his nose came out. He was tall atleast six feet and had his hair tied back just like a samurai and was wearing a strange ring on his right little finger that had a small golden book on its top instead of some jewellry.

With him two beauties descended on the ground one was a magician while other was a martial…

They were non other then the Haze and his women Ferlin and Alice..

Ferlin took a look at the sourrounding,as she said"so this is the seae warrior forces."she nodded her head as she finished.

Alice also added"Seae warrior forces are indeed full of high level warriors. Every one are above great master. Atleast there could be thousands of greatmasters. Isn't it right my man ?"

Smiling,Haze looked at those people that were looking at them curiously and replied to those girls"indeed…… lets head to my home first."

Holding hands to hand they headed toward Haze house. The carraige just remaind there with the driver. The driver took the carraige to silent and peaceful place. As he took them, he releashed the bealtg from transportation horse and let tgem eat grass at their own will.

after reaching infront of his house,Haze noticed that his house were full of peoples.

Ferlin said"my man,is your house always that full of people ?"

Shaking his head,Haze replied"No ! Something must be happening."

Aliced looked at him and said"is that so ?"

With that they went to the house. But the gaurds stopped them not letting them in. Looking at gaurd haze eyes roated for a while before gaurd let him in. This time Haze used his emotion of emptiness,letting him control other peoples mind. The both girls were slightly suprised seeing that but they didn't question him.


When they reaches inside they say a little girl and a women hugging each other and talking. Slightly smiling,Haze cried out"Mother what are you doing ? Are you planning on taking that girl as your daughter or what ?"

Everyone turned and looked at him in suprised mannor. For a while even Haze parents didn't realised who he is ? If he didn't had called her mother then everyone would take him as a stranger. Letting go of her embrassed from Rose,janie ran and directly hold Haze in her embrace. As she said"Bastard ! Where had you been this whole eight months ?"

"Eight months…Ah.."Haze looked at Ferlin and asked"is that so ?"

With a smile she nodded her head as she replied"correct ! You were so busy training youself that you lost time."

Turning to look at those beautiful goddess like faries,Janie asked Haze"Who might they be ?"

Pointing at Ferlin with his right index finger,Haze said"Ferlin xiao,a low level magus early stage,Age thirteen"and pointing at Alice,Haze said"Alice moonlight,martial ancestor stage three,Age thirteen as well"

When every on heard him saying magus and martial ancestor,They were scared out of their wit's. How can they be a magus and ancestor realm in such a young age. Just one ancestor or magus can destroy half of the mid level kingdom to ashes. If this two were to go and destroy some mid level kingdom its like taking a walk around……

Even high level superpower house like spirit heart dynasty has very few martial ancestor like two or three while magus are only one or so…. And only this much of a force can create a superpower house. Wait ! Don't tell us that this kid is also a same level as them ?????

Janie didn't continue to ask futher and grabbed Haze right hand with her left palm. As she pulled him and took him infront of Rose. And said"Son,this is your fiance… and your future wife. Look at her isn't she beautiful ?"


Turning to look at Rose,Haze walked toward Rose. As he got close to her he glared at her. They both looked at each others eyes for a while. Getting lost in each other eyes,Rose saw something in Haze eyes as if that something wants to devour her soul in his pair of eyes. Turning her head not daring too look at those terrifying eyes,Rose said"can you tell me why are you looking at me like that ?"

Haze replied after blinking his eyes. Just now without Haze noticing a thing,His nine negitive emotion physic was activated. If he were to keep on looking in Rose pair of pretty eyes then he would devoured her soul and send it to the world of nothingness…..Haze replied"Girl,why do you want to marry me ?"

Standing infront of Haze in embarrasment Rose replied"don't know ! Maybe i think you can give me my dreams and make my wish come true ? As for our families they want to make a bond between two tribes and go to incomming war. That's all."

Haze didn't mind if it was for only to make dreams come true or not ? He cried"my womens get here…"

As he said that Ferlin and Alice didn't dare to belive him. They thought he wouldn't introduce them as his women to anyone here. But who knew he would be so brave and bold to not care anyone. With a slighty blush on their cheeks they got close to him.

Everybody looked at them in suprised mannor. They didn't dare to belive what was happening. Haze parents and Rose parents were both suprised.

As they got close an stood beside Haze,Rose looked at them. But she wasn't suprised at all. When they came inside from that time she gussed it already.

Looking at Rose,Haze said"They are my womens…."

with a charming smile,Rose replied"So….??"

Looking at each others for a while,Haze nodded his head and turned around to look at his father Rusal and said"when is the wedding ?"

Regaing his wit's,Rusal hurrly said in excitment"Sooner the better."turning his head to look at Karen,he added"Let's held wedding one week later. Is it ok ?"

Getting his sense back,Karen thought…. Two very power supports. Magus and martial ancestor. Also the Haze boy,i can't seem to see his level. If my daughter were to marry him sooner then we will also be a super tribe with the powerful members. Nodding his head,Karen looked at Rose and said"is it ok for you ? Daughter.. ."

Nodding head she replied"yes ! Father"

With a happy smile on janie face,janie said"Why don't you and others live here for one week or so in our village ? There are lots of houses made for guest in our village ? And let my daughter in law here so we could get more close. After all she is gonna live here with us after her marraige with my son."

When Rose heard her she was like a red tomato full of blushes on her face.. thinking for awhile,karen and zanefa agreed.

That day every in the house they enjoyed and enjoyed. When they heard about Haze and his battle with tian family,everyone were suprised. But Rose had a satisfaction looks on her face. Because she only wanted to marry Haze because she hoped that Haze could give her what she wants.

And the more strong and powerful haze was the more her dream was in her palm of her own hands. And looking at Haze,she realised that Haze also knows about her intention but doesn't care. Which means that she can do as she likes. From the start when she heard the Haze story,she knew that if she want's to make haze care about her she needs to be a obident women for him…..

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