《There Is Something Beyound Heaven.......》Chapter 20 : Childhood of Haze


Chapter 20 : childhood of Haze

Everyone went silent and no one dare to breath out loud or make noise….

Haze mother janie started her story"When Haze was born he was born with blessing of our god Rock Kong. It is said that in thousands of generation only one person can born with this blessing which we call "new god". Even our god Rock Kong was one of them. This blessing is the sign of next god. Our son was choosen for our new generation god."As she said that she looked everyone that had a suprised looks on their face. With a little evil smile she added"But little did we know,Even a devils were once an angle."

As she said that,all the listener were confuse by he words. What does she meant ? A little while after she continued"the more time passed the more he was like someone that doesn't care for the world. He has a snake with him which he calls little snake. Its long and strong. The snake is at least stage 3 monster. Do you know how he tamed it ?"

Shaking their head they gave their answer. With a lightly smilling she continued"When he was only four he met that snake. The snake was already stage two monster but my son Haze wasn't scared but he was somehow hot hot blooded child that wanted to fight against that stage two monster."

With a suprise look,Karin asked"then what happened ?"

"We wanted to stop hin but before we even knew he had the snake on his feet and looking down on him. We were greatly suprised. But the tale doesn't stop there the more he grew the more of a person that only cares about themself that kind of person he became.when he waa six i asked him one thing you know what that is ? That is who does he love's more ? Me or his father ?"

Looking at her like that,Karin wife asked"so what was the answer ?"


Pointing her right index finger up in the air,Janie replied"If he were to choose he would choose no one…."

Hearing her reply,many people smiled and nodded their head saying….

"What a good kid. He doesn't wants to choose between his parents. Because he might hurt feeling of one of them."

"Truly a nice kid. I like it"

"What a good boy."

Hearing their replies,jamin laughed and laughed. Everyone looked at her and got curious why she was laughing. The daughter of Karin asked in curiosity"what happened aunt janie ? Why are laughing ?"

Wiping a bead of tear that was on her right eye,janie said to all of them"my thinking were also like that. But as you know without diving inside sea you wouldn't know the truth that is inside the sea."

Karin asked in a polite mannor"please tell us then what happened ??"

Watching all the the persons that were carring curious looks,janie opened her mouth"When i asked why he said that he answered….If i were to choose something i would choose my dream,my hopes,my salvation,my life,my samara,my karma,my destruction everything that is related to me i would choose them. Because when i would get in danger you guys wouldn't be one to protect me or my life. It will be me,myself and no one that will protect me. Can you protect me for forever ? Can you be by my side till i die ? No ! You wouldn't. Even if you were to give your life for me next time who will give their life for me ? No one so i,Alone should be relying on myself…."

Everyone reaction"……………………………"

Everyone thought"……………………………"

But again janie added" i was also like that but never mind i changed the topic. And asked him…what i mean was who does he love ??"

Everyone's blank eyes looked at her waiting for answer?with a bitter smile janie said with a blank eyes herself"that day was the worse day in my life….the reply i got was…… is love some kind of thing or food ? Have you ever seen it with your own eyes ? Or is it lost some where thats why peoples keep asking for love to others. Can't you peoples just go and buy it in shop or some stores ? Always asking the thing that i don't have.….."


If the first reply was like thunder to them for hearing,then the second answer was chaos that was left after the calmity of thunder..

Every one started to laugh for some reason. And no one knew that why are they laughing. With a totally empty eyes Karin asked"And ?"

Haze father Rusal was worried and thought,Not good,they all have lost their minds and sanity. No good will happen if they keep on listening to her.

Janie added"with his growth he started to go hunting in the forest and even when he didn't had started to cultivate martial arts he had strenght to kill stage five monsters and beast. Atleast he would kill fourty or fifty per day. And when i asked why does he kill so many of them. Is it for some pacticullar reason ? Then he replied that……i kill this monsters and beasts not for some unknown reason. Whenever i kill them i feel so good it's like … everytime i kill them i only think of one thing… how much fun would it be if i were to kill humans ?? Will it be fun as killing this monsters and beasts ? Or will it be more fun ?? Mere ants should not live in this world..isn't it ?"

If the second answer was like chaos after calamity for them then, the third answer were withnessing a killing god and calamity god in one version….

Standing from bed all of them expect the little girl and Rusal,they bowed each other and turned to walk away. But with a suprised voice the little girl who was four point five or six feet cried out loud"Father,Mother where are you going ?"

Turning back to look at the girl,Karen wife zenefa said'Ah !! Who are you girl ? Are you lost ?"

That answer made Rusal completly baffaled,he thought,No way ! The tale of my son made them lose their mind completly….

Hah ?? The little girl turned around and looked at Haze parents as she kneeled at her knees and bowed her head down in a tradition manner infront of Haze parents. She said"How much of a heartless man he is. Even Heartless person has a heart in them. How much ruthless and merciless he may be. Even they have emotions and feeling in them. I may not recive love from him but i think that expect love he will give me every happiness in the world that i can only dream about. He may make me feel protected too and he may also protect me for his life. If some day he wants go sacrifice me for him i will do it happily so… i didn't wish for to marry him first but now it's my wish to marry him. Uncle and aunt, please give your blessing to me so i can be together with brother Haze…."

Looking at her,Haze mother cried and cried,holding the little girl in her embrace she said"Thank you for choosing my son…."

Karen said in amzed look on his face"daughter"

Turning to look around at Karen,the little girl,her name is Rose warrior o'night said"don't worry father. I know what i am doing."

(Warrior o'night what means to them is. Their great great ancestor used to hunt at night and were called omnius night kings. So there surname name was given by the proginator,martial lord. Warrior omnius night. Warrior o'night)

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