《The Special Forces》Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Scout


Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Scout

"Hey sis, I'm going out to buy dinner okay?"

Eric was preparing to go out and asked his twin sister Erica what she wanted.

"I don't care, buy something that can be eaten."

Erica responded with contempt and went back to her own room"

'What's her problem, she's been colder to me this past few months. I hope we can resolve this.'

Eric finally finished preparing and went out of his house into the Kingdom of Thurnia

“Im not gonna be your girlfriend Ryan, I have never liked you and I never will.”

“Come on Lyralei, I’m the son of the mayor, I’m rich and I’m pretty strong too with my Skills. What’s not attractive about me?”

The teenagers were shouting in front of the market causing passers-by to look at them with curious eyes.

“I don’t like your attitude Ryan so just drop it.”

The girl, Lyralei tried to leave however she was stopped by Ryan.

“Well then, I guess I just have to take you by force.”

Ryan started gaining muscle mass and grow taller. He then threw a punch towards Lyralei but it missed her completely.

“You’re not the only one with Skills and I’ll teach you that you can’t force people just because your powerful!”

Lyralei’s body started getting blurry and she began to move much faster than a regular person.

As Eric was walking to the market, he noticed a crowd forming around two people and decided to ask around as what was happening.

“Excuse me miss, what seems to be happening?” he asked a woman near to him.

“There seems to be two Skill Users fighting and they’re good fighters too.” replied the woman who was getting excited from seeing two skilled people fight.


Eric turned to look and saw a guy with bulging muscles who was motioning to punch the girl, but the surprising thing was that he couldn’t hit her no matter how hard he tried.

“Wow, are the two of them Skill Users? The guy looks like he’s using a body enhancing skill, either that or drugs and the girl seemed to be blurring her body to avoid attacks.” replied Eric.

“Yeah they are, apparently the boy over there wants the girl to be his girlfriend but she refused.” explained the woman.

Eric continued watching the fight going on, hoping to see more action.

“Why the hell am I not hitting you? What kind of skill is that?!”

Ryan was getting frustrated at his attacks not connecting. He spent over two minutes punching and kicking to no avail.

“My skill prevents any physical attacks. Give up now or I will really beat you up.”

Throughout the fight, Lyralei was starting to grind down Ryan’s defenses. Although she was not as strong as he, the fact that he couldn’t damage her and her stamina at fighting back made Ryan start to weaken.

“So it prevents physical attacks huh? I may not look like it but I’m pretty smart too, I’ll just use magic then!”

Ryan who was on the verge of losing suddenly stood up straight and chanted.

“Coat my arms in the flames of death!”

Ryan’s body was engulfed in flames and he suddenly started to hurt Lyralei. After repeated hits with flaming arms, Lyralei couldn’t take it anymore and fainted.

“For humiliating me, I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

Eric who was watching all this time, couldn’t bear to see the girl get killed and immediately rushed to the front and shouted.

“I summon you, o holy light!”

Light suddenly enveloped Lyralei and healed her of her wounds however she was still unconscious. Eric carried her and ran away from the area as the police were starting to arrive so that the girl can recover.

“Those three show promise. That large guy seem to have attitude problems but the General wants talent first. I guess I need to report this to him and see what he decides.” The woman Eric talked to muttered to herself as she left the scene.

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