《The Special Forces》Volume 1: A New Era Begins


Prolouge : The Plan

“How does our army fare in the border?” the King asked the General.

“Things are deteriorating fast, we have lost over a thousand men in just a week, we cannot continue this Your Majesty” said the General.

“We indeed cannot, do you have a plan in mind?”.

“Indeed I do, I intend to change the way we fight our wars Your Majesty. I plan to-”.

“Do not tell me your plan General, I do not have knowledge about battle, it is useless to tell me and I hope you can keep it secret, there are ears and eyes everywhere” interrupted the King.

“I understand, then I shall take my leave.”

“Be careful old friend.” “I will, thank you.”

Outside the throne room, a set of malicious eyes was looking inside.

“This goddamned old fool, if you weren’t so dumb I would have know what his plan is. I have to stay in this forsaken place longer”

As the General left the castle, his Colonel met him and started discussing with him.

“So Kaolin, will you proceed with the plan?”

“Don’t call me by name outside, and yes we will proceed with our plan. Fighting with large armies are too costly. We need smaller units whose skills are higher than the regular soldiers and-”

“SHHHHH, we’re in public don’t talk about the plan, I know you’re excited and all but keep it down” interrupted the Colonel.

“I’m sorry but I can’t help it. However we need to find those individuals who can fight and have unique talents now and I have just the perfect idea.”

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